Fall 2024

September 04, 2024—December 19, 2024

All three-credit courses will include 9 ½ hours of out-of-class instructional time delineated in the course syllabus. This is in addition to the regularly scheduled 14 two-hour class sessions.

Bank Street Graduate School of Education credit hour calculations for degree and certificate programs follow NYSED guidelines, which are based on the U.S. Department of Education’s definition of credit hour. Please view the Credit Hour Assignment Policy for more information.

Religious Observance: The College respects individuals’ religious observances. If you are unable to make any class session, including a Friday session, because of religious observance, please notify the course instructor by the first class session so that an alternative means can be identified for fulfilling missed class material and course assignments.

Room Abbreviations
TBA: Room will be in person at 112, announced prior to the start of classes
Online: Course is fully online
Offsite: Course takes place offsite

CDR: Children's Dining Room
AUD: The Evelyn Rome Tabas and Daniel Tabas Auditorium

Education Courses: Dual Language/Bilingual Teacher Ed, General Teacher Ed, and Special Ed

Section Title Credits Rooms Instructor Days/Times Dates Status
EDUC500-1 Child Development 3 703 Ludmila de Amorim Paquete da Costa TH 4:45-6:45 PM
In this course we will examine the interactions among the cognitive, social, emotional, linguistic, and physical development of children from infancy into adolescence. We will pay close attention to children as makers of meaning in the contexts of their development, including family, school, socioeconomic class, and culture. Through reading classic and current literature, we will attend to some of the larger questions about development, such as the relationship between nature and nurture, the role of developmental theory, and the tension between the search for developmental universals and the reality of individual differences. The goal is to make developmental theory vibrant and meaningful so that the generalized theoretical child comes to enhance and inform how one understands individual children.
EDUC505-1 Language Acquisition and Learning in a Linguistically Diverse Society 2 612/613 Andrew Flanagan T 7:00-9:00 PM
Based on the belief that language is an essential foundation for learning, this course addresses the typical processes of language acquisition in mono- and multilingual learners. Participants will examine theories of language acquisition and the role that caregivers and educators play in the development of language. In addition, participants will analyze historical, political, educational, social, and emotional factors that influence the socially constructed hierarchies of language varieties. A significant part of the course will be devoted to students who learn English as an additional language. Participants will learn how to use assessment of mono- and multilingual learners to identify appropriate instructional practices for social and academic language use in a range of educational settings. Course participants will also learn about ways of collaborating with families, colleagues, specialists, administrators, and interpreters.
EDUC519-1 Educating Infants and Toddlers: Environments 3 701 Marjorie Brickley W 7:00-9:00 PM
In this course graduate students will examine, define and expand the varied meanings of environment as it applies to the early care and education of children birth to three and their families. Participants will analyze and develop environments from a socio-economic, cultural, and developmental perspective, planning for infants and toddlers who develop typically as well as for those with developmental variations, with a special focus on trauma-informed practice. Issues surrounding diversity, anti-bias care and infant mental health are addressed throughout in order to increase the awareness and sensitivity of teacher/caregivers. Graduate students gain experience in designing, setting up, and maintaining nurturing and emotionally responsive environments that promote the development of early literacy, scientific and mathematical thinking, and creativity. Principles of curricular and environmental design and materials selection are grounded in developmental theory. Topics include the relation of physical space to learning and development, scheduling the child’s day, primary caregiving, staff relations, care of the family, and issues in caregiving such as separation, ethics, health and safety. The broad focus includes settings in centers, family child care, and hospitals.
EDUC530-1 Foundations of Modern Education 3 401 Martha Andrews TH 7:00-9:00 PM
This course examines the historical, philosophical, and cultural roots of contemporary education, including Bank Street’s progressive history and philosophy, the contributions of major educational leaders, and current practices and innovations in education. Participants will analyze how critical issues in the field affect their practice with children and families in schools and communities. The course will explore ways in which education as an avenue for individual advancement and social justice has been defined, advocated for, enacted, and is still being negotiated in the U.S. The course will attend to what has been achieved as well as challenges that remain in creating educational spaces that affirm children’s and families’ race, social class, immigration status, language, gender, and ability, among other identity domains. Participants will apply their understandings to think about their role in bringing about desired, warranted changes in order to create more inclusive and democratic educational environments.
This course will meet asynchronously on October 31st. Your instructor will share details during session 1.
EDUC535-1 Science for Teachers (Grades N – 6) 2 408/410 Robert Wallace T 4:45-6:45 PM
Science for Teachers focuses on developing a science way of thinking and doing in PreK-6th grade classrooms. Each session deepens an understanding that doing science requires direct sensory encounters with the physical world. By experiencing first-hand investigations of physical and biological materials and related phenomena, participants create a range of representations that can uncover existing patterns and concepts. Discussions, readings, and reflective writings deepen and broaden work done with physical materials. Participants will reflect on their own learning as they work to construct meaningful science experiences that respond to the developmental levels of their students and affirm students’ cultural, linguistic, and learning diversity. The course explores evidence-based ways of making sense of the world that support the integration of science inquiry across the curriculum.
EDUC561R-1R Linguistics: Implications for Teachers 1 Online Tyler Jennings M 7:00-9:00 PM 9/9, 9/16, 9/23, 9/30, 10/7, 10/21, 10/28 Cancelled
This course is an introduction to the study of language as it applies to educational settings. Participants will learn about the five basic linguistic structures: phonetics and phonology (sounds and sound patterning), morphology (form of words), syntax (arrangement of words), semantics (meaning), and pragmatics (the use of language). Participants will examine language structure as it exists within the larger context of sociolinguistics, equity, and social justice. The course will investigate how students use their full linguistic repertoire in academic settings (translanguaging), how teachers and society at large perceive language  varieties, and how teachers value linguistic diversity in classrooms. The course examines the role of the brain in language development (psycholinguistics), language universals, body language, and discourse analysis. The focus of the course will be on the practical application of this knowledge to developing a broader range of instructional strategies to support students’ language proficiency in school.
This course will run fully online and will meet synchronously each session. This course will meet concurrently with TESL561LR.
EDUC563-1 The Teaching of Reading, Writing, and Language Arts in the Primary Grades 3 702 Shelby Brody Ramirez W 7:00-9:00 PM
This course examines the process through which reading and writing are acquired by young children, ages 4-8.  We study the ways teachers can support literacy growth for children’s diverse learning needs and styles, cultural and linguistic backgrounds, and socioeconomic status.  The course explores theoretical frameworks of literacy development as well as practical applications. Graduate students work directly with a child, who is an emergent reader and writer, to develop the skills of close observation, assessment, record keeping, and planning.  Graduate students, individually and as a group, analyze the contexts, activities and relationships that support children’s language and literacy learning in early childhood classrooms.
EDUC564-1 Language, Literature, and Emergent Literacy in the Primary Grades 3 702 Mollie Welsh Kruger M 4:45-6:45 PM
This course examines the role of literature in children’s lives. Participants develop criteria for selecting literature for children, considering factors including but not limited to child development, aesthetics, language, and culture, as well as children’s interests and curiosities. Through active engagement with books, artifacts, and ideas, participants gain an understanding of the role of literature in language development in children’s primary and new languages. Participants will examine ways to use literature from a wide range of genres and perspectives for reading aloud, honoring and stimulating children’s storytelling, and for deepening learning across content areas.
EDUC568-1 Teaching Literacy in the Upper Elementary Grades 3 701 Clio Bodie TH 7:00-9:00 PM
This course addresses the ways in which language, cognition, and the social-emotional development of children shape and are shaped by effective reading, writing, and language arts instruction. Employing a social constructivist perspective, it prepares teachers to meet the needs of children from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds, across a range of learners. During the course, students will work with individual children, plan for small and large groups, and create classroom environments that support a balanced approach to literacy. Particular emphasis will be paid to the ways in which linking assessment and instruction enables teachers to meet the developing needs of individuals and groups, incorporating guidelines from the NYS Standards. Students will learn to create units of study in reading and writing that include all aspects of speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Through the experiences in this course, participants will gain a deeper understanding of the interrelationship between reading and writing processes and the roles of the teacher, the family, and the child in those processes.
This course will not meet on Thursday, October 24. Instead, the instructor will design asynchronous work.
EDUC576-1 Writing in the Elementary Grades 2 702 Lynne Einbender T 4:45-6:45 PM
In this course, participants examine the theories and practices of teaching writing, both as writers and as teachers. The goal of this dual focus is to develop meta-cognitive awareness of one’s own writing process to inform one’s teaching practice. Participants do this through discussing course texts, children’s literature, videos and children’s writing. The course explores: teaching children to select topics, draft, revise, edit and publish their own writing; designing writing curriculum that is inclusive and culturally responsive; using children’s literature to teach writing through concrete observation and inquiry; using writing conferences and assessments to guide curricular decisions; teaching writing mechanics using a constructivist approach; exploring a range of teaching methods and literature to accommodate diverse learners.
EDUC590-1 Arts Workshop for Teachers (Grades N – 6) 2 308 Mariana Swick M 7:00-9:00 PM
This studio course stresses the relationship of expression in arts and crafts to aspects of teaching and learning in other areas. Students develop approaches for discovering the use and origins of materials as well as their role in the curriculum. The course helps teachers develop a basic art program in their classrooms. Studio experiences include painting, collage, clay work, printmaking, and such crafts as puppet making, dyeing, and weaving. Readings and class discussion deal with the development of art curricula using child development as a base. Students study children’s art through slides and children’s actual work.
EDUC613-1 Understanding and Working with Families of Infants and Toddlers 2 701 Yasmin Dorrian M 4:45-6:45 PM
This course helps students understand the psychological underpinnings of parenting across a range of families and contexts. Through class discussion, readings, videos, role play in class and guest speakers, students will develop an understanding of what is involved in working with significant adults in the lives of infants and toddlers. Graduate students will explore the connections among early relationships, brain development, health and later mental health.  A multilevel framework utilizes the concepts of containment and holding as a way to understand what parents must provide for their children and what adults must also provide for themselves in order to work effectively with families. Stages of parenting are looked at within the wider lens that incorporates variety among parents, as well as within the same parent at different times. Through practice with their own case material and readings on basic counseling techniques graduate students continue to develop a self- reflective ability that helps them think critically about their responses to families and learn when and how to provide guidance, towards the promotion of mental wellness and prevention of disruptions in development. The course will explore the roles of the teacher and the social worker.
EDUC802-1 The World of Toddlers and Twos: The Second and Third Years of Life 3 703 Marjorie Brickley T 4:45-6:45 PM
This course offers a developmental-interactional view of toddlers and two-year-olds and their families. Participants will look at the ways children in this age period become more autonomous selves while simultaneously developing capacities for more elaborated and diverse relationships with others and their environments. The course will examine the interplay of the toddler’s physical maturation, interpersonal experiences, physical environments and cultures in development. Participants will also focus on the everyday implications of the growing toddler’s need for self-assertion and autonomy and the issues that adults face in parenting or working with this age group. Graduate students will study the science of brain development and its impact on all domains.  Although this is not a “how-to” course, graduate students will learn how to apply their knowledge of development in the second and third year to their practices with toddlers and two-year-olds. This course develops awareness and knowledge of infant mental health in development, dyadic relationships and systems. Prerequisite: EDUC 500.
Prerequisite for EDUC 802: EDUC 500 or EDUC 800
EDUC803-1 Teaching Students with Disabilities: An Introduction to Disability Theory, Disability Law and Respon 2 612/613 Sean O'Shea TH 4:45-6:45 PM
This course is designed to increase participants’ awareness and understanding of the educational, social, cultural, linguistic and developmental implications of disability from historical, legal, and socio-political perspectives. The course will critically examine state and federal special education and disability laws and regulations and their implementation across a range of settings including their intersection with issues of race, class, language and gender. There is an emphasis on understanding how disability is socially constructed at the levels of family, community, school, and the larger society. Participants apply an understanding of disabilities to analyze and create accessible learning experiences for children. Prerequisite: EDUC 500 or permission of instructor.
Prerequisite for EDUC803: EDUC 500 or EDUC 501 or EDUC 800 or permission of instructor
EDUC823-1 Play Techniques for Early Childhood Settings 1 204 Deborah Vilas T 4:45-6:45 PM 9/10, 9/17, 9/24, 10/8, 10/15, and 10/29
This course explores play as central to supporting the social, emotional, and cognitive development of children with varying developmental and learning variations.  Participants will learn a variety of therapeutic play techniques that promote self-regulation, self-esteem, and emotional expression, and development across domains. This course is appropriate for general and special education teachers, parents, caregivers, child life specialists, social workers, therapists and counselors. Participants are required to have prior coursework focused on child development and on developmental variations. Prerequisite: EDUC 803 or with permission of instructor.
Prerequisite for EDUC 823: EDUC 803.
EDUC860-1 Assessment and Instruction in Teaching Literacy to Children with Language and Learning Variations 3 702 Susan Rolander TH 4:45-6:45 PM
Prerequisites for EDUC 860: EDUC 505; EDUC 563 or EDUC 568.
EDUC867R-1R The Teacher’s Role in the Development of Reading Comprehension: Strategic Teaching (Grades K – 6) 1 Online Xiania Foster W 7:00-9:05 PM 9/11, 9/18, 9/25, 10/9, 10/16, 10/23
This course will enable teachers to extend their theoretical and practical understanding of the ways to support children’s reading comprehension in kindergarten through grade 6. Using theoretical frameworks, students will investigate comprehension skills and strategies by identifying and matching the demands of text with the multiple needs of fluent readers. Students will develop competencies in current literacy practices such as Interactive Read Aloud, Think Aloud, Guided Reading, and Questioning the Author. In addition, they will analyze the ways in which teaching reading comprehension strategies empowers children to be independent readers. Teachers will be able to use the strategies demonstrated in this course with all learners, including English Language Learners and children with special needs. Prerequisite: EDUC 563 or EDUC 567 or EDUC 568 or permission of instructor.
This course will run fully online and will meet synchronously each session.
Prerequisite for EDUC867: EDUC 563 or EDUC 567 or EDUC 568 or permission of instructor
EDUC869-1 Supporting Early Language and Literacy for Children with Developmental Variations (Birth-8) 2 612/613 Arelis Javier TH 7:00-9:00 PM
This course examines communication, language, and literacy as they emerge in monolingual and multilingual children from infancy through early childhood. Participants examine how language, socialization, communicative competence, and literacy develop within, and are impacted by, children’s sociocultural contexts.  Participants are introduced to communication disorders and other learning variations of the early years that affect language and literacy learning.  Specific practices are identified to enhance the experience of young children who are receiving services in school as English language learners. Modifications and adaptations to support children with learning variations are explored. Prerequisite: EDUC 500; pre- or corequisite: EDUC 505.
Prerequisite for EDUC 869: EDUC 500 or EDUC 800; pre- or corequisite: EDUC 505
EDUC870R-1R The Teaching of English as a New Language 3 Online Katie Caster T 7:00-9:00 PM Cancelled
After a review of language acquisition theories, this course will address the teaching of reading, writing, and content areas through a new language. Students will examine how children learn to read and write in the home language and what the differences and similarities are when they read and write in a new language. The focus will be on the methodology of teaching a new language, appropriate language materials, effective class organization, and lesson planning that involves all of these components, including assessment. One of the requirements of this course is individual work with language learners.
This course will run concurrently with TESL660LR.
EDUC894-1 Early Childhood Practicum I: Observing a Child through Family/Cultural Contexts 2 704 Rae Leeper TH 4:45-6:45 PM
Early Childhood Practicum I and II is a year-long course that provides graduate students the opportunity to integrate theory and practice as they work with a child and family.  Practicum I focuses on: 1) observation as the foundation of early childhood assessment and 2) culturally sustaining, family-based practice. Participants learn to observe and record children’s behavior in home, school, and community settings. Through regular observations, participants construct a respectful and increasingly complex understanding of the child within his/her sociocultural context.  Special emphasis is placed on recognizing the strengths of the child and family.  Participants develop greater awareness of their own perspectives and the ways their personal experiences affect what they notice and how they interpret their observations. Participants begin to integrate adult development, family systems theory, and cultural/linguistic diversity as a basis for developing relationships with the child’s family. This work provides a foundation for Practicum II. Prerequisite: EDUC 803.
Prerequisites for EDUC 894: EDUC 500 or EDUC 800; EDUC 803.

Fieldwork/Student Teaching/Advisement Courses

Section Title Credits Rooms Instructor Days/Times Dates Status
EDUC930-1 Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement 6 Staff TBD W 4:45-6:45 PM
Fieldwork in appropriate settings with supervision and advisement. Candidates in advisement participate in weekly small-group conferences with their advisor. These seminars include the exchange and analysis of ongoing professional experiences and provide a forum for integrating theory with practice. Participants will develop their capacity to construct learning environments and communities that support the development of infants, children, and/or adolescents, depending on the focus of their program. Opportunities to collaborate and co-teach with cooperating teachers and other setting personnel are an integral part of the course. This is part one of two semesters of supervised fieldwork. The second part is EDUC931.
EDUC932-1 Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement 3 Kim McLeveighn-Helper W 4:45-6:45 PM
Fieldwork in appropriate settings with supervision and advisement. Candidates in advisement participate in small-group conferences with their advisor. These seminars include the exchange and analysis of ongoing professional experiences and provide a forum for integrating theory with practice. Participants will develop their capacity to construct learning environments and communities that support the development of infants, children, and/or adolescents, depending on the focus of their program. Opportunities to collaborate and co-teach with cooperating teachers and other school personnel are an integral part of the course. This is part one of two semesters of supervised fieldwork. The second part is EDUC934.
This course will meet every other week, beginning September 4th.
EDUC937-1 Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement 6 Sarah Willis W 4:45-6:45 PM
Fieldwork in appropriate settings with supervision and advisement. Candidates in advisement participate in weekly small-group conferences with their advisor. These seminars include the exchange and analysis of ongoing professional experiences and provide a forum for integrating theory with practice. Participants will develop their capacity to construct learning environments and communities that support the development of infants, children, and/or adolescents, depending on the focus of their program. Opportunities to collaborate and co-teach with cooperating teachers and other setting personnel are an integral part of the course. This course is for one semester only.
EDUC943-1 Teaching Literacy Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement 6 Staff TBD W 4:45-6:45 PM
Fieldwork in an appropriate setting with supervision and advisement. Students in advisement participate in weekly small-group conferences with their advisor. These seminars include the exchange and analysis of ongoing professional experiences and provide a forum for integrating theory and practice. Attention is given to instructional strategies for addressing the individual academic and behavioral needs of typically and atypically developing children within classroom settings. Opportunities to collaborate and coteach with cooperating teachers and other school personnel are an integral part of the course. This is part one of two semesters of supervised fieldwork. The second part is EDUC944. Pre- or co-requisite: EDUC 860.
EDUC994-1 Extended Field Experiences 1 Staff TBD See advisor Cancelled
This one-credit course provides working teachers, interns, and assistant teachers the opportunity to meet the mandated New York State regulations for certification. The State regulations require teacher candidates to work in an additional grade band level in a high needs public setting, according to the age band of their certification. In addition, there may be an expectation of direct work with English language learners (ELLs) and/or students with IEPs. Graduate students will be placed in appropriate educational programs for at least 50 hours. In addition, graduate students will participate in a series of seminars focused on these classroom experiences

Integrative Master's Project: Year-long options

Unlike the semester-based IMPs, these IMPs have the potential to extend beyond one semester, and in some cases multiple semesters are required.

Section Title Credits Rooms Instructor Days/Times Dates Status
IS500-1 IMP: Independent Study 0 See Mentor Staff TBD See mentor
The Independent Study is an original work that you initiate, often growing out of a meaningful course assignment or an idea, question, or experience rooted in a fieldwork or work setting. Students work with a faculty mentor who has expertise in the particular area of study. The Independent Study usually includes two semesters of research and writing, and is most closely aligned with a traditional master’s thesis. Independent Studies are made accessible to the public though the Bank Street Library's online catalogue. This course is the first semester of an Independent Study.

IMPORTANT NOTE TO STUDENTS REGISTERING FOR INDEPENDENT STUDIES In order to register for Independent Studies (IS500) you must have already secured a faculty mentor who has reviewed your IS proposal and has committed to serve as your IS mentor. By registering for the IS500, you are attesting to having secured a mentor, and you are agreeing to follow all applicable IS directives and guidelines as stated in A Guide to the Integrative Master’s Project.

In addition to registering through myBSC for IS500, please fill out the Independent Study Mentor Form, located on the website schedule (https://graduate.bankstreet.edu/academics/graduate-course-schedule/) indicating which faculty member has consented to mentor you.

This IMP is for students who have not yet begun their Independent Study. Students continuing an Independent Study from a previous semester should contact their SSA for registration.

To register, please fill out this form to confirm your IMP request by August 1st:

IMP Request Form

If your Program Director approves your request, you will be registered for this IMP by your SSA.

IMPORTANT NOTE: In order to be registered for an Independent Study (IS500) you must have already secured a faculty mentor who has reviewed your Independent Study (IS) proposal and has committed to serve as your IS mentor.

PF500R-1R IMP: Portfolio 0 Online Staff TBD See mentor
The Portfolio takes the form of a series of reflective essays developed through an emergent process of collecting documents and objects called artifacts which are significant markers of pivotal experiences in your professional and personal development. Students work with a faculty mentor as well as a small peer group throughout the fall and spring semesters. Students present their Portfolios the evening before graduation in May. (Students who elect this option must apply by June 30th.)

To register, please fill out this form to confirm your IMP request by August 1st:

IMP Request Form

If your Program Director approves your request, you will be registered for Portfolio by your SSA.

Integrative Master's Project-Semester-Based IMP Options

Note: These are a Semester-Based IMP Options. Student work must be completed and submitted by the end of one semester. Students who do not complete their work by the end of the semester will be required to re-register and pay for another IMP option in the future. Please read the dates in the schedule carefully, and be sure to register on time and attend all sessions.

Section Title Credits Rooms Instructor Days/Times Dates Status
IMP2-1 IMP: Collaborative Student Faculty Inquiry 0 702 Mollie Welsh Kruger M 7:00-9:00 PM 9/23, 10/21, 11/18, 12/16
The Collaborative Student-Faculty Inquiry is a one-semester small peer group option focused on a specific topic or issue. These topics, based on professional interests faculty would like to explore along with students, are posted each fall and spring. You identify a particular aspect of the topic or issue to investigate and, with your peers, determine a format in which to coordinate and present the findings. Students present their projects in mid-January or the week of graduation in May.

Title: Picture Books for The Ages

This IMP option invites writers to create a picture book for children of a specific age group of the writer's choice. In addition to the picture book, participants will write a rationale and a child development section, review other children's literature for the same age-level, share their picture book with a group of children, and write a reflective conclusion. The final picture book must include some form of visual illustration.

Contact the facilitator/instructor if there are questions about a specific inquiry. Registration is not allowed after the class has met.

This section will run onground.

Please fill out this form to confirm your IMP request by August 1st:

IMP Request Form

IMP2-2 IMP: Collaborative Student Faculty Inquiry 0 702 Kim McLeveighn-Helper, Mark Nagasawa T 7:00-9:00 PM 9/10, 10/8, 11/12, and 12/10
The Collaborative Student-Faculty Inquiry is a one-semester small peer group option focused on a specific topic or issue. These topics, based on professional interests faculty would like to explore along with students, are posted each fall and spring. You identify a particular aspect of the topic or issue to investigate and, with your peers, determine a format in which to coordinate and present the findings. Students present their projects in mid-January or the week of graduation in May.

Title: There Can Be No Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Without Disabled Teachers

As calls for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in higher education came to a crescendo, including at Bank Street, a glaring absence in these conversations was the invisibility of disabled* teachers in teacher education. While the inclusion of intersectionally-disabled students has long been a focus in education, we think equitable education necessitates parallel commitments to going beyond "including" intersectionally-disabled teachers to viewing them as essential "mirrors in classrooms." Our collaborative inquiry will focus on questions of what these supports should look like and how rethinking inclusion in teacher education could translate into more welcoming schools for children. Our potential projects might include accessibility mapping, social story development, curricular analyses, critical personal narratives, or practical guidance on universal design for learning.

* We use this term in recognition of the ways ableist policies, procedures, and exclusionary spaces (built and social) disable folx.

Contact the facilitator/instructor if there are questions about a specific inquiry. Registration is not allowed after the class has met.

