Student Services & Support

Student Handbook

Welcome to Bank Street College of Education! The Student Handbook is designed to familiarize you with student life at Bank Street and to supplement the Graduate School Catalog by offering additional information about the Graduate School, its various requirements, and its student services. The Handbook is meant to provide you with the information needed for routine and special issues that pertain to your study at Bank Street. Throughout, there is reference to the need to consult with your faculty advisor or director. If you are in supervised fieldwork, you know who your advisor is; otherwise, the program director is the person who administers your program and provides you with advice. If you have additional questions and/or comments about the Handbook, please direct them to the chair of your department, or come to the Graduate Suite, Room 603, on the sixth floor, and ask to speak with the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs.

All of the Graduate School faculty and staff are willing to help you with questions, issues, or problems. Ultimately, however, you are responsible for observing College policies, meeting all requirements, and observing all deadlines. We hope that you find your experience as a student at Bank Street College is a rewarding and valuable accomplishment.

Below you’ll find the Student Handbook, along with links to the information.

  • Bank Street: Then and Now


    In the early 1900’s, Bank Street College of Education founder Lucy Sprague Mitchell was acting as the first Dean of Women at the University of California at Berkeley. She knew John Dewey, the revolutionary educator, and was influenced by his personality and writings, and by the writing and thinking of other humanists of the day. Lucy Mitchell decided to continue her career in New York City and to devote her life to improving schools for children. She and the colleagues she drew around her knew that reform meant not just a strengthening of the kinds of schools then in existence, but a fundamental change in the concept of how children learn. She was determined to draw together a group of thinkers from different fields to study a variety of new experimental schools.

    And so, in 1916, the Bureau of Educational Experiments was born and soon lodged in rented quarters on Varick Street in Lower Manhattan. Lucy Mitchell set out to conduct research on child development in experimental schools, and to that end she staffed the Bureau with a doctor, psychologists, a social worker, and teachers.

    Lucy Mitchell herself became a student of children’s language, and she recorded children’s remarks and the stories they told. She concluded that formal imposition of “meaning” hampered children’s language as a medium of creative expression. She found that the children’s natural expression reflected their keen awareness of the world.

    Her research bore fruit in the form of The Here and Now Story Book, which was published in 1921 and became an all-time bestseller among children‘s books. It was the first step in the Bureau’s effort to improve the quality of children‘s literature, an effort that continues to this day.

    In 1926, the Working Council of the Bureau began a process of appraisal of the program of the past ten years and a rethinking of its objectives and strategies. What emerged from this process was a bold new method for bringing about change in the field of education: the development of an education program that would result in a new kind of teacher for a new kind of school. The central strategy for effecting educational reform would be the development of a teacher education program that would serve as a model to the education world.

    In 1930 the Bureau acquired the old Fleischman‘s Yeast brewery and storage building. Its address was to become synonymous with the best in early childhood education: 69 Bank Street. This was a joint venture between the Bureau and eight other experimental schools. Student teachers worked at their various schools Monday through Thursday and came to Bank Street for classes, seminars, and conferences from Thursday afternoon through Saturday noon.

    In 1937, a Division of Publications was established to produce writing for and about children. The Bank Street Writers Laboratory was founded, and it continues today to give encouragement to writers to produce books for children that are consistent with the Bank Street understanding of how children develop. Among the writers affiliated with the Lab were such shining lights of children’s literature as Margaret Wise Brown (Good Night Moon) and Maurice Sendak (Where the Wild Things Are).

    In 1943, the New York City Board of Education recognized this history of achievements with the request that workshops be given to some of its teachers on the Bank Street methods. Bank Street faculty began to work directly with public school teachers in their own classrooms. The innovative approaches that had long been the work of Bank Street were no longer considered a threat to the established order. By 1946, Bank Street began to offer night and weekend courses for non-matriculated students. Soon some 500 people were attending these courses.

    In 1950, the Board of Regents of the State of New York granted the school (the name now changed, at the Regents’ request, to Bank Street College of Education) the right to confer the degree of Master of Science in Education. The core curriculum remained the training of college graduates in the teaching of nursery and elementary school children. And for the next two decades, students–both adults and children–made their way to 69 Bank Street to learn and grow.

