Welcome! The following information will help guide you in your transition to Bank Street.
Reply to our Offer of Admission
Important information about your admissions decision is hosted on your application status page. At the top of the application portal, you’ll see “Status Update” with a link to view any relevant updates.
In addition to your acceptance letter, you will see a link to a form entitled “Reply to our Offer of Admission” toward the bottom of the status update page. If you have decided to join our community, click on that link to confirm your intent to enroll. A non-refundable $250 enrollment fee will be due with this form to secure your spot in the incoming class. If you are an international student seeking an F-1 visa, please reach out to us directly at gradadmissions@bankstreet.edu to start the process.
Note: If you’re unable to see the form, it may be because you have both a decision letter and prerequisite letter attached to your account. Make sure you view both of these letters in order to make our reply form live.
Review Your Financial Aid Information
The Office of Financial Aid sends an Estimated Financial Aid Award Notice to eligible students who have been accepted into a graduate program, completed the FAFSA, and submitted all required documentation. An Award Notice indicates the combination of scholarship(s), subsidized/unsubsidized loans, and all other awards for which the student is eligible. In addition, a Disclosure Statement is sent to eligible students from the U.S. Department of Education Loan Origination Center confirming the amounts of subsidized/unsubsidized loans requested by students for the relevant fiscal year.
Bank Street’s financial aid team is here to help make the process as clear as possible for you. We encourage you to visit the financial aid page for more information or to ask specific questions about your financial aid package. Learn more about tuition and fees.
Missing Prerequisites
If you have been accepted to Bank Street with certain requirements to fulfill, additional correspondence regarding any outstanding prerequisites will be sent to you after your initial acceptance letter has gone out. This information is housed in your application portal, and you may need to click the link under “Status Update” to view this correspondence.
Here are the things you may need to look for:
- Final transcripts: We will need final, official transcripts from the institutions that you attended. If a degree was conferred, we will need the transcript to show the date of graduation. You will have one semester from the time you start at Bank Street to furnish final transcripts. Please mail them in or drop them off at the Office of Graduate Admissions.
- Missing liberal arts and sciences prerequisites: If you were accepted to a program leading to your first certification in TESOL or Teaching Adolescents with Disabilities, you may be missing liberal arts and sciences prerequisites. If any prerequisites are missing, you will have one year after you enter Bank Street to fulfill the requirements by taking certain Bank Street courses or courses at another accredited institution.
- Missing certification: If you are part of a program that requires you to hold an initial certification throughout the entire duration of your time at Bank Street, you need to give us proof of your certification by the end of your first semester at Bank Street.
These are some of the most common provisions to an acceptance. Any special one outside the prerequisites listed above will be explained to you.
Registration Information
With the exception of certain specialized cohort programs, new students register via an individualized advisement session called “Getting Prepared to Start (GPS).” An invitation to schedule this session will be sent to the email address associated with your application after you have paid the $250 enrollment fee. You will receive this invitation once registration has opened up:
Spring 2024 Registration for New Students Opens late November/early December 2023 Summer 1 and Summer Long 2024 Registration for New Students Opens late April 2024 Summer 2 2024 Registration for New Students Opens early June 2024 Fall 2024 Registration for New Students Opens late July 2024 The GPS invitation will outline additional information around our systems and @bankstreet.edu email creation.
If you are not able to register for courses by the registration deadline, you can still register for classes on the first day of the term in which you are admitted. A $25 late registration fee will be charged and advisors will be available to meet with students to provide academic counsel.
To look at course schedule, visit the Graduate School Course Schedule.
After Registering For Classes
Fulfill health and immunization requirements:
New York State law requires you to provide us with proof of immunization prior to the beginning of the term.
Once registration opens up and you have access to myBankStreetConnect (our student system), you will see an area to upload documentation regarding the immunizations.
Student email addresses:
All matriculated (degree-seeking) students are given @bankstreet.edu email accounts. After you are accepted into a program and have confirmed your enrollment, you will receive an email from the IT department to the address associated with your application. This email will outline your credentials and how to access your inbox. This email has a .pdf attached to it, so check your spam box, just in case!
Accessing Canvas (our learning management system) once classes start:
As you get closer to the start of the semester, you’ll want to access the College’s Learning Management System, Canvas. This is where you’ll find important information about the classes you’ve registered for. You will be able to access Canvas as soon as you receive your Bank Street email address, which is assigned to you during registration. To access Canvas:
- Log in to the Bank Street website using your @bankstreet.edu email and password.
- Next to your name, on the upper right-hand corner, there is a drop-down menu. Open it and select “Canvas Courses.”
- You should see each of your enrolled courses as a square tile on your Canvas dashboard.
Purchase your textbooks:
Bank Street College partners with an online bookstore with deep discounts, a large used book supply, and a built-in marketplace for buying your books and selling them back at the end of the term. To find your required books:
- Choose your term from the list on the main page.
- Either scroll down to find your course or click the first letter of your course’s name to narrow the results. Click your course to bring up the assigned booklist.
- After adding all the books you need to your shopping cart, click “Check Out” and follow the on-screen instructions. Visit our online bookstore to purchase textbooks.
Get your student ID card:
During the start of the term, the Graduate School will send a form to fill out for your student ID. This form will require you to upload a picture for your student ID. After filling out this form, your ID will be ready to pick up at the guard’s desk in the Bank Street lobby within a few weeks of the start of the term.
Online students will have their ID cards mailed to them.
Where classes will be held for on-campus programs:
Room numbers will be posted on the website course schedule a few days before the start of the term. During the first day of any given semester, a list of courses and their room numbers will be posted on the main bulletin board in the lobby of the College by the elevators. If you need assistance finding your classroom, ask the security desk in the front of the lobby.
Additional Resources
Although Bank Street College does not provide on-campus housing, we have compiled a list of resources you can utilize if you are searching for a place to live in New York City.
If you are looking for a residence hall experience, International House is located a few blocks north of Bank Street.
Enrollment Verifications/Loan Deferments:
Information about requesting a general letter of verification can be found on our website.
Disabilities Services Office:
Bank Street College recognizes its responsibility to provide reasonable accommodations to students with disabilities while maintaining the standards that are fundamental to the academic integrity of its programs. Visit the Disabilities Services Office page for more information on accommodations and steps needed to register.
Office of Career Services:
The Office of Career Services, along with advisors and faculty, plays an active role in helping you find challenging and interesting positions in education and related fields. Services are provided to alumni and to students matriculated in degree programs. You are encouraged to take advantage of the variety of services the office has to offer at the beginning of your matriculation.
Get Involved:
The Council of Students (COS) is the graduate student organization of Bank Street College. COS deals with issues pertaining to the quality of student life at the College and liaise between the students and various constituents that make up the administration and staff.
Important Dates:
Stay on top of important dates and events by checking our academic calendar
Location: United Palace 4140 Broadway (corner of 175th Street) New York, NY 10033 Event Title: Graduate School of Education 2025 Commencement Description: Celebrate our graduate [...]