Council of Students
Council of Students (COS) is an open-membership graduate student organization at Bank Street College. All students enrolled in academic programs at Bank Street College are members of COS.
The primary mission of COS is to make life better for graduate students by being responsive to the needs of the College’s diverse student body. Historically, students in COS have organized to facilitate dialogue between Bank Street graduate students and the larger community in a number of ways; for instance, the development of the COS Workshop that is offered to students enrolled in Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement. The workshop focuses on issues of race and social justice in education and has led to the development of affinity spaces for students wanting more instruction and discussion in these areas.
COS has also sponsored programming for students to support one another’s learning. Examples include:
- Each One Teach One, a yearly showcase of collective educational expertise within the graduate student body and beyond.
- Orientation presentations to welcome new students.
- Affinity groups and advocacy groups.
- A rotating showcase of graduate student art.
- Regular happy hours and field trips to build community at Bank Street and beyond.
COS is currently on hiatus.

Council of Students Benefits

Becoming a Student Trustee
To qualify, applicants must be in good standing, with a minimum of one year of study remaining at Bank Street. They should be interested in issues of governance and advocacy and possess excellent speaking and organizational skills. Applicants cannot be in staff positions at Bank Street College.