    Bank Street’s Research Division conducted studies of teachers and the ways in which different kinds of educational environments influenced children‘s development. The National Institute of Mental Health awarded Bank Street a $1 million grant to develop a series of studies focused on the school as a vehicle for promoting mental health. By 1964, the federal government began to seek out the educational expertise of Bank Street with some frequency. With the Civil Rights Act in the offing, the U.S. Commissioner of Education asked Bank Street‘s president, John H. Niemeyer, to consult with southern universities to create models for a desegregation program. That same year, Bank Street faculty were asked to help shape the national Head Start Program and to create guidelines for Title IV of the Civil Rights Act of 1965. Bank Street’s Research Division became part of a national network of Early Childhood Research Centers devoted to studies relevant to young children in Head Start and similar programs.

    By 1970, Bank Street had developed a nationally recognized research division, an Early Childhood and Family Resources Center, and The Bank Street Readers, a series of reading materials that were the first multiracial and urban-oriented resources that displayed contemporary culture, graphics, and language. The day arrived when Bank Street could no longer answer the needs of an educational facility of national significance at its location. Reluctantly, in 1970, Bank Street left the street that had given the school its name and so much more. A new facility was built on West 112th Street, in the heart of Manhattan‘s Upper West Side educational community.

    The address of the College had changed, but not its drive toward innovation. In 1972, the New Perspectives program of weekend graduate courses was launched to attract new students, to provide teaching opportunities for faculty and practitioners from other parts of the country, and to experiment with new courses. (In 2009, New Perspectives was renamed Continuing Professional Studies.) In 1976, a Graduate School program in Museum Education began to train a group of new professionals who were comfortable and qualified to work in both museums, with their ever-expanding educational function, and in classrooms. Later, Museum Leadership and Museum Special Education programs were added. Today, graduates of the programs are on the staff of nearly every major museum in the country. An Infant and Parent Development program was also created, to meet the need for broadly trained professionals to work with infants, toddlers and their parents.

    The Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975 mandated education “in the least restrictive environment” for children with special educational needs. The inclusion of these children in regular classrooms required a reconceptualization of teacher education and practice, and this became an important part of the work of Bank Street. Faculty members are still working actively to foster inclusion in the public schools, and Bank Street now offers graduate degree programs in Special Education, Bilingual Special Education, Teaching Students with Disabilities 7-12 Generalist, and Leadership for Educational Change with a focus in Special Education.  In the 1980s Bank Street became a leader in technology, creating software, a television series, and books that would enhance children’s interest in and understanding of science, mathematics, and technology. For several years, Bank Street’s programs and materials, such as the Bank Street Writer and The Voyage of The Mimi, were the most widely used in schools across the country, and were also a bestseller among adults for home use. By 1989, Bank Street, as the lead organization in a consortium that included Harvard and Brown Universities, won a five-year, $5 million award from the U.S. Department of Education to serve as the national Center for Technology in Education.

    Efforts continued throughout the 1990’s to address challenges not only in New York but in more than twenty other cities. Bank Street recognized the great need for well-prepared school leaders, and created the Principals Institute, in collaboration with the New York City Board of Education. The Institute produced nearly 400 school leaders in the 1990s, most of them women and/or People of Color.

    A new century and a new millennium now asks Bank Street to draw upon the strengths of its past as it prepares itself to meet the challenges of the future. Many of the challenges continue to persist. The scarcity of well-prepared teachers and school leaders; the frequently mediocre and underfunded nature of programs of care and education for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers; the underperformance of many children, particularly those in inner-city neighborhoods; and the still-present gap between the haves and have-nots, especially as it applies to the resources available to children in urban schools, all exist in today’s education system.

    Education has already come a long way since 1916, when conventional wisdom believed children were to be seen and not heard. We expect to continue our work in improving the teacher preparation curriculum; however, there is still much work to be done to improve education, and we enthusiastically accept your help with that role.


    Bank Street is a Graduate School, which offers intensive, individualized master‘s degree programs every year to about 800 aspiring teachers, museum educators, child life professionals, and school leaders; conducts action-oriented research designed to improve teaching and learning, and works with public and independent schools in New York City and in other cities across the country and the world.