This section will run hybrid. Students may attend in-person or via zoom.

Please fill out this form to confirm your IMP request by August 1st:

IMP Request Form

IMP2-3 IMP: Collaborative Student Faculty Inquiry 0 703 Niles Mattier W 7:00-9:00 PM 9/18, 10/16, 11/20, 12/18
The Collaborative Student-Faculty Inquiry is a one-semester small peer group option focused on a specific topic or issue. These topics, based on professional interests faculty would like to explore along with students, are posted each fall and spring. You identify a particular aspect of the topic or issue to investigate and, with your peers, determine a format in which to coordinate and present the findings. Students present their projects in mid-January or the week of graduation in May.

Title: Between the Branches: A Critical Need for Civics Education

In this group, graduate students will investigate the role of civics education in 21st century K-12 classrooms. Through collaboration with peers, we'll consider both opportunities and challenges for exploring civics with children. Then, graduate students will develop a mini-unit that supports children in forging connections between the past and present, helping them to craft a better future.

Contact the facilitator/instructor if there are questions about a specific inquiry. Registration is not allowed after the class has met.

This section will run hybrid. Students may attend in-person or via zoom.

Please fill out this form to confirm your IMP request by August 1st:

IMP Request Form

IMP2R-1R IMP: Collaborative Student Faculty Inquiry 0 Online Katie Caster W 4:45-6:45 PM 9/18, 10/16, 11/13, 12/11
The Collaborative Student-Faculty Inquiry is a one-semester small peer group option focused on a specific topic or issue. These topics, based on professional interests faculty would like to explore along with students, are posted each fall and spring. You identify a particular aspect of the topic or issue to investigate and, with your peers, determine a format in which to coordinate and present the findings. Students present their projects in mid-January or the week of graduation in May.

Title: Indigenous Ways of Knowing within the Classroom

This joint exploration between students and faculty will center on cultivating Indigenous ways of knowing within the classroom and curriculum.

Contact the facilitator/instructor if there are questions about a specific inquiry. Registration is not allowed after the class has met.

This inquiry will meet online.

Please fill out this form to confirm your IMP request by August 1st:

IMP Request Form

IMP2R-2R IMP: Collaborative Student Faculty Inquiry 0 Online Romelle Moore, Michele Ryan T 4:45-6:45 PM 9/17, 10/15, 11/12, 12/10
The Collaborative Student-Faculty Inquiry is a one-semester small peer group option focused on a specific topic or issue. These topics, based on professional interests faculty would like to explore along with students, are posted each fall and spring. You identify a particular aspect of the topic or issue to investigate and, with your peers, determine a format in which to coordinate and present the findings. Students present their projects in mid-January or the week of graduation in May.

Title: Using Emotionally Responsive Practice (ERP) in the Classroom Setting

This IMP offers a unique opportunity to develop your understanding of the concepts and techniques that are the foundation of Emotionally Responsive Practice, as developed by Lesley Koplow, LCSW. The IMP is also practice-based, meaning that you will bring these concepts and techniques into your professional setting.

Contact erp@bankstreet.edu if there are questions about a specific inquiry. Registration is not allowed after the class has met.

This inquiry will meet online.

Please fill out this form to confirm your IMP request by August 1st:

IMP Request Form

IMP2R-3R IMP: Collaborative Student Faculty Inquiry 0 Online Carmen Colón, Troy Pinkney T 4:45-6:45 PM 9/10, 10/8, 11/12, 12/10
The Collaborative Student-Faculty Inquiry is a one-semester small peer group option focused on a specific topic or issue. These topics, based on professional interests faculty would like to explore along with students, are posted each fall and spring. You identify a particular aspect of the topic or issue to investigate and, with your peers, determine a format in which to coordinate and present the findings. Students present their projects in mid-January or the week of graduation in May.

Title: Centering the strength of Black and Brown children in schools

Students will embark on a collaborative journey, exploring how children of color experience race in their classroom and its impact on their learning. Through this, they will work together to shape their educational environment, exploring current practices in their school and developing strategies to break down barriers and preconceived notions about the presence of black and brown children in academic spaces and learning communities. They will design a curriculum outlining experiences for a 3-4 week unit and develop 1 lesson plan, choosing the beginning, developing, or culminating phases. Lessons /experiences will build on one another to support their racial development.

Contact the facilitator/instructor if there are questions about a specific inquiry. Registration is not allowed after the class has met.

This inquiry will meet online.

Please fill out this form to confirm your IMP request by August 1st:

IMP Request Form

IMP2R-4R IMP: Collaborative Student Faculty Inquiry 0 Online Gil Schmerler M 7:00-9:00 PM 9/16, 10/21, 11/25, 12/16
The Collaborative Student-Faculty Inquiry is a one-semester small peer group option focused on a specific topic or issue. These topics, based on professional interests faculty would like to explore along with students, are posted each fall and spring. You identify a particular aspect of the topic or issue to investigate and, with your peers, determine a format in which to coordinate and present the findings. Students present their projects in mid-January or the week of graduation in May.

Title: Teacher Leadership

Bank Street-educated teachers are invariably called on for leadership in their schools, yet their preparation programs do not often have room for learning to promote collaboration, peer coaching, and advocacy. This collaborative inquiry provides the opportunity for students to investigate and practice the skills to become teacher leaders and, in general, to inspire, support, and coach their colleagues in improving instructional practice and creating stronger cultures in their workplaces. Participants typically create case studies and/or descriptive analyses of teacher leadership in their own school sites (or, alternatively, a school to which they have ready access).

Contact the facilitator/instructor if there are questions about a specific inquiry. Registration is not allowed after the class has met.

This inquiry will meet online.

Please fill out this form to confirm your IMP request by August 1st:

IMP Request Form

IMP2R-5R IMP: Collaborative Student Faculty Inquiry 0 Online Tyler Jennings TH 7:00-9:00 PM 9/5, 10/10, 11/7, 12/5
The Collaborative Student-Faculty Inquiry is a one-semester small peer group option focused on a specific topic or issue. These topics, based on professional interests faculty would like to explore along with students, are posted each fall and spring. You identify a particular aspect of the topic or issue to investigate and, with your peers, determine a format in which to coordinate and present the findings. Students present their projects in mid-January or the week of graduation in May.

Title: Gender and Sexualities in Education

In this IMP, we will focus on three inter-related aspects of gender and sexualities in the context of education:

1. In alignment with childhood and adolescent development, what might be important and relevant for students to understand about gender and/or sexualities through the developmental stages of K-8 education?

2. In what ways could students engage in critical gender studies and/or critical sexualities studies through these developmental stages? That is, in what ways could they examine gender and sexualities within larger societal contexts and in relation to issues of (in)justice and (in)equity?

3. What is the history of gender education and sexualities education in the US context, and what implications might our explorations of questions #1 and #2 have upon the future of gender and sexualities education?

Contact the facilitator/instructor if there are questions about a specific inquiry. Registration is not allowed after the class has met.

This inquiry will meet online.

Please fill out this form to confirm your IMP request by August 1st:

IMP Request Form

IMP2R-6R IMP: Collaborative Student Faculty Inquiry 0 Online Rae Leeper M 7:00-9:00 PM 9/16, 10/21, 11/18, 12/16
The Collaborative Student-Faculty Inquiry is a one-semester small peer group option focused on a specific topic or issue. These topics, based on professional interests faculty would like to explore along with students, are posted each fall and spring. You identify a particular aspect of the topic or issue to investigate and, with your peers, determine a format in which to coordinate and present the findings. Students present their projects in mid-January or the week of graduation in May.

Title: Supporting Children with Disabilities in the Early Childhood and Childhood Classrooms

This faculty led inquiry group focuses on supporting students with disabilities in early childhood and childhood classrooms. Participants will share key readings from disability advocates and researchers in the field and create projects that incorporate those findings. All student projects should incorporate a social model of disability framework that understands disability as an aspect of identity and human diversity and not a condition to cure. Final projects can include a research paper, a training for your school communities, an individualized curriculum for a student and or a creative expression of their findings. There are four required virtual group meetings and two individual meetings to support participants in generating their projects. Participants must attend all meetings to successfully complete their IMP. Note: Students must have completed EDUC 803 and either EDUC 629, EDUC 525 or EDUC 807 as a prerequisite to join this collaborative faculty group.

Individual meetings will be scheduled between the 1st and 2nd group meeting as well as the 3rd and 4th group meeting.

Students will be asked to share a short version of their projects during the virtual IMP share which will be held during the January intersession. Exact dates will be available in September.

This IMP is for students in the Early and Childhood Special Education programs.

Contact the facilitator/instructor if there are questions about a specific inquiry. Registration is not allowed after the class has met.

This inquiry will meet online.

Please fill out this form to confirm your IMP request by August 1st:

IMP Request Form

IMP2R-7R IMP: Collaborative Student Faculty Inquiry 0 Online Valentine Burr, Jessica Charles T 4:45-6:45 PM 9/17, 10/15, 11/12, and 12/10
The Collaborative Student-Faculty Inquiry is a one-semester small peer group option focused on a specific topic or issue. These topics, based on professional interests faculty would like to explore along with students, are posted each fall and spring. You identify a particular aspect of the topic or issue to investigate and, with your peers, determine a format in which to coordinate and present the findings. Students present their projects in mid-January or the week of graduation in May.

Title: Teaching Citizen Science

Citizen science is collaborative, "crowd-sourced" approach to engaging in scientific inquiry. It has the potential to connect children to real world environmental and scientific questions as well as to local, national, and even global communities. In this group, you will explore citizen science through Cornell University's Urban Bird Curriculum, and work on developing a plan for implementing a citizen science project of your own choosing in your classroom or community.

Contact the facilitator/instructor if there are questions about a specific inquiry. Registration is not allowed after the class has met.

This inquiry will meet online.

Please fill out this form to confirm your IMP request by August 1st:

IMP Request Form

IMP3-1 IMP: Mentored Directed Essay 0 See Mentor Staff TBD See mentor
Students choosing to do a Mentored Directed Essay work with an assigned faculty mentor to design an essay that is based on existing, program-specific prepared questions. These questions are designed to help you think and write about the salient issues pertaining to your chosen area of study. Working with your mentor, you may adapt questions to support the distinctive needs of your professional growth, interests, and current work situation. This option is designed to provide structure and focus with maximum flexibility, and is intended to be completed within a single semester. This option is offered all semesters.

Please fill out this form to confirm your IMP request by August 1st:

IMP Request Form

If your Program Director approves your request, you will be registered for this IMP by your SSA.

Students will receive the name of their faculty mentor no later than the end of the add/drop period. Students completing a Mentored Directed Essay (MDE) should find the essay for their program and become familiar with the project before meeting with their mentors. To access the MDE, log into myBSC and go to:
Resources > Integrative Master's Project (IMP).

Child Life

Courses within this program are for Child Life students only.

Section Title Credits Rooms Instructor Days/Times Dates Status
EDUC500CR-1CR Child Development 3 Online Troy Pinkney TH 7:00-9:00 PM
In this course we will examine the interactions among the cognitive, social, emotional, linguistic, and physical development of children from infancy into adolescence. We will pay close attention to children as makers of meaning in the contexts of their development, including family, school, socioeconomic class, and culture. Through reading classic and current literature, we will attend to some of the larger questions about development, such as the relationship between nature and nurture, the role of developmental theory, and the tension between the search for developmental universals and the reality of individual differences. The goal is to make developmental theory vibrant and meaningful so that the generalized theoretical child comes to enhance and inform how one understands individual children. For Child Life students only.
This section is for students enrolled in Child Life programs only. This course will meet synchronously and asynchronously. You must be available for synchronous sessions each week throughout the semester. Your instructor will share the specific synchronous dates at your first session.
EDUC821CR-1CR Child Life in the Healthcare Setting: A Family-Centered Care Approach 3 Online Genevieve Lowry W 7:00-9:00 PM
This course provides an overview of the child life profession. It examines research and theory that inform family-centered clinical practice and programming for infants, children, adolescents, and emerging adults in healthcare and community settings. Participants will examine child life competencies, principles, and responsibilities, as developed by the Association of Child Life Professionals. Participants will consider access and equity issues as they relate to assessment, interventions, and practical strategies designed to support children and families facing acute and chronic illness and health conditions. Pre- or corequisite: EDUC 500. For Child Life students only.
This section is for students enrolled in Child Life programs only. This course will meet synchronously and asynchronously. You must be available for synchronous sessions each week throughout the semester. Your instructor will share the specific synchronous dates at your first session.
Pre- or co-requisite for EDUC821: EDUC 500.
EDUC822CR-1CR Children with Special Healthcare Needs: In the Hospital, at Home, and in School 3 Online Troy Pinkney T 7:00-9:00 PM
This course will explore the personal, educational, social, and familial dimensions of childhood health conditions, including a focus on the educational law and how it applies to children with special healthcare needs. Children with severe and chronic illness often spend more time in school and at home than in the hospital. We will address the impact of these transitions on cognitive, social, and emotional development through the use of vignettes. This course will address the ways in which workers in the healthcare, school, and community settings can help the children, their families, and their peers adapt successfully to the stressors they all encounter. Prerequisites: EDUC 500 and EDUC 821. For Child Life students only.
This section is for students enrolled in Child Life programs only. This course will meet synchronously and asynchronously. You must be available for synchronous sessions each week throughout the semester. Your instructor will share the specific synchronous dates at your first session.
Prerequisite(s) for EDUC822: EDUC 500 and EDUC 821 or permission of instructor
EDUC826CR-1CR Medical Aspects of Illness: A Child Life Perspective 3 Online Ria Hawks, Genevieve Lowry M 7:00-9:00 PM
This course provides students with an understanding of the development of a wide range of medical conditions which most frequently affect children and youth. Fundamental to understanding disability and illness is the necessity of having knowledge about the physical, neurological, and chemical roots of medical conditions which are alternately congenital, acquired, or genetic in their origin. Students will be introduced to research findings and standard practices of medical interventions and preparations for conditions highlighted in the course. Pre- or corequisite: EDUC 500. For Child Life students only.
This section is for students enrolled in Child Life programs only. This course will meet synchronously and asynchronously. You must be available for synchronous sessions each week throughout the semester. Your instructor will share the specific synchronous dates at your first session.
Pre- or co-requisite for EDUC826: EDUC 500.
EDUC830CR-1CR Research for Child Life Specialists 3 Online Sarah Daniels TH 7:00-9:00 PM
This course is designed to support child life practitioners in being effective generators and consumers of research.  In a changing health-care environment, research provides a  foundation for child life services,  validation of the therapeutic benefits of play and preparation, and justifies the continued development and support of child life programming provided by Certified Child Life Specialists. Participants will learn how to do action research using an inquiry-based approach. Participants will learn how to ask and analyze critical questions of practice grounded in a theoretical framework. Participants will gather and analyze data as a tool for making changes to child life practice and programming by learning to examine bias, perspective, and assumptions when conducting research and using findings. Prerequisite: EDUC 500. For Child Life students only.
This section is for students enrolled in Child Life programs only. This course will meet synchronously and asynchronously. You must be available for synchronous sessions each week throughout the semester. Your instructor will share the specific synchronous dates at your first session.
Prerequisite for EDUC 830: EDUC 500
EDUC950CR-1CR Clinical Experiences and Supervised Fieldwork: Children in Healthcare Settings 6 Online Deborah Vilas W 7:00-9:00 PM
Fieldwork in an approved child life internship with supervision and advisement. Graduate students participate in weekly small-group conferences with their advisor. These seminars include the exchange and analysis of ongoing professional experiences and provide a forum for integrating theory and practice. Attention is given to developing child life practice that supports the psychosocial and emotional needs of children, adolescents, and families. Graduate students examine and practice strategies for supporting the individual strengths and challenges of a broad range of children and adolescents within medical settings. Opportunities to collaborate with interdisciplinary members of the healthcare team are an integral part of the experience. Graduate students are responsible for securing their own hospital internships. For Child Life students only.
This section is for students enrolled in Child Life programs only. This course will meet synchronously. You must be available for synchronous sessions each week throughout the semester.
IMP2CR-1CR IMP: Collaborative Student Faculty Inquiry 0 Online Deborah Vilas TH 7:00-9:00 PM 9/19, 10/17, 11/21, 12/19
The Collaborative Student-Faculty Inquiry is a one-semester small peer group option focused on a specific topic or issue. These topics, based on professional interests faculty would like to explore along with students, are posted each fall and spring. You identify a particular aspect of the topic or issue to investigate and, with your peers, determine a format in which to coordinate and present the findings. Students present their projects in mid-January or the week of graduation in May. This section is for students in the Child Life program only.

Title: The Use of Bibliotherapy for Children in Crisis

Bibliotherapy is often used in hospital settings to support children's understanding of illness, identify and express emotions or validate experiences. Certified Child Life Specialists (CCLS) have used books to support children’s learning of a diagnosis or treatment, explore coping strategies, or as a way to demonstrate they are not alone. During our sessions, students will participate in a read-aloud of a different children’s story or book. Together we will map the themes that CCLS could integrate into a patient's/sibling’s plan of care addressing, psychological preparation, coping, play, and expressive arts. Students will develop their own book lists and create activities that align specific themes of the book with child life practice.

Contact the facilitator/instructor if there are questions about a specific inquiry. Registration is not allowed after the class has met.

This section will run online. For Child Life Students only.

Please fill out this form to confirm your IMP request by August 1st:

IMP Request Form

IMP2CR-2CR IMP: Collaborative Student Faculty Inquiry 0 Online Troy Pinkney W 7:00-9:00 PM 9/18, 10/16, 11/20, 12/18
The Collaborative Student-Faculty Inquiry is a one-semester small peer group option focused on a specific topic or issue. These topics, based on professional interests faculty would like to explore along with students, are posted each fall and spring. You identify a particular aspect of the topic or issue to investigate and, with your peers, determine a format in which to coordinate and present the findings. Students present their projects in mid-January or the week of graduation in May. This section is for students in the Child Life program only.

Title: Courageous Conversations in Child Life Practice

This interactive inquiry will delve into the influence of race on the healthcare of pediatric patients and their families. Using the text 'Courageous Conversations by Glenn E. Singleton as our guide, participants will actively develop strategies to support health and resilience in inpatient and outpatient care settings. Furthermore, participants will reflect on the impact of race on their own lives and the experiences of others. The ultimate aim of this IMP is to isolate specific racial perspectives, unpack their implications, and engage with them meaningfully. This process will enrich our collective understanding and lead to tangible improvements in our professional practice. To provide culturally responsive care, we must understand how race has impacted our lived experience, the experiences of the multidisciplinary team, and the patients and families with whom we provide child life services.

Contact the facilitator/instructor if there are questions about a specific inquiry. Registration is not allowed after the class has met.

This section will run online. For Child Life Students only.

Please fill out this form to confirm your IMP request by August 1st:

IMP Request Form

Childhood General and Special Education Online Program

These courses are only for students enrolled in a fully online degree program.

Section Title Credits Rooms Instructor Days/Times Dates Status
EDUC500ESR-1ESR Child Development 3 Online Genevieve Lowry TH 7:00-9:00 PM
In this course we will examine the interactions among the cognitive, social, emotional, linguistic, and physical development of children from infancy into adolescence. We will pay close attention to children as makers of meaning in the contexts of their development, including family, school, socioeconomic class, and culture. Through reading classic and current literature, we will attend to some of the larger questions about development, such as the relationship between nature and nurture, the role of developmental theory, and the tension between the search for developmental universals and the reality of individual differences. The goal is to make developmental theory vibrant and meaningful so that the generalized theoretical child comes to enhance and inform how one understands individual children. For students in fully-online programs only.
This section is for students enrolled in fully online programs only. This course will meet synchronously and asynchronously. You must be available for synchronous sessions each week throughout the semester. Your instructor will share the specific synchronous dates at your first session.
EDUC505ESR-1ESR Language Acquisition and Learning in a Linguistically Diverse Society 2 Online Pamela Jones M 7:00-9:00 PM
Based on the belief that language is an essential foundation for learning, this course addresses the typical processes of language acquisition in mono- and multilingual learners. Participants will examine theories of language acquisition and the role that caregivers and educators play in the development of language. In addition, participants will analyze historical, political, educational, social, and emotional factors that influence the socially constructed hierarchies of language varieties. A significant part of the course will be devoted to students who learn English as an additional language. Participants will learn how to use assessment of mono- and multilingual learners to identify appropriate instructional practices for social and academic language use in a range of educational settings. Course participants will also learn about ways of collaborating with families, colleagues, specialists, administrators, and interpreters. This course is for students in the Online Early Childhood and Childhood Programs only. Permission of the Director is needed for all other students. For students in fully-online programs only.
This section is for students enrolled in fully online programs only. This course will meet synchronously and asynchronously. You must be available for synchronous sessions each week throughout the semester. Your instructor will share the specific synchronous dates at your first session.
EDUC535ESR-1ESR Science for Teachers (Grades N – 6) 2 Online Robert Wallace M 7:00-9:00 PM
Science for Teachers focuses on developing a science way of thinking and doing in PreK-6th grade classrooms. Each session deepens an understanding that doing science requires direct sensory encounters with the physical world. By experiencing first-hand investigations of physical and biological materials and related phenomena, participants create a range of representations that can uncover existing patterns and concepts. Discussions, readings, and reflective writings deepen and broaden work done with physical materials. Participants will reflect on their own learning as they work to construct meaningful science experiences that respond to the developmental levels of their students and affirm students’ cultural, linguistic, and learning diversity. The course explores evidence-based ways of making sense of the world that support the integration of science inquiry across the curriculum. For students in fully-online programs only.
This section is for students enrolled in fully online programs only. This course will meet synchronously and asynchronously. You must be available for synchronous sessions each week throughout the semester. Your instructor will share the specific synchronous dates at your first session.
EDUC605SR-1SR Designing and Managing Classroom Environments in Inclusive and Special Education Settings 3 Online Pamela Jones TH 7:00-9:00 PM
This course is designed to help participants create classroom environments that will meet the needs of all children, including those with developmental variations. Addressing the concerns of both general and special education teachers, it incorporates presentations, role-playing, discussions, analyses of multimedia content, and informal diagnostic procedures. Participants examine the complexities of teachers’ day-to-day responsibilities and concerns, including classroom design, varied approaches to behavioral intervention, and the interplay among curricula, rules, expectations, routines, procedures, and children’s behavior. For Childhood Special and General Education Online students only.
This section is for students enrolled in fully online programs only. This course will meet synchronously and asynchronously. You must be available for synchronous sessions each week throughout the semester. Your instructor will share the specific synchronous dates at your first session.
EDUC930ESR-1ESR Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement 6 Online Staff TBD W 7:00-9:00 PM
Fieldwork in appropriate settings with supervision and advisement. Candidates in advisement participate in weekly small-group conferences with their advisor. These seminars include the exchange and analysis of ongoing professional experiences and provide a forum for integrating theory with practice. Participants will develop their capacity to construct learning environments and communities that support the development of infants, children, and/or adolescents, depending on the focus of their program. Opportunities to collaborate and co-teach with cooperating teachers and other setting personnel are an integral part of the course. This is part one of two semesters of supervised fieldwork. The second part is EDUC931ESR. For students in fully-online programs only.
This section is for students enrolled in fully online programs only. This course will meet synchronously. You must be available for synchronous sessions each week throughout the semester.
EDUC994ESR-1ESR Extended Field Experiences 1 Online Staff TBD W 7:00-9:00 PM Cancelled
This one-credit course provides working teachers, interns, and assistant teachers the opportunity to meet the mandated New York State regulations for certification. The State regulations require teacher candidates to work in an additional grade band level in a high needs public setting, according to the age band of their certification. In addition, there may be an expectation of direct work with English language learners (ELLs) and/or students with IEPs. Graduate students will be placed in appropriate educational programs for at least 50 hours. In addition, graduate students will participate in a series of seminars focused on these classroom experiences. For students in fully-online programs only.
This section is for students enrolled in fully online programs only. This course will meet synchronously. You must be available for synchronous sessions each week throughout the semester.
IMP2-2 IMP: Collaborative Student Faculty Inquiry 0 702 Kim McLeveighn-Helper, Mark Nagasawa T 7:00-9:00 PM 9/10, 10/8, 11/12, and 12/10
The Collaborative Student-Faculty Inquiry is a one-semester small peer group option focused on a specific topic or issue. These topics, based on professional interests faculty would like to explore along with students, are posted each fall and spring. You identify a particular aspect of the topic or issue to investigate and, with your peers, determine a format in which to coordinate and present the findings. Students present their projects in mid-January or the week of graduation in May.

