Spring 2025
January 21, 2025—May 05, 2025
All courses must meet seat hour requirements. Some courses do so with asynchronous (out-of-scheduled) engaged class time and others do not. Please reach out to your instructor(s) with any questions.
1 credit classes require 12.5 credit hours
2 credit classes require 28 credit hours
3 credit classes require 37.5 credit hours
Asynchronous Class: Please note, Monday, February 17th is President’s Day. The College is closed. All Monday classes will meet asynchronously.
Religious Observance: The College respects individuals’ religious observances. If you are unable to make any class session, including a Friday session, because of religious observance, please notify the course instructor by the first class session so that an alternative means can be identified for fulfilling missed class material and course assignments.
Room Abbreviations
TBA: Room will be in person at 112, announced prior to the start of classes
Online: Course is fully online
Offsite: Course takes place offsite
AUD: The Evelyn Rome Tabas and Daniel Tabas Auditorium
January Intersession
These courses run January 6, 2025—January 15, 2025, prior to the start of Spring 2025 classes. Students who wish to register need to do so prior to the start of the course.
Section | Title | Credits | Rooms | Instructor | Days/Times | Dates | Status |
EDUC522A-1A | Developmental Interaction Approach to Science | 1 | Stan Chu | MTW 4:45-8:00 PM | 1/6, 1/8, 1/13, 1/14 | Cancelled | |
This course focused on developing a science way of thinking and doing. Each session deepens the participant’s understanding that doing science requires direct sensory encounters with the physical world. Alongside experiencing first-hand investigations of physical and biological materials and related phenomena, participants create a range of representations of these experiences and can uncover existing patterns and concepts. Discussions, readings, and reflective writings deepen and broaden work done with physical materials. Participants will reflect on their learning as they work to construct meaningful science experiences that respond to the developmental levels of their students and affirm students’ cultural, linguistic, and learning diversity. The course explores evidence based ways of making sense of the world that support the integration of science inquiry across the curriculum.
This course is for students in the ECAS program only. Please note, this course runs prior to the official start date of the Spring 2025 term. For 1 credit courses, registration is not allowed after the class has met.
EDUC606-1 | Block Building and Dramatic Play as an Integral Part of the Early Childhood Curriculum | 1 | Mollie Welsh Kruger | MW 4:45-8:00 PM | 1/6, 1/8, 1/13, 1/15 | ||
This course introduces block building and dramatic play as experiences that are central to learning in the early child-hood curriculum. We will explore the ways block building supports children’s physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development. Participants will think about how children explore the physical properties of blocks, explore blocks to represent and learn about the world around them, and create symbolic stories related to their structures. Participants will build with blocks and consider questions related to setting up a block area, developmental expectations, and the role of blocks in curriculum planning, as well as gender and inclusion considerations.
For 1 credit courses, registration is not allowed after the class has met.
Education Courses: Dual Language/Bilingual Teacher Ed, General Teacher Ed, and Special Ed
Section | Title | Credits | Rooms | Instructor | Days/Times | Dates | Status |
EDUC510-1 | Curriculum in Early Childhood Education (Grades N – 3) | 3 | 707 | Abigail Kerlin | T 4:45-6:45 PM | ||
This course engages participants in understanding curriculum as the development of experiences and environments across the school day that support all domains of children’s development including social, emotional, and cognitive. Participants study how children come to learn about themselves, others, and the world through rich interactions with people, environments, and materials. The course focuses on social studies as the core of the early childhood classroom, using children’s lived experiences within families, neighborhoods, and communities as the central content for exploration. Social studies is a vehicle for a deeper understanding of self and others towards the goal of creating more just and democratic communities. Participants apply their learning as they develop interdisciplinary curriculum grounded in their observations of children’s identities and curiosities as well as their development. Participants consider how to advocate for a progressive approach to curriculum across a range of contexts and with a diverse range of learners.
EDUC513-1 | Social Studies Curriculum Development for Inclusive and Special Education Settings (Grades 1 – 6) | 3 | 612/613 | Ellen McCrum | M 4:45-6:45 PM | ||
This course provides the opportunity for participants to analyze and develop integrated curricula in social studies using a sociopolitical lens. Participants integrate knowledge from the six disciplines of social studies: history, anthropology, sociology, political science, geography, and economics into the design of a constructivist, inquiry-based social studies curriculum. The course explores ways children come to learn and care about themselves and others through social studies. There is an emphasis on differentiating curriculum, including attention to diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds, and variations in development. |
EDUC514-1 | Curriculum in Early Childhood Education for Inclusive and Special Education Settings | 3 | 703 | Samantha Diaz | TH 4:45-6:45 PM | ||
This course provides a framework for developing curriculum that engages all children in authentic meaning making about themselves and their wider world. Participants use principles of child development and developmental variation as a foundation for planning experiences that support deep learning. The course focuses on curriculum as the core vehicle for affirming children’s developing identities, including cultural and linguistic identity. Using social studies as the core of an integrated curriculum, participants plan using diverse materials, modalities, content, and perspectives to help children examine big questions. Participants use universal design principles to create learning experiences that are inclusive of a broadly diverse range of learners.
EDUC525-1 | Assistive Technology as a Tool for Providing Educational Access | 1 | 701 | Mark Surabian | M 7:00-9:05 PM | 1/27, 2/3, 2/10, 2/24, 3/3, 3/10 | |
This course examines how technology can create opportunities for access and expression for learners, including children with variations in learning, sensory, communication, and physical development. Through readings, discussion, and experimenting with a variety of actual technologies, participants will strengthen their capacities to match such tools to learner needs in diverse learning environments and activities. Participants will reflect on classroom experiences to ascertain how accessibility for learners can be enhanced. They will consider broader issues of access and equity, as they deepen their understandings of how technology can assist in creating more inclusive learning environments.
For 1 credit courses, registration is not allowed after the class has met.
EDUC530-1 | Foundations of Modern Education | 3 | 612/613 | Deborah Brooks Lawrence | TH 7:00-9:00 PM | ||
This course examines the historical, philosophical, and cultural roots of contemporary education, including Bank Street’s progressive history and philosophy, the contributions of major educational leaders, and current practices and innovations in education. Participants will analyze how critical issues in the field affect their practice with children and families in schools and communities. The course will explore ways in which education as an avenue for individual advancement and social justice has been defined, advocated for, enacted, and is still being negotiated in the U.S. The course will attend to what has been achieved as well as challenges that remain in creating educational spaces that affirm children’s and families’ race, social class, immigration status, language, gender, and ability, among other identity domains. Participants will apply their understandings to think about their role in bringing about desired, warranted changes in order to create more inclusive and democratic educational environments.
EDUC540-1 | Mathematics for Teachers in Diverse and Inclusive Educational Settings (Grades N – 6) | 2 | 406 | Helen Spruill | TH 4:45-6:45 PM | ||
This course provides participants with an overview of mathematics learning for children grades N-6. Participants deepen their own mathematical knowledge while furthering their understanding of effective mathematics instruction. In each session, participants do math together and use these experiences to investigate the development of mathematical thinking and to reflect on their own learning. Participants explore the essential elements of a constructivist mathematics classroom in which collaboration is core to building concepts and skills. Designing a classroom where deep mathematical understanding is the primary goal requires explorations of attitudes and beliefs as well as practices and expectations. This course addresses the moral imperative that all students are capable of learning math. It focuses on creating inclusive environments for learners with developmental variations. The course also focuses on creating mathematical experiences that support students for whom English is a new language. Participants discuss classroom management strategies for grouping and individualizing instruction.
EDUC561R-1R | Linguistics: Implications for Teachers | 1 | Online | Tyler Jennings | T 7:00-9:05 PM | 1/21, 1/28, 2/4, 2/11, 2/18, 2/25 | |
This course is an introduction to the study of language as it applies to educational settings. Participants will learn about the five basic linguistic structures: phonetics and phonology (sounds and sound patterning), morphology (form of words), syntax (arrangement of words), semantics (meaning), and pragmatics (the use of language). Participants will examine language structure as it exists within the larger context of sociolinguistics, equity, and social justice. The course will investigate how students use their full linguistic repertoire in academic settings (translanguaging), how teachers and society at large perceive language varieties, and how teachers value linguistic diversity in classrooms. The course examines the role of the brain in language development (psycholinguistics), language universals, body language, and discourse analysis. The focus of the course will be on the practical application of this knowledge to developing a broader range of instructional strategies to support students’ language proficiency in school.
For 1 credit courses, registration is not allowed after the class has met.