    Bank Street also has a School for Children and Family Center, which, together, offer unparalleled care and education to nearly 500 children. A variety of professional development initiatives are housed in the Graduate School, including extensive outreach work in a wide variety of schools and communities.


    The Graduate School of Bank Street College of Education is recognized for its premiere practices in teacher and leader education and preparation. Our program was one of four to be designated an exemplary teacher preparation program in the United States by Teachers for a New Era (TNE). TNE aimed to create innovative and effective models of best practices for work in classroom teaching. The Graduate School was also chosen as the of of seven exemplary programs (three graduate programs, four undergraduate programs) of teacher preparation in the United States by the National Commission on Teaching and America’s Future.


  • Calendar

    Academic Calendar

    The calendar for each term of College academic work, including scheduling anomalies, is stated in the Academic Calendar.  Additionally, the Graduate School will regularly send announcements via email and through the student newsletter. Students should also see the College’s News & Events webpage for a listing of College-wide programming, including special talks and panels with leaders in the field. Any questions about the academic calendar can be addressed to your director or advisor. It is important that you check the first floor bulletin board next to the elevators, the door of the Graduate Suite, your email, and our website, for up-to-date notices.

    If you are taking supervised fieldwork/advisement, you will find that the school and other settings in which you are working may have different holidays and vacations than that of the College. On days when your school is in session, you are expected to be present even if the College has no classes or conference group meetings. Alternatively, on days when the College holds classes and your school is not in session, you are expected to attend College classes and/or conference groups.

    All students have a right to the religious observances of their respective traditions. When students anticipate absences for religious observances, they are responsible for informing their instructors and advisors of this at the beginning of the semester. They are also responsible for working with faculty to develop alternate means of fulfilling missed course and field assignments.

    Inclement Weather and Emergency Closings
    In the event of heavy snow and other emergencies, Graduate School classes may be canceled. Please check the College’s website for announcements of closings.

    Calendar of Events

  • Policies of Conduct & Standards

    The College is committed to providing a safe, secure academic environment for all of our students. The Code of Conduct supports our efforts to hold all of us responsible for creating an academic home worthy of each of community members.

    Policies of Conduct and Standards

    Within the Policies of Conduct and Standards webpage, you’ll find the following information:

    • Code of Conduct & Due Process
    • Extension of the Code to Online Learning Contexts
    • Professional Standards
    • Consequences for Violation of Code of Conduct and Professional Standards
    • Due Process Procedure
    • Campus Drug and Alcohol Policy

    Academic Standards & Grievance Procedures

    • Academic Standards—Plagiarism & APA Citation Guidelines
    • Academic Grievance Procedures
    • Other Student Complaints

    This information is also in the Graduate School Course Catalog.

  • Academic Program

    Supervised Fieldwork (SFW)/Advisement

    Advisement at Bank Street College is usually a year-long, intensive learning experience and is central to nearly all our programs. Some programs leading to the advanced Ed.M. degree require one semester of supervised fieldwork; some programs have unique schedules spreading supervised fieldwork over three or four terms. During supervised fieldwork/advisement, you work with a faculty advisor who is experienced in your area of study. In addition, you will also work in a conference group with about six other students in your program, and your advisor. This is a unique and important part of your studies at Bank Street and serves to support your exploration of new and innovative approaches to your professional work. Conference groups meet weekly for two hours throughout the fall and spring semesters. During these meetings, you and your colleagues consider professional issues that arise during the week. With the guidance of the advisor and with the support of fellow students in your conference group, you talk about issues surrounding your work, listen to others, reflect on the material from your courses, and together integrate theory and practice to establish a valid and practical approach to professional concerns. It is important to note that conversations in conference groups are conducted in a professional manner and are confidential.

    Another part of supervised fieldwork/advisement entails your work in schools, museums, other educational settings, or hospitals. Through supervised fieldwork, you gain valuable experience in working with children, teachers, administrators, school or agency personnel, and parents. In many programs, during your assignment in a fieldwork setting, your advisor will visit you at least once a month, typically for a half-day. Twice each month, you and your advisor schedule a private hour-long session to review your work in the field, your academic program, and other aspects of your professional development. These meetings enable you to establish your personal/professional goals and to develop strategies for enacting them. Where applicable, your advisor will also arrange three-way conferences, which include your cooperating teacher, the advisor, and you. All of these meetings are required elements of supervised fieldwork/advisement.