Title: There Can Be No Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Without Disabled Teachers

As calls for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in higher education came to a crescendo, including at Bank Street, a glaring absence in these conversations was the invisibility of disabled* teachers in teacher education. While the inclusion of intersectionally-disabled students has long been a focus in education, we think equitable education necessitates parallel commitments to going beyond "including" intersectionally-disabled teachers to viewing them as essential "mirrors in classrooms." Our collaborative inquiry will focus on questions of what these supports should look like and how rethinking inclusion in teacher education could translate into more welcoming schools for children. Our potential projects might include accessibility mapping, social story development, curricular analyses, critical personal narratives, or practical guidance on universal design for learning.

* We use this term in recognition of the ways ableist policies, procedures, and exclusionary spaces (built and social) disable folx.

Contact the facilitator/instructor if there are questions about a specific inquiry. Registration is not allowed after the class has met.

This section will run hybrid. Students may attend in-person or via zoom.

Please fill out this form to confirm your IMP request by August 1st:

IMP Request Form

IMP2-3 IMP: Collaborative Student Faculty Inquiry 0 703 Niles Mattier W 7:00-9:00 PM 9/18, 10/16, 11/20, 12/18
The Collaborative Student-Faculty Inquiry is a one-semester small peer group option focused on a specific topic or issue. These topics, based on professional interests faculty would like to explore along with students, are posted each fall and spring. You identify a particular aspect of the topic or issue to investigate and, with your peers, determine a format in which to coordinate and present the findings. Students present their projects in mid-January or the week of graduation in May.

Title: Between the Branches: A Critical Need for Civics Education

In this group, graduate students will investigate the role of civics education in 21st century K-12 classrooms. Through collaboration with peers, we'll consider both opportunities and challenges for exploring civics with children. Then, graduate students will develop a mini-unit that supports children in forging connections between the past and present, helping them to craft a better future.

Contact the facilitator/instructor if there are questions about a specific inquiry. Registration is not allowed after the class has met.

This section will run hybrid. Students may attend in-person or via zoom.

Please fill out this form to confirm your IMP request by August 1st:

IMP Request Form

IMP2R-1R IMP: Collaborative Student Faculty Inquiry 0 Online Katie Caster W 4:45-6:45 PM 9/18, 10/16, 11/13, 12/11
The Collaborative Student-Faculty Inquiry is a one-semester small peer group option focused on a specific topic or issue. These topics, based on professional interests faculty would like to explore along with students, are posted each fall and spring. You identify a particular aspect of the topic or issue to investigate and, with your peers, determine a format in which to coordinate and present the findings. Students present their projects in mid-January or the week of graduation in May.

Title: Indigenous Ways of Knowing within the Classroom

This joint exploration between students and faculty will center on cultivating Indigenous ways of knowing within the classroom and curriculum.

Contact the facilitator/instructor if there are questions about a specific inquiry. Registration is not allowed after the class has met.

This inquiry will meet online.

Please fill out this form to confirm your IMP request by August 1st:

IMP Request Form

IMP2R-2R IMP: Collaborative Student Faculty Inquiry 0 Online Romelle Moore, Michele Ryan T 4:45-6:45 PM 9/17, 10/15, 11/12, 12/10
The Collaborative Student-Faculty Inquiry is a one-semester small peer group option focused on a specific topic or issue. These topics, based on professional interests faculty would like to explore along with students, are posted each fall and spring. You identify a particular aspect of the topic or issue to investigate and, with your peers, determine a format in which to coordinate and present the findings. Students present their projects in mid-January or the week of graduation in May.

Title: Using Emotionally Responsive Practice (ERP) in the Classroom Setting

This IMP offers a unique opportunity to develop your understanding of the concepts and techniques that are the foundation of Emotionally Responsive Practice, as developed by Lesley Koplow, LCSW. The IMP is also practice-based, meaning that you will bring these concepts and techniques into your professional setting.

Contact erp@bankstreet.edu if there are questions about a specific inquiry. Registration is not allowed after the class has met.

This inquiry will meet online.

Please fill out this form to confirm your IMP request by August 1st:

IMP Request Form

IMP2R-3R IMP: Collaborative Student Faculty Inquiry 0 Online Carmen Colón, Troy Pinkney T 4:45-6:45 PM 9/10, 10/8, 11/12, 12/10
The Collaborative Student-Faculty Inquiry is a one-semester small peer group option focused on a specific topic or issue. These topics, based on professional interests faculty would like to explore along with students, are posted each fall and spring. You identify a particular aspect of the topic or issue to investigate and, with your peers, determine a format in which to coordinate and present the findings. Students present their projects in mid-January or the week of graduation in May.

Title: Centering the strength of Black and Brown children in schools

Students will embark on a collaborative journey, exploring how children of color experience race in their classroom and its impact on their learning. Through this, they will work together to shape their educational environment, exploring current practices in their school and developing strategies to break down barriers and preconceived notions about the presence of black and brown children in academic spaces and learning communities. They will design a curriculum outlining experiences for a 3-4 week unit and develop 1 lesson plan, choosing the beginning, developing, or culminating phases. Lessons /experiences will build on one another to support their racial development.

Contact the facilitator/instructor if there are questions about a specific inquiry. Registration is not allowed after the class has met.

This inquiry will meet online.

Please fill out this form to confirm your IMP request by August 1st:

IMP Request Form

IMP2R-4R IMP: Collaborative Student Faculty Inquiry 0 Online Gil Schmerler M 7:00-9:00 PM 9/16, 10/21, 11/25, 12/16
The Collaborative Student-Faculty Inquiry is a one-semester small peer group option focused on a specific topic or issue. These topics, based on professional interests faculty would like to explore along with students, are posted each fall and spring. You identify a particular aspect of the topic or issue to investigate and, with your peers, determine a format in which to coordinate and present the findings. Students present their projects in mid-January or the week of graduation in May.

Title: Teacher Leadership

Bank Street-educated teachers are invariably called on for leadership in their schools, yet their preparation programs do not often have room for learning to promote collaboration, peer coaching, and advocacy. This collaborative inquiry provides the opportunity for students to investigate and practice the skills to become teacher leaders and, in general, to inspire, support, and coach their colleagues in improving instructional practice and creating stronger cultures in their workplaces. Participants typically create case studies and/or descriptive analyses of teacher leadership in their own school sites (or, alternatively, a school to which they have ready access).

Contact the facilitator/instructor if there are questions about a specific inquiry. Registration is not allowed after the class has met.

This inquiry will meet online.

Please fill out this form to confirm your IMP request by August 1st:

IMP Request Form

IMP2R-5R IMP: Collaborative Student Faculty Inquiry 0 Online Tyler Jennings TH 7:00-9:00 PM 9/5, 10/10, 11/7, 12/5
The Collaborative Student-Faculty Inquiry is a one-semester small peer group option focused on a specific topic or issue. These topics, based on professional interests faculty would like to explore along with students, are posted each fall and spring. You identify a particular aspect of the topic or issue to investigate and, with your peers, determine a format in which to coordinate and present the findings. Students present their projects in mid-January or the week of graduation in May.

Title: Gender and Sexualities in Education

In this IMP, we will focus on three inter-related aspects of gender and sexualities in the context of education:

1. In alignment with childhood and adolescent development, what might be important and relevant for students to understand about gender and/or sexualities through the developmental stages of K-8 education?

2. In what ways could students engage in critical gender studies and/or critical sexualities studies through these developmental stages? That is, in what ways could they examine gender and sexualities within larger societal contexts and in relation to issues of (in)justice and (in)equity?

3. What is the history of gender education and sexualities education in the US context, and what implications might our explorations of questions #1 and #2 have upon the future of gender and sexualities education?

Contact the facilitator/instructor if there are questions about a specific inquiry. Registration is not allowed after the class has met.

This inquiry will meet online.

Please fill out this form to confirm your IMP request by August 1st:

IMP Request Form

IMP2R-6R IMP: Collaborative Student Faculty Inquiry 0 Online Rae Leeper M 7:00-9:00 PM 9/16, 10/21, 11/18, 12/16
The Collaborative Student-Faculty Inquiry is a one-semester small peer group option focused on a specific topic or issue. These topics, based on professional interests faculty would like to explore along with students, are posted each fall and spring. You identify a particular aspect of the topic or issue to investigate and, with your peers, determine a format in which to coordinate and present the findings. Students present their projects in mid-January or the week of graduation in May.

Title: Supporting Children with Disabilities in the Early Childhood and Childhood Classrooms

This faculty led inquiry group focuses on supporting students with disabilities in early childhood and childhood classrooms. Participants will share key readings from disability advocates and researchers in the field and create projects that incorporate those findings. All student projects should incorporate a social model of disability framework that understands disability as an aspect of identity and human diversity and not a condition to cure. Final projects can include a research paper, a training for your school communities, an individualized curriculum for a student and or a creative expression of their findings. There are four required virtual group meetings and two individual meetings to support participants in generating their projects. Participants must attend all meetings to successfully complete their IMP. Note: Students must have completed EDUC 803 and either EDUC 629, EDUC 525 or EDUC 807 as a prerequisite to join this collaborative faculty group.

Individual meetings will be scheduled between the 1st and 2nd group meeting as well as the 3rd and 4th group meeting.

Students will be asked to share a short version of their projects during the virtual IMP share which will be held during the January intersession. Exact dates will be available in September.

This IMP is for students in the Early and Childhood Special Education programs.

Contact the facilitator/instructor if there are questions about a specific inquiry. Registration is not allowed after the class has met.

This inquiry will meet online.

Please fill out this form to confirm your IMP request by August 1st:

IMP Request Form

IMP3ESR-1ESR IMP: Mentored Directed Essay 0 Online Staff TBD See mentor
Students choosing to do a Mentored Directed Essay work with an assigned faculty mentor to design an essay that is based on existing, program-specific prepared questions. These questions are designed to help you think and write about the salient issues pertaining to your chosen area of study. Working with your mentor, you may adapt questions to support the distinctive needs of your professional growth, interests, and current work situation. This option is designed to provide structure and focus with maximum flexibility, and is intended to be completed within a single semester. This option is offered all semesters. For students in fully-online programs only.

Please fill out this form to confirm your IMP request by August 1st:

IMP Request Form

If your Program Director approves your request, you will be registered for this IMP by your SSA.

Students will receive the name of their faculty mentor no later than the end of the add/drop period. Students completing a Mentored Directed Essay (MDE) should find the essay for their program and become familiar with the project before meeting with their mentors. To access the MDE, log into myBSC and go to:
Resources > Integrative Master's Project (IMP).

IS500ESR-1ESR IMP: Independent Study 0 Online Staff TBD See mentor
The Independent Study is an original work that you initiate, often growing out of a meaningful course assignment or an idea, question, or experience rooted in a fieldwork or work setting. Students work with a faculty mentor who has expertise in the particular area of study. The Independent Study usually includes two semesters of research and writing, and is most closely aligned with a traditional master’s thesis. Independent Studies are made accessible to the public though the Bank Street Library's online catalogue. For students in fully-online programs only.

This IMP is for students who have not yet begun their Independent Study. Students continuing an Independent Study from a previous semester should contact their SSA for registration.

To register, please fill out this form to confirm your IMP request by August 1st:

IMP Request Form

If your Program Director approves your request, you will be registered for this IMP by your SSA.

IMPORTANT NOTE: In order to be registered for an Independent Study (IS500) you must have already secured a faculty mentor who has reviewed your Independent Study (IS) proposal and has committed to serve as your IS mentor.

PF500R-1R IMP: Portfolio 0 Online Staff TBD See mentor
The Portfolio takes the form of a series of reflective essays developed through an emergent process of collecting documents and objects called artifacts which are significant markers of pivotal experiences in your professional and personal development. Students work with a faculty mentor as well as a small peer group throughout the fall and spring semesters. Students present their Portfolios the evening before graduation in May. (Students who elect this option must apply by June 30th.)

To register, please fill out this form to confirm your IMP request by August 1st:

IMP Request Form

If your Program Director approves your request, you will be registered for Portfolio by your SSA.

Early Childhood General and Special Education Online Program

These courses are only for students enrolled in a fully online degree program.

Section Title Credits Rooms Instructor Days/Times Dates Status
EDUC500ESR-1ESR Child Development 3 Online Genevieve Lowry TH 7:00-9:00 PM
In this course we will examine the interactions among the cognitive, social, emotional, linguistic, and physical development of children from infancy into adolescence. We will pay close attention to children as makers of meaning in the contexts of their development, including family, school, socioeconomic class, and culture. Through reading classic and current literature, we will attend to some of the larger questions about development, such as the relationship between nature and nurture, the role of developmental theory, and the tension between the search for developmental universals and the reality of individual differences. The goal is to make developmental theory vibrant and meaningful so that the generalized theoretical child comes to enhance and inform how one understands individual children. For students in fully-online programs only.
This section is for students enrolled in fully online programs only. This course will meet synchronously and asynchronously. You must be available for synchronous sessions each week throughout the semester. Your instructor will share the specific synchronous dates at your first session.
EDUC505ESR-1ESR Language Acquisition and Learning in a Linguistically Diverse Society 2 Online Pamela Jones M 7:00-9:00 PM
Based on the belief that language is an essential foundation for learning, this course addresses the typical processes of language acquisition in mono- and multilingual learners. Participants will examine theories of language acquisition and the role that caregivers and educators play in the development of language. In addition, participants will analyze historical, political, educational, social, and emotional factors that influence the socially constructed hierarchies of language varieties. A significant part of the course will be devoted to students who learn English as an additional language. Participants will learn how to use assessment of mono- and multilingual learners to identify appropriate instructional practices for social and academic language use in a range of educational settings. Course participants will also learn about ways of collaborating with families, colleagues, specialists, administrators, and interpreters. This course is for students in the Online Early Childhood and Childhood Programs only. Permission of the Director is needed for all other students. For students in fully-online programs only.
This section is for students enrolled in fully online programs only. This course will meet synchronously and asynchronously. You must be available for synchronous sessions each week throughout the semester. Your instructor will share the specific synchronous dates at your first session.
EDUC535ESR-1ESR Science for Teachers (Grades N – 6) 2 Online Robert Wallace M 7:00-9:00 PM
Science for Teachers focuses on developing a science way of thinking and doing in PreK-6th grade classrooms. Each session deepens an understanding that doing science requires direct sensory encounters with the physical world. By experiencing first-hand investigations of physical and biological materials and related phenomena, participants create a range of representations that can uncover existing patterns and concepts. Discussions, readings, and reflective writings deepen and broaden work done with physical materials. Participants will reflect on their own learning as they work to construct meaningful science experiences that respond to the developmental levels of their students and affirm students’ cultural, linguistic, and learning diversity. The course explores evidence-based ways of making sense of the world that support the integration of science inquiry across the curriculum. For students in fully-online programs only.
This section is for students enrolled in fully online programs only. This course will meet synchronously and asynchronously. You must be available for synchronous sessions each week throughout the semester. Your instructor will share the specific synchronous dates at your first session.
EDUC564ER-1ER Language, Literature, and Emergent Literacy in the Primary Grades 3 Online Xiania Foster TH 7:00-9:00 PM
This course examines the role of literature in children’s lives. Participants develop criteria for selecting literature for children, considering factors including but not limited to child development, aesthetics, language, and culture, as well as children’s interests and curiosities. Through active engagement with books, artifacts, and ideas, participants gain an understanding of the role of literature in language development in children’s primary and new languages. Participants will examine ways to use literature from a wide range of genres and perspectives for reading aloud, honoring and stimulating children’s storytelling, and for deepening learning across content areas. For students in fully-online programs only.
This section is for students enrolled in fully online programs only. This course will meet synchronously and asynchronously. You must be available for synchronous sessions each week throughout the semester. Your instructor will share the specific synchronous dates at your first session.
EDUC564ER-2ER Language, Literature, and Emergent Literacy in the Primary Grades 3 Online Yumiko Higaki TH 7:00-9:00 PM
This course examines the role of literature in children’s lives. Participants develop criteria for selecting literature for children, considering factors including but not limited to child development, aesthetics, language, and culture, as well as children’s interests and curiosities. Through active engagement with books, artifacts, and ideas, participants gain an understanding of the role of literature in language development in children’s primary and new languages. Participants will examine ways to use literature from a wide range of genres and perspectives for reading aloud, honoring and stimulating children’s storytelling, and for deepening learning across content areas. For students in fully-online programs only.
This section is for students enrolled in fully online programs only. This course will meet synchronously and asynchronously. You must be available for synchronous sessions each week throughout the semester. Your instructor will share the specific synchronous dates at your first session.
EDUC869ER-1ER Supporting Early Language and Literacy for Children with Developmental Variations (Birth-8) 2 Online Antonia Bendezu T 7:00-9:00 PM
This course examines communication, language, and literacy as they emerge in monolingual and multilingual children from infancy through early childhood. Participants examine how language, socialization, communicative competence, and literacy develop within, and are impacted by, children’s sociocultural contexts.  Participants are introduced to communication disorders and other learning variations of the early years that affect language and literacy learning.  Specific practices are identified to enhance the experience of young children who are receiving services in school as English language learners. Modifications and adaptations to support children with learning variations are explored. Prerequisite: EDUC 500; pre- or corequisite: EDUC 505. For students in fully-online programs only.
This section is for students enrolled in fully online programs only. This course will meet synchronously and asynchronously. You must be available for synchronous sessions each week throughout the semester. Your instructor will share the specific synchronous dates at your first session.
EDUC869ER-2ER Supporting Early Language and Literacy for Children with Developmental Variations (Birth-8) 2 Online Samantha Diaz T 7:00-9:00 PM
This course examines communication, language, and literacy as they emerge in monolingual and multilingual children from infancy through early childhood. Participants examine how language, socialization, communicative competence, and literacy develop within, and are impacted by, children’s sociocultural contexts.  Participants are introduced to communication disorders and other learning variations of the early years that affect language and literacy learning.  Specific practices are identified to enhance the experience of young children who are receiving services in school as English language learners. Modifications and adaptations to support children with learning variations are explored. Prerequisite: EDUC 500; pre- or corequisite: EDUC 505. For students in fully-online programs only.
This section is for students enrolled in fully online programs only. This course will meet synchronously and asynchronously. You must be available for synchronous sessions each week throughout the semester. Your instructor will share the specific synchronous dates at your first session.
EDUC894ER-1ER Early Childhood Practicum I: Observing a Child through Family/Cultural Contexts 2 Online Carmen Colón T 7:00-9:00 PM
Early Childhood Practicum I and II is a year-long course that provides graduate students the opportunity to integrate theory and practice as they work with a child and family.  Practicum I focuses on: 1) observation as the foundation of early childhood assessment and 2) culturally sustaining, family-based practice. Participants learn to observe and record children’s behavior in home, school, and community settings. Through regular observations, participants construct a respectful and increasingly complex understanding of the child within his/her sociocultural context.  Special emphasis is placed on recognizing the strengths of the child and family.  Participants develop greater awareness of their own perspectives and the ways their personal experiences affect what they notice and how they interpret their observations. Participants begin to integrate adult development, family systems theory, and cultural/linguistic diversity as a basis for developing relationships with the child’s family. This work provides a foundation for Practicum II. Prerequisite: EDUC 803. For students in fully-online programs only.
This section is for students enrolled in fully online programs only. This course will meet synchronously and asynchronously. You must be available for synchronous sessions each week throughout the semester. Your instructor will share the specific synchronous dates at your first session.
EDUC930ESR-1ESR Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement 6 Online Staff TBD W 7:00-9:00 PM
Fieldwork in appropriate settings with supervision and advisement. Candidates in advisement participate in weekly small-group conferences with their advisor. These seminars include the exchange and analysis of ongoing professional experiences and provide a forum for integrating theory with practice. Participants will develop their capacity to construct learning environments and communities that support the development of infants, children, and/or adolescents, depending on the focus of their program. Opportunities to collaborate and co-teach with cooperating teachers and other setting personnel are an integral part of the course. This is part one of two semesters of supervised fieldwork. The second part is EDUC931ESR. For students in fully-online programs only.
This section is for students enrolled in fully online programs only. This course will meet synchronously. You must be available for synchronous sessions each week throughout the semester.
EDUC994ESR-1ESR Extended Field Experiences 1 Online Staff TBD W 7:00-9:00 PM Cancelled
This one-credit course provides working teachers, interns, and assistant teachers the opportunity to meet the mandated New York State regulations for certification. The State regulations require teacher candidates to work in an additional grade band level in a high needs public setting, according to the age band of their certification. In addition, there may be an expectation of direct work with English language learners (ELLs) and/or students with IEPs. Graduate students will be placed in appropriate educational programs for at least 50 hours. In addition, graduate students will participate in a series of seminars focused on these classroom experiences. For students in fully-online programs only.
This section is for students enrolled in fully online programs only. This course will meet synchronously. You must be available for synchronous sessions each week throughout the semester.
IMP2-2 IMP: Collaborative Student Faculty Inquiry 0 702 Kim McLeveighn-Helper, Mark Nagasawa T 7:00-9:00 PM 9/10, 10/8, 11/12, and 12/10
The Collaborative Student-Faculty Inquiry is a one-semester small peer group option focused on a specific topic or issue. These topics, based on professional interests faculty would like to explore along with students, are posted each fall and spring. You identify a particular aspect of the topic or issue to investigate and, with your peers, determine a format in which to coordinate and present the findings. Students present their projects in mid-January or the week of graduation in May.

Title: There Can Be No Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Without Disabled Teachers

As calls for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in higher education came to a crescendo, including at Bank Street, a glaring absence in these conversations was the invisibility of disabled* teachers in teacher education. While the inclusion of intersectionally-disabled students has long been a focus in education, we think equitable education necessitates parallel commitments to going beyond "including" intersectionally-disabled teachers to viewing them as essential "mirrors in classrooms." Our collaborative inquiry will focus on questions of what these supports should look like and how rethinking inclusion in teacher education could translate into more welcoming schools for children. Our potential projects might include accessibility mapping, social story development, curricular analyses, critical personal narratives, or practical guidance on universal design for learning.

* We use this term in recognition of the ways ableist policies, procedures, and exclusionary spaces (built and social) disable folx.

Contact the facilitator/instructor if there are questions about a specific inquiry. Registration is not allowed after the class has met.

This section will run hybrid. Students may attend in-person or via zoom.

Please fill out this form to confirm your IMP request by August 1st:

IMP Request Form

IMP2-3 IMP: Collaborative Student Faculty Inquiry 0 703 Niles Mattier W 7:00-9:00 PM 9/18, 10/16, 11/20, 12/18
The Collaborative Student-Faculty Inquiry is a one-semester small peer group option focused on a specific topic or issue. These topics, based on professional interests faculty would like to explore along with students, are posted each fall and spring. You identify a particular aspect of the topic or issue to investigate and, with your peers, determine a format in which to coordinate and present the findings. Students present their projects in mid-January or the week of graduation in May.

Title: Between the Branches: A Critical Need for Civics Education

In this group, graduate students will investigate the role of civics education in 21st century K-12 classrooms. Through collaboration with peers, we'll consider both opportunities and challenges for exploring civics with children. Then, graduate students will develop a mini-unit that supports children in forging connections between the past and present, helping them to craft a better future.

Contact the facilitator/instructor if there are questions about a specific inquiry. Registration is not allowed after the class has met.

This section will run hybrid. Students may attend in-person or via zoom.

Please fill out this form to confirm your IMP request by August 1st:

IMP Request Form

IMP2R-1R IMP: Collaborative Student Faculty Inquiry 0 Online Katie Caster W 4:45-6:45 PM 9/18, 10/16, 11/13, 12/11
The Collaborative Student-Faculty Inquiry is a one-semester small peer group option focused on a specific topic or issue. These topics, based on professional interests faculty would like to explore along with students, are posted each fall and spring. You identify a particular aspect of the topic or issue to investigate and, with your peers, determine a format in which to coordinate and present the findings. Students present their projects in mid-January or the week of graduation in May.

Title: Indigenous Ways of Knowing within the Classroom

This joint exploration between students and faculty will center on cultivating Indigenous ways of knowing within the classroom and curriculum.