EDUC563-1 | The Teaching of Reading, Writing, and Language Arts in the Primary Grades | 3 | 705 | Mollie Welsh Kruger | T 4:45-6:45 PM | ||
This course examines the process through which reading and writing are acquired by young children, ages 4-8. We study the ways teachers can support literacy growth for children’s diverse learning needs and styles, cultural and linguistic backgrounds, and socioeconomic status. The course explores theoretical frameworks of literacy development as well as practical applications. Graduate students work directly with a child, who is an emergent reader and writer, to develop the skills of close observation, assessment, record keeping, and planning. Graduate students, individually and as a group, analyze the contexts, activities and relationships that support children’s language and literacy learning in early childhood classrooms.
EDUC591-1 | Music and Movement Workshop for Teachers (Grades PreK-6) | 2 | 704 | Ashira Mothersil | TH 4:45-6:45 PM | ||
This course explores the importance of children’s expression through music and movement. Everyone has the capacity to produce music and engage in creative movement. Participants at all levels of experience and skill will learn about and share songs, rhythms, and games from a range of cultural and linguistic traditions. In order to develop strategies for integrating music and movement across the curriculum, participants will engage with topics such as instrument-making from recyclable materials, drumming, sound improvisation, and movement as vehicles for expression and learning. As they engage with creating and reflecting on music and movement experiences, participants will explore the role music and movement play in children’s development in classroom environments.
EDUC629-1 | Supporting Autistic Students in Inclusive and Special Education Settings | 1 | 702 | Rae Leeper | W 7:00-9:05 PM | 1/22, 1/29, 2/5, 2/12, 2/19, 2/26 | |
This course will explore autism from historical, cultural, political, and developmental lenses. It will support graduate students in thinking deeply and from multiple perspectives about the evolution of our understandings about and interventions with the broad range of characteristics of learning and development attributed autistic people. This course considers the significance of home and/or school as the primary sources of educational intervention and direct services for autistic children. Participants will consider the importance of providing young autistic children with an educational program that is responsive to each child’s unique pattern of strengths and areas of growth, and will learn ways to partner in this work with a diverse range of families. Participants will explore the use of assistive technology as a tool for supporting student learning, communication, and independence.
For 1 credit courses, registration is not allowed after the class has met.
EDUC801-1 | The World of the Infant: The First Year of Life | 3 | 702 | Melina Gac Levin | T 4:45-6:45 PM | ||
This course is about infants and families within the first year of life. The primary goal of the course is for graduate students to understand infant development across individual differences and contexts. There is a strong emphasis on using theory to facilitate an understanding of development and to articulate a point of view about these extraordinary first months. Participants will bring together research, theory and their own observations of infants to understand the cognitive, perceptual, sensorimotor/movement and social-emotional changes that occur when babies are in interaction with the world. Participants will study the science of brain development and its impact on all developmental domains. The course will attend to the specific contributions of familial and socio-political cultural and linguistic contexts as well as to the contributions of infants themselves. It will also explore the balance between the “expected” global shifts in development and each human being’s profound individual differences. This is not a “how to” course. Rather, the course provides knowledge of the developmental systems of infants who have a range of abilities. This course develops awareness and knowledge of infant mental health in development, dyadic relationships and systems. Graduate students work on articulating their knowledge of development, on learning about new findings in the field, and on communicating with families. Prerequisite: EDUC 500.
Prerequisite for EDUC801: EDUC 500 or EDUC 800
EDUC803-1 | Teaching Students with Disabilities: An Introduction to Disability Theory, Disability Law and Respon | 2 | 612/613 | Sarah Sloane | TH 4:45-6:45 PM | ||
This course is designed to increase participants’ awareness and understanding of the educational, social, cultural, linguistic and developmental implications of disability from historical, legal, and socio-political perspectives. The course will critically examine state and federal special education and disability laws and regulations and their implementation across a range of settings including their intersection with issues of race, class, language and gender. There is an emphasis on understanding how disability is socially constructed at the levels of family, community, school, and the larger society. Participants apply an understanding of disabilities to analyze and create accessible learning experiences for children. Prerequisite: EDUC 500 or permission of instructor.
Prerequisite for EDUC803: EDUC 500 or EDUC 501 or EDUC 800 or permission of instructor
EDUC805-1 | Teaching Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disabilities | 2 | 702 | Sean O'Shea | TH 4:45-6:45 PM | ||
This course focuses on understanding, teaching, and meeting the needs of children in emotional, social and behavioral development. Participants will critically examine the construct of children’s emotional and behavioral disabilities and approaches to intervention from historical, socio-political, mental health, and legal perspectives. There is an emphasis on understanding the intersection of these issues with the race, class, language, and gender of teachers and children. Participants will develop an in-depth case study of a child applying an inquiry orientation to the Functional Behavior Assessment-Behavior Intervention Plan. Participants will collect and analyze data from observations, interviews and other sources, and make recommendations to support ongoing social and behavioral development. Prerequisites: EDUC 803.
Prerequisites for EDUC805: EDUC 500 or EDUC 501 or EDUC 800; EDUC 803
EDUC808-1 | The Study of Children in Diverse & Inclusive Educational Settings through Observation and Recording | 3 | 706 | Ludmila de Amorim Paquete da Costa | W 7:00-9:00 PM | ||
This course focuses on observation as a practice for more deeply understanding children through their interactions with people, experiences, and materials across a range of environments. Through a case study of one child, participants deepen their knowledge, skills, and dispositions for observing children. They learn to translate observations into descriptive, written data and analyze observational data to inform practice. Participants develop skills of reflection and analysis as they investigate how bias and perspective impact observation and one’s understanding of children. Participants integrate knowledge about variations in children’s social-emotional, cognitive, linguistic, motor, and language development. They consider multiple domains of children’s individual and socio-cultural identities including race, gender, culture, and language and the implications for constructing inclusive and culturally sustaining classroom environments and curricula. Prerequisite: EDUC 500 or permission of instructor.
Prerequisite for EDUC 808: EDUC 500 or EDUC 800 or permission of instructor
EDUC863-1 | Collaboration and Differentiation in the Instruction of Children with Disabilities | 3 | 701 | Emily Jones | TH 7:00-9:00 PM | ||
This course combines theory and practice through work with children from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds who have learning disabilities. Using assessment data gathered through formal and informal measures, students will devise educational plans for children. Participants will be exposed to a repertoire of evidence-based practices and instructional strategies in oral language, reading, written language, and math in order to promote positive learning outcomes. The course will also provide opportunities to develop and apply strategies for working with families and collaborating with other educators. Utilizing their knowledge of individual learning differences, participants will become skilled at differentiating instruction for a class of students with diverse learning needs. Prerequisite: EDUC 803.
Prerequisites for EDUC 863: EDUC 803; EDUC 563 or EDUC 568 or EDUC 540 or EDUC 542.
EDUC868-1 | Approaches to Teaching Decoding to Diverse Learners | 2 | Marylen Townley Massen | TH 4:45-6:45 PM | Cancelled | ||
Prerequisite for EDUC868: EDUC 860
EDUC891-1 | Practicum in Developmental Assessment of Infants and Toddlers | 3 | 705 and 109 | Marjorie Brickley | M 4:45-6:45 PM | ||
The Practicum in Developmental Assessment of Infants and Toddlers prepares graduate students to assess very young children across a wide developmental range, including those with developmental variations, and to support families through the assessment process. Taking a relationship-based developmental approach to the observation and assessment of infant/toddler behavior, graduate students will use the assessment process to provide a close look at development across all developmental domains. Participants will learn to use assessments to create an IFSP for Early Intervention in collaboration with the family. Graduate students will learn how to administer and evaluate the validity and usefulness of several different assessment and screening tools such as the Bayley Scales of Infant Development III and other standardized, criterion-referenced and evidence-based tools. Participants will be trained in a collaborative approach with families, respecting the family’s perspective while focusing on the strengths of and challenges to each child’s development. Participants come to understand the young child within the sociocultural context of his/her family. Families from a diverse range of cultural and ethnic backgrounds participate in the course. The course requires graduate students to make a play-based developmental assessment, including observations of a child and dialogue with the child’s parents in the family’s home. Graduate students are required to meet with their family to discuss the overall assessment process. Prerequisites: EDUC 801 and EDUC 802.