    Students bring their professional issues to their advisors. At Bank Street, it is considered a sign of strength for individuals to be able to identify problems and to seek help. In the vast majority of cases, students find that the support provided enables them to move forward. Occasionally, however, when problems cannot be easily resolved, the director, chair, or dean may be contacted for help, either by the student or the advisor.

    The supervised fieldwork/advisement experience is an essential part of professional development. As a matter of policy, your attendance, punctuality, and confidentiality are minimum professional expectations. If, because of illness or an emergency, you cannot get to your field site, you must immediately notify either your cooperating teacher or other supervisor at the job placement, and your advisor.

    Students are encouraged to take an active part in the process of assessing the outcome of their fieldwork, since we believe your participation is key to your progress. At the end of the first semester, you and your advisor review progress made in meeting the goals set at the beginning of the semester. The assessment in midyear indicates goals for the remainder of the year. Normally, a grade of “IP” (In Progress) is recorded. At the conclusion, the entire year’s work will be assessed in a written summary. If the supervised fieldwork/advisement has been successfully completed, a grade of “P” (Pass) is recorded for the entire year. In instances where the year of supervised fieldwork/advisement is interrupted or must be extended, the student, advisor, and chair review the circumstances and design a plan. If supervised fieldwork/advisement is not successfully completed, a grade of “NP” (No Pass) is recorded for the entire year.

    Please note. Students must successfully complete SFW to graduate from the program.

    Graduate School Courses and Degree Requirements

    The Catalog describes the course requirements for each program and includes the course descriptions of each required and elective course. It is very important that you consult with your advisor, director, or chair regarding course selection, so that proper progress is made toward your degree. Ultimately, however, it is each student’s responsibility to meet the appropriate degree and certification requirements for each credential sought.

    Selecting Courses

    As a matriculated student, you will work with your advisor (during and after supervised fieldwork/advisement) or director to choose courses that meet degree requirements. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with requirements for your degree, as described in the Catalog. Whenever there is a question about your course selection, it is important to ask advice from an appropriate faculty member.

    Evaluation of Courses

    Students are asked to complete course evaluations at the end of each course. The evaluation forms are handed out and collected by a designated student during the next-to-last or last class of the semester. The evaluation forms are kept in the Dean’s office and are made available to instructors after all course activities and grade submissions have been completed.


    Newly accepted and matriculated students register online. Each student must be cleared by his/her advisor or program director before Web registration. You should refer to the Catalog and the College website for policies and procedures about all registration activities, including all pertinent dates. Check the website for course days and times; this information is updated frequently.


    The College’s grading policy is detailed in the Catalog and should be read carefully. Grades of “Incomplete” are granted at the discretion of the instructor and are only considered if the student has done satisfactory work to date. If granted, the student and instructor must agree on a final deadline for submission of the outstanding work. The Incomplete Grade Request form, which is available from the Registrar’s Office, should be used to request a grade of Incomplete. Please see the Graduate School Catalog for further information.

    Waiving or Substituting a Course

    Advisors are able to make recommendations about course waivers or course substitutions required for your degree. To request a course waiver or a course substitution, consult with your advisor or program director. To be eligible for a waiver, you must have taken either a comparable graduate level course at another institution or at least three (3) undergraduate courses in the appropriate subject area. Part of the process of securing a waiver is a consultation with a representative of the discipline from which you are asking to be exempted. If a course waiver is approved by your chair, you must submit a Recommendation for Waiver of Course Requirement form. You will not be granted any credits for waived courses.

    Individualized Course

    Students may arrange special individualized coursework with faculty members in areas of mutual interest. Your academic advisor, department chair, and the faculty member with whom you intend to work must approve the individualized course. The faculty member will individually guide your work. Together you determine the number of credits for the proposed work (1, 2, or 3). To register for an individualized course, you must complete an Individualized Course Permission and Registration Form, submit it during the regularly-scheduled registration period, and pay the tuition per credit.