Contact the facilitator/instructor if there are questions about a specific inquiry. Registration is not allowed after the class has met.

This inquiry will meet online.

Please fill out this form to confirm your IMP request by August 1st:

IMP Request Form

IMP2R-2R IMP: Collaborative Student Faculty Inquiry 0 Online Romelle Moore, Michele Ryan T 4:45-6:45 PM 9/17, 10/15, 11/12, 12/10
The Collaborative Student-Faculty Inquiry is a one-semester small peer group option focused on a specific topic or issue. These topics, based on professional interests faculty would like to explore along with students, are posted each fall and spring. You identify a particular aspect of the topic or issue to investigate and, with your peers, determine a format in which to coordinate and present the findings. Students present their projects in mid-January or the week of graduation in May.

Title: Using Emotionally Responsive Practice (ERP) in the Classroom Setting

This IMP offers a unique opportunity to develop your understanding of the concepts and techniques that are the foundation of Emotionally Responsive Practice, as developed by Lesley Koplow, LCSW. The IMP is also practice-based, meaning that you will bring these concepts and techniques into your professional setting.

Contact erp@bankstreet.edu if there are questions about a specific inquiry. Registration is not allowed after the class has met.

This inquiry will meet online.

Please fill out this form to confirm your IMP request by August 1st:

IMP Request Form

IMP2R-3R IMP: Collaborative Student Faculty Inquiry 0 Online Carmen Colón, Troy Pinkney T 4:45-6:45 PM 9/10, 10/8, 11/12, 12/10
The Collaborative Student-Faculty Inquiry is a one-semester small peer group option focused on a specific topic or issue. These topics, based on professional interests faculty would like to explore along with students, are posted each fall and spring. You identify a particular aspect of the topic or issue to investigate and, with your peers, determine a format in which to coordinate and present the findings. Students present their projects in mid-January or the week of graduation in May.

Title: Centering the strength of Black and Brown children in schools

Students will embark on a collaborative journey, exploring how children of color experience race in their classroom and its impact on their learning. Through this, they will work together to shape their educational environment, exploring current practices in their school and developing strategies to break down barriers and preconceived notions about the presence of black and brown children in academic spaces and learning communities. They will design a curriculum outlining experiences for a 3-4 week unit and develop 1 lesson plan, choosing the beginning, developing, or culminating phases. Lessons /experiences will build on one another to support their racial development.

Contact the facilitator/instructor if there are questions about a specific inquiry. Registration is not allowed after the class has met.

This inquiry will meet online.

Please fill out this form to confirm your IMP request by August 1st:

IMP Request Form

IMP2R-4R IMP: Collaborative Student Faculty Inquiry 0 Online Gil Schmerler M 7:00-9:00 PM 9/16, 10/21, 11/25, 12/16
The Collaborative Student-Faculty Inquiry is a one-semester small peer group option focused on a specific topic or issue. These topics, based on professional interests faculty would like to explore along with students, are posted each fall and spring. You identify a particular aspect of the topic or issue to investigate and, with your peers, determine a format in which to coordinate and present the findings. Students present their projects in mid-January or the week of graduation in May.

Title: Teacher Leadership

Bank Street-educated teachers are invariably called on for leadership in their schools, yet their preparation programs do not often have room for learning to promote collaboration, peer coaching, and advocacy. This collaborative inquiry provides the opportunity for students to investigate and practice the skills to become teacher leaders and, in general, to inspire, support, and coach their colleagues in improving instructional practice and creating stronger cultures in their workplaces. Participants typically create case studies and/or descriptive analyses of teacher leadership in their own school sites (or, alternatively, a school to which they have ready access).

Contact the facilitator/instructor if there are questions about a specific inquiry. Registration is not allowed after the class has met.

This inquiry will meet online.

Please fill out this form to confirm your IMP request by August 1st:

IMP Request Form

IMP2R-5R IMP: Collaborative Student Faculty Inquiry 0 Online Tyler Jennings TH 7:00-9:00 PM 9/5, 10/10, 11/7, 12/5
The Collaborative Student-Faculty Inquiry is a one-semester small peer group option focused on a specific topic or issue. These topics, based on professional interests faculty would like to explore along with students, are posted each fall and spring. You identify a particular aspect of the topic or issue to investigate and, with your peers, determine a format in which to coordinate and present the findings. Students present their projects in mid-January or the week of graduation in May.

Title: Gender and Sexualities in Education

In this IMP, we will focus on three inter-related aspects of gender and sexualities in the context of education:

1. In alignment with childhood and adolescent development, what might be important and relevant for students to understand about gender and/or sexualities through the developmental stages of K-8 education?

2. In what ways could students engage in critical gender studies and/or critical sexualities studies through these developmental stages? That is, in what ways could they examine gender and sexualities within larger societal contexts and in relation to issues of (in)justice and (in)equity?

3. What is the history of gender education and sexualities education in the US context, and what implications might our explorations of questions #1 and #2 have upon the future of gender and sexualities education?

Contact the facilitator/instructor if there are questions about a specific inquiry. Registration is not allowed after the class has met.

This inquiry will meet online.

Please fill out this form to confirm your IMP request by August 1st:

IMP Request Form

IMP2R-6R IMP: Collaborative Student Faculty Inquiry 0 Online Rae Leeper M 7:00-9:00 PM 9/16, 10/21, 11/18, 12/16
The Collaborative Student-Faculty Inquiry is a one-semester small peer group option focused on a specific topic or issue. These topics, based on professional interests faculty would like to explore along with students, are posted each fall and spring. You identify a particular aspect of the topic or issue to investigate and, with your peers, determine a format in which to coordinate and present the findings. Students present their projects in mid-January or the week of graduation in May.

Title: Supporting Children with Disabilities in the Early Childhood and Childhood Classrooms

This faculty led inquiry group focuses on supporting students with disabilities in early childhood and childhood classrooms. Participants will share key readings from disability advocates and researchers in the field and create projects that incorporate those findings. All student projects should incorporate a social model of disability framework that understands disability as an aspect of identity and human diversity and not a condition to cure. Final projects can include a research paper, a training for your school communities, an individualized curriculum for a student and or a creative expression of their findings. There are four required virtual group meetings and two individual meetings to support participants in generating their projects. Participants must attend all meetings to successfully complete their IMP. Note: Students must have completed EDUC 803 and either EDUC 629, EDUC 525 or EDUC 807 as a prerequisite to join this collaborative faculty group.

Individual meetings will be scheduled between the 1st and 2nd group meeting as well as the 3rd and 4th group meeting.

Students will be asked to share a short version of their projects during the virtual IMP share which will be held during the January intersession. Exact dates will be available in September.

This IMP is for students in the Early and Childhood Special Education programs.

Contact the facilitator/instructor if there are questions about a specific inquiry. Registration is not allowed after the class has met.

This inquiry will meet online.

Please fill out this form to confirm your IMP request by August 1st:

IMP Request Form

IMP3ESR-1ESR IMP: Mentored Directed Essay 0 Online Staff TBD See mentor
Students choosing to do a Mentored Directed Essay work with an assigned faculty mentor to design an essay that is based on existing, program-specific prepared questions. These questions are designed to help you think and write about the salient issues pertaining to your chosen area of study. Working with your mentor, you may adapt questions to support the distinctive needs of your professional growth, interests, and current work situation. This option is designed to provide structure and focus with maximum flexibility, and is intended to be completed within a single semester. This option is offered all semesters. For students in fully-online programs only.

Please fill out this form to confirm your IMP request by August 1st:

IMP Request Form

If your Program Director approves your request, you will be registered for this IMP by your SSA.

Students will receive the name of their faculty mentor no later than the end of the add/drop period. Students completing a Mentored Directed Essay (MDE) should find the essay for their program and become familiar with the project before meeting with their mentors. To access the MDE, log into myBSC and go to:
Resources > Integrative Master's Project (IMP).

IS500ESR-1ESR IMP: Independent Study 0 Online Staff TBD See mentor
The Independent Study is an original work that you initiate, often growing out of a meaningful course assignment or an idea, question, or experience rooted in a fieldwork or work setting. Students work with a faculty mentor who has expertise in the particular area of study. The Independent Study usually includes two semesters of research and writing, and is most closely aligned with a traditional master’s thesis. Independent Studies are made accessible to the public though the Bank Street Library's online catalogue. For students in fully-online programs only.

This IMP is for students who have not yet begun their Independent Study. Students continuing an Independent Study from a previous semester should contact their SSA for registration.

To register, please fill out this form to confirm your IMP request by August 1st:

IMP Request Form

If your Program Director approves your request, you will be registered for this IMP by your SSA.

IMPORTANT NOTE: In order to be registered for an Independent Study (IS500) you must have already secured a faculty mentor who has reviewed your Independent Study (IS) proposal and has committed to serve as your IS mentor.

PF500R-1R IMP: Portfolio 0 Online Staff TBD See mentor
The Portfolio takes the form of a series of reflective essays developed through an emergent process of collecting documents and objects called artifacts which are significant markers of pivotal experiences in your professional and personal development. Students work with a faculty mentor as well as a small peer group throughout the fall and spring semesters. Students present their Portfolios the evening before graduation in May. (Students who elect this option must apply by June 30th.)

To register, please fill out this form to confirm your IMP request by August 1st:

IMP Request Form

If your Program Director approves your request, you will be registered for Portfolio by your SSA.

Childhood Special Education Online Program

These courses are only for students enrolled in a fully online degree program.

Section Title Credits Rooms Instructor Days/Times Dates Status
EDUC505ESR-1ESR Language Acquisition and Learning in a Linguistically Diverse Society 2 Online Pamela Jones M 7:00-9:00 PM
Based on the belief that language is an essential foundation for learning, this course addresses the typical processes of language acquisition in mono- and multilingual learners. Participants will examine theories of language acquisition and the role that caregivers and educators play in the development of language. In addition, participants will analyze historical, political, educational, social, and emotional factors that influence the socially constructed hierarchies of language varieties. A significant part of the course will be devoted to students who learn English as an additional language. Participants will learn how to use assessment of mono- and multilingual learners to identify appropriate instructional practices for social and academic language use in a range of educational settings. Course participants will also learn about ways of collaborating with families, colleagues, specialists, administrators, and interpreters. This course is for students in the Online Early Childhood and Childhood Programs only. Permission of the Director is needed for all other students. For students in fully-online programs only.
This section is for students enrolled in fully online programs only. This course will meet synchronously and asynchronously. You must be available for synchronous sessions each week throughout the semester. Your instructor will share the specific synchronous dates at your first session.
EDUC605SR-1SR Designing and Managing Classroom Environments in Inclusive and Special Education Settings 3 Online Pamela Jones TH 7:00-9:00 PM
This course is designed to help participants create classroom environments that will meet the needs of all children, including those with developmental variations. Addressing the concerns of both general and special education teachers, it incorporates presentations, role-playing, discussions, analyses of multimedia content, and informal diagnostic procedures. Participants examine the complexities of teachers’ day-to-day responsibilities and concerns, including classroom design, varied approaches to behavioral intervention, and the interplay among curricula, rules, expectations, routines, procedures, and children’s behavior. For Childhood Special and General Education Online students only.
This section is for students enrolled in fully online programs only. This course will meet synchronously and asynchronously. You must be available for synchronous sessions each week throughout the semester. Your instructor will share the specific synchronous dates at your first session.
EDUC937ESR-1ESR Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement 6 Online Staff TBD W 7:00-9:00 PM
Fieldwork in appropriate settings with supervision and advisement. Candidates in advisement participate in weekly small-group conferences with their advisor. These seminars include the exchange and analysis of ongoing professional experiences and provide a forum for integrating theory with practice. Participants will develop their capacity to construct learning environments and communities that support the development of infants, children, and/or adolescents, depending on the focus of their program. Opportunities to collaborate and co-teach with cooperating teachers and other setting personnel are an integral part of the course. This course is for one semester only. For students in fully-online programs only.
This section is for students enrolled in fully online programs only. This course will meet synchronously. You must be available for synchronous sessions each week throughout the semester.
EDUC994ESR-1ESR Extended Field Experiences 1 Online Staff TBD W 7:00-9:00 PM Cancelled
This one-credit course provides working teachers, interns, and assistant teachers the opportunity to meet the mandated New York State regulations for certification. The State regulations require teacher candidates to work in an additional grade band level in a high needs public setting, according to the age band of their certification. In addition, there may be an expectation of direct work with English language learners (ELLs) and/or students with IEPs. Graduate students will be placed in appropriate educational programs for at least 50 hours. In addition, graduate students will participate in a series of seminars focused on these classroom experiences. For students in fully-online programs only.
This section is for students enrolled in fully online programs only. This course will meet synchronously. You must be available for synchronous sessions each week throughout the semester.
IMP2-2 IMP: Collaborative Student Faculty Inquiry 0 702 Kim McLeveighn-Helper, Mark Nagasawa T 7:00-9:00 PM 9/10, 10/8, 11/12, and 12/10
The Collaborative Student-Faculty Inquiry is a one-semester small peer group option focused on a specific topic or issue. These topics, based on professional interests faculty would like to explore along with students, are posted each fall and spring. You identify a particular aspect of the topic or issue to investigate and, with your peers, determine a format in which to coordinate and present the findings. Students present their projects in mid-January or the week of graduation in May.

Title: There Can Be No Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Without Disabled Teachers

As calls for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in higher education came to a crescendo, including at Bank Street, a glaring absence in these conversations was the invisibility of disabled* teachers in teacher education. While the inclusion of intersectionally-disabled students has long been a focus in education, we think equitable education necessitates parallel commitments to going beyond "including" intersectionally-disabled teachers to viewing them as essential "mirrors in classrooms." Our collaborative inquiry will focus on questions of what these supports should look like and how rethinking inclusion in teacher education could translate into more welcoming schools for children. Our potential projects might include accessibility mapping, social story development, curricular analyses, critical personal narratives, or practical guidance on universal design for learning.

* We use this term in recognition of the ways ableist policies, procedures, and exclusionary spaces (built and social) disable folx.

Contact the facilitator/instructor if there are questions about a specific inquiry. Registration is not allowed after the class has met.

This section will run hybrid. Students may attend in-person or via zoom.

Please fill out this form to confirm your IMP request by August 1st:

IMP Request Form

IMP2-3 IMP: Collaborative Student Faculty Inquiry 0 703 Niles Mattier W 7:00-9:00 PM 9/18, 10/16, 11/20, 12/18
The Collaborative Student-Faculty Inquiry is a one-semester small peer group option focused on a specific topic or issue. These topics, based on professional interests faculty would like to explore along with students, are posted each fall and spring. You identify a particular aspect of the topic or issue to investigate and, with your peers, determine a format in which to coordinate and present the findings. Students present their projects in mid-January or the week of graduation in May.

Title: Between the Branches: A Critical Need for Civics Education

In this group, graduate students will investigate the role of civics education in 21st century K-12 classrooms. Through collaboration with peers, we'll consider both opportunities and challenges for exploring civics with children. Then, graduate students will develop a mini-unit that supports children in forging connections between the past and present, helping them to craft a better future.

Contact the facilitator/instructor if there are questions about a specific inquiry. Registration is not allowed after the class has met.

This section will run hybrid. Students may attend in-person or via zoom.

Please fill out this form to confirm your IMP request by August 1st:

IMP Request Form

IMP2R-1R IMP: Collaborative Student Faculty Inquiry 0 Online Katie Caster W 4:45-6:45 PM 9/18, 10/16, 11/13, 12/11
The Collaborative Student-Faculty Inquiry is a one-semester small peer group option focused on a specific topic or issue. These topics, based on professional interests faculty would like to explore along with students, are posted each fall and spring. You identify a particular aspect of the topic or issue to investigate and, with your peers, determine a format in which to coordinate and present the findings. Students present their projects in mid-January or the week of graduation in May.

Title: Indigenous Ways of Knowing within the Classroom

This joint exploration between students and faculty will center on cultivating Indigenous ways of knowing within the classroom and curriculum.

Contact the facilitator/instructor if there are questions about a specific inquiry. Registration is not allowed after the class has met.

This inquiry will meet online.

Please fill out this form to confirm your IMP request by August 1st:

IMP Request Form

IMP2R-2R IMP: Collaborative Student Faculty Inquiry 0 Online Romelle Moore, Michele Ryan T 4:45-6:45 PM 9/17, 10/15, 11/12, 12/10
The Collaborative Student-Faculty Inquiry is a one-semester small peer group option focused on a specific topic or issue. These topics, based on professional interests faculty would like to explore along with students, are posted each fall and spring. You identify a particular aspect of the topic or issue to investigate and, with your peers, determine a format in which to coordinate and present the findings. Students present their projects in mid-January or the week of graduation in May.

Title: Using Emotionally Responsive Practice (ERP) in the Classroom Setting

This IMP offers a unique opportunity to develop your understanding of the concepts and techniques that are the foundation of Emotionally Responsive Practice, as developed by Lesley Koplow, LCSW. The IMP is also practice-based, meaning that you will bring these concepts and techniques into your professional setting.

Contact erp@bankstreet.edu if there are questions about a specific inquiry. Registration is not allowed after the class has met.

This inquiry will meet online.

Please fill out this form to confirm your IMP request by August 1st:

IMP Request Form

IMP2R-3R IMP: Collaborative Student Faculty Inquiry 0 Online Carmen Colón, Troy Pinkney T 4:45-6:45 PM 9/10, 10/8, 11/12, 12/10
The Collaborative Student-Faculty Inquiry is a one-semester small peer group option focused on a specific topic or issue. These topics, based on professional interests faculty would like to explore along with students, are posted each fall and spring. You identify a particular aspect of the topic or issue to investigate and, with your peers, determine a format in which to coordinate and present the findings. Students present their projects in mid-January or the week of graduation in May.

Title: Centering the strength of Black and Brown children in schools

Students will embark on a collaborative journey, exploring how children of color experience race in their classroom and its impact on their learning. Through this, they will work together to shape their educational environment, exploring current practices in their school and developing strategies to break down barriers and preconceived notions about the presence of black and brown children in academic spaces and learning communities. They will design a curriculum outlining experiences for a 3-4 week unit and develop 1 lesson plan, choosing the beginning, developing, or culminating phases. Lessons /experiences will build on one another to support their racial development.

Contact the facilitator/instructor if there are questions about a specific inquiry. Registration is not allowed after the class has met.

This inquiry will meet online.

Please fill out this form to confirm your IMP request by August 1st:

IMP Request Form

IMP2R-4R IMP: Collaborative Student Faculty Inquiry 0 Online Gil Schmerler M 7:00-9:00 PM 9/16, 10/21, 11/25, 12/16
The Collaborative Student-Faculty Inquiry is a one-semester small peer group option focused on a specific topic or issue. These topics, based on professional interests faculty would like to explore along with students, are posted each fall and spring. You identify a particular aspect of the topic or issue to investigate and, with your peers, determine a format in which to coordinate and present the findings. Students present their projects in mid-January or the week of graduation in May.

Title: Teacher Leadership

Bank Street-educated teachers are invariably called on for leadership in their schools, yet their preparation programs do not often have room for learning to promote collaboration, peer coaching, and advocacy. This collaborative inquiry provides the opportunity for students to investigate and practice the skills to become teacher leaders and, in general, to inspire, support, and coach their colleagues in improving instructional practice and creating stronger cultures in their workplaces. Participants typically create case studies and/or descriptive analyses of teacher leadership in their own school sites (or, alternatively, a school to which they have ready access).

Contact the facilitator/instructor if there are questions about a specific inquiry. Registration is not allowed after the class has met.

This inquiry will meet online.

Please fill out this form to confirm your IMP request by August 1st:

IMP Request Form

IMP2R-5R IMP: Collaborative Student Faculty Inquiry 0 Online Tyler Jennings TH 7:00-9:00 PM 9/5, 10/10, 11/7, 12/5
The Collaborative Student-Faculty Inquiry is a one-semester small peer group option focused on a specific topic or issue. These topics, based on professional interests faculty would like to explore along with students, are posted each fall and spring. You identify a particular aspect of the topic or issue to investigate and, with your peers, determine a format in which to coordinate and present the findings. Students present their projects in mid-January or the week of graduation in May.

Title: Gender and Sexualities in Education

In this IMP, we will focus on three inter-related aspects of gender and sexualities in the context of education:

1. In alignment with childhood and adolescent development, what might be important and relevant for students to understand about gender and/or sexualities through the developmental stages of K-8 education?

2. In what ways could students engage in critical gender studies and/or critical sexualities studies through these developmental stages? That is, in what ways could they examine gender and sexualities within larger societal contexts and in relation to issues of (in)justice and (in)equity?

3. What is the history of gender education and sexualities education in the US context, and what implications might our explorations of questions #1 and #2 have upon the future of gender and sexualities education?

Contact the facilitator/instructor if there are questions about a specific inquiry. Registration is not allowed after the class has met.

This inquiry will meet online.

Please fill out this form to confirm your IMP request by August 1st:

IMP Request Form

IMP2R-6R IMP: Collaborative Student Faculty Inquiry 0 Online Rae Leeper M 7:00-9:00 PM 9/16, 10/21, 11/18, 12/16
The Collaborative Student-Faculty Inquiry is a one-semester small peer group option focused on a specific topic or issue. These topics, based on professional interests faculty would like to explore along with students, are posted each fall and spring. You identify a particular aspect of the topic or issue to investigate and, with your peers, determine a format in which to coordinate and present the findings. Students present their projects in mid-January or the week of graduation in May.

Title: Supporting Children with Disabilities in the Early Childhood and Childhood Classrooms

This faculty led inquiry group focuses on supporting students with disabilities in early childhood and childhood classrooms. Participants will share key readings from disability advocates and researchers in the field and create projects that incorporate those findings. All student projects should incorporate a social model of disability framework that understands disability as an aspect of identity and human diversity and not a condition to cure. Final projects can include a research paper, a training for your school communities, an individualized curriculum for a student and or a creative expression of their findings. There are four required virtual group meetings and two individual meetings to support participants in generating their projects. Participants must attend all meetings to successfully complete their IMP. Note: Students must have completed EDUC 803 and either EDUC 629, EDUC 525 or EDUC 807 as a prerequisite to join this collaborative faculty group.

Individual meetings will be scheduled between the 1st and 2nd group meeting as well as the 3rd and 4th group meeting.

Students will be asked to share a short version of their projects during the virtual IMP share which will be held during the January intersession. Exact dates will be available in September.

This IMP is for students in the Early and Childhood Special Education programs.

Contact the facilitator/instructor if there are questions about a specific inquiry. Registration is not allowed after the class has met.

This inquiry will meet online.

Please fill out this form to confirm your IMP request by August 1st:

IMP Request Form

IMP3ESR-1ESR IMP: Mentored Directed Essay 0 Online Staff TBD See mentor
Students choosing to do a Mentored Directed Essay work with an assigned faculty mentor to design an essay that is based on existing, program-specific prepared questions. These questions are designed to help you think and write about the salient issues pertaining to your chosen area of study. Working with your mentor, you may adapt questions to support the distinctive needs of your professional growth, interests, and current work situation. This option is designed to provide structure and focus with maximum flexibility, and is intended to be completed within a single semester. This option is offered all semesters. For students in fully-online programs only.

Please fill out this form to confirm your IMP request by August 1st:

IMP Request Form

If your Program Director approves your request, you will be registered for this IMP by your SSA.

Students will receive the name of their faculty mentor no later than the end of the add/drop period. Students completing a Mentored Directed Essay (MDE) should find the essay for their program and become familiar with the project before meeting with their mentors. To access the MDE, log into myBSC and go to:
Resources > Integrative Master's Project (IMP).

IS500ESR-1ESR IMP: Independent Study 0 Online Staff TBD See mentor
The Independent Study is an original work that you initiate, often growing out of a meaningful course assignment or an idea, question, or experience rooted in a fieldwork or work setting. Students work with a faculty mentor who has expertise in the particular area of study. The Independent Study usually includes two semesters of research and writing, and is most closely aligned with a traditional master’s thesis. Independent Studies are made accessible to the public though the Bank Street Library's online catalogue. For students in fully-online programs only.

This IMP is for students who have not yet begun their Independent Study. Students continuing an Independent Study from a previous semester should contact their SSA for registration.

To register, please fill out this form to confirm your IMP request by August 1st:

IMP Request Form

If your Program Director approves your request, you will be registered for this IMP by your SSA.