Prerequisite for EDUC891: EDUC 801 and EDUC 802
EDUC893-1 | Approaches to Early Childhood Assessment | 2 | 701 | Ross Harold | M 4:45-6:45 PM | ||
This course introduces and explores informal and formal assessment practices for young children. Students will learn about various ways of observing, collecting, documenting, and analyzing children’s work and learning experiences in a variety of settings. Students will also become familiar with formal and informal assessment procedures and terminology, standardized testing, and strategies for test selection, to ensure results that are valid and unbiased. Students will also examine legal, ethical, culturally responsive, and professional considerations of assessment. Students will be given practical experience in the preparation and administration of different forms of assessment, including the construction of simple performance assessments. Critical attention will be given to careful interpretation and utilization of assessment data in developing meaningful curriculum and educational plans for individual children. Culturally responsive approaches to assessment and involving the family with the assessment process will also be addressed. Prerequisite: EDUC 803 or EDUC 894.
Prerequisite for EDUC 893: EDUC 803 or EDUC 894 |
EDUC895-1 | Early Childhood Practicum II: Collaborating w Families and Colleagues in Assess, Plan, and Instr | 2 | 612/613 | Rae Leeper | M 7:00-9:00 PM | ||
This course completes a year-long sequence of work with a child and the child’s family. The focus in the second semester is two-fold: 1) developing a responsive collaboration with the family and 2) developing and analyzing the use of a range of instructional strategies. Through conversations, participants learn about the family’s perspectives and goals. To gather further data, participants select, develop, and use a variety of informal assessments. Participants apply their developing knowledge of the child’s interests and developmental needs as they design and implement instructional strategies. The course engages participants in a deep understanding of the assessment, planning and instruction cycle as they collect data and reflect on their instruction and apply their learnings in their ongoing work with the child and family. Participants will work with families to jointly plan goals as they develop their understandings of the IEP/IFSP. Prerequisite: EDUC 894.
Prerequisite for EDUC895: EDUC 894
LEAD561-1 | Supervising and Supporting Literacy Instruction in Diverse Settings | 1 | 705 | Mollie Welsh Kruger | W 7:00-9:05 PM | 1/29, 2/12, 2/26, 3/12, 3/26, 4/2 | |
This course prepares participants to work with student leaders, new teachers, and colleagues as they plan effective literacy practices. Using a peer coaching/mentor model, participants work with a teacher who would like to learn or refine a literacy practice. Through observation, modeling, coteaching, and preparatory and debriefing conversations, participants observe, record, and analyze the content and processes involved in coaching interactions. These experiences will allow participants to work more effectively with colleagues through regular conversations, discussions, and consultations about learners, literacy theory and practice, assessment, and instruction.
For 1 credit courses, registration is not allowed after the class has met.
Fieldwork/Student Teaching/Advisement Courses
Section | Title | Credits | Rooms | Instructor | Days/Times | Dates | Status |
EDUC931-1 | Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement | 6 | Staff TBD | W 4:45-6:45 PM | |||
Fieldwork in appropriate settings with supervision and advisement. Candidates in advisement participate in weekly small-group conferences with their advisor. These seminars include the exchange and analysis of ongoing professional experiences and provide a forum for integrating theory with practice. Participants will develop their capacity to construct learning environments and communities that support the development of infants, children, and/or adolescents, depending on the focus of their program. Opportunities to collaborate and co-teach with cooperating teachers and other setting personnel are an integral part of the course. This course is the second half of EDUC930.
This course is the second half of EDUC930.
EDUC934-1 | Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement | 3 | Kim McLeveighn-Helper | W 4:45-6:45 PM | |||
Fieldwork in appropriate settings with supervision and advisement. Candidates in advisement participate in small-group conferences with their advisor. These seminars include the exchange and analysis of ongoing professional experiences and provide a forum for integrating theory with practice. Participants will develop their capacity to construct learning environments and communities that support the development of infants, children, and/or adolescents, depending on the focus of their program. Opportunities to collaborate and co-teach with cooperating teachers and other school personnel are an integral part of the course. This course is the second half of EDUC932.
This course is the second half of EDUC932.
EDUC937-1 | Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement | 6 | Staff TBD | W 4:45-6:45 PM | |||
Fieldwork in appropriate settings with supervision and advisement. Candidates in advisement participate in weekly small-group conferences with their advisor. These seminars include the exchange and analysis of ongoing professional experiences and provide a forum for integrating theory with practice. Participants will develop their capacity to construct learning environments and communities that support the development of infants, children, and/or adolescents, depending on the focus of their program. Opportunities to collaborate and co-teach with cooperating teachers and other setting personnel are an integral part of the course. This course is for one semester only.
This course is for one-semester fieldwork placements.
EDUC944-1 | Teaching Literacy Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement | 6 | Susan Rolander | W 4:45-6:45 PM | |||
Fieldwork in an appropriate setting with supervision and advisement. Students in advisement participate in weekly small-group conferences with their advisor. These seminars include the exchange and analysis of ongoing professional experiences and provide a forum for integrating theory and practice. Attention is given to instructional strategies for addressing the individual academic and behavioral needs of typically and atypically developing children within classroom settings. Opportunities to collaborate and coteach with cooperating teachers and other school personnel are an integral part of the course. This course is the second half of EDUC943. Pre- or co-requisite: EDUC 860, EDUC943
This course is the second half of EDUC943.
EDUC994R-1R | Extended Field Experiences | 1 | Online | Staff TBD | MTH 7:00-9:00 PM | (see note for specific dates) | |
This one-credit course provides working teachers, interns, and assistant teachers the opportunity to meet the mandated New York State regulations for certification. The State regulations require teacher candidates to work in an additional grade band level in a high needs public setting, according to the age band of their certification. In addition, there may be an expectation of direct work with English language learners (ELLs) and/or students with IEPs. Graduate students will be placed in appropriate educational programs for at least 50 hours. In addition, graduate students will participate in a series of seminars focused on these classroom experiences. (Online version)
This fieldwork experience requires the following components:
*unless a different set of dates has been previously determined by your Program Director If you are working with students at GO Project, you will follow the following dates:
Integrative Master's Project: Year-long options
Section | Title | Credits | Rooms | Instructor | Days/Times | Dates | Status |
IS500-1 | IMP: Independent Study | 0 | Staff TBD | See mentor | |||
The Independent Study is an original work that you initiate, often growing out of a meaningful course assignment or an idea, question, or experience rooted in a fieldwork or work setting. Students work with a faculty mentor who has expertise in the particular area of study. The Independent Study usually includes two semesters of research and writing, and is most closely aligned with a traditional master’s thesis. Independent Studies are made accessible to the public though the Bank Street Library's online catalogue. This course is the first semester of an Independent Study.
IMPORTANT NOTE TO STUDENTS REGISTERING FOR INDEPENDENT STUDIES In order to register for Independent Studies (IS500) you must have already secured a faculty mentor who has reviewed your IS proposal and has committed to serve as your IS mentor. By registering for the IS500, you are attesting to having secured a mentor, and you are agreeing to follow all applicable IS directives and guidelines as stated in A Guide to the Integrative Master’s Project. In addition to registering through myBSC for IS500, please fill out the Independent Study Mentor Form, located on the website schedule (https://graduate.bankstreet.edu/academics/graduate-course-schedule/) indicating which faculty member has consented to mentor you. |
This IMP is for students who have not yet begun their Independent Study. Students continuing an Independent Study from a previous semester should contact their SSA for registration. Students should register for section 01. Once registered, students will be emailed a Jot Form to confirm their mentor. If the Jot Form is not returned by the beginning of the add/drop period, students will be dropped from this IMP and can register again in another semester. In order to stay registered in this IMP, students must have secured a faculty mentor who has reviewed their Independent Study (IS) proposal and has committed to serve as their IS mentor. |
IS500R-1R | IMP: Independent Study | 0 | Staff TBD | See mentor | |||
The Independent Study is an original work that you initiate, often growing out of a meaningful course assignment or an idea, question, or experience rooted in a fieldwork or work setting. Students work with a faculty mentor who has expertise in the particular area of study. The Independent Study usually includes two semesters of research and writing, and is most closely aligned with a traditional master’s thesis. Independent Studies are made accessible to the public though the Bank Street Library's online catalogue.
This IMP is for students who have not yet begun their Independent Study. Students continuing an Independent Study from a previous semester should contact their SSA for registration. Students should register for section 01. Once registered, students will be emailed a Jot Form to confirm their mentor. If the Jot Form is not returned by the beginning of the add/drop period, students will be dropped from this IMP and can register again in another semester. In order to stay registered in this IMP, students must have secured a faculty mentor who has reviewed their Independent Study (IS) proposal and has committed to serve as their IS mentor. Students in this Independent Study will meet with their mentor online |
Integrative Master's Project-Semester-Based IMP Options
Section | Title | Credits | Rooms | Instructor | Days/Times | Dates | Status |
IMP2-1 | IMP: Collaborative Student Faculty Inquiry | 0 | 705 | Mollie Welsh Kruger | T 7:00-9:00 PM | 1/28, 2/25, 3/25, 4/22 | |
The Collaborative Student-Faculty Inquiry is a one-semester small peer group option focused on a specific topic or issue. These topics, based on professional interests faculty would like to explore along with students, are posted each fall and spring. You identify a particular aspect of the topic or issue to investigate and, with your peers, determine a format in which to coordinate and present the findings. Students present their projects in mid-January or the week of graduation in May.