    Integrative Master’s Project (IMP)

    The third, and culminating, component of graduate study at Bank Street College is each student’s Integrative Master’s Project. For most programs, there are five IMP options. This webpage contains descriptions about all the IMP options as well as links to essential information about procedures, forms, fees, requirements, and suggestions for proceeding. Be sure to visit the site early in your study at Bank Street to learn about the expectations and procedures to follow. You are responsible for fulfilling this requirement. You are encouraged to talk with your advisor about this part of your work. Depending on their program, Leadership students complete a professional seminar or a program specific portfolio option.

  • Student Services

    Office of Graduate Admissions

    212-875-4404 |

    In addition to questions about admissions, students may contact the Admissions Office for the following:

    •     Application for a second Bank Street degree
    •     Application for a Post Master’s Certification Sequence
    •     Application for Readmission

    Financial Aid

    212-875-4408 |

    The Office of Financial Aid offers various governmental (federal and state) sources of tuition assistance including scholarships, loans, and work-study. All students applying for financial aid must file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to be considered for all forms of aid, such as scholarships, loans, and/or work study. Most Bank Street College scholarships are based on financial need.

    The Office of Financial Aid has compiled a listing of external sources of public and private scholarships and loan programs for students who are interested in additional or alternative sources of financial aid. Students seeking information on external sources of financial aid should check the Office of Financial Aid webpage for scholarships, International students may qualify for some external sources of aid. The Office of Financial Aid will provide assistance with external sources of aid; however, students are ultimately responsible for meeting deadlines and providing the required information.

    In order to be considered for all forms of financial aid (i.e., scholarships, loans, and/or work study), students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). All students, continuing and prospective, should apply for financial aid every year by the priority submission date. See the Office of Financial Aid webpage for more detailed information regarding financial aid programs offered at Bank Street College along with important dates to keep in mind.

    Registrar Office

    212-875-4406 |

    Prior to registration periods, you will receive notification of registration dates and reminders about advisement requirements and payment of tuition. It is your responsibility to be aware of dates and materials needed; it is also your responsibility to consult with your advisor or program director about course selection prior to registration.

    You may obtain the following materials and forms from the Registrar’s Office: Registration forms; Transfer Credit forms; Transcripts; Graduation Application; Change of Degree Program forms; Individualized Course Permission and Registration forms; registration forms concerning the independent study.

    The College complies with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), as amended. The act is designed to protect the privacy of education records. In accordance with FERPA, with the exception of “directory information” (name, local and permanent addresses, e-mail address, major field of study, dates of attendance at the College, and degrees conferred and their dates), the College may not release information to anyone (except College officials with legitimate educational interests) from a student’s record without written permission from the student. In practice, the College does not generally release directory information without written permission from the student, as we are committed to protecting students’ privacy.

    • Changes to Student Records and Schedules
      Any change to your student record, including course add, course drop, course waiver, request for a grade of Incomplete, etc., must be made in writing and submitted to the Registrar’s Office. Each course add/drop requires the payment of a fee of $15.
    • Grade Reports and Transcripts
      You will have access to your grades on your unofficial transcript, located in your student portal, myBSC (myBankStreetConnect). This is available by signing into your Bank Street account approximately one month after the end of each term. Grades are not given out over the phone. To order an official transcript, make your request in writing to the Registrar’s Office. The cost of one transcript is $7; additional copies when ordered at the same time are $2 each. If you wish to see your Bank Street records, you must make the request in writing. Bank Street complies with the Access to Student Records ruling of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended (Buckley Amendment). Copies of the policy are available in the Registrar’s Office.
    • Graduation
      Bank Street degrees are conferred four times a year, at the end of each term. Students must submit a Graduation Application (available online at the Graduating Students webpage or in the Registrar’s office) by the end of add/drop for the term in which they wish to graduate. Students are responsible for the completion of all requirements pertaining to their degrees. All financial obligations must be fulfilled before a diploma or certificate is released, and diplomas and transcripts will be withheld from any student who has an outstanding balance. Degrees are ceremonially conferred by the President of the College at an annual ceremony in May.
    • Matriculation Maintenance
      A degree can only be conferred for currently enrolled students. Students anticipating degree completion pending submission of prior semester grades must be registered in the current term, in order for their degree to be awarded. If students are not registered for classes in the semester of their graduation, they must register for matriculation maintenance by the end of the add/drop period. Registration for matriculation maintenance, MMNT500 can be completed on my.bankstreet during web registration or via paper registration form. A $50 fee applies.
    • Certification
      Bank Street provides about New York State Certification on our Certification webpage  and in the Registrar’s office. In order to qualify for a position in any public school in New York, you must be certified by New York State. In addition to completing your Bank Street degree, you must complete the required state exams, fingerprinting, and state mandated workshop requirements. New York State does have reciprocity for teaching certification with several other states. Since each state has different regulations, students interested in pursuing this route are advised to contact the Department of Education in the state that they plan to move to early on in their program. Be on the lookout in your Bank Street email for announcements about preparing for certification. Bank Street makes every effort to inform students about regulations, and you may obtain information and ask questions in the Registrar’s Office.
      Please note.
      Students are ultimately responsible for dates, forms, and procedures. Non-citizens with permanent residency status will be able to obtain the full range of certificates. Non-citizens without permanent residency status will be eligible for time limited certificates
    • Fingerprinting
      All students planning to student teach in a NYC public school or charter school must register with the NYC Department of Education prior to the start of student teaching via the online registration system. Visit Fingerprinting Information for fieldwork.