IMPORTANT NOTE: In order to be registered for an Independent Study (IS500) you must have already secured a faculty mentor who has reviewed your Independent Study (IS) proposal and has committed to serve as your IS mentor.

PF500R-1R IMP: Portfolio 0 Online Staff TBD See mentor
The Portfolio takes the form of a series of reflective essays developed through an emergent process of collecting documents and objects called artifacts which are significant markers of pivotal experiences in your professional and personal development. Students work with a faculty mentor as well as a small peer group throughout the fall and spring semesters. Students present their Portfolios the evening before graduation in May. (Students who elect this option must apply by June 30th.)

To register, please fill out this form to confirm your IMP request by August 1st:

IMP Request Form

If your Program Director approves your request, you will be registered for Portfolio by your SSA.

Early Childhood Special Education Online Program

These courses are only for students enrolled in a fully online degree program.

Section Title Credits Rooms Instructor Days/Times Dates Status
EDUC505ESR-1ESR Language Acquisition and Learning in a Linguistically Diverse Society 2 Online Pamela Jones M 7:00-9:00 PM
Based on the belief that language is an essential foundation for learning, this course addresses the typical processes of language acquisition in mono- and multilingual learners. Participants will examine theories of language acquisition and the role that caregivers and educators play in the development of language. In addition, participants will analyze historical, political, educational, social, and emotional factors that influence the socially constructed hierarchies of language varieties. A significant part of the course will be devoted to students who learn English as an additional language. Participants will learn how to use assessment of mono- and multilingual learners to identify appropriate instructional practices for social and academic language use in a range of educational settings. Course participants will also learn about ways of collaborating with families, colleagues, specialists, administrators, and interpreters. This course is for students in the Online Early Childhood and Childhood Programs only. Permission of the Director is needed for all other students. For students in fully-online programs only.
This section is for students enrolled in fully online programs only. This course will meet synchronously and asynchronously. You must be available for synchronous sessions each week throughout the semester. Your instructor will share the specific synchronous dates at your first session.
EDUC869ER-1ER Supporting Early Language and Literacy for Children with Developmental Variations (Birth-8) 2 Online Antonia Bendezu T 7:00-9:00 PM
This course examines communication, language, and literacy as they emerge in monolingual and multilingual children from infancy through early childhood. Participants examine how language, socialization, communicative competence, and literacy develop within, and are impacted by, children’s sociocultural contexts.  Participants are introduced to communication disorders and other learning variations of the early years that affect language and literacy learning.  Specific practices are identified to enhance the experience of young children who are receiving services in school as English language learners. Modifications and adaptations to support children with learning variations are explored. Prerequisite: EDUC 500; pre- or corequisite: EDUC 505. For students in fully-online programs only.
This section is for students enrolled in fully online programs only. This course will meet synchronously and asynchronously. You must be available for synchronous sessions each week throughout the semester. Your instructor will share the specific synchronous dates at your first session.
EDUC869ER-2ER Supporting Early Language and Literacy for Children with Developmental Variations (Birth-8) 2 Online Samantha Diaz T 7:00-9:00 PM
This course examines communication, language, and literacy as they emerge in monolingual and multilingual children from infancy through early childhood. Participants examine how language, socialization, communicative competence, and literacy develop within, and are impacted by, children’s sociocultural contexts.  Participants are introduced to communication disorders and other learning variations of the early years that affect language and literacy learning.  Specific practices are identified to enhance the experience of young children who are receiving services in school as English language learners. Modifications and adaptations to support children with learning variations are explored. Prerequisite: EDUC 500; pre- or corequisite: EDUC 505. For students in fully-online programs only.
This section is for students enrolled in fully online programs only. This course will meet synchronously and asynchronously. You must be available for synchronous sessions each week throughout the semester. Your instructor will share the specific synchronous dates at your first session.
EDUC894ER-1ER Early Childhood Practicum I: Observing a Child through Family/Cultural Contexts 2 Online Carmen Colón T 7:00-9:00 PM
Early Childhood Practicum I and II is a year-long course that provides graduate students the opportunity to integrate theory and practice as they work with a child and family.  Practicum I focuses on: 1) observation as the foundation of early childhood assessment and 2) culturally sustaining, family-based practice. Participants learn to observe and record children’s behavior in home, school, and community settings. Through regular observations, participants construct a respectful and increasingly complex understanding of the child within his/her sociocultural context.  Special emphasis is placed on recognizing the strengths of the child and family.  Participants develop greater awareness of their own perspectives and the ways their personal experiences affect what they notice and how they interpret their observations. Participants begin to integrate adult development, family systems theory, and cultural/linguistic diversity as a basis for developing relationships with the child’s family. This work provides a foundation for Practicum II. Prerequisite: EDUC 803. For students in fully-online programs only.
This section is for students enrolled in fully online programs only. This course will meet synchronously and asynchronously. You must be available for synchronous sessions each week throughout the semester. Your instructor will share the specific synchronous dates at your first session.
EDUC937ESR-1ESR Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement 6 Online Staff TBD W 7:00-9:00 PM
Fieldwork in appropriate settings with supervision and advisement. Candidates in advisement participate in weekly small-group conferences with their advisor. These seminars include the exchange and analysis of ongoing professional experiences and provide a forum for integrating theory with practice. Participants will develop their capacity to construct learning environments and communities that support the development of infants, children, and/or adolescents, depending on the focus of their program. Opportunities to collaborate and co-teach with cooperating teachers and other setting personnel are an integral part of the course. This course is for one semester only. For students in fully-online programs only.
This section is for students enrolled in fully online programs only. This course will meet synchronously. You must be available for synchronous sessions each week throughout the semester.
EDUC994ESR-1ESR Extended Field Experiences 1 Online Staff TBD W 7:00-9:00 PM Cancelled
This one-credit course provides working teachers, interns, and assistant teachers the opportunity to meet the mandated New York State regulations for certification. The State regulations require teacher candidates to work in an additional grade band level in a high needs public setting, according to the age band of their certification. In addition, there may be an expectation of direct work with English language learners (ELLs) and/or students with IEPs. Graduate students will be placed in appropriate educational programs for at least 50 hours. In addition, graduate students will participate in a series of seminars focused on these classroom experiences. For students in fully-online programs only.
This section is for students enrolled in fully online programs only. This course will meet synchronously. You must be available for synchronous sessions each week throughout the semester.
IMP2-2 IMP: Collaborative Student Faculty Inquiry 0 702 Kim McLeveighn-Helper, Mark Nagasawa T 7:00-9:00 PM 9/10, 10/8, 11/12, and 12/10
The Collaborative Student-Faculty Inquiry is a one-semester small peer group option focused on a specific topic or issue. These topics, based on professional interests faculty would like to explore along with students, are posted each fall and spring. You identify a particular aspect of the topic or issue to investigate and, with your peers, determine a format in which to coordinate and present the findings. Students present their projects in mid-January or the week of graduation in May.

Title: There Can Be No Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Without Disabled Teachers

As calls for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in higher education came to a crescendo, including at Bank Street, a glaring absence in these conversations was the invisibility of disabled* teachers in teacher education. While the inclusion of intersectionally-disabled students has long been a focus in education, we think equitable education necessitates parallel commitments to going beyond "including" intersectionally-disabled teachers to viewing them as essential "mirrors in classrooms." Our collaborative inquiry will focus on questions of what these supports should look like and how rethinking inclusion in teacher education could translate into more welcoming schools for children. Our potential projects might include accessibility mapping, social story development, curricular analyses, critical personal narratives, or practical guidance on universal design for learning.

* We use this term in recognition of the ways ableist policies, procedures, and exclusionary spaces (built and social) disable folx.

Contact the facilitator/instructor if there are questions about a specific inquiry. Registration is not allowed after the class has met.

This section will run hybrid. Students may attend in-person or via zoom.

Please fill out this form to confirm your IMP request by August 1st:

IMP Request Form

IMP2-3 IMP: Collaborative Student Faculty Inquiry 0 703 Niles Mattier W 7:00-9:00 PM 9/18, 10/16, 11/20, 12/18
The Collaborative Student-Faculty Inquiry is a one-semester small peer group option focused on a specific topic or issue. These topics, based on professional interests faculty would like to explore along with students, are posted each fall and spring. You identify a particular aspect of the topic or issue to investigate and, with your peers, determine a format in which to coordinate and present the findings. Students present their projects in mid-January or the week of graduation in May.

Title: Between the Branches: A Critical Need for Civics Education

In this group, graduate students will investigate the role of civics education in 21st century K-12 classrooms. Through collaboration with peers, we'll consider both opportunities and challenges for exploring civics with children. Then, graduate students will develop a mini-unit that supports children in forging connections between the past and present, helping them to craft a better future.

Contact the facilitator/instructor if there are questions about a specific inquiry. Registration is not allowed after the class has met.

This section will run hybrid. Students may attend in-person or via zoom.

Please fill out this form to confirm your IMP request by August 1st:

IMP Request Form

IMP2R-1R IMP: Collaborative Student Faculty Inquiry 0 Online Katie Caster W 4:45-6:45 PM 9/18, 10/16, 11/13, 12/11
The Collaborative Student-Faculty Inquiry is a one-semester small peer group option focused on a specific topic or issue. These topics, based on professional interests faculty would like to explore along with students, are posted each fall and spring. You identify a particular aspect of the topic or issue to investigate and, with your peers, determine a format in which to coordinate and present the findings. Students present their projects in mid-January or the week of graduation in May.

Title: Indigenous Ways of Knowing within the Classroom

This joint exploration between students and faculty will center on cultivating Indigenous ways of knowing within the classroom and curriculum.

Contact the facilitator/instructor if there are questions about a specific inquiry. Registration is not allowed after the class has met.

This inquiry will meet online.

Please fill out this form to confirm your IMP request by August 1st:

IMP Request Form

IMP2R-2R IMP: Collaborative Student Faculty Inquiry 0 Online Romelle Moore, Michele Ryan T 4:45-6:45 PM 9/17, 10/15, 11/12, 12/10
The Collaborative Student-Faculty Inquiry is a one-semester small peer group option focused on a specific topic or issue. These topics, based on professional interests faculty would like to explore along with students, are posted each fall and spring. You identify a particular aspect of the topic or issue to investigate and, with your peers, determine a format in which to coordinate and present the findings. Students present their projects in mid-January or the week of graduation in May.

Title: Using Emotionally Responsive Practice (ERP) in the Classroom Setting

This IMP offers a unique opportunity to develop your understanding of the concepts and techniques that are the foundation of Emotionally Responsive Practice, as developed by Lesley Koplow, LCSW. The IMP is also practice-based, meaning that you will bring these concepts and techniques into your professional setting.

Contact erp@bankstreet.edu if there are questions about a specific inquiry. Registration is not allowed after the class has met.

This inquiry will meet online.

Please fill out this form to confirm your IMP request by August 1st:

IMP Request Form

IMP2R-3R IMP: Collaborative Student Faculty Inquiry 0 Online Carmen Colón, Troy Pinkney T 4:45-6:45 PM 9/10, 10/8, 11/12, 12/10
The Collaborative Student-Faculty Inquiry is a one-semester small peer group option focused on a specific topic or issue. These topics, based on professional interests faculty would like to explore along with students, are posted each fall and spring. You identify a particular aspect of the topic or issue to investigate and, with your peers, determine a format in which to coordinate and present the findings. Students present their projects in mid-January or the week of graduation in May.

Title: Centering the strength of Black and Brown children in schools

Students will embark on a collaborative journey, exploring how children of color experience race in their classroom and its impact on their learning. Through this, they will work together to shape their educational environment, exploring current practices in their school and developing strategies to break down barriers and preconceived notions about the presence of black and brown children in academic spaces and learning communities. They will design a curriculum outlining experiences for a 3-4 week unit and develop 1 lesson plan, choosing the beginning, developing, or culminating phases. Lessons /experiences will build on one another to support their racial development.

Contact the facilitator/instructor if there are questions about a specific inquiry. Registration is not allowed after the class has met.

This inquiry will meet online.

Please fill out this form to confirm your IMP request by August 1st:

IMP Request Form

IMP2R-4R IMP: Collaborative Student Faculty Inquiry 0 Online Gil Schmerler M 7:00-9:00 PM 9/16, 10/21, 11/25, 12/16
The Collaborative Student-Faculty Inquiry is a one-semester small peer group option focused on a specific topic or issue. These topics, based on professional interests faculty would like to explore along with students, are posted each fall and spring. You identify a particular aspect of the topic or issue to investigate and, with your peers, determine a format in which to coordinate and present the findings. Students present their projects in mid-January or the week of graduation in May.

Title: Teacher Leadership

Bank Street-educated teachers are invariably called on for leadership in their schools, yet their preparation programs do not often have room for learning to promote collaboration, peer coaching, and advocacy. This collaborative inquiry provides the opportunity for students to investigate and practice the skills to become teacher leaders and, in general, to inspire, support, and coach their colleagues in improving instructional practice and creating stronger cultures in their workplaces. Participants typically create case studies and/or descriptive analyses of teacher leadership in their own school sites (or, alternatively, a school to which they have ready access).

Contact the facilitator/instructor if there are questions about a specific inquiry. Registration is not allowed after the class has met.

This inquiry will meet online.

Please fill out this form to confirm your IMP request by August 1st:

IMP Request Form

IMP2R-5R IMP: Collaborative Student Faculty Inquiry 0 Online Tyler Jennings TH 7:00-9:00 PM 9/5, 10/10, 11/7, 12/5
The Collaborative Student-Faculty Inquiry is a one-semester small peer group option focused on a specific topic or issue. These topics, based on professional interests faculty would like to explore along with students, are posted each fall and spring. You identify a particular aspect of the topic or issue to investigate and, with your peers, determine a format in which to coordinate and present the findings. Students present their projects in mid-January or the week of graduation in May.

Title: Gender and Sexualities in Education

In this IMP, we will focus on three inter-related aspects of gender and sexualities in the context of education:

1. In alignment with childhood and adolescent development, what might be important and relevant for students to understand about gender and/or sexualities through the developmental stages of K-8 education?

2. In what ways could students engage in critical gender studies and/or critical sexualities studies through these developmental stages? That is, in what ways could they examine gender and sexualities within larger societal contexts and in relation to issues of (in)justice and (in)equity?

3. What is the history of gender education and sexualities education in the US context, and what implications might our explorations of questions #1 and #2 have upon the future of gender and sexualities education?

Contact the facilitator/instructor if there are questions about a specific inquiry. Registration is not allowed after the class has met.

This inquiry will meet online.

Please fill out this form to confirm your IMP request by August 1st:

IMP Request Form

IMP2R-6R IMP: Collaborative Student Faculty Inquiry 0 Online Rae Leeper M 7:00-9:00 PM 9/16, 10/21, 11/18, 12/16
The Collaborative Student-Faculty Inquiry is a one-semester small peer group option focused on a specific topic or issue. These topics, based on professional interests faculty would like to explore along with students, are posted each fall and spring. You identify a particular aspect of the topic or issue to investigate and, with your peers, determine a format in which to coordinate and present the findings. Students present their projects in mid-January or the week of graduation in May.

Title: Supporting Children with Disabilities in the Early Childhood and Childhood Classrooms

This faculty led inquiry group focuses on supporting students with disabilities in early childhood and childhood classrooms. Participants will share key readings from disability advocates and researchers in the field and create projects that incorporate those findings. All student projects should incorporate a social model of disability framework that understands disability as an aspect of identity and human diversity and not a condition to cure. Final projects can include a research paper, a training for your school communities, an individualized curriculum for a student and or a creative expression of their findings. There are four required virtual group meetings and two individual meetings to support participants in generating their projects. Participants must attend all meetings to successfully complete their IMP. Note: Students must have completed EDUC 803 and either EDUC 629, EDUC 525 or EDUC 807 as a prerequisite to join this collaborative faculty group.

Individual meetings will be scheduled between the 1st and 2nd group meeting as well as the 3rd and 4th group meeting.

Students will be asked to share a short version of their projects during the virtual IMP share which will be held during the January intersession. Exact dates will be available in September.

This IMP is for students in the Early and Childhood Special Education programs.

Contact the facilitator/instructor if there are questions about a specific inquiry. Registration is not allowed after the class has met.

This inquiry will meet online.

Please fill out this form to confirm your IMP request by August 1st:

IMP Request Form

IMP3ESR-1ESR IMP: Mentored Directed Essay 0 Online Staff TBD See mentor
Students choosing to do a Mentored Directed Essay work with an assigned faculty mentor to design an essay that is based on existing, program-specific prepared questions. These questions are designed to help you think and write about the salient issues pertaining to your chosen area of study. Working with your mentor, you may adapt questions to support the distinctive needs of your professional growth, interests, and current work situation. This option is designed to provide structure and focus with maximum flexibility, and is intended to be completed within a single semester. This option is offered all semesters. For students in fully-online programs only.

Please fill out this form to confirm your IMP request by August 1st:

IMP Request Form

If your Program Director approves your request, you will be registered for this IMP by your SSA.

Students will receive the name of their faculty mentor no later than the end of the add/drop period. Students completing a Mentored Directed Essay (MDE) should find the essay for their program and become familiar with the project before meeting with their mentors. To access the MDE, log into myBSC and go to:
Resources > Integrative Master's Project (IMP).

IS500ESR-1ESR IMP: Independent Study 0 Online Staff TBD See mentor
The Independent Study is an original work that you initiate, often growing out of a meaningful course assignment or an idea, question, or experience rooted in a fieldwork or work setting. Students work with a faculty mentor who has expertise in the particular area of study. The Independent Study usually includes two semesters of research and writing, and is most closely aligned with a traditional master’s thesis. Independent Studies are made accessible to the public though the Bank Street Library's online catalogue. For students in fully-online programs only.

This IMP is for students who have not yet begun their Independent Study. Students continuing an Independent Study from a previous semester should contact their SSA for registration.

To register, please fill out this form to confirm your IMP request by August 1st:

IMP Request Form

If your Program Director approves your request, you will be registered for this IMP by your SSA.

IMPORTANT NOTE: In order to be registered for an Independent Study (IS500) you must have already secured a faculty mentor who has reviewed your Independent Study (IS) proposal and has committed to serve as your IS mentor.

PF500R-1R IMP: Portfolio 0 Online Staff TBD See mentor
The Portfolio takes the form of a series of reflective essays developed through an emergent process of collecting documents and objects called artifacts which are significant markers of pivotal experiences in your professional and personal development. Students work with a faculty mentor as well as a small peer group throughout the fall and spring semesters. Students present their Portfolios the evening before graduation in May. (Students who elect this option must apply by June 30th.)

To register, please fill out this form to confirm your IMP request by August 1st:

IMP Request Form

If your Program Director approves your request, you will be registered for Portfolio by your SSA.

Early Childhood General Education Advanced Standing

These courses are for students in the Early Childhood General Education Advanced Standing program only.

Section Title Credits Rooms Instructor Days/Times Dates Status
EDUC514A-1A Curriculum in Early Childhood Education for Inclusive and Special Education Settings 3 701 Soyoung Park T 4:45-6:45 PM
This course provides a framework for developing curriculum that engages all children in authentic meaning making about themselves and their wider world.  Participants use principles of child development and developmental variation as a foundation for planning experiences that support deep learning.  The course focuses on curriculum as the core vehicle for affirming children’s developing identities, including cultural and linguistic identity. Using social studies as the core of an integrated curriculum, participants plan using diverse materials, modalities, content, and perspectives to help children examine big questions. Participants use universal design principles to create learning experiences that are inclusive of a broadly diverse range of learners. For students in ECASP only.
This section is for students enrolled in the ECAS program only.
EDUC563A-1A The Teaching of Reading, Writing, and Language Arts in the Primary Grades 3 701 Cristian Solorza TH 4:45-6:45 PM
This course examines the process through which reading and writing are acquired by young children, ages 4-8.  We study the ways teachers can support literacy growth for children’s diverse learning needs and styles, cultural and linguistic backgrounds, and socioeconomic status.  The course explores theoretical frameworks of literacy development as well as practical applications. Graduate students work directly with a child, who is an emergent reader and writer, to develop the skills of close observation, assessment, record keeping, and planning.  Graduate students, individually and as a group, analyze the contexts, activities and relationships that support children’s language and literacy learning in early childhood classrooms. For students in ECASP only.
This section is for students enrolled in the ECAS program only.
EDUC837AR-1AR Integrative Master’s Project 1 Online Jacob Dixon M 4:45-6:45 PM 9/9, 10/7, 11/4, 12/2, 12/16
The Integrative Master’s Project (IMP) is one of the three major components of your degree requirements. As the culminating component, it is a significant, academically rigorous body of work that integrates many facets of your experiences at Bank Street and in the field, and applies theoretical knowledge to your current and future work as an educator. The process of writing the IMP is intended to further your professional growth through inquiry, reflection, and integration. The form and content of each IMP varies according to specific program requirements. For students in ECASP only.

This course meets fully online.

In addition to the five meetings, students are expected to attend 1 one-on-one meeting and complete 3 hours of asynchronous work.

Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)

Section Title Credits Rooms Instructor Days/Times Dates Status
TESL530LR-1LR Theoretical Foundations: Social, Cultural, and Linguistic Diversity in School 3 Online Jillian Hakemian W 7:00-9:00 PM
This course explores how major federal and state laws, language policies, and theories of language development (first and second language acquisition, bilingualism, and translingualism) shape English as a new language (ENL) and bilingual program designs. Candidates will analyze how these programs serve diverse students in PreK-12 urban schools, with a special focus on the education of students who are immigrants, including students with limited or interrupted formal education (SLIFE). Candidates will explore immigration to the United States from a sociocultural perspective, investigate the factors that shape immigrant students’ experiences in schools, and how these impact their identity development. Graduate students will reflect on their own beliefs and perceptions about immigrants and emergent bilingual students while identifying the experiences that have contributed to these beliefs and perceptions. They will survey the demographic landscape of a school and evaluate how the school language allocation policy, curricula, and ENL & bilingual programs respond to the legal rights and the linguistic, socio-emotional and academic needs of emergent bilingual students. Based on their comprehensive analysis and principles of social justice, candidates will develop an advocacy plan to address identified needs of emergent bilingual students and their families. For students in TESOL only.
This course will run fully online and will meet synchronously each session.
TESL561LR-1LR Linguistics in Education 3 Online Tyler Jennings M 7:00-9:00 PM Cancelled
This course is an introduction to the study of language as it applies to educational settings. Participants will learn about the five basic linguistic structures: phonetics and phonology (sounds and sound patterning), morphology (form of words), syntax (arrangement of words), semantics (meaning), and pragmatics (the use of language). Participants will examine language structure as it exists within the larger context of sociolinguistics, equity, and social justice. The course will investigate how students use their full linguistic repertoire in academic settings (translanguaging), how teachers and society at large perceive language varieties, and how teachers value linguistic diversity in classrooms. The course examines the role of the brain in language development (psycholinguistics), language universals, body language, and discourse analysis. In the second half of the course, TESOL candidates will compare the structure and language features of world Englishes to that of other languages most commonly spoken in schools. The focus of the course will be on the practical application of this knowledge to developing a broader range of instructional strategies to support students’ language proficiency in school. Prerequisite: TESL 530. For TESOL students only.
This course will run fully online and will meet synchronously each session. This course will meet with EDUC 561R on certain dates.
TESL660LR-1LR TESOL Research & Methodologies (Grades PreK-6) 3 Online Katie Caster T 7:00-9:00 PM Cancelled
This course explores TESOL methodologies to inform the teaching of English as a new language in grades PreK-6. The course will provide participants with a foundation for thinking about English as a new language (ENL) instruction as being grounded in a deep understanding of both learner and context.  Participants will develop an understanding of how student identity, language proficiency levels (entering, emerging, transitional, expanding, and commanding), classroom culture and curriculum, and local and state assessments all impact planning and instruction for ENLs.  Using this grounding, participants will determine appropriate language materials, instructional technology, translanguaging strategies, environmental supports, and effective ENL service models to differentiate for the diverse listening, speaking, reading, and writing abilities and needs of their emergent bilingual students. Participants will develop skills in collaborating with a range of colleagues to create inclusive learning environments and effective classroom management strategies aimed at integrating emergent bilingual students, including those with developmental variations, fully into their classroom communities. The course will explore how participants can advocate for an integrated and flexible role of ENL service delivery, preparing participants to design both stand-alone and integrated ENL experiences, as well as differentiating existing curriculum to better meet the needs of students. Prerequisite: TESL 870. For TESOL students only.
This course will run fully online and will meet synchronously each session. This course will overlap with EDUC 870 for certain dates.
TESL862L-1L Assessment and Differentiation for Linguistically Diverse Students with Developmental Variations 3 702 Elizabeth Silva TH 7:00-9:00 PM

NYC Teaching Fellows - C37 and C38

These courses are for students in the NYC Teaching Fellows Cohort only.