Title: Picture Books for The Ages This IMP option invites writers to create a picture book for children of a specific age group of the writer's choice. In addition to the picture book, participants will write a rationale and a child development section, review other children's literature for the same age-level, share their picture book with a group of children, and write a reflective conclusion. The final picture book must include some form of visual illustration. Contact the facilitator/instructor if there are questions about a specific inquiry. Registration is not allowed after the class has met. This section will run onground. |
IMP2-2 | IMP: Collaborative Student Faculty Inquiry | 0 | 702 | Kim McLeveighn-Helper, Mollie Welsh Kruger | M 4:45-6:45 PM | 1/27, 2/24, 3/24, 4/21 | |
The Collaborative Student-Faculty Inquiry is a one-semester small peer group option focused on a specific topic or issue. These topics, based on professional interests faculty would like to explore along with students, are posted each fall and spring. You identify a particular aspect of the topic or issue to investigate and, with your peers, determine a format in which to coordinate and present the findings. Students present their projects in mid-January or the week of graduation in May.
Title: Three Chords & Shekeres for Your Classroom Music enhances math minds and builds language skills for reading too. Come learn some basic instrument skills on guitar, ukulele, or shekere that could invite your students more deeply into learning. This IMP option has choices of instrument as well individual direction for the academic exploration of music for the age of your students. You can create your own project focused on music in the classroom. The final project is an academic paper with curricular intentions embedded - plus you will be ready to play for your students. Students must either own, borrow, or buy a guitar, ukulele, or shekere to participate in this IMP. Contact the facilitator/instructor if there are questions about a specific inquiry. Registration is not allowed after the class has met. This section will run onground. |
IMP2-3 | IMP: Collaborative Student Faculty Inquiry | 0 | 701 | Marjorie Brickley, Gio Capone | W 4:45-6:45 PM | 1/22, 2/19, 3/12, 4/16 | |
The Collaborative Student-Faculty Inquiry is a one-semester small peer group option focused on a specific topic or issue. These topics, based on professional interests faculty would like to explore along with students, are posted each fall and spring. You identify a particular aspect of the topic or issue to investigate and, with your peers, determine a format in which to coordinate and present the findings. Students present their projects in mid-January or the week of graduation in May.
Title: Performing Gender in the Classroom: Reflections on Lived Experiences as Educators Bank Street's philosophy relies heavily on applying to the education process all available knowledge about learning and growth, and by connecting teaching and learning meaningfully to the outside world. Alongside an influx of anti-LGBTQ+, anti-trans, and anti-CRT (critical race theory) legislation in the United States, there is also a growing number of pedagogical and curricular resources to support children in their own gender development. What can we learn from supporting children in their own gender development as we consider how we each bring our gendered experiences into the rooms? Through critical self reflection, this collaboration seeks to unpack the ways in which we all perform gender in classrooms. Students will collaborate on reflective papers that summarize their experiences navigating gendered school environments. Contact the facilitator/instructor if there are questions about a specific inquiry. Registration is not allowed after the class has met. This section will run onground. |
IMP2-4 | IMP: Collaborative Student Faculty Inquiry | 0 | 702 | Mark Nagasawa | TH 7:00-9:00 PM | 1/30, 2/27, 3/27 and 4/24 | |
The Collaborative Student-Faculty Inquiry is a one-semester small peer group option focused on a specific topic or issue. These topics, based on professional interests faculty would like to explore along with students, are posted each fall and spring. You identify a particular aspect of the topic or issue to investigate and, with your peers, determine a format in which to coordinate and present the findings. Students present their projects in mid-January or the week of graduation in May.
Title: What’s Accessible About My Practice? This “hands on” collaborative inquiry will explore accessibility, inclusion, and belonging in participants’ practice (across grade levels and school settings). This is based on an observation that inclusion of intersectionally-disabled* students has been a focus in education for a long time, but that accessibility seems to be an under-reflected-upon idea, particularly around questions of accessibility according to whom and what this looks like, sounds like, and/or feels like to different folx. To get at these questions, we will help each other develop projects that could include accessibility mapping, social story development, curricular analyses, critical personal narratives, or practical guidance on universal design for learning. * We use this term in recognition of the ways ableism interacts with racism, classism, sexism, and other discriminations to create policies, procedures, and exclusionary spaces (built and social) that disable folx. Contact the facilitator/instructor if there are questions about a specific inquiry. Registration is not allowed after the class has met. This section will run hybrid. |
IMP2-5 | IMP: Collaborative Student Faculty Inquiry | 0 | 703 | Martha Andrews | T 7:00-9:00 PM | 1/28, 2/25, 3/25, 4/29 | |
The Collaborative Student-Faculty Inquiry is a one-semester small peer group option focused on a specific topic or issue. These topics, based on professional interests faculty would like to explore along with students, are posted each fall and spring. You identify a particular aspect of the topic or issue to investigate and, with your peers, determine a format in which to coordinate and present the findings. Students present their projects in mid-January or the week of graduation in May.
Title: Child Study through the Neurodevelopmental Framework Using the Neurodevelopmental Framework developed through Math For All, we will explore the potential for child study, with each participant selecting a specific child to focus on throughout the IMP. We will build a profile of that student and make targeted instructional adaptations by taking a deep dive into different neurodevelopmental lenses including memory, psychosocial, and higher order thinking. Contact the facilitator/instructor if there are questions about a specific inquiry. Registration is not allowed after the class has met. This section will run hybrid. |
IMP2CR-1CR | IMP: Collaborative Student Faculty Inquiry | 0 | Online | Genevieve Lowry | TH 7:00-9:00 PM | 1/23, 2/27, 3/13, 4/24 | |
The Collaborative Student-Faculty Inquiry is a one-semester small peer group option focused on a specific topic or issue. These topics, based on professional interests faculty would like to explore along with students, are posted each fall and spring. You identify a particular aspect of the topic or issue to investigate and, with your peers, determine a format in which to coordinate and present the findings. Students present their projects in mid-January or the week of graduation in May. This section is for students in the Child Life program only.
Title: Using Loose Parts in Child Life Practice Child Life students are invited to continue their exploration and refinement of their medical preparation and teaching skills through the use of loose parts and a child-centered approach. In partnership with one another and their faculty mentor, students will choose a body part or system, a disease/disorder that might affect it, and how medical treatment will occur and affect the body. The inquiry will culminate in a 3-D loose parts representation of all three of these aspects, a written rationale and reflection, and a live presentation of the project to the inquiry group and larger Bank Street audience. Contact the facilitator/instructor if there are questions about a specific inquiry. Registration is not allowed after the class has met. This section will run online. |
IMP2CR-2CR | IMP: Collaborative Student Faculty Inquiry | 0 | Online | Meghan Jacobson | TH 7:00-9:00 PM | 1/23, 2/27, 3/13, 4/24 | |
The Collaborative Student-Faculty Inquiry is a one-semester small peer group option focused on a specific topic or issue. These topics, based on professional interests faculty would like to explore along with students, are posted each fall and spring. You identify a particular aspect of the topic or issue to investigate and, with your peers, determine a format in which to coordinate and present the findings. Students present their projects in mid-January or the week of graduation in May. This section is for students in the Child Life program only.
Title: Grief & Death in Children's Lives This interactive inquiry will explore topics related to end-of-life, grief and death in the lives of children, and is open to both child life and education students. In partnership with one another and their faculty mentor, students will explore the ways in which children understand death, how they grieve and ways that they can be supported. The inquiry will culminate in the creation of an activity or intervention designed to support children in school, home or hospital settings with their own death or the death of a significant person in their lives. Contact the facilitator/instructor if there are questions about a specific inquiry. Registration is not allowed after the class has met. This section will run online. |
IMP2R-1R | IMP: Collaborative Student Faculty Inquiry | 0 | Online | Katie Caster | TH 4:45-6:45 PM | 1/23, 2/27, 3/27, 4/24 | |
The Collaborative Student-Faculty Inquiry is a one-semester small peer group option focused on a specific topic or issue. These topics, based on professional interests faculty would like to explore along with students, are posted each fall and spring. You identify a particular aspect of the topic or issue to investigate and, with your peers, determine a format in which to coordinate and present the findings. Students present their projects in mid-January or the week of graduation in May.