    Disability Services Office

    212-875-4586 |

    The Disability Services Office has the primary objective of supporting graduate students with disabilities in successfully accessing their programs of study here at Bank Street. This is both a legal and ethical obligation. Students who are deemed eligible will receive a letter from the office outlining the accommodations to which they are entitled. Instructors must provide these accommodations should students request them. The student and instructor/advisor, however, need to have a conversation together about how particular accommodations are enacted in the context of a course or fieldwork. The accommodations for fieldwork are based on the demands of the fieldwork site.

    The coordinator of the office keeps confidential all student information related to their disability unless students have given explicit permission to speak with instructors and advisors (and unless there is an issue of student safety). Instructors and advisors must also keep student information confidential.

    To learn more about support services that may be applicable to you, contact Kim McLeveighn, Director of Student Learning Support is available to support students. You can reach Kim at 212-875-4462 by email at or at

    Please note. Bank Street College does not discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities in the recruitment and admission of graduate students, as a matter of policy and as specified by applicable laws and regulations. Course syllabi should contain a statement regarding services for students with disabilities.

    Career Services

    212-875-4657 |

    The Career Services Office, along with advisors and faculty, plays an active role in helping you find challenging and interesting positions in education and related fields. The Career Services Office has several services to assist students and graduates in searching for jobs. CareerConnect (students must register for access) is our automated system that will help you find a job by enabling you to: maintain an online personal calendar, manage multiple resumes, cover letters, and other employment-related documents, search and apply for job opportunities online, view and RSVP for career events.

    The Director of Career Services organizes a diverse portfolio of career development and information programming for graduate students and is available to meet individually with students and alumni to discuss job-related issues, such as organizing a job search, resume and interview tips, and learning how to effectively network. Annually, the Graduate School hosts a Job Search Support Day, which includes guest speakers and workshops on resume preparation, a career program focused on securing positions in NYC public schools and certification, interviewing techniques, a DOE presentation, and networking strategies. During the spring semester, Career Services organizes two Job Fairs. Representatives from many New York district, charter, and independent schools participate. See the website and email announcements for upcoming programming.

    Bank Street College Library

    The Bank Street Library contains a wide range of materials that support instruction and independent research: books, e-books, journals, research databases, Graduate School independent studies, DVDs, and more. Copies of course-required books, arranged by call number, as well as files of reserve readings, are available at the Circulation Desk for use in the Library. If there are books or articles not held on site, library staff can request an Interlibrary Loan. Library cardholders may place a hold on books in the library through the online catalog and the materials will be brought to the Circulation Desk and held for pick-up. Patrons may also renew books online or by telephone.

    The Bank Street College Archives contain the institutional records of the Bank Street College of Education as well as historical materials related to the College. The collection documents the history and evolution of the College from 1916 to the present.

    Librarians help students and faculty identify and locate pertinent information, teaching them to conduct searches using the online catalog and databases. Librarians also offer research classes for students, which include a library tour and an introduction to research using the databases and catalog. A schedule of research class offerings each semester can be found on the library’s website. Individual sessions are also available during reference hours with or without an appointment. The Library houses 3 PC and 12 Macintosh computer workstations, each equipped with Microsoft Office and which are available for word processing, email, and Internet access. Two copiers are available for printing, copying, and scanning. Ethernet and wireless connections are also available.