Section Title Credits Rooms Instructor Days/Times Dates Status
EDUC836F-1F Teaching Math, Science & Tech: Curriculum, Methods & Assessment for Adolescents w/ Disabilities 2 701 Shawna Hansford T 5:00-7:00 PM
An inquiry and problem-solving approach forms an essential framework for the teaching of math, science and technology. This course examines assessment, curriculum and methods for developing, planning, implementing, and evaluating instructional strategies for students with disabilities, in the areas of math, science, and technology. It emphasizes teacher collaboration to support the differentiation of instruction based upon teaching structures, learner characteristics, learning environment, curriculum and standards. This course explores theoretical and practical frameworks for cross-curricular connections with access to the general education curriculum. Technology is both a subject of instruction as well as an instructional tool to support learning and communication. Participants will examine common core standards in order to align curriculum goals and content. For Teaching Fellows students only.
This section is for students in C38 only. This course will meet synchronously and asynchronously, both on-campus and online. Your instructor will share details by Session 1.
EDUC934F-1F Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement 3 Staff TBD W 7:00-9:00 PM
Fieldwork in appropriate settings with supervision and advisement. Candidates in advisement participate in small-group conferences with their advisor. These seminars include the exchange and analysis of ongoing professional experiences and provide a forum for integrating theory with practice. Participants will develop their capacity to construct learning environments and communities that support the development of infants, children, and/or adolescents, depending on the focus of their program. Opportunities to collaborate and co-teach with cooperating teachers and other school personnel are an integral part of the course. This course is the second half of EDUC932. For Teaching Fellows students only.
This section is for students in C38 only.

Progressive Leadership Online Program - Cohort 50

These courses are only for students in Cohort 50 of the Online Progressive Leadership program.

Section Title Credits Rooms Instructor Days/Times Dates Status
LEAD603PR-1PR School Change: The Transformational Leader 3 Online Wendy Pollock T 5:30-7:30 PM
Current school reform efforts emphasize vision, shared decision making, professional autonomy, positive school structure, and restructuring. How are these concepts being realized in current practice? What choices and constraints accompany the processes of change and staff empowerment? In this course students examine the concepts which face principals in enhancing the effectiveness of schools, as well as the competencies of planning, joint decision making, problem solving, and negotiation. Course work complements and is tailored to the Principals Institute internship experience.
Progressive Leadership Program Cohort 50 students only
LEAD615PR-1PR Processes of Supervision and Professional Development 3 Online Abbe Futterman TH 5:00-7:00 PM
Designed for students who are preparing for supervisory roles or who are actively engaged in such roles, this course focuses on the objectives, functions, and evaluation of the supervisory experience within multicultural educational institutions. Organizational, cultural, and human variables that may facilitate or impede effective supervision are identified, and strategies to maximize or minimize their impact are generated. Supervisory attitudes and skills aimed at increasing professional growth in individual and group supervision are synthesized from a variety of supervisory models, with particular attention given to the clinical supervision model.
Progressive Leadership Program Cohort 50 students only.
LEAD9183PR-MJ Leadership Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement 3 Online Max Jean Paul W 5:00-7:00 PM
This course meets New York State certification requirements for School Building Leadership (SBL) internship experiences. Through close work with a faculty advisor and peers, participants apply their learning from coursework to their field experiences, integrating theory and practice as they reflect on their own professional development. Interns work with a site supervisor and are given substantial school-based responsibilities that involve direct interaction and involvement with staff, students, families, and community leaders. Participants develop the capacity to build and support a positive school culture, build teams, enlist collaboration, and plan and sustain change efforts. Graduate students in advisement participate in small-group sessions with their advisors. At the end of supervised fieldwork, each candidate presents a comprehensive portfolio of internship experiences which meets the program's Integrative Master's Project requirement. This is part three of three semesters of supervised fieldwork.
Progressive Leadership Program Cohort 50 students only. This is the third term fieldwork course.
LEAD9183PR-TD Leadership Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement 3 Online Talibah Daniel W 5:00-7:00 PM
This course meets New York State certification requirements for School Building Leadership (SBL) internship experiences. Through close work with a faculty advisor and peers, participants apply their learning from coursework to their field experiences, integrating theory and practice as they reflect on their own professional development. Interns work with a site supervisor and are given substantial school-based responsibilities that involve direct interaction and involvement with staff, students, families, and community leaders. Participants develop the capacity to build and support a positive school culture, build teams, enlist collaboration, and plan and sustain change efforts. Graduate students in advisement participate in small-group sessions with their advisors. At the end of supervised fieldwork, each candidate presents a comprehensive portfolio of internship experiences which meets the program's Integrative Master's Project requirement. This is part three of three semesters of supervised fieldwork.
Progressive Leadership Program Cohort 50 students only. This is the third term fieldwork course.

Progressive Leadership Online Program - Cohort 51

These courses are only for students in Cohort 51 of the Online Progressive Leadership program.

Section Title Credits Rooms Instructor Days/Times Dates Status
LEAD510PR-1PR Leading Critical Issues in Curriculum and Instruction 3 Online Shokry Eldaly T 5:00-7:00 PM
This course focuses on the roles and functions of the school leader in the spheres of curriculum and instruction. It covers the principles and processes that inform curriculum development and their impact on student learning. By explicitly addressing the relationship between curriculum and instruction to critical theory and pedagogy, students will connect positionality to their professional noticing.   At the same time, students will unpack educational equity to become discerning consumers and negotiators of curriculum. In this course, students will envision and conceptualize ways to ensure that all students experience a liberating curriculum by focusing intensively on the knowledge and tools needed to recognize and dismantle dehumanizing spaces that are emblematic of historic and contemporary systems and structures. Finally, the course explores critical issues in leadership in curriculum and instruction and is designed to connect theory to practice as a means of inspiring, guiding, and effecting school change. For Progressive Leadership students only.
LEAD660PR-1PR Research for Educational Change 3 Online Jessica Blum-DeStefano TH 5:00-7:00 PM
This course is designed to enable leaders, teachers, special educators, and others to be effective consumers of research, as well as to plan and carry out research in response to specific educational questions. Stages of the research process are discussed. Students analyze and evaluate research in the areas of leadership, school effectiveness, administration and supervision, teaching, and curriculum reform, and apply the findings to their everyday roles as educational leaders. It is expected that this course will be valuable for those matriculated students who are initiating projects to satisfy the Independent Study requirement. The format consists of lectures and discussions of the stages of the research process. Class members participate in a project involving research design, data collection, and analysis.
Progressive Leadership Program Cohort 51 students only.
LEAD9182PR-1PR Leadership Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement 3 Online Gillian Smith W 5:00-7:00 PM
This course meets New York State certification requirements for School Building Leadership (SBL) internship experiences. Through close work with a faculty advisor and peers, participants apply their learning from coursework to their field experiences, integrating theory and practice as they reflect on their own professional development. Interns work with a site supervisor and are given substantial school-based responsibilities that involve direct interaction and involvement with staff, students, families, and community leaders. Participants develop the capacity to build and support a positive school culture, build teams, enlist collaboration, and plan and sustain change efforts. Graduate students in advisement participate in small-group sessions with their advisors. At the end of supervised fieldwork, each candidate presents a comprehensive portfolio of internship experiences which meets the program's Integrative Master's Project requirement. This is part two of three semesters of supervised fieldwork. The third part is LEAD9183PR.
Progressive Leadership Program Cohort 51 students only. This is the second term fieldwork course.

Progressive Leadership Online Program - Cohort 52

These courses are only for students in Cohort 52 of the Online Progressive Leadership program.

Section Title Credits Rooms Instructor Days/Times Dates Status
LEAD503PR-1PR Adult Development: Implications for Educational Leadership 3 Online Jessica Blum-DeStefano TH 7:15-9:15 PM
Students will examine the developmental periods of young, middle, and later years in the human life cycle, with a broad multicultural approach to learning and development. Studies and research are reviewed. Emphasis is given to developmental characteristics that have implications for professional growth and development. For online Progressive Leadership students only.
Progressive Leadership Program Cohort 52 students only.
LEAD537PR-1PR Organizational Development: Implications for Educational Leadership 3 Online Abbe Futterman T 5:00-7:00 PM
This course examines theory, research, and practice related to organizational development. It covers a wide range of issues related to capacity-building, school vision and culture, and problem solving, and focuses on the relationship between school management and instructional leadership. Students have opportunities to integrate theory and research with administrative practice through readings, small-group work, simulation experiences, observations, interviews, protocols, and case studies. For students in the Online Progressive Leadership program only.
Progressive Leadership Program Cohort 52 students only.
LEAD9181PR-1PR Leadership Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement 3 Online Staff TBD W 5:00-7:00 PM
This course meets New York State certification requirements for School Building Leadership (SBL) internship experiences. Through close work with a faculty advisor and peers, participants apply their learning from coursework to their field experiences, integrating theory and practice as they reflect on their own professional development. Interns work with a site supervisor and are given substantial school-based responsibilities that involve direct interaction and involvement with staff, students, families, and community leaders. Participants develop the capacity to build and support a positive school culture, build teams, enlist collaboration, and plan and sustain change efforts. Graduate students in advisement participate in small-group sessions with their advisors. At the end of supervised fieldwork, each candidate presents a comprehensive portfolio of internship experiences which meets the program's Integrative Master's Project requirement. This is part one of three semesters of supervised fieldwork. The second part is LEAD9182PR.
Progressive Leadership Program Cohort 52 students only. This is the first term fieldwork course.

Leadership in Mathematics Education Online

These courses are only for students in the Online Leadership in Mathematics Education program.

Section Title Credits Rooms Instructor Days/Times Dates Status
LEAD510MR-1MR Leading Critical Issues in Curriculum and Instruction 3 Online Najla Purdy TH 7:00-9:00 PM
This course focuses on the roles and functions of the school leader in the spheres of curriculum and instruction. It covers the principles and processes that inform curriculum development and their impact on student learning. By explicitly addressing the relationship between curriculum and instruction to critical theory and pedagogy, students will connect positionality to their professional noticing.   At the same time, students will unpack educational equity to become discerning consumers and negotiators of curriculum. In this course, students will envision and conceptualize ways to ensure that all students experience a liberating curriculum by focusing intensively on the knowledge and tools needed to recognize and dismantle dehumanizing spaces that are emblematic of historic and contemporary systems and structures. Finally, the course explores critical issues in leadership in curriculum and instruction and is designed to connect theory to practice as a means of inspiring, guiding, and effecting school change. For Online Leadership in Mathematics Education students only.
This course is only for students in the Math Leadership Online program. For students graduating in 2024.
LEAD535MR-1MR Foundations of Educational Leadership: Organizational Development 1 Online Ivy Ryan T 7:00-9:00 PM 9/17, 10/1, 10/15, 10/29, 11/19, 12/3, 12/17
This course examines theory, research, and practice concerning organizational development. The course provides opportunities for students to integrate theory and research with administrative practice through the use of such methods as simulation experiences, readings, observations, and interviews. This course is for 3rd-summer Online Leadership in Mathematics Education students only.
This course is only for students in the Math Leadership Online program. For students graduating in 2024.
LEAD667MR-1MR Research for Mathematics Leaders I 1 Online Helen Spruill T 7:00-9:00 PM 9/17, 10/1, 10/15, 10/29, 11/19, 12/3, 12/17
In this first course in the series of Research for Mathematics Leaders, students will learn and apply the process of action research through crafting a question, gathering data, analyzing data, and offering additional questions through an ongoing record of reflective field notes. This course is designed to increase graduate students’ understanding of qualitative research and will enable graduate students to gain a deeper understanding of the importance of qualitative research and how it can be used to effect change. For Online Leadership in Mathematics Education students only.
This course is only for students in the Math Leadership Online program. For students graduating in 2025.
LEAD669MR-1MR Research for Mathematics Leaders III 1 Online Robin Hummel M 7:00-9:00 PM 9/9, 9/23, 10/7, 10/21, 11/4, 11/18, 12/2
In this third course in the series of Research for Mathematics Leaders, students will finish gathering and analyzing data and prepare their findings to share with the Math Leadership community and Bank Street faculty writ large. Prerequisite: LEAD 668. For Online Leadership in Mathematics Education students only.
This course is only for students in the Math Leadership Online program. For students graduating in 2024.
LEAD9452MR-AW Mathematics Leadership Supervised Fieldwork and Advisement 2 Online Amy Withers T 7:00-9:00 PM 9/10, 9/24, 10/8, 10/22, 11/12, 11/26, 12/10
This seminar and fieldwork experience consists of a cohort of graduate students who meet with their advisor throughout the 14 months of the program. The seminar includes the exchange and analysis of ongoing professional experiences based on the graduate students’ experiences in the field. It provides a forum for synthesizing theory with practice, and the creation of a professional learning community. Attention is given to leadership activities in students’ work settings and coaching strategies for addressing the academic strengths and needs of teachers of mathematics, including constructing classroom environments that support collaboration and agency. In addition, the seminar examines the historical, philosophical, and cultural roots of leadership as they have influenced current practices and innovations, and explores Bank Street's history and philosophy as a progressive institution. This is the third term of SFW for Online Leadership in Mathematics Education students only.
This fieldwork is only for students in the Math Leadership Online program. For students graduating in 2025.
LEAD9452MR-JE Mathematics Leadership Supervised Fieldwork and Advisement 2 Online Jerome Ellison T 7:00-9:00 PM 9/10, 9/24, 10/8, 10/22, 11/12, 11/26, 12/10
This seminar and fieldwork experience consists of a cohort of graduate students who meet with their advisor throughout the 14 months of the program. The seminar includes the exchange and analysis of ongoing professional experiences based on the graduate students’ experiences in the field. It provides a forum for synthesizing theory with practice, and the creation of a professional learning community. Attention is given to leadership activities in students’ work settings and coaching strategies for addressing the academic strengths and needs of teachers of mathematics, including constructing classroom environments that support collaboration and agency. In addition, the seminar examines the historical, philosophical, and cultural roots of leadership as they have influenced current practices and innovations, and explores Bank Street's history and philosophy as a progressive institution. This is the third term of SFW for Online Leadership in Mathematics Education students only.
This fieldwork is only for students in the Math Leadership Online program. For students graduating in 2024.
LEAD9452MR-NB Mathematics Leadership Supervised Fieldwork and Advisement 2 Online Nancy Buck T 7:00-9:00 PM 9/10, 9/24, 10/8, 10/22, 11/12, 11/26, 12/10
This seminar and fieldwork experience consists of a cohort of graduate students who meet with their advisor throughout the 14 months of the program. The seminar includes the exchange and analysis of ongoing professional experiences based on the graduate students’ experiences in the field. It provides a forum for synthesizing theory with practice, and the creation of a professional learning community. Attention is given to leadership activities in students’ work settings and coaching strategies for addressing the academic strengths and needs of teachers of mathematics, including constructing classroom environments that support collaboration and agency. In addition, the seminar examines the historical, philosophical, and cultural roots of leadership as they have influenced current practices and innovations, and explores Bank Street's history and philosophy as a progressive institution. This is the third term of SFW for Online Leadership in Mathematics Education students only.
This fieldwork is only for students in the Math Leadership Online program. For students graduating in 2025.
LEAD9452MR-NS Mathematics Leadership Supervised Fieldwork and Advisement 2 Online Nneka Sutherland T 7:00-9:00 PM 9/10, 9/24, 10/8, 10/22, 11/12, 11/26, 12/10
This seminar and fieldwork experience consists of a cohort of graduate students who meet with their advisor throughout the 14 months of the program. The seminar includes the exchange and analysis of ongoing professional experiences based on the graduate students’ experiences in the field. It provides a forum for synthesizing theory with practice, and the creation of a professional learning community. Attention is given to leadership activities in students’ work settings and coaching strategies for addressing the academic strengths and needs of teachers of mathematics, including constructing classroom environments that support collaboration and agency. In addition, the seminar examines the historical, philosophical, and cultural roots of leadership as they have influenced current practices and innovations, and explores Bank Street's history and philosophy as a progressive institution. This is the third term of SFW for Online Leadership in Mathematics Education students only.
This fieldwork is only for students in the Math Leadership Online program. For students graduating in 2025.
MATH525MR-1MR Math for Leaders of Inclusive Schools: Supporting Teachers in Meeting the Needs of All Learners 3 Online Amy Withers M 7:00-9:00 PM
This course will provide teachers and leaders with a deeper understanding of the mathematics they need to know to help others refine and deepen math instruction in schools. They will learn how people learn math, and how to meet the mathematical needs of a wide range of learners—both adults and children. This course is grounded in a constructivist approach to learning and teaching. As such, we seek to form a community of learners in which each participant is constructing his or her own understanding of mathematics, and what it means to be teachers and leaders of mathematics. This course is for 1st-summer Online Leadership in Mathematics Education students only.
This course is only for students in the Math Leadership Online program. For students graduating in 2025.

Early Childhood Leadership Online

These courses are only for students in the Online Early Childhood Leadership program.

Section Title Credits Rooms Instructor Days/Times Dates Status
LEAD510ER-1ER Leading Critical Issues in Curriculum and Instruction 3 Online Alison Pepper T 7:00-9:00 PM
This course focuses on the roles and functions of the school leader in the spheres of curriculum and instruction. It covers the principles and processes that inform curriculum development and their impact on student learning. By explicitly addressing the relationship between curriculum and instruction to critical theory and pedagogy, students will connect positionality to their professional noticing.   At the same time, students will unpack educational equity to become discerning consumers and negotiators of curriculum. In this course, students will envision and conceptualize ways to ensure that all students experience a liberating curriculum by focusing intensively on the knowledge and tools needed to recognize and dismantle dehumanizing spaces that are emblematic of historic and contemporary systems and structures. Finally, the course explores critical issues in leadership in curriculum and instruction and is designed to connect theory to practice as a means of inspiring, guiding, and effecting school change. For Early Childhood Leadership students only.
LEAD624ER-1ER Fiscal Management, Grant Development and Marketing for Leaders 3 Online Danielle Kolker TH 7:00-9:00 PM
This course focuses on the financial management of early childhood programs in childcare settings and public schools as well as the grant development process and marketing strategies that are designed to enhance equitable access to quality early childhood experiences for young children and their families. The intersection of resources both within the community and from various funding streams will be examined to address issues of equity, advocacy and policy in early childhood settings. The first section of the course will address budget development, budget formulation and budget execution and evaluation of operating budgets. The second section of the course will focus on program design and proposal writing for grant development including categorical or competitive models. Participants will also learn about fundraising and marketing strategies designed to reach families with young children in underserved communities. For Online Early Childhood Leadership students only.
LEAD9181ER-1ER Leadership Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement 3 Online Cristina Medellin W 6:30-8:30 PM
This course meets New York State certification requirements for School Building Leadership (SBL) internship experiences. Through close work with a faculty advisor and peers, participants apply their learning from coursework to their field experiences, integrating theory and practice as they reflect on their own professional development. Interns work with a site supervisor and are given substantial school-based responsibilities that involve direct interaction and involvement with staff, students, families, and community leaders. Participants develop the capacity to build and support a positive school culture, build teams, enlist collaboration, and plan and sustain change efforts. Graduate students in advisement participate in small-group sessions with their advisors. At the end of supervised fieldwork, each candidate presents a comprehensive portfolio of internship experiences which meets the program's Integrative Master's Project requirement. This is part one of three semesters of supervised fieldwork. The second part is LEAD9182ER. For Online Early Childhood Leadership students only.
This fieldwork is for students in Cohort 2 of the Online Early Childhood Leadership program.
LEAD9182ER-1ER Leadership Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement 3 Online Wendy Pollock W 6:30-8:30 PM
This course meets New York State certification requirements for School Building Leadership (SBL) internship experiences. Through close work with a faculty advisor and peers, participants apply their learning from coursework to their field experiences, integrating theory and practice as they reflect on their own professional development. Interns work with a site supervisor and are given substantial school-based responsibilities that involve direct interaction and involvement with staff, students, families, and community leaders. Participants develop the capacity to build and support a positive school culture, build teams, enlist collaboration, and plan and sustain change efforts. Graduate students in advisement participate in small-group sessions with their advisors. At the end of supervised fieldwork, each candidate presents a comprehensive portfolio of internship experiences which meets the program's Integrative Master's Project requirement. This is part two of three semesters of supervised fieldwork. The third part is LEAD9183ER. For online Early Childhood Leadership students only.
This fieldwork is for students in Cohort 1 of the Online Early Childhood Leadership program.

Future School Leaders Academy

These courses are only for students in the FSLA program.

Section Title Credits Rooms Instructor Days/Times Dates Status
LEAD615F-1F Processes of Supervision and Professional Development 3 Jacqueline Levine, Scott Wynne TH 4:30-6:30 PM
Designed for students who are preparing for supervisory roles or who are actively engaged in such roles, this course focuses on the objectives, functions, and evaluation of the supervisory experience within multicultural educational institutions. Organizational, cultural, and human variables that may facilitate or impede effective supervision are identified, and strategies to maximize or minimize their impact are generated. Supervisory attitudes and skills aimed at increasing professional growth in individual and group supervision are synthesized from a variety of supervisory models, with particular attention given to the clinical supervision model.
This course is only for students in the FSLA program.
LEAD664F-1F Research for Educational Change 1 Adam Pease TH 6:30-8:30 PM 9/12, 10/10, 11/7, 11/21, 12/12
This course is designed to enable leaders, teachers, special educators, and others to be effective consumers of research, as well as to plan and carry out research in response to specific educational questions. Stages of the research process are discussed. Students analyze and evaluate research in the areas of leadership, school effectiveness, administration and supervision, teaching, and curriculum reform, and apply the findings to their everyday roles as educational leaders. It is expected that this course will be valuable for those matriculated students who are initiating projects to satisfy the Independent Study requirement. The format consists of lectures and discussions of the stages of the research process. Class members participate in a project involving research design, data collection, and analysis. For Future School Leaders Academy students only.
This course is only for students in the FSLA program.
LEAD863F-1F Leading a School District III 1 Andrew Patrick TH 6:30-8:30 PM 9/5, 9/26, 10/24, 11/14, 12/5
This course focuses on how human and financial resources are allocated in a district to support the instructional program and the goals of the superintendent and school board. For students in the Future School Leaders Academy only.
This course is only for students in the FSLA program.
LEAD9063F-JA Future School Leaders Academy Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement 1.5 Joel Adelberg W 4:30-7:30 PM
This course, for Future School Leaders Academy students, is designed to meet New York State certification requirements for building and district leadership internship experiences. Students develop internship program plans each semester, linked to each semester’s theme and national leadership preparation standards. Students are supervised on site by their internship supervisor/mentor and their advisor; they also participate in learning walks to other schools each semester. Three times a semester, students meet with their advisors in conference groups. Students document and reflect on their leadership development experiences by preparing a comprehensive portfolio, presented at the end of the two-year program. This is part three of four semesters of supervised fieldwork. The last part is LEAD9064F. For students in the Future School Leaders Academy only.
This fieldwork is only for students in the FSLA program.
LEAD9063F-KE Future School Leaders Academy Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement 1.5 Karen Eldon W 4:30-7:30 PM
This course, for Future School Leaders Academy students, is designed to meet New York State certification requirements for building and district leadership internship experiences. Students develop internship program plans each semester, linked to each semester’s theme and national leadership preparation standards. Students are supervised on site by their internship supervisor/mentor and their advisor; they also participate in learning walks to other schools each semester. Three times a semester, students meet with their advisors in conference groups. Students document and reflect on their leadership development experiences by preparing a comprehensive portfolio, presented at the end of the two-year program. This is part three of four semesters of supervised fieldwork. The last part is LEAD9064F. For students in the Future School Leaders Academy only.
This fieldwork is only for students in the FSLA program.
LEAD9063F-WM Future School Leaders Academy Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement 1.5 Walter Moran W 4:30-7:30 PM
This course, for Future School Leaders Academy students, is designed to meet New York State certification requirements for building and district leadership internship experiences. Students develop internship program plans each semester, linked to each semester’s theme and national leadership preparation standards. Students are supervised on site by their internship supervisor/mentor and their advisor; they also participate in learning walks to other schools each semester. Three times a semester, students meet with their advisors in conference groups. Students document and reflect on their leadership development experiences by preparing a comprehensive portfolio, presented at the end of the two-year program. This is part three of four semesters of supervised fieldwork. The last part is LEAD9064F. For students in the Future School Leaders Academy only.
This fieldwork is only for students in the FSLA program.