Title: Working with Latinx Students and Families This IMP group will focus on the key issues affecting education for Latinx students and their families, such as policies, curriculum, bilingual education, and family engagement. Together, we will explore a range of topics, diving deep into their impact, while highlighting innovative ideas from educator change-makers like you. Contact the facilitator/instructor if there are questions about a specific inquiry. Registration is not allowed after the class has met. This section will run online. |
IMP2R-2R | IMP: Collaborative Student Faculty Inquiry | 0 | Online | Margaret Blachly, Romelle Moore | T 4:45-6:45 PM | 1/28/24, 2/11/24, 3/18/24, 4/15/24 | |
The Collaborative Student-Faculty Inquiry is a one-semester small peer group option focused on a specific topic or issue. These topics, based on professional interests faculty would like to explore along with students, are posted each fall and spring. You identify a particular aspect of the topic or issue to investigate and, with your peers, determine a format in which to coordinate and present the findings. Students present their projects in mid-January or the week of graduation in May.
Title: Using Emotionally Responsive Practice (ERP) in the Classroom Setting This IMP offers a unique opportunity to develop your understanding of the concepts and techniques that are the foundation of Emotionally Responsive Practice, as developed by Lesley Koplow, LCSW. The IMP is also practice-based, meaning that you will bring these concepts and techniques into your professional setting. Contact the facilitator/instructor if there are questions about a specific inquiry. Registration is not allowed after the class has met. This section will run online. |
IMP2R-3R | IMP: Collaborative Student Faculty Inquiry | 0 | Online | Mark Nagasawa | TH 7:00-9:00 PM | 1/30, 2/27, 3/27 and 4/24 | |
The Collaborative Student-Faculty Inquiry is a one-semester small peer group option focused on a specific topic or issue. These topics, based on professional interests faculty would like to explore along with students, are posted each fall and spring. You identify a particular aspect of the topic or issue to investigate and, with your peers, determine a format in which to coordinate and present the findings. Students present their projects in mid-January or the week of graduation in May.
Title: What’s Accessible About My Practice? This “hands on” collaborative inquiry will explore accessibility, inclusion, and belonging in participants’ practice (across grade levels and school settings). This is based on an observation that inclusion of intersectionally-disabled* students has been a focus in education for a long time, but that accessibility seems to be an under-reflected-upon idea, particularly around questions of accessibility according to whom and what this looks like, sounds like, and/or feels like to different folx. To get at these questions, we will help each other develop projects that could include accessibility mapping, social story development, curricular analyses, critical personal narratives, or practical guidance on universal design for learning. * We use this term in recognition of the ways ableism interacts with racism, classism, sexism, and other discriminations to create policies, procedures, and exclusionary spaces (built and social) that disable folx. Contact the facilitator/instructor if there are questions about a specific inquiry. Registration is not allowed after the class has met. This section will run hybrid. |
IMP2R-4R | IMP: Collaborative Student Faculty Inquiry | 0 | Online | Martha Andrews | T 7:00-9:00 PM | 1/28, 2/25, 3/25, 4/29 | |
The Collaborative Student-Faculty Inquiry is a one-semester small peer group option focused on a specific topic or issue. These topics, based on professional interests faculty would like to explore along with students, are posted each fall and spring. You identify a particular aspect of the topic or issue to investigate and, with your peers, determine a format in which to coordinate and present the findings. Students present their projects in mid-January or the week of graduation in May.
Title: Child Study through the Neurodevelopmental Framework Using the Neurodevelopmental Framework developed through Math For All, we will explore the potential for child study, with each participant selecting a specific child to focus on throughout the IMP. We will build a profile of that student and make targeted instructional adaptations by taking a deep dive into different neurodevelopmental lenses including memory, psychosocial, and higher order thinking. Contact the facilitator/instructor if there are questions about a specific inquiry. Registration is not allowed after the class has met. This section will run hybrid. |
IMP2R-5R | IMP: Collaborative Student Faculty Inquiry | 0 | Online | Gil Schmerler | M 7:00-9:00 PM | 1/27, 2/24, 3/24, 4/28 | |
The Collaborative Student-Faculty Inquiry is a one-semester small peer group option focused on a specific topic or issue. These topics, based on professional interests faculty would like to explore along with students, are posted each fall and spring. You identify a particular aspect of the topic or issue to investigate and, with your peers, determine a format in which to coordinate and present the findings. Students present their projects in mid-January or the week of graduation in May.
Title: Teacher Leadership Bank Street-educated teachers are invariably called on for leadership in their schools, yet their preparation programs do not often have room for learning to promote collaboration, peer coaching, and advocacy. This collaborative inquiry provides the opportunity for students to investigate and practice the skills to become teacher leaders and, in general, to inspire, support, and coach their colleagues in improving instructional practice and creating stronger cultures in their workplaces. Participants typically create case studies and/or descriptive analyses of teacher leadership in their own school sites (or, alternatively, a school to which they have ready access). Contact the facilitator/instructor if there are questions about a specific inquiry. Registration is not allowed after the class has met. This inquiry will meet online. |
IMP3-1 | IMP: Mentored Directed Essay | 0 | Staff TBD | See mentor | |||
Students choosing to do a Mentored Directed Essay work with an assigned faculty mentor to design an essay that is based on existing, program-specific prepared questions. These questions are designed to help you think and write about the salient issues pertaining to your chosen area of study. Working with your mentor, you may adapt questions to support the distinctive needs of your professional growth, interests, and current work situation. This option is designed to provide structure and focus with maximum flexibility, and is intended to be completed within a single semester. This option is offered all semesters.
Students should register for section 01. Registration is not allowed once add/drop begins. It is recommended that students register as early as possible to allow themselves the maximum amount of time to work on their essay questions. By the start of add/drop, students will be assigned their particular mentor.
IMP3R-1R | IMP: Mentored Directed Essay | 0 | Online | Staff TBD | See mentor | ||
Students choosing to do a Mentored Directed Essay work with an assigned faculty mentor to design an essay that is based on existing, program-specific prepared questions. These questions are designed to help you think and write about the salient issues pertaining to your chosen area of study. Working with your mentor, you may adapt questions to support the distinctive needs of your professional growth, interests, and current work situation. This option is designed to provide structure and focus with maximum flexibility, and is intended to be completed within a single semester. This option is offered all semesters.
Students should register for section 01. Registration is not allowed once add/drop begins. It is recommended that students register as early as possible to allow themselves the maximum amount of time to work on their essay questions. By the start of add/drop, students will be assigned their particular mentor. Students in this section will conduct their IMP online. |
Child Life
Courses within this program are for Child Life students only.
Section | Title | Credits | Rooms | Instructor | Days/Times | Dates | Status |
EDUC503CR-1CR | Development: Adolescence through Emerging Adulthood | 3 | Online | Troy Pinkney | TH 7:00-9:00 PM | 1/23, 2/20, 3/27, 4/24 | |
This course continues from EDUC 500: Child Development, focusing on development from adolescence through emerging adulthood. The interactions between physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development will be an organizing focus in the course. Participants will critically analyze different developmental theories about their own experiences, and the experiences of adolescents and young adults and their families, in a range of settings. Through reading classic and current literature, participants will attend to some of the larger questions about development, such as the role and impact of brain development, as well as the tension between the search for developmental universals and the reality of individual differences. The course will pay close attention to adolescents’ emerging identities as mediated by factors including family, peer group, socioeconomic class, gender identity, power, religion, race, language, culture and health, as participants learn to support adolescents and young adults in health care and community environments to develop agency and a positive sense of self. Prerequisite: EDUC 500. This course is for Child Life students only
Note: This course will meet synchronously and asynchronously online. You must be available for synchronous sessions on Thursdays 7-9 PM throughout the semester. This course is for students in the Child Life Program only. Permission of the Director is needed for all other students.
EDUC825CR-1CR | The Role of Child Life Beyond the Hospital: A Local, National, and Global View | 3 | Online | Genevieve Lowry | M 7:00-9:00 PM | TBD | |
This course will examine the role of child life in hospital settings and beyond at the local, national, and global levels. Participants will discuss the impact of challenging life events such as divorce, incarceration, school shootings, and natural disasters on the lives of children and families. In small group discussions, both asynchronous and synchronous, participants will apply knowledge of child development and the application of child life skills in developing play opportunities, developmental explanations, coping strategies and expressive arts as tools for supporting the psychosocial needs of children and families. Participants will enroll in this course in the fall or spring semester directly before or after taking supervised fieldwork. This course is for students in the Child Life program only.