    Library Hours

    Monday – Thursday 8:30 AM – 7:30 PM
    Friday 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM
    Saturday & Sunday Closed
    The Library has reduced hours in August:
    Monday – Friday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

    Library hours are subject to change, particularly on holidays, and you are urged to check the library website for updated information.

    In order to check out materials, you will need your Bank Street ID card registered with the Library. Register at the Library circulation desk at your earliest convenience.

    To access the electronic resources from off campus or to print in the library, you will need your Bank Street email address and the password associated with that account.

    Graduate School Resource Rooms

    The books and materials in the College’s resource rooms are available to all students. Therefore, make full use of the resources, and please be sure to leave the rooms in good order.

    •    Reading Resource Room: C Level: Room C8. Students must check with reading faculty to schedule times.
    •    Math Resources: Students must check with math faculty to schedule times.


    The Bursar and Student Accounts Administrator are available for all Student Account inquiries. An appointment is required for any “in person” transactions or meetings. The Bursar is part of the Business Office which is located at The Interchurch Center, 475 Riverside Drive, 14th Floor, New York, NY 10115. The mailing address is Bank Street College, Attn: Business Office, Bursar – Student Accounts, 610 West 112th Street, New York, NY 10025.

    IT Help Desk

    212-875-4642 |

    The Help Desk staff, located in the Library, are available for technical support for issues with your Bank Street email, my.bankstreet, Internet access, and College hardware and software.

    Additional Student Support

    Academic Writing Support

    212 875-4462 |

    Graduate students are expected to write in ways that serve various purposes. Some students may have difficulties with assignments that ask them to reflect on educational experiences and make connections to course concepts and readings. Others may encounter challenges that require them to research a topic to develop new insights.

    Kim McLeveighn, Director of Student Learning Support is available to support students in developing their academic writing through individual or group consultations. In addition, she assesses whether students are a good fit for the Graduate Writing Assistance Program. You can reach Kim at 212-875-4462 by email at or at

    The Graduate School Writing Assistance Program provides individual tutors for matriculated students who have significant difficulties with written assignments. Tutors are volunteer Bank Street Graduate School alumni who have been trained to work with adults.

    Visit the Graduate School website to learn more about the range of Academic Writing Supports for students.

    • The Writer’s Handbook
      The Writer’s Handbook is a writing resource designed to help students with the preparation, organization, and process of writing papers, as well as providing a succinct description of the recommended citation style—APA (Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association).

    Counseling Referrals

    Occasionally, students require additional socio-emotional support during their studies. Advisors may recommend (or students request) mental health consultation for a student. The Graduate School maintains a list of recommended providers and will pay for an initial session.

    The Graduate School also provides a listing of Counseling and Support Resources throughout the NYC area that may be more easily accessible to students.

  • Student Life

    The Council of Students (COS)

    The Council of Students (COS) is an open-membership graduate student organization at Bank Street College. All students enrolled in academic programs at Bank Street College are members of COS. To learn more visit the COS webpage or contact Jessica Wontropski,, the COS advisor.

    Student Associate Trustee

    The Student Associate Trustee represents the Graduate School student body and provides a student perspective when pertinent issues are in front of the Board. The student trustee attends all scheduled meetings of the Bank Street College of Education Board of Trustees (BOT) and when relevant, gathers and shares information from and for the graduate student body by reporting to and hearing from students. The student trustee also works with COS and the Dean’s Office.

    Interested students must file for consideration by the BOT and be in good standing with a minimum of one year of study remaining at Bank Street. The student trustee should be interested in issues of governance and advocacy on behalf of fellow students. Excellent speaking and organizational skills are essential. Nominees cannot be in staff positions at Bank Street.

    Student Lounge

    A Graduate School lounge, located on the C Level – Room C7, is available for student use during all hours the main building is open. The lounge features a refrigerator, microwave, comfortable seating, and a quiet respite.


