Our Faculty

Jill Herman

Supervised Fieldwork Advisor

Jill Herman taught for eleven years prior to founding East Side Community High School. She taught one year at CPE and six years at CPESS (9/85-6/92). After leaving East Side, Jill was Program Director for the New Century High Schools Initiative. She then started a school for court-involved students. After that she worked at the NYC Leadership Academy. When the network system was initiated, she became one of the first network leaders.

Upon retirement, Jill has held a variety of positions: ISA coach, quality reviews for small schools, Office of New and Small Schools, Universal PreK, and Principal Pool.

She is currently working at Bank Street advising and coaching those enrolled in the Progressive Leaders Program.

Educational Background

MS, Leadership, Columbia University; ABD, Doctoral candidate, Inquiry in Educational Administrative Practice; MS Hunter College, Supervision and Administration; MS, Hunter College, Special Education