Note: This course will meet synchronously and asynchronously online. You must be available for synchronous sessions on Mondays 7-9 PM throughout the semester. This course is for students in the Child Life Program only. Permission of the Director is needed for all other students.
EDUC828CR-1CR | Loss in Children’s Lives: Implications for Schools, Hospitals, and Home | 3 | Online | Deborah Vilas | T 7:00-9:00 PM | 1/21, 2/11, 3/11, 3/25, 4/29 | |
A developmental perspective is utilized to examine the child’s perception and understanding of levels of loss outside the walls of a healthcare setting. Topics to be addressed include separation and divorce, adoption, foster care, hospitalization and/or death of a parent, and domestic and media-induced violence. The essential roles of the child life specialist, healthcare provider, and family members will be discussed, underscoring the transdisciplinary collaboration which must exist between these caregivers. Prerequisite: EDUC 500. For students in the Child Life program only.
Note: This course will meet synchronously and asynchronously online. You must be available for synchronous sessions on Tuesdays 7-9 PM throughout the semester. This course is for students in the Child Life Program only. Permission of the Director is needed for all other students.
EDUC829CR-1CR | Therapeutic Play Techniques for Child Life Specialists | 3 | Online | Michael Attard, Deborah Vilas | M 7:00-9:00 PM | 1/27, 2/3, 2/10, 2/17, 2/24, 3/3, 4/28 | |
Students will explore the meanings and purposes of play and how play develops as a child develops. Various theories of play therapy will be introduced and the roles of child life specialist and play therapist will be delineated. Students will learn how child life specialists can create the optimal environment to encourage learning, development, and healing through play in hospitals and other healthcare settings. The course also covers directive and nondirective therapeutic play techniques for use in playrooms, clinical settings, and at the bedside, both with the individual child and with groups. Prerequisite: EDUC 500. This course is for Child Life students only.
Note: This course will meet synchronously and asynchronously online. You must be available for synchronous sessions on Mondays 7-9 PM throughout the semester. This course is for students in the Child Life Program only. Permission of the Director is needed for all other students.
EDUC950CR-1CR | Clinical Experiences and Supervised Fieldwork: Children in Healthcare Settings | 6 | Online | Troy Pinkney | W 7:00-9:00 PM | ||
Fieldwork in an approved child life internship with supervision and advisement. Graduate students participate in weekly small-group conferences with their advisor. These seminars include the exchange and analysis of ongoing professional experiences and provide a forum for integrating theory and practice. Attention is given to developing child life practice that supports the psychosocial and emotional needs of children, adolescents, and families. Graduate students examine and practice strategies for supporting the individual strengths and challenges of a broad range of children and adolescents within medical settings. Opportunities to collaborate with interdisciplinary members of the healthcare team are an integral part of the experience. Graduate students are responsible for securing their own hospital internships. For Child Life students only.
Note: This will be fully online. All sessions are synchronous.
IMP2CR-1CR | IMP: Collaborative Student Faculty Inquiry | 0 | Online | Genevieve Lowry | TH 7:00-9:00 PM | 1/23, 2/27, 3/13, 4/24 | |
The Collaborative Student-Faculty Inquiry is a one-semester small peer group option focused on a specific topic or issue. These topics, based on professional interests faculty would like to explore along with students, are posted each fall and spring. You identify a particular aspect of the topic or issue to investigate and, with your peers, determine a format in which to coordinate and present the findings. Students present their projects in mid-January or the week of graduation in May. This section is for students in the Child Life program only.
Title: Using Loose Parts in Child Life Practice Child Life students are invited to continue their exploration and refinement of their medical preparation and teaching skills through the use of loose parts and a child-centered approach. In partnership with one another and their faculty mentor, students will choose a body part or system, a disease/disorder that might affect it, and how medical treatment will occur and affect the body. The inquiry will culminate in a 3-D loose parts representation of all three of these aspects, a written rationale and reflection, and a live presentation of the project to the inquiry group and larger Bank Street audience. Contact the facilitator/instructor if there are questions about a specific inquiry. Registration is not allowed after the class has met. This section will run online. |
IMP2CR-2CR | IMP: Collaborative Student Faculty Inquiry | 0 | Online | Meghan Jacobson | TH 7:00-9:00 PM | 1/23, 2/27, 3/13, 4/24 | |
The Collaborative Student-Faculty Inquiry is a one-semester small peer group option focused on a specific topic or issue. These topics, based on professional interests faculty would like to explore along with students, are posted each fall and spring. You identify a particular aspect of the topic or issue to investigate and, with your peers, determine a format in which to coordinate and present the findings. Students present their projects in mid-January or the week of graduation in May. This section is for students in the Child Life program only.
Title: Grief & Death in Children's Lives This interactive inquiry will explore topics related to end-of-life, grief and death in the lives of children, and is open to both child life and education students. In partnership with one another and their faculty mentor, students will explore the ways in which children understand death, how they grieve and ways that they can be supported. The inquiry will culminate in the creation of an activity or intervention designed to support children in school, home or hospital settings with their own death or the death of a significant person in their lives. Contact the facilitator/instructor if there are questions about a specific inquiry. Registration is not allowed after the class has met. This section will run online. |
LEAD825CR-1CR | Child Life Program Development and Administration | 3 | Online | Troy Pinkney | T 7:00-9:00 PM | 1/21, 2/18, 3/25, 4/29 | |
This course will introduce students to the skills needed to develop, direct, and manage child life programs in healthcare settings. Emphasis will be placed on developing a philosophy of leadership that fosters team collaboration and staff participation. Program planning will be addressed within the context of child development and child life principles. Topics covered will include staff development and supervision, continuous quality improvement, proposal writing, program development, and departmental management skills. Prerequisite: EDUC 500. For students in the Child Life program only.
Note: This course will meet synchronously and asynchronously online. You must be available for synchronous sessions on Mondays 7-9 PM throughout the semester. This course is for students in the Child Life Program only. Permission of the Director is needed for all other students.
Childhood General and Special Education Online Program
These courses are only for students enrolled in a fully online degree program. These courses are for students in the Childhood dual certification and single certification programs. Please consult your program plan before registering.
Section | Title | Credits | Rooms | Instructor | Days/Times | Dates | Status |
EDUC530ESR-1ESR | Foundations of Modern Education | 3 | Online | Pamela Jones | M 7:00-9:00 PM | ||
This course examines the historical, philosophical, and cultural roots of contemporary education, including Bank Street’s progressive history and philosophy, the contributions of major educational leaders, and current practices and innovations in education. Participants will analyze how critical issues in the field affect their practice with children and families in schools and communities. The course will explore ways in which education as an avenue for individual advancement and social justice has been defined, advocated for, enacted, and is still being negotiated in the U.S. The course will attend to what has been achieved as well as challenges that remain in creating educational spaces that affirm children’s and families’ race, social class, immigration status, language, gender, and ability, among other identity domains. Participants will apply their understandings to think about their role in bringing about desired, warranted changes in order to create more inclusive and democratic educational environments. For students in online programs only.
Note: This section is for students enrolled in fully online early childhood and childhood programs only. This course will meet synchronously and asynchronously. You must be available for synchronous sessions each week throughout the semester. Your instructor will share the specific synchronous dates at your first session.
EDUC563ESR-1ESR | The Teaching of Reading, Writing, and Language Arts in the Primary Grades | 3 | Online | Susan Rolander | TH 7:00-9:00 PM | ||
This course examines the process through which reading and writing are acquired by young children, ages 4-8. We study the ways teachers can support literacy growth for children’s diverse learning needs and styles, cultural and linguistic backgrounds, and socioeconomic status. The course explores theoretical frameworks of literacy development as well as practical applications. Graduate students work directly with a child, who is an emergent reader and writer, to develop the skills of close observation, assessment, record keeping, and planning. Graduate students, individually and as a group, analyze the contexts, activities and relationships that support children’s language and literacy learning in early childhood classrooms. This course is for students in online programs only.
Note: This section is for students enrolled in fully online early childhood and childhood programs only. This course will meet synchronously and asynchronously. You must be available for synchronous sessions each week throughout the semester. Your instructor will share the specific synchronous dates at your first session.