Museum Studies: Learning and Engagement in Museums and Cultural Organizations

These courses are only for students in the LEMCO program.

Section Title Credits Rooms Instructor Days/Times Dates Status
LEAD506C-1C Individualized Course: Educational & Social Role of Museums and Cultural Organizations 2 Brian Hogarth See Notes 9/5, 9/8, 9/12, 9/12, 9/15, 9/19, 9/22, 9/26, 10/15 Outing Sat 10/26
This course introduces the broader historical developments of learning and engagement work in a variety of museums, libraries and other nonprofit cultural organizations, along with the current emphasis on community engagement, access and diversity, building community partnerships and collaborations. Educators working in these spaces serve a variety of publics, onsite and off, from schools and teachers, to adolescents and families, to young as well as older adults. This course serves as a critical introduction to the roles that educators play in supporting these publics, as well as supporting organizational missions and public understanding around artistic and cultural diversity, heritage and the natural world etc. through various programmatic means. This course includes several site visits to different institutions in the New York City area. This is an individualized section of a course reserved for LEMCO students only.

Thurs/Sun and 1 Tues, 1 Sat

This course is for students in the LEMCO cohort, year 1.

LEAD519C-1C Curriculum Development 3 Kristin Scarola, Daniel Zeiger Sun/Sat 6:30-8:30 and 1 Sunday outing 9/29, 10/6, 10/13, 10/20, (Outing 10/27), 11/3, 11/10, 11/17, 11/24
The main focus of this course will be on school field trips (in person and/or virtual, including related resources) to museums and cultural organizations; how these experiences intersect with curricula and specific units of study in schools at different levels. These trips are sometimes referred to as out-of-school experiences or place-based experiences, involving discovery, inquiry and/or play with objects, specimens, and unique environments. Participants will interrogate existing field trip programs using an anti-colonial lens. They will then design a new field trip-- aligned with a unit of study informed by specific standards and guidelines-- that effectively uses resources/objects, spaces and staff expertise at a museum or cultural organization. Field trip proposals will demonstrate the use of developmentally appropriate activities, different modalities, culturally relevant and culturally sustaining language and other effective teaching strategies. For students in the LEMCO program only.
This course is for students in the LEMCO cohort, year 2.
LEAD520C-1C Understanding Audiences and Users 1 Staff TBD See Notes 10/8,10/10,10/24,10/31 plus in person Sat 10/26
Public museums, libraries and cultural Institutions, unlike schools and universities, do not mandate attendance nor do they issue degrees. As places of free-choice learning, they must continually reach out and attract audiences. This requires that staff understand audiences, both current and potential, and the communities in which they operate. In this course, participants will review fundamental marketing and visitor evaluation practices. By developing a greater understanding and empathy for visitor motivations, by identifying possible barriers to participation, by learning techniques for studying and evaluating visitor engagement, participants can develop more responsive, relevant, and inclusive communication strategies for educational programs that meet the needs of diverse publics in their communities. For students in the LEMCO program only.

Days - Thurs, with 1 Tues and 1 workshop in person Saturday, 6:30-8:30 and 1-5 Sat workshop.

This course is for students in the LEMCO cohort, year 2.

LEAD521C-1C Development & Fundraising 1 Rebecca Cardwell TH 6:30-8:30 PM 11/7,11/14,11/21, 12/5, 12/12, 12/19
Fundraising is a constant element of work in most cultural non-profit organizations. In this course, participants will begin by surveying the philanthropic sector: how it arose, what traditionally it did and how, and what changes have taken place, including the rise of digital philanthropy and impact investing. Next, participants will review the landscape of funders: foundations, corporate support, government granting agencies, and digital giving platforms such as crowdsourcing. Lastly, participants will practice writing grant proposals, which includes: developing a plan, researching a suitable funder(s), articulating program goals and outcomes, and how the impact of the program will be assessed. For students in the LEMCO program only.
This course is for students in the LEMCO cohort, year 2.
LEAD9611C-1C Museum Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement 4 Elisabeth Nevins, Saralyn Rosenfield See advisor
Fieldwork in an appropriate setting with supervision and advisement.
This fieldwork is for students in the LEMCO cohort, year 2.

LEAP Program

These courses are only for students in the LEAP program.

Section Title Credits Rooms Instructor Days/Times Dates Status
LEAD510L-1L Leading Critical Issues in Curriculum and Instruction 3 Jae Cho, Michelle Herbowy, Jameela Horton, Marion Wilson T 4:30-6:30 PM
This course focuses on the roles and functions of the school leader in the spheres of curriculum and instruction. It covers the principles and processes that inform curriculum development and their impact on student learning. By explicitly addressing the relationship between curriculum and instruction to critical theory and pedagogy, students will connect positionality to their professional noticing.   At the same time, students will unpack educational equity to become discerning consumers and negotiators of curriculum. In this course, students will envision and conceptualize ways to ensure that all students experience a liberating curriculum by focusing intensively on the knowledge and tools needed to recognize and dismantle dehumanizing spaces that are emblematic of historic and contemporary systems and structures. Finally, the course explores critical issues in leadership in curriculum and instruction and is designed to connect theory to practice as a means of inspiring, guiding, and effecting school change.
This course is only for students in the LEAP program.
LEAD530L-1L Education Policy, Advocacy, and Law 3 Jae Cho, Michelle Herbowy, Jameela Horton, Marion Wilson T 6:00-7:30 PM
Education policy is examined in the context of historical, philosophical, economic, sociocultural, political, and legal perspectives. Leadership theory and practices that create learning environments responsive to the multicultural constituencies of schools, as well as the laws that sustain them, are analyzed.
This course is only for students in the LEAP program.
LEAD660L-1L Research for Educational Change 3 Jae Cho, Michelle Herbowy, Jameela Horton, Marion Wilson T 7:30-9:30 PM
This course is designed to enable leaders, teachers, special educators, and others to be effective consumers of research, as well as to plan and carry out research in response to specific educational questions. Stages of the research process are discussed. Students analyze and evaluate research in the areas of leadership, school effectiveness, administration and supervision, teaching, and curriculum reform, and apply the findings to their everyday roles as educational leaders. It is expected that this course will be valuable for those matriculated students who are initiating projects to satisfy the Independent Study requirement. The format consists of lectures and discussions of the stages of the research process. Class members participate in a project involving research design, data collection, and analysis.
This course is only for students in the LEAP program.
LEAD9181L-1L Leadership Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement 3 Jae Cho, Michelle Herbowy, Jameela Horton, Marion Wilson W 5:00-7:00 PM
This course meets New York State certification requirements for School Building Leadership (SBL) internship experiences. Through close work with a faculty advisor and peers, participants apply their learning from coursework to their field experiences, integrating theory and practice as they reflect on their own professional development. Interns work with a site supervisor and are given substantial school-based responsibilities that involve direct interaction and involvement with staff, students, families, and community leaders. Participants develop the capacity to build and support a positive school culture, build teams, enlist collaboration, and plan and sustain change efforts. Graduate students in advisement participate in small-group sessions with their advisors. At the end of supervised fieldwork, each candidate presents a comprehensive portfolio of internship experiences which meets the program’s Integrative Master’s Project requirement.
This fieldwork is only for students in the LEAP program.

School District Leader Online Program

These courses are only for students in the Online School District Leadership Certificate program.

Section Title Credits Rooms Instructor Days/Times Dates Status
LEAD861SR-1SR Leading a School District I 1 Online Alice Gottlieb, Brian Monahan T 5:00-6:30 PM 9/10/2024
This course focuses on the key constituencies in a district and the different relationships that exist among them. It includes understanding the district’s vision, how it was developed, and how it is sustained. The course also examines a district’s demographic and achievement data. For students in the Online School District Leadership program only.
Courses within this program are for online students only.
LEAD862SR-1SR Leading a School District II 1 Online Alice Gottlieb, Brian Monahan T 5:00-6:30 PM 10/1/2024
This course looks at the varied roles and responsibilities of the superintendent/district leader and ties them to the challenges of creating and sustaining dynamic, humane, effective learning communities. It emphasizes the ways that district leaders’ decisions—in such spheres as instructional policy, planning, fiscal and human resources, facilities, legal and equity issues, accountability, and external relationships—affect schools’ capacity to engage students and strengthen achievement. For students in the Online School District Leadership program only.
Courses within this program are for online students only.
LEAD863SR-1SR Leading a School District III 1 Online Alice Gottlieb, Brian Monahan T 5:00-6:30 PM 10/22/2024
This course focuses on how human and financial resources are allocated in a district to support the instructional program and the goals of the superintendent and school board. For students in the Online School District Leadership program only.
Courses within this program are for online students only.
LEAD864SR-1SR Leading a School District IV 1 Online Alice Gottlieb, Brian Monahan T 5:00-6:30 PM 11/12/2024
This course focuses on examining a district’s budget from multiple points of view: theoretical, conceptual, and practical. Participants will become familiar with all phases of the budget process, from its inception to its implementation throughout a district. Content will be closely aligned, whenever possible, with the “real world” budgets currently in place in districts.
Courses within this program are for online students only.
LEAD870SR-1SR Special Education Leadership: The District Perspective 1 Online Alice Gottlieb, Brian Monahan T 5:00-6:30 PM 12/3/2024
Strong leadership at the district level is essential if schools are to become positive and successful learning environments for diverse learners, including children with disabilities and those at risk of failure. This course covers issues that enhance or create obstacles for inclusive schools and communities. Issues of equity are evident in most school districts and challenge educators to transform educational environments and processes to meet diverse needs. The course will address the issue of “achievement gaps” as well as links between social class and achievement in schools.
Courses within this program are for online students only.
LEAD9081SR-1SR School District Leadership Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement 3 Online Nancy Mann See advisor
Fieldwork in an appropriate setting with supervision and advisement. This is part one of two semesters of supervised fieldwork. The second part is LEAD9082SR.
Courses within this program are for online students only. This is the first term fieldwork course.
LEAD9082SR-1SR School District Leadership Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement 3 Online Nancy Mann See advisor
Fieldwork in an appropriate setting with supervision and advisement. This is part two of two semesters of supervised fieldwork. The first part is LEAD9081SR.
Courses within this program are for online students only. This is the second term fieldwork course.

Aspiring Superintendent's Academy

These courses are only for students in the ASA program.

Section Title Credits Rooms Instructor Days/Times Dates Status
LEAD861AR-1AR Leading a School District I 1 Online Nicole Limperopulos W 4:00-6:00 PM TBD
This course focuses on the key constituencies in a district and the different relationships that exist among them. It includes understanding the district’s vision, how it was developed, and how it is sustained. The course also examines a district’s demographic and achievement data. This course is for students in the Aspiring Superintendent Academy Program only.
This course is only for students in the ASA program.
LEAD862AR-1AR Leading a School District II 1 Online Nicole Limperopulos W 6:00-8:00 PM TBD
This course looks at the varied roles and responsibilities of the superintendent/district leader and ties them to the challenges of creating and sustaining dynamic, humane, effective learning communities. It emphasizes the ways that district leaders’ decisions—in such spheres as instructional policy, planning, fiscal and human resources, facilities, legal and equity issues, accountability, and external relationships—affect schools’ capacity to engage students and strengthen achievement. This course is for students in the Aspiring Superintendent Academy Program only.
This course is only for students in the ASA program.
LEAD9081AR-1AR School District Leadership Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement 3 Online Nicole Limperopulos T 6:00-8:00 PM
Fieldwork in an appropriate setting with supervision and advisement. This course is for students in the Aspiring District Leaders Scholars program only. This is part one of two semesters of supervised fieldwork. The second part is LEAD9082AR.
This course is only for students in the ASA program.

New Leaders - Cohort 1

These courses are only for degree-seeking students in Cohort 1 of the National Aspiring Principals (New Leaders) program.

Section Title Credits Rooms Instructor Days/Times Dates Status
LEAD503WR-1WR Adult Development: Implications for Educational Leadership 3 Online Sebrina Lindsay-Law TBD 6:00-8:30 8/19-10/10
Students will examine the developmental periods of young, middle, and later years in the human life cycle, with a broad multicultural approach to learning and development. Studies and research are reviewed. Emphasis is given to developmental characteristics that have implications for professional growth and development. For online National Aspiring Principals students only.
Note: This section is for students enrolled in the National Aspiring Principals Fellowship, master’s degree track.
LEAD660WR-1WR Research for Educational Change 3 Online Gloria Rosario Wallace TBD 6:00-8:30 8/19-10/10
This course is designed to enable leaders, teachers, special educators, and others to be effective consumers of research, as well as to plan and carry out research in response to specific educational questions. Stages of the research process are discussed. Students analyze and evaluate research in the areas of leadership, school effectiveness, administration and supervision, teaching, and curriculum reform, and apply the findings to their everyday roles as educational leaders. It is expected that this course will be valuable for those matriculated students who are initiating projects to satisfy the Independent Study requirement. The format consists of lectures and discussions of the stages of the research process. Class members participate in a project involving research design, data collection, and analysis.
Note: This section is for students enrolled in the National Aspiring Principals Fellowship, master’s degree track.

New Leaders - Cohort 2 (CERTS)

These courses are only for certificate-seeking students in Cohort 2 of the National Aspiring Principals (New Leaders) program.

Section Title Credits Rooms Instructor Days/Times Dates Status
LEAD510WR-3WR Leading Critical Issues in Curriculum and Instruction 3 Online Rick Romain TBD 6:00-8:30 8/19-10/10
This course focuses on the roles and functions of the school leader in the spheres of curriculum and instruction. It covers the principles and processes that inform curriculum development and their impact on student learning. By explicitly addressing the relationship between curriculum and instruction to critical theory and pedagogy, students will connect positionality to their professional noticing.   At the same time, students will unpack educational equity to become discerning consumers and negotiators of curriculum. In this course, students will envision and conceptualize ways to ensure that all students experience a liberating curriculum by focusing intensively on the knowledge and tools needed to recognize and dismantle dehumanizing spaces that are emblematic of historic and contemporary systems and structures. Finally, the course explores critical issues in leadership in curriculum and instruction and is designed to connect theory to practice as a means of inspiring, guiding, and effecting school change. This section is reserved for students in the National Aspiring Principals (New Leaders) programs.
Note: This section is for students enrolled in the National Aspiring Principals Fellowship, certification program track.
LEAD510WR-4WR Leading Critical Issues in Curriculum and Instruction 3 Online Malissa Mootoo TBD 6:00-8:30 8/19-10/10
This course focuses on the roles and functions of the school leader in the spheres of curriculum and instruction. It covers the principles and processes that inform curriculum development and their impact on student learning. By explicitly addressing the relationship between curriculum and instruction to critical theory and pedagogy, students will connect positionality to their professional noticing.   At the same time, students will unpack educational equity to become discerning consumers and negotiators of curriculum. In this course, students will envision and conceptualize ways to ensure that all students experience a liberating curriculum by focusing intensively on the knowledge and tools needed to recognize and dismantle dehumanizing spaces that are emblematic of historic and contemporary systems and structures. Finally, the course explores critical issues in leadership in curriculum and instruction and is designed to connect theory to practice as a means of inspiring, guiding, and effecting school change. This section is reserved for students in the National Aspiring Principals (New Leaders) programs.
Note: This section is for students enrolled in the National Aspiring Principals Fellowship, certification program track.
LEAD615WR-3WR Processes of Supervision and Professional Development 3 Online Jack Perry TBD 6:00-8:30 10/17-12/5
Designed for students who are preparing for supervisory roles or who are actively engaged in such roles, this course focuses on the objectives, functions, and evaluation of the supervisory experience within multicultural educational institutions. Organizational, cultural, and human variables that may facilitate or impede effective supervision are identified, and strategies to maximize or minimize their impact are generated. Supervisory attitudes and skills aimed at increasing professional growth in individual and group supervision are synthesized from a variety of supervisory models, with particular attention given to the clinical supervision model. This section is reserved for National Aspiring Principals (New Leaders) programs.
Note: This section is for students enrolled in the National Aspiring Principals Fellowship, certification program track.
LEAD615WR-4WR Processes of Supervision and Professional Development 3 Online Rachael DeRogatis TBD 6:00-8:30 10/17-12/5
Designed for students who are preparing for supervisory roles or who are actively engaged in such roles, this course focuses on the objectives, functions, and evaluation of the supervisory experience within multicultural educational institutions. Organizational, cultural, and human variables that may facilitate or impede effective supervision are identified, and strategies to maximize or minimize their impact are generated. Supervisory attitudes and skills aimed at increasing professional growth in individual and group supervision are synthesized from a variety of supervisory models, with particular attention given to the clinical supervision model. This section is reserved for National Aspiring Principals (New Leaders) programs.
Note: This section is for students enrolled in the National Aspiring Principals Fellowship, certification program track.
LEAD9182WR-3WR Leadership Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement 3 Online Bianca Harris Day & Time TBD 8/19-12/5
This course meets New York State certification requirements for School Building Leadership (SBL) internship experiences. Through close work with a faculty advisor and peers, participants apply their learning from coursework to their field experiences, integrating theory and practice as they reflect on their own professional development. Interns work with a site supervisor and are given substantial school-based responsibilities that involve direct interaction and involvement with staff, students, families, and community leaders. Participants develop the capacity to build and support a positive school culture, build teams, enlist collaboration, and plan and sustain change efforts. Graduate students in advisement participate in small-group sessions with their advisors. At the end of supervised fieldwork, each candidate presents a comprehensive portfolio of internship experiences which meets the program's Integrative Master's Project requirement. This is part two of two semesters of supervised fieldwork. (For National Aspiring Principals Fellows)
Note: This section is for students enrolled in the National Aspiring Principals Fellowship, certification program track.
LEAD9182WR-4WR Leadership Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement 3 Online Karin Wade Day & Time TBD 8/19-12/5
This course meets New York State certification requirements for School Building Leadership (SBL) internship experiences. Through close work with a faculty advisor and peers, participants apply their learning from coursework to their field experiences, integrating theory and practice as they reflect on their own professional development. Interns work with a site supervisor and are given substantial school-based responsibilities that involve direct interaction and involvement with staff, students, families, and community leaders. Participants develop the capacity to build and support a positive school culture, build teams, enlist collaboration, and plan and sustain change efforts. Graduate students in advisement participate in small-group sessions with their advisors. At the end of supervised fieldwork, each candidate presents a comprehensive portfolio of internship experiences which meets the program's Integrative Master's Project requirement. This is part two of two semesters of supervised fieldwork. (For National Aspiring Principals Fellows)
Note: This section is for students enrolled in the National Aspiring Principals Fellowship, certification program track.
LEAD9182WR-5WR Leadership Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement 3 Online Michelle Cummings Day & Time TBD 8/19-12/5
This course meets New York State certification requirements for School Building Leadership (SBL) internship experiences. Through close work with a faculty advisor and peers, participants apply their learning from coursework to their field experiences, integrating theory and practice as they reflect on their own professional development. Interns work with a site supervisor and are given substantial school-based responsibilities that involve direct interaction and involvement with staff, students, families, and community leaders. Participants develop the capacity to build and support a positive school culture, build teams, enlist collaboration, and plan and sustain change efforts. Graduate students in advisement participate in small-group sessions with their advisors. At the end of supervised fieldwork, each candidate presents a comprehensive portfolio of internship experiences which meets the program's Integrative Master's Project requirement. This is part two of two semesters of supervised fieldwork. (For National Aspiring Principals Fellows)
Note: This section is for students enrolled in the National Aspiring Principals Fellowship, certification program track.

New Leaders - Cohort 2 (MSE)

These courses are only for degree-seeking students in Cohort 2 of the National Aspiring Principals (New Leaders) program.

Section Title Credits Rooms Instructor Days/Times Dates Status
LEAD510WR-1WR Leading Critical Issues in Curriculum and Instruction 3 Online Kimberly Washington TBD 6:00-8:30 8/19-10/10
This course focuses on the roles and functions of the school leader in the spheres of curriculum and instruction. It covers the principles and processes that inform curriculum development and their impact on student learning. By explicitly addressing the relationship between curriculum and instruction to critical theory and pedagogy, students will connect positionality to their professional noticing.   At the same time, students will unpack educational equity to become discerning consumers and negotiators of curriculum. In this course, students will envision and conceptualize ways to ensure that all students experience a liberating curriculum by focusing intensively on the knowledge and tools needed to recognize and dismantle dehumanizing spaces that are emblematic of historic and contemporary systems and structures. Finally, the course explores critical issues in leadership in curriculum and instruction and is designed to connect theory to practice as a means of inspiring, guiding, and effecting school change. This section is reserved for students in the National Aspiring Principals (New Leaders) programs.
Note: This section is for students enrolled in the National Aspiring Principals Fellowship, master’s degree track.
LEAD510WR-2WR Leading Critical Issues in Curriculum and Instruction 3 Online Monica Gaines TBD 6:00-8:30 8/19-10/10
This course focuses on the roles and functions of the school leader in the spheres of curriculum and instruction. It covers the principles and processes that inform curriculum development and their impact on student learning. By explicitly addressing the relationship between curriculum and instruction to critical theory and pedagogy, students will connect positionality to their professional noticing.   At the same time, students will unpack educational equity to become discerning consumers and negotiators of curriculum. In this course, students will envision and conceptualize ways to ensure that all students experience a liberating curriculum by focusing intensively on the knowledge and tools needed to recognize and dismantle dehumanizing spaces that are emblematic of historic and contemporary systems and structures. Finally, the course explores critical issues in leadership in curriculum and instruction and is designed to connect theory to practice as a means of inspiring, guiding, and effecting school change. This section is reserved for students in the National Aspiring Principals (New Leaders) programs.
Note: This section is for students enrolled in the National Aspiring Principals Fellowship, master’s degree track.
LEAD615WR-1WR Processes of Supervision and Professional Development 3 Online Anita Walls TBD 6:00-8:30 10/17-12/5
Designed for students who are preparing for supervisory roles or who are actively engaged in such roles, this course focuses on the objectives, functions, and evaluation of the supervisory experience within multicultural educational institutions. Organizational, cultural, and human variables that may facilitate or impede effective supervision are identified, and strategies to maximize or minimize their impact are generated. Supervisory attitudes and skills aimed at increasing professional growth in individual and group supervision are synthesized from a variety of supervisory models, with particular attention given to the clinical supervision model. This section is reserved for National Aspiring Principals (New Leaders) programs.
Note: This section is for students enrolled in the National Aspiring Principals Fellowship, master’s degree track.
LEAD615WR-2WR Processes of Supervision and Professional Development 3 Online Kimberly Washington TBD 6:00-8:30 10/17-12/5
Designed for students who are preparing for supervisory roles or who are actively engaged in such roles, this course focuses on the objectives, functions, and evaluation of the supervisory experience within multicultural educational institutions. Organizational, cultural, and human variables that may facilitate or impede effective supervision are identified, and strategies to maximize or minimize their impact are generated. Supervisory attitudes and skills aimed at increasing professional growth in individual and group supervision are synthesized from a variety of supervisory models, with particular attention given to the clinical supervision model. This section is reserved for National Aspiring Principals (New Leaders) programs.
Note: This section is for students enrolled in the National Aspiring Principals Fellowship, master’s degree track.
LEAD9182WR-1WR Leadership Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement 3 Online Nathan Boyd Day & Time TBD 8/19-12/5
This course meets New York State certification requirements for School Building Leadership (SBL) internship experiences. Through close work with a faculty advisor and peers, participants apply their learning from coursework to their field experiences, integrating theory and practice as they reflect on their own professional development. Interns work with a site supervisor and are given substantial school-based responsibilities that involve direct interaction and involvement with staff, students, families, and community leaders. Participants develop the capacity to build and support a positive school culture, build teams, enlist collaboration, and plan and sustain change efforts. Graduate students in advisement participate in small-group sessions with their advisors. At the end of supervised fieldwork, each candidate presents a comprehensive portfolio of internship experiences which meets the program's Integrative Master's Project requirement. This is part two of two semesters of supervised fieldwork. (For National Aspiring Principals Fellows)
Note: This section is for students enrolled in the National Aspiring Principals Fellowship, master’s degree track.
LEAD9182WR-2WR Leadership Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement 3 Online Monica Gaines Day & Time TBD 8/19-12/5
This course meets New York State certification requirements for School Building Leadership (SBL) internship experiences. Through close work with a faculty advisor and peers, participants apply their learning from coursework to their field experiences, integrating theory and practice as they reflect on their own professional development. Interns work with a site supervisor and are given substantial school-based responsibilities that involve direct interaction and involvement with staff, students, families, and community leaders. Participants develop the capacity to build and support a positive school culture, build teams, enlist collaboration, and plan and sustain change efforts. Graduate students in advisement participate in small-group sessions with their advisors. At the end of supervised fieldwork, each candidate presents a comprehensive portfolio of internship experiences which meets the program's Integrative Master's Project requirement. This is part two of two semesters of supervised fieldwork. (For National Aspiring Principals Fellows)
Note: This section is for students enrolled in the National Aspiring Principals Fellowship, master’s degree track.