    Named the best children’s bookstore by New York Magazine’s Best of the Best Annual Review, the Bank Street College Bookstore, located at 2780 Broadway at 107th Street, houses one of the best collections of children’s books in the country. It also has a rich supply of professional books, teacher supplies, and some unique books of general interest. You can find books written and edited by Bank Street staff, including classic materials by Barbara Biber, one of the earliest and most influential of the Bank Street teachers and researchers.

    Textbooks and Course Packets

    Look for information about how to order books on our website and at registration. Students may order books for courses online at Course packets are ordered separately, through Village Copier (Amsterdam and 118th Street).

    Bulletin Boards

    There are bulletin boards located around the College. Each has its own topic and rules for posting. Be sure to check the bulletin board next to the elevator on the first floor for up-to-date Graduate School announcements. If you want to post an announcement or flyer, please check with the staff in the Graduate Suite about the correct location for your material or call 212-875-4467.


    Once a student has matriculated, they are given a Bank Street email address. Official messages announcing school closings, special events, web updates, and other important information are sent to your Bank Street email address. Please check your Bank Street email account regularly. The telephone system at Bank Street allows you to leave voicemail messages for faculty and staff. The staff in the Graduate Suite is available for questions (212-875-4467). We have found that Wednesday afternoons are particularly good times to contact faculty directly. In emergencies, you may call the Security Desk (212-875-4411).


    The Bank Street Cafeteria is located on the C–Level of the main building and is open to the College community. The cafeteria offers a wide selection of wholesome foods. The Cafeteria is open from 11:30 am to 3:00 pm, Monday through Friday. Catering services are also available.  Contact the Cafeteria at 212-875-4539.

    Health Care

    Bank Street College does not provide medical or dental insurance to students; however, we recommend that all students obtain a health insurance policy.  For more information, domestic students should visit the website for the Official Health Plan Marketplace for New York State. International students are required to purchase a health insurance plan.  For more information, international students should visit


    Prior to attending courses, all students born on or after 1/1/57 must submit proof of immunity to measles, mumps, and rubella. Submit the completed Immunization form In addition, all New York City public schools and some independent schools, including the School for Children at Bank Street, require evidence of a recent tuberculin test.

    COVID-19 Vaccine Requirements

    All students planning to enroll in coursework beginning in the Fall 2021 semester must present evidence of COVID-19 vaccination or documentation for an exemption. Any vaccine authorized for use in the United States (currently Moderna, Pfizer, and Johnson & Johnson) is acceptable. Please review the full COVID-19 Vaccination Policy here.

    ID Cards

    Students are required to have a Bank Street issued photo ID card to enter the College. Photo IDs are taken for new students during In-Person Registration and Orientation. To obtain or replace an ID card, students should report to the Security Desk located in the Lobby of the Main Building.

    Lost and Found

    If you find something that belongs to someone else or if you have lost something, please return it to or notify any of the following locations:

    • Graduate School Suite Staff, Room 603
    • Guard Desk, Lobby
    • School for Children, Lost and Found Box, Room 203
  • Campus Safety and Enough is Enough


    The College publishes an annual security report, Campus Safety and Law Enforcement. It contains safety tips, emergency procedures, and campus crime statistics. The College strongly advises students take the usual precautions to be aware and alert to their surroundings.

    A copy of the security report is available from the Director of Security, the Registrar’s Office, and the Graduate Suite (Room 603).

    Enough is Enough

    In accordance with New York State Education Law Chapter 597, Article 129-A, Section 6432, Laws of 2003 and because we value the peace of a safe environment to promote positive growth and development, Bank Street College of Education provides information, counseling, and support services for students and staff concerning issues of sexual misconduct. When confronted with an instance of sexual misconduct, students should either:

    • Speak with their advisor, director and/or department chair;
    • Contact the College’s Title IX Coordinator, Valentine Burr (

    All students are encouraged to review the College’s Enough is Enough policy, practices and resources.  During the academic year, students will be required training on issues of sexual misconduct in graduate academic contexts, and to complete the Graduate School Climate survey. The Graduate School provides a listing of Counseling and Support Resources throughout the NYC area that may be more easily accessible to students.

    The Advisory Committee on Campus Safety will provide upon request all campus crime statistics as reported to the United States Department of Education.  General information about campus crime statistics may also be found on the United States Department of Education’s website at