EDUC807SR-1SR | Teaching Children with Disabilities in Language and Communication | 2 | Online | Elizabeth Silva | T 7:00-9:00 PM | ||
Building on theories of language development and learning, this course is designed to deepen graduate students’ understanding of language and communication disabilities in monolingual and bilingual children. There is an exploration of the reciprocal relationship between children’s diverse communication abilities and styles and academic, social and emotional development. The importance of teacher collaboration with other service providers is highlighted. Graduate students will reflect on their own communication styles as a means of more effectively meeting the communication needs of their students. The concept of social construction of disability will help to frame issues of equity that can guide teachers in their roles as advocates for all children. Prerequisite: EDUC 505 or EDUC 561. For students in fully online childhood programs only.
Note: This section is for students enrolled in fully online childhood programs only. This course will meet synchronously and asynchronously. You must be available for synchronous sessions each week throughout the semester. Your instructor will share the specific synchronous dates at your first session.
EDUC863SR-1SR | Collaboration and Differentiation in the Instruction of Children with Disabilities | 3 | Online | Pamela Jones | TH 7:00-9:00 PM | ||
This course combines theory and practice through work with children from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds who have learning disabilities. Using assessment data gathered through formal and informal measures, students will devise educational plans for children. Participants will be exposed to a repertoire of evidence-based practices and instructional strategies in oral language, reading, written language, and math in order to promote positive learning outcomes. The course will also provide opportunities to develop and apply strategies for working with families and collaborating with other educators. Utilizing their knowledge of individual learning differences, participants will become skilled at differentiating instruction for a class of students with diverse learning needs. Prerequisite: EDUC 803. For students in fully online childhood programs only.
Note: This section is for students enrolled in fully online childhood programs only. This course will meet synchronously and asynchronously. You must be available for synchronous sessions each week throughout the semester. Your instructor will share the specific synchronous dates at your first session.
EDUC931ESR-1ESR | Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement | 6 | Online | Staff TBD | W 7:00-9:00 PM | ||
Fieldwork in appropriate settings with supervision and advisement. Candidates in advisement participate in weekly small-group conferences with their advisor. These seminars include the exchange and analysis of ongoing professional experiences and provide a forum for integrating theory with practice. Participants will develop their capacity to construct learning environments and communities that support the development of infants, children, and/or adolescents, depending on the focus of their program. Opportunities to collaborate and co-teach with cooperating teachers and other setting personnel are an integral part of the course. This course is the second half of EDUC930. This course is only for students in online programs.
This course is the second half of EDUC930ESR. This course is for students in the online early childhood and childhood programs only.
EDUC937ESR-1ESR | Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement | 6 | Online | Staff TBD | W 4:45-6:45 PM | ||
Fieldwork in appropriate settings with supervision and advisement. Candidates in advisement participate in weekly small-group conferences with their advisor. These seminars include the exchange and analysis of ongoing professional experiences and provide a forum for integrating theory with practice. Participants will develop their capacity to construct learning environments and communities that support the development of infants, children, and/or adolescents, depending on the focus of their program. Opportunities to collaborate and co-teach with cooperating teachers and other setting personnel are an integral part of the course. This course is for one semester only. For students in fully-online programs only.
This course is for one-semester fieldwork placements for students in the online early childhood and childhood programs only.
EDUC994ESR-1ESR | Extended Field Experiences | 1 | Online | Staff TBD | MTH 7:00-9:00 PM | ||
This one-credit course provides working teachers, interns, and assistant teachers the opportunity to meet the mandated New York State regulations for certification. The State regulations require teacher candidates to work in an additional grade band level in a high needs public setting, according to the age band of their certification. In addition, there may be an expectation of direct work with English language learners (ELLs) and/or students with IEPs. Graduate students will be placed in appropriate educational programs for at least 50 hours. In addition, graduate students will participate in a series of seminars focused on these classroom experiences. For students in fully-online programs only.
This course is for students in online early childhood and childhood programs only. This fieldwork experience requires the following components:
*unless a different set of dates has been previously determined by your Program Director If you are working with students at GO Project, you will follow the following dates:
IMP3R-1R | IMP: Mentored Directed Essay | 0 | Online | Staff TBD | See mentor | ||
Students choosing to do a Mentored Directed Essay work with an assigned faculty mentor to design an essay that is based on existing, program-specific prepared questions. These questions are designed to help you think and write about the salient issues pertaining to your chosen area of study. Working with your mentor, you may adapt questions to support the distinctive needs of your professional growth, interests, and current work situation. This option is designed to provide structure and focus with maximum flexibility, and is intended to be completed within a single semester. This option is offered all semesters.
Students should register for section 01. Registration is not allowed once add/drop begins. It is recommended that students register as early as possible to allow themselves the maximum amount of time to work on their essay questions. By the start of add/drop, students will be assigned their particular mentor. Students in this section will conduct their IMP online. |
IS500R-1R | IMP: Independent Study | 0 | Staff TBD | See mentor | |||
The Independent Study is an original work that you initiate, often growing out of a meaningful course assignment or an idea, question, or experience rooted in a fieldwork or work setting. Students work with a faculty mentor who has expertise in the particular area of study. The Independent Study usually includes two semesters of research and writing, and is most closely aligned with a traditional master’s thesis. Independent Studies are made accessible to the public though the Bank Street Library's online catalogue.
This IMP is for students who have not yet begun their Independent Study. Students continuing an Independent Study from a previous semester should contact their SSA for registration. Students should register for section 01. Once registered, students will be emailed a Jot Form to confirm their mentor. If the Jot Form is not returned by the beginning of the add/drop period, students will be dropped from this IMP and can register again in another semester. In order to stay registered in this IMP, students must have secured a faculty mentor who has reviewed their Independent Study (IS) proposal and has committed to serve as their IS mentor. Students in this Independent Study will meet with their mentor online |
Early Childhood General and Special Education Online Program
These courses are only for students enrolled in a fully online degree program. These courses are for students in the Early Childhood dual certification and single certification programs. Please consult your program plan before registering.
Section | Title | Credits | Rooms | Instructor | Days/Times | Dates | Status |
EDUC514ER-1ER | Curriculum in Early Childhood Education for Inclusive and Special Education Settings | 3 | Online | Antonia Bendezu | M 7:00-9:00 PM | ||
This course provides a framework for developing curriculum that engages all children in authentic meaning making about themselves and their wider world. Participants use principles of child development and inclusive practice as a foundation for planning experiences that support deep learning. The course focuses on curriculum as the core vehicle for affirming children’s developing identities, including cultural and linguistic identity. Using social studies as the core of an integrated curriculum, participants plan using diverse materials, modalities, content, and perspectives to help children examine big questions. Participants use universal design principles to create learning experiences that are inclusive of a broadly diverse range of learners. For students in Online programs only.
Note: This section is for students enrolled in fully online early childhood programs only. This course will meet synchronously and asynchronously. You must be available for synchronous sessions each week throughout the semester. Your instructor will share the specific synchronous dates at your first session.
EDUC530ESR-1ESR | Foundations of Modern Education | 3 | Online | Pamela Jones | M 7:00-9:00 PM | ||
This course examines the historical, philosophical, and cultural roots of contemporary education, including Bank Street’s progressive history and philosophy, the contributions of major educational leaders, and current practices and innovations in education. Participants will analyze how critical issues in the field affect their practice with children and families in schools and communities. The course will explore ways in which education as an avenue for individual advancement and social justice has been defined, advocated for, enacted, and is still being negotiated in the U.S. The course will attend to what has been achieved as well as challenges that remain in creating educational spaces that affirm children’s and families’ race, social class, immigration status, language, gender, and ability, among other identity domains. Participants will apply their understandings to think about their role in bringing about desired, warranted changes in order to create more inclusive and democratic educational environments. For students in online programs only.
Note: This section is for students enrolled in fully online early childhood and childhood programs only. This course will meet synchronously and asynchronously. You must be available for synchronous sessions each week throughout the semester. Your instructor will share the specific synchronous dates at your first session.
EDUC563ESR-1ESR | The Teaching of Reading, Writing, and Language Arts in the Primary Grades | 3 | Online | Susan Rolander | TH 7:00-9:00 PM | ||
This course examines the process through which reading and writing are acquired by young children, ages 4-8. We study the ways teachers can support literacy growth for children’s diverse learning needs and styles, cultural and linguistic backgrounds, and socioeconomic status. The course explores theoretical frameworks of literacy development as well as practical applications. Graduate students work directly with a child, who is an emergent reader and writer, to develop the skills of close observation, assessment, record keeping, and planning. Graduate students, individually and as a group, analyze the contexts, activities and relationships that support children’s language and literacy learning in early childhood classrooms. This course is for students in online programs only.
Note: This section is for students enrolled in fully online early childhood and childhood programs only. This course will meet synchronously and asynchronously. You must be available for synchronous sessions each week throughout the semester. Your instructor will share the specific synchronous dates at your first session.