New Leaders - Cohort 3

These courses are only for students in Cohort 3 of the Online National Aspiring Principals (New Leaders) program.

Section Title Credits Rooms Instructor Days/Times Dates Status
LEAD531WR-1WR History of Urban Education 3 Online Sebrina Lindsay-Law TBD 6:00-8:30 8/19-10/10
Highly effective school leaders understand the historical and contemporary implications of how racial and socioeconomic inequities continue to shape patterns of access and quality in education throughout the United States. These transformational leaders organize their entire school community around ensuring learning environments are free from bias and limitation. In doing so, they build a stronger, more equitable, and more just society – and serve as examples of what’s possible in America’s public education system.

This course is essential for aspiring educational leaders in that it provides opportunities to examine and dissect the history of our education system as foundational knowledge required to envision a new model for schools and educational leadership. The course will examine the history, practices, and policies that create, maintain, and uphold inequities. Students will co-create ways to apply this understanding to practice in order to improve educational excellence for all children. This section is reserved for students in the National Aspiring Principals (New Leaders) programs.
LEAD531WR-2WR History of Urban Education 3 Online Sebrina Lindsay-Law TBD 6:00-8:30 8/19-10/10
Highly effective school leaders understand the historical and contemporary implications of how racial and socioeconomic inequities continue to shape patterns of access and quality in education throughout the United States. These transformational leaders organize their entire school community around ensuring learning environments are free from bias and limitation. In doing so, they build a stronger, more equitable, and more just society – and serve as examples of what’s possible in America’s public education system.

This course is essential for aspiring educational leaders in that it provides opportunities to examine and dissect the history of our education system as foundational knowledge required to envision a new model for schools and educational leadership. The course will examine the history, practices, and policies that create, maintain, and uphold inequities. Students will co-create ways to apply this understanding to practice in order to improve educational excellence for all children. This section is reserved for students in the National Aspiring Principals (New Leaders) programs.
LEAD531WR-3WR History of Urban Education 3 Online Eric Langston TBD 6:00-8:30 8/19-10/10
Highly effective school leaders understand the historical and contemporary implications of how racial and socioeconomic inequities continue to shape patterns of access and quality in education throughout the United States. These transformational leaders organize their entire school community around ensuring learning environments are free from bias and limitation. In doing so, they build a stronger, more equitable, and more just society – and serve as examples of what’s possible in America’s public education system.

This course is essential for aspiring educational leaders in that it provides opportunities to examine and dissect the history of our education system as foundational knowledge required to envision a new model for schools and educational leadership. The course will examine the history, practices, and policies that create, maintain, and uphold inequities. Students will co-create ways to apply this understanding to practice in order to improve educational excellence for all children. This section is reserved for students in the National Aspiring Principals (New Leaders) programs.
LEAD531WR-4WR History of Urban Education 3 Online Nykeisha Jenkins-Rycraw TBD 6:00-8:30 8/19-10/10
Highly effective school leaders understand the historical and contemporary implications of how racial and socioeconomic inequities continue to shape patterns of access and quality in education throughout the United States. These transformational leaders organize their entire school community around ensuring learning environments are free from bias and limitation. In doing so, they build a stronger, more equitable, and more just society – and serve as examples of what’s possible in America’s public education system.

This course is essential for aspiring educational leaders in that it provides opportunities to examine and dissect the history of our education system as foundational knowledge required to envision a new model for schools and educational leadership. The course will examine the history, practices, and policies that create, maintain, and uphold inequities. Students will co-create ways to apply this understanding to practice in order to improve educational excellence for all children. This section is reserved for students in the National Aspiring Principals (New Leaders) programs.
LEAD531WR-5WR History of Urban Education 3 Online Derrick Williams TBD 6:00-8:30 8/19-10/10
Highly effective school leaders understand the historical and contemporary implications of how racial and socioeconomic inequities continue to shape patterns of access and quality in education throughout the United States. These transformational leaders organize their entire school community around ensuring learning environments are free from bias and limitation. In doing so, they build a stronger, more equitable, and more just society – and serve as examples of what’s possible in America’s public education system.

This course is essential for aspiring educational leaders in that it provides opportunities to examine and dissect the history of our education system as foundational knowledge required to envision a new model for schools and educational leadership. The course will examine the history, practices, and policies that create, maintain, and uphold inequities. Students will co-create ways to apply this understanding to practice in order to improve educational excellence for all children. This section is reserved for students in the National Aspiring Principals (New Leaders) programs.
LEAD531WR-6WR History of Urban Education 3 Online Khristina Goady TBD 6:00-8:30 8/19-10/10
Highly effective school leaders understand the historical and contemporary implications of how racial and socioeconomic inequities continue to shape patterns of access and quality in education throughout the United States. These transformational leaders organize their entire school community around ensuring learning environments are free from bias and limitation. In doing so, they build a stronger, more equitable, and more just society – and serve as examples of what’s possible in America’s public education system.

This course is essential for aspiring educational leaders in that it provides opportunities to examine and dissect the history of our education system as foundational knowledge required to envision a new model for schools and educational leadership. The course will examine the history, practices, and policies that create, maintain, and uphold inequities. Students will co-create ways to apply this understanding to practice in order to improve educational excellence for all children. This section is reserved for students in the National Aspiring Principals (New Leaders) programs.
LEAD531WR-7WR History of Urban Education 3 Online Staff TBD TBD 6:00-8:30 8/19-10/10 Cancelled
Highly effective school leaders understand the historical and contemporary implications of how racial and socioeconomic inequities continue to shape patterns of access and quality in education throughout the United States. These transformational leaders organize their entire school community around ensuring learning environments are free from bias and limitation. In doing so, they build a stronger, more equitable, and more just society – and serve as examples of what’s possible in America’s public education system.

This course is essential for aspiring educational leaders in that it provides opportunities to examine and dissect the history of our education system as foundational knowledge required to envision a new model for schools and educational leadership. The course will examine the history, practices, and policies that create, maintain, and uphold inequities. Students will co-create ways to apply this understanding to practice in order to improve educational excellence for all children. This section is reserved for students in the National Aspiring Principals (New Leaders) programs.
LEAD531WR-8WR History of Urban Education 3 Online Staff TBD TBD 6:00-8:30 8/19-10/10 Cancelled
Highly effective school leaders understand the historical and contemporary implications of how racial and socioeconomic inequities continue to shape patterns of access and quality in education throughout the United States. These transformational leaders organize their entire school community around ensuring learning environments are free from bias and limitation. In doing so, they build a stronger, more equitable, and more just society – and serve as examples of what’s possible in America’s public education system.

This course is essential for aspiring educational leaders in that it provides opportunities to examine and dissect the history of our education system as foundational knowledge required to envision a new model for schools and educational leadership. The course will examine the history, practices, and policies that create, maintain, and uphold inequities. Students will co-create ways to apply this understanding to practice in order to improve educational excellence for all children. This section is reserved for students in the National Aspiring Principals (New Leaders) programs.
LEAD531WR-9WR History of Urban Education 3 Online Staff TBD TBD 6:00-8:30 8/19-10/10 Cancelled
Highly effective school leaders understand the historical and contemporary implications of how racial and socioeconomic inequities continue to shape patterns of access and quality in education throughout the United States. These transformational leaders organize their entire school community around ensuring learning environments are free from bias and limitation. In doing so, they build a stronger, more equitable, and more just society – and serve as examples of what’s possible in America’s public education system.

This course is essential for aspiring educational leaders in that it provides opportunities to examine and dissect the history of our education system as foundational knowledge required to envision a new model for schools and educational leadership. The course will examine the history, practices, and policies that create, maintain, and uphold inequities. Students will co-create ways to apply this understanding to practice in order to improve educational excellence for all children. This section is reserved for students in the National Aspiring Principals (New Leaders) programs.
LEAD538WR-1WR School Culture and Community Relations 3 Online Brian Bereman TBD 6:00-8:30 10/17-12/5
In this course, you will examine the role of the principal as a leader in building a school culture where all students are able to thrive academically, intellectually, socially, and emotionally. We will start by defining the specific leadership actions necessary to:
Promote collective efficacy and high expectations for learning across classrooms.
Build a school environment that is focused on the talents and assets of the students.
Leverage the wealth of the community to meet shared goals.
In order to chart the path to a vision for equity and excellence in education, you will use the course content presented in the modules to define school culture through adult leadership, student experience, and community engagement. Finally, you will focus on the connection between communication structures and realizing a vision for equity and excellence in education. You will leave this course ready to implement and practice the leadership actions under the School Culture category in the Transformational Leadership Framework.
LEAD538WR-2WR School Culture and Community Relations 3 Online Megan Gleason TBD 6:00-8:30 10/17-12/5
In this course, you will examine the role of the principal as a leader in building a school culture where all students are able to thrive academically, intellectually, socially, and emotionally. We will start by defining the specific leadership actions necessary to:
Promote collective efficacy and high expectations for learning across classrooms.
Build a school environment that is focused on the talents and assets of the students.
Leverage the wealth of the community to meet shared goals.
In order to chart the path to a vision for equity and excellence in education, you will use the course content presented in the modules to define school culture through adult leadership, student experience, and community engagement. Finally, you will focus on the connection between communication structures and realizing a vision for equity and excellence in education. You will leave this course ready to implement and practice the leadership actions under the School Culture category in the Transformational Leadership Framework.
LEAD538WR-3WR School Culture and Community Relations 3 Online Mary Mitchell TBD 6:00-8:30 10/17-12/5
In this course, you will examine the role of the principal as a leader in building a school culture where all students are able to thrive academically, intellectually, socially, and emotionally. We will start by defining the specific leadership actions necessary to:
Promote collective efficacy and high expectations for learning across classrooms.
Build a school environment that is focused on the talents and assets of the students.
Leverage the wealth of the community to meet shared goals.
In order to chart the path to a vision for equity and excellence in education, you will use the course content presented in the modules to define school culture through adult leadership, student experience, and community engagement. Finally, you will focus on the connection between communication structures and realizing a vision for equity and excellence in education. You will leave this course ready to implement and practice the leadership actions under the School Culture category in the Transformational Leadership Framework.
LEAD538WR-4WR School Culture and Community Relations 3 Online Mary Mitchell TBD 6:00-8:30 10/17-12/5
In this course, you will examine the role of the principal as a leader in building a school culture where all students are able to thrive academically, intellectually, socially, and emotionally. We will start by defining the specific leadership actions necessary to:
Promote collective efficacy and high expectations for learning across classrooms.
Build a school environment that is focused on the talents and assets of the students.
Leverage the wealth of the community to meet shared goals.
In order to chart the path to a vision for equity and excellence in education, you will use the course content presented in the modules to define school culture through adult leadership, student experience, and community engagement. Finally, you will focus on the connection between communication structures and realizing a vision for equity and excellence in education. You will leave this course ready to implement and practice the leadership actions under the School Culture category in the Transformational Leadership Framework.
LEAD538WR-5WR School Culture and Community Relations 3 Online Beulah Mcloyd TBD 6:00-8:30 10/17-12/5
In this course, you will examine the role of the principal as a leader in building a school culture where all students are able to thrive academically, intellectually, socially, and emotionally. We will start by defining the specific leadership actions necessary to:
Promote collective efficacy and high expectations for learning across classrooms.
Build a school environment that is focused on the talents and assets of the students.
Leverage the wealth of the community to meet shared goals.
In order to chart the path to a vision for equity and excellence in education, you will use the course content presented in the modules to define school culture through adult leadership, student experience, and community engagement. Finally, you will focus on the connection between communication structures and realizing a vision for equity and excellence in education. You will leave this course ready to implement and practice the leadership actions under the School Culture category in the Transformational Leadership Framework.
LEAD538WR-6WR School Culture and Community Relations 3 Online Irina LaGrange TBD 6:00-8:30 10/17-12/5
In this course, you will examine the role of the principal as a leader in building a school culture where all students are able to thrive academically, intellectually, socially, and emotionally. We will start by defining the specific leadership actions necessary to:
Promote collective efficacy and high expectations for learning across classrooms.
Build a school environment that is focused on the talents and assets of the students.
Leverage the wealth of the community to meet shared goals.
In order to chart the path to a vision for equity and excellence in education, you will use the course content presented in the modules to define school culture through adult leadership, student experience, and community engagement. Finally, you will focus on the connection between communication structures and realizing a vision for equity and excellence in education. You will leave this course ready to implement and practice the leadership actions under the School Culture category in the Transformational Leadership Framework.
LEAD538WR-7WR School Culture and Community Relations 3 Online Staff TBD TBD 6:00-8:30 10/17-12/5 Cancelled
In this course, you will examine the role of the principal as a leader in building a school culture where all students are able to thrive academically, intellectually, socially, and emotionally. We will start by defining the specific leadership actions necessary to:
Promote collective efficacy and high expectations for learning across classrooms.
Build a school environment that is focused on the talents and assets of the students.
Leverage the wealth of the community to meet shared goals.
In order to chart the path to a vision for equity and excellence in education, you will use the course content presented in the modules to define school culture through adult leadership, student experience, and community engagement. Finally, you will focus on the connection between communication structures and realizing a vision for equity and excellence in education. You will leave this course ready to implement and practice the leadership actions under the School Culture category in the Transformational Leadership Framework.
LEAD538WR-8WR School Culture and Community Relations 3 Online Staff TBD TBD 6:00-8:30 10/17-12/5 Cancelled
In this course, you will examine the role of the principal as a leader in building a school culture where all students are able to thrive academically, intellectually, socially, and emotionally. We will start by defining the specific leadership actions necessary to:
Promote collective efficacy and high expectations for learning across classrooms.
Build a school environment that is focused on the talents and assets of the students.
Leverage the wealth of the community to meet shared goals.
In order to chart the path to a vision for equity and excellence in education, you will use the course content presented in the modules to define school culture through adult leadership, student experience, and community engagement. Finally, you will focus on the connection between communication structures and realizing a vision for equity and excellence in education. You will leave this course ready to implement and practice the leadership actions under the School Culture category in the Transformational Leadership Framework.
LEAD538WR-9WR School Culture and Community Relations 3 Online Staff TBD TBD 6:00-8:30 10/17-12/5 Cancelled
In this course, you will examine the role of the principal as a leader in building a school culture where all students are able to thrive academically, intellectually, socially, and emotionally. We will start by defining the specific leadership actions necessary to:
Promote collective efficacy and high expectations for learning across classrooms.
Build a school environment that is focused on the talents and assets of the students.
Leverage the wealth of the community to meet shared goals.
In order to chart the path to a vision for equity and excellence in education, you will use the course content presented in the modules to define school culture through adult leadership, student experience, and community engagement. Finally, you will focus on the connection between communication structures and realizing a vision for equity and excellence in education. You will leave this course ready to implement and practice the leadership actions under the School Culture category in the Transformational Leadership Framework.
LEAD9181WR-1WR Leadership Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement 3 Online Douglas Taylor TBD 6:00-8:30 8/19-12/5
This course meets New York State certification requirements for School Building Leadership (SBL) internship experiences. Through close work with a faculty advisor and peers, participants apply their learning from coursework to their field experiences, integrating theory and practice as they reflect on their own professional development. Interns work with a site supervisor and are given substantial school-based responsibilities that involve direct interaction and involvement with staff, students, families, and community leaders. Participants develop the capacity to build and support a positive school culture, build teams, enlist collaboration, and plan and sustain change efforts. Graduate students in advisement participate in small-group sessions with their advisors. At the end of supervised fieldwork, each candidate presents a comprehensive portfolio of internship experiences which meets the program's Integrative Master's Project requirement. This is part one of three semesters of supervised fieldwork. The second part is LEAD9182WR.
LEAD9181WR-2WR Leadership Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement 3 Online Jack Perry TBD 6:00-8:30 8/19-12/5
This course meets New York State certification requirements for School Building Leadership (SBL) internship experiences. Through close work with a faculty advisor and peers, participants apply their learning from coursework to their field experiences, integrating theory and practice as they reflect on their own professional development. Interns work with a site supervisor and are given substantial school-based responsibilities that involve direct interaction and involvement with staff, students, families, and community leaders. Participants develop the capacity to build and support a positive school culture, build teams, enlist collaboration, and plan and sustain change efforts. Graduate students in advisement participate in small-group sessions with their advisors. At the end of supervised fieldwork, each candidate presents a comprehensive portfolio of internship experiences which meets the program's Integrative Master's Project requirement. This is part one of three semesters of supervised fieldwork. The second part is LEAD9182WR.
LEAD9181WR-3WR Leadership Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement 3 Online Courtney Strozyk TBD 6:00-8:30 8/19-12/5
This course meets New York State certification requirements for School Building Leadership (SBL) internship experiences. Through close work with a faculty advisor and peers, participants apply their learning from coursework to their field experiences, integrating theory and practice as they reflect on their own professional development. Interns work with a site supervisor and are given substantial school-based responsibilities that involve direct interaction and involvement with staff, students, families, and community leaders. Participants develop the capacity to build and support a positive school culture, build teams, enlist collaboration, and plan and sustain change efforts. Graduate students in advisement participate in small-group sessions with their advisors. At the end of supervised fieldwork, each candidate presents a comprehensive portfolio of internship experiences which meets the program's Integrative Master's Project requirement. This is part one of three semesters of supervised fieldwork. The second part is LEAD9182WR.
LEAD9181WR-4WR Leadership Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement 3 Online Gloria Rosario Wallace TBD 6:00-8:30 8/19-12/5
This course meets New York State certification requirements for School Building Leadership (SBL) internship experiences. Through close work with a faculty advisor and peers, participants apply their learning from coursework to their field experiences, integrating theory and practice as they reflect on their own professional development. Interns work with a site supervisor and are given substantial school-based responsibilities that involve direct interaction and involvement with staff, students, families, and community leaders. Participants develop the capacity to build and support a positive school culture, build teams, enlist collaboration, and plan and sustain change efforts. Graduate students in advisement participate in small-group sessions with their advisors. At the end of supervised fieldwork, each candidate presents a comprehensive portfolio of internship experiences which meets the program's Integrative Master's Project requirement. This is part one of three semesters of supervised fieldwork. The second part is LEAD9182WR.
LEAD9181WR-5WR Leadership Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement 3 Online Nathan Boyd TBD 6:00-8:30 8/19-12/5
This course meets New York State certification requirements for School Building Leadership (SBL) internship experiences. Through close work with a faculty advisor and peers, participants apply their learning from coursework to their field experiences, integrating theory and practice as they reflect on their own professional development. Interns work with a site supervisor and are given substantial school-based responsibilities that involve direct interaction and involvement with staff, students, families, and community leaders. Participants develop the capacity to build and support a positive school culture, build teams, enlist collaboration, and plan and sustain change efforts. Graduate students in advisement participate in small-group sessions with their advisors. At the end of supervised fieldwork, each candidate presents a comprehensive portfolio of internship experiences which meets the program's Integrative Master's Project requirement. This is part one of three semesters of supervised fieldwork. The second part is LEAD9182WR.
LEAD9181WR-6WR Leadership Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement 3 Online Simone Rose TBD 6:00-8:30 8/19-12/5
This course meets New York State certification requirements for School Building Leadership (SBL) internship experiences. Through close work with a faculty advisor and peers, participants apply their learning from coursework to their field experiences, integrating theory and practice as they reflect on their own professional development. Interns work with a site supervisor and are given substantial school-based responsibilities that involve direct interaction and involvement with staff, students, families, and community leaders. Participants develop the capacity to build and support a positive school culture, build teams, enlist collaboration, and plan and sustain change efforts. Graduate students in advisement participate in small-group sessions with their advisors. At the end of supervised fieldwork, each candidate presents a comprehensive portfolio of internship experiences which meets the program's Integrative Master's Project requirement. This is part one of three semesters of supervised fieldwork. The second part is LEAD9182WR.
LEAD9181WR-7WR Leadership Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement 3 Online Lisa Rosado TBD 6:00-8:30 8/19-12/5
This course meets New York State certification requirements for School Building Leadership (SBL) internship experiences. Through close work with a faculty advisor and peers, participants apply their learning from coursework to their field experiences, integrating theory and practice as they reflect on their own professional development. Interns work with a site supervisor and are given substantial school-based responsibilities that involve direct interaction and involvement with staff, students, families, and community leaders. Participants develop the capacity to build and support a positive school culture, build teams, enlist collaboration, and plan and sustain change efforts. Graduate students in advisement participate in small-group sessions with their advisors. At the end of supervised fieldwork, each candidate presents a comprehensive portfolio of internship experiences which meets the program's Integrative Master's Project requirement. This is part one of three semesters of supervised fieldwork. The second part is LEAD9182WR.
LEAD9181WR-8WR Leadership Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement 3 Online Staff TBD TBD 6:00-8:30 8/19-12/5
This course meets New York State certification requirements for School Building Leadership (SBL) internship experiences. Through close work with a faculty advisor and peers, participants apply their learning from coursework to their field experiences, integrating theory and practice as they reflect on their own professional development. Interns work with a site supervisor and are given substantial school-based responsibilities that involve direct interaction and involvement with staff, students, families, and community leaders. Participants develop the capacity to build and support a positive school culture, build teams, enlist collaboration, and plan and sustain change efforts. Graduate students in advisement participate in small-group sessions with their advisors. At the end of supervised fieldwork, each candidate presents a comprehensive portfolio of internship experiences which meets the program's Integrative Master's Project requirement. This is part one of three semesters of supervised fieldwork. The second part is LEAD9182WR.
LEAD9181WR-9WR Leadership Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement 3 Online Staff TBD TBD 6:00-8:30 8/19-12/5
This course meets New York State certification requirements for School Building Leadership (SBL) internship experiences. Through close work with a faculty advisor and peers, participants apply their learning from coursework to their field experiences, integrating theory and practice as they reflect on their own professional development. Interns work with a site supervisor and are given substantial school-based responsibilities that involve direct interaction and involvement with staff, students, families, and community leaders. Participants develop the capacity to build and support a positive school culture, build teams, enlist collaboration, and plan and sustain change efforts. Graduate students in advisement participate in small-group sessions with their advisors. At the end of supervised fieldwork, each candidate presents a comprehensive portfolio of internship experiences which meets the program's Integrative Master's Project requirement. This is part one of three semesters of supervised fieldwork. The second part is LEAD9182WR.

Matriculation Maintenance

For students graduating in Fall 2024 who will not be registering for any other Fall courses.

Section Title Credits Rooms Instructor Days/Times Dates Status
MMNT500-1 Matriculation Maintenance 0 N/A Staff TBD Not applicable
A degree can only be conferred for currently enrolled students. If students are not registered for classes, the Integrative Master's Project, or supervised fieldwork in the semester they intend to graduate, they must register for matriculation maintenance by the end of the add/drop period. This situation might occur, for example, if students are completing coursework for a prior class in which they received a grade of Incomplete.
MMNT500R-1R Matriculation Maintenance 0 N/A Staff TBD Not applicable
A degree can only be conferred for currently enrolled students. If students are not registered for classes, the Integrative Master's Project, or supervised fieldwork in the semester they intend to graduate, they must register for matriculation maintenance by the end of the add/drop period. This situation might occur, for example, if students are completing coursework for a prior class in which they received a grade of Incomplete.