EDUC893ER-1ER | Approaches to Early Childhood Assessment | 2 | Online | Helen Frazier | TH 7:00-9:00 PM | ||
This course introduces and explores informal and formal assessment practices for young children. Students will learn about various ways of observing, collecting, documenting, and analyzing children’s work and learning experiences in a variety of settings. Students will also become familiar with formal and informal assessment procedures and terminology, standardized testing, and strategies for test selection, to ensure results that are valid and unbiased. Students will also examine legal, ethical, culturally responsive, and professional considerations of assessment. Students will be given practical experience in the preparation and administration of different forms of assessment, including the construction of simple performance assessments. Critical attention will be given to careful interpretation and utilization of assessment data in developing meaningful curriculum and educational plans for individual children. Culturally responsive approaches to assessment and involving the family with the assessment process will also be addressed. Prerequisite: EDUC 803 or EDUC 894. This course is for students in fully online early childhood programs only.
Note: This section is for students enrolled in fully online early childhood programs only. This course will meet synchronously and asynchronously. You must be available for synchronous sessions each week throughout the semester. Your instructor will share the specific synchronous dates at your first session.
EDUC895ER-1ER | Early Childhood Practicum II: Collaborating with Families & Colleagues in Assessment, Planning, & In | 2 | Online | Carmen Colón | T 7:00-9:00 PM | ||
This course completes a year-long sequence of work with a child and the child’s family. The focus in the second semester is two-fold: 1) developing a responsive collaboration with the family and 2) developing and analyzing the use of a range of instructional strategies. Through conversations, participants learn about the family’s perspectives and goals. To gather further data, participants select, develop, and use a variety of informal assessments. Participants apply their developing knowledge of the child’s interests and developmental needs as they design and implement instructional strategies. The course engages participants in a deep understanding of the assessment, planning and instruction cycle as they collect data and reflect on their instruction and apply their learnings in their ongoing work with the child and family. Participants will work with families to jointly plan goals as they develop their understandings of the IEP/IFSP. Prerequisite: EDUC 894. For students in fully online early childhood programs only.
Note: This section is for students enrolled in fully online early childhood programs only. This course will meet synchronously and asynchronously. You must be available for synchronous sessions each week throughout the semester. Your instructor will share the specific synchronous dates at your first session.
EDUC931ESR-1ESR | Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement | 6 | Online | Staff TBD | W 7:00-9:00 PM | ||
Fieldwork in appropriate settings with supervision and advisement. Candidates in advisement participate in weekly small-group conferences with their advisor. These seminars include the exchange and analysis of ongoing professional experiences and provide a forum for integrating theory with practice. Participants will develop their capacity to construct learning environments and communities that support the development of infants, children, and/or adolescents, depending on the focus of their program. Opportunities to collaborate and co-teach with cooperating teachers and other setting personnel are an integral part of the course. This course is the second half of EDUC930. This course is only for students in online programs.
This course is the second half of EDUC930ESR. This course is for students in the online early childhood and childhood programs only.
EDUC937ESR-1ESR | Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement | 6 | Online | Staff TBD | W 4:45-6:45 PM | ||
Fieldwork in appropriate settings with supervision and advisement. Candidates in advisement participate in weekly small-group conferences with their advisor. These seminars include the exchange and analysis of ongoing professional experiences and provide a forum for integrating theory with practice. Participants will develop their capacity to construct learning environments and communities that support the development of infants, children, and/or adolescents, depending on the focus of their program. Opportunities to collaborate and co-teach with cooperating teachers and other setting personnel are an integral part of the course. This course is for one semester only. For students in fully-online programs only.
This course is for one-semester fieldwork placements for students in the online early childhood and childhood programs only.
EDUC994ESR-1ESR | Extended Field Experiences | 1 | Online | Staff TBD | MTH 7:00-9:00 PM | ||
This one-credit course provides working teachers, interns, and assistant teachers the opportunity to meet the mandated New York State regulations for certification. The State regulations require teacher candidates to work in an additional grade band level in a high needs public setting, according to the age band of their certification. In addition, there may be an expectation of direct work with English language learners (ELLs) and/or students with IEPs. Graduate students will be placed in appropriate educational programs for at least 50 hours. In addition, graduate students will participate in a series of seminars focused on these classroom experiences. For students in fully-online programs only.
This course is for students in online early childhood and childhood programs only. This fieldwork experience requires the following components:
*unless a different set of dates has been previously determined by your Program Director If you are working with students at GO Project, you will follow the following dates:
IMP3R-1R | IMP: Mentored Directed Essay | 0 | Online | Staff TBD | See mentor | ||
Students choosing to do a Mentored Directed Essay work with an assigned faculty mentor to design an essay that is based on existing, program-specific prepared questions. These questions are designed to help you think and write about the salient issues pertaining to your chosen area of study. Working with your mentor, you may adapt questions to support the distinctive needs of your professional growth, interests, and current work situation. This option is designed to provide structure and focus with maximum flexibility, and is intended to be completed within a single semester. This option is offered all semesters.
Students should register for section 01. Registration is not allowed once add/drop begins. It is recommended that students register as early as possible to allow themselves the maximum amount of time to work on their essay questions. By the start of add/drop, students will be assigned their particular mentor. Students in this section will conduct their IMP online. |
IS500R-1R | IMP: Independent Study | 0 | Staff TBD | See mentor | |||
The Independent Study is an original work that you initiate, often growing out of a meaningful course assignment or an idea, question, or experience rooted in a fieldwork or work setting. Students work with a faculty mentor who has expertise in the particular area of study. The Independent Study usually includes two semesters of research and writing, and is most closely aligned with a traditional master’s thesis. Independent Studies are made accessible to the public though the Bank Street Library's online catalogue.
This IMP is for students who have not yet begun their Independent Study. Students continuing an Independent Study from a previous semester should contact their SSA for registration. Students should register for section 01. Once registered, students will be emailed a Jot Form to confirm their mentor. If the Jot Form is not returned by the beginning of the add/drop period, students will be dropped from this IMP and can register again in another semester. In order to stay registered in this IMP, students must have secured a faculty mentor who has reviewed their Independent Study (IS) proposal and has committed to serve as their IS mentor. Students in this Independent Study will meet with their mentor online |
Early Childhood General Education Advanced Standing
These courses are for students in the Early Childhood General Education Advanced Standing program only.
Section | Title | Credits | Rooms | Instructor | Days/Times | Dates | Status |
EDUC522A-1A | Developmental Interaction Approach to Science | 1 | Stan Chu | MTW 4:45-8:00 PM | 1/6, 1/8, 1/13, 1/14 | Cancelled | |
This course focused on developing a science way of thinking and doing. Each session deepens the participant’s understanding that doing science requires direct sensory encounters with the physical world. Alongside experiencing first-hand investigations of physical and biological materials and related phenomena, participants create a range of representations of these experiences and can uncover existing patterns and concepts. Discussions, readings, and reflective writings deepen and broaden work done with physical materials. Participants will reflect on their learning as they work to construct meaningful science experiences that respond to the developmental levels of their students and affirm students’ cultural, linguistic, and learning diversity. The course explores evidence based ways of making sense of the world that support the integration of science inquiry across the curriculum.
This course is for students in the ECAS program only. Please note, this course runs prior to the official start date of the Spring 2025 term. For 1 credit courses, registration is not allowed after the class has met.
EDUC803A-1A | Teaching Students with Disabilities: An Introduction to Disability Theory, Disability Law and Respon | 2 | Jacob Dixon | W 4:45-6:45 PM | Cancelled | ||
This course is designed to increase participants’ awareness and understanding of the educational, social, cultural, linguistic and developmental implications of disability from historical, legal, and socio-political perspectives. The course will critically examine state and federal special education and disability laws and regulations and their implementation across a range of settings including their intersection with issues of race, class, language and gender. There is an emphasis on understanding how disability is socially constructed at the levels of family, community, school, and the larger society. Participants apply an understanding of disabilities to analyze and create accessible learning experiences for children. Prerequisite: EDUC 500 or permission of instructor.
This course is for students in the ECAS program only.
EDUC894A-1A | Early Childhood Practicum I: Observing a Child through Family/Cultural Contexts | 2 | 706 | Carmen Colón | TH 4:45-6:45 PM | ||
Early Childhood Practicum I and II is a year-long course that provides graduate students the opportunity to integrate theory and practice as they work with a child and family. Practicum I focuses on: 1) observation as the foundation of early childhood assessment and 2) culturally sustaining, family-based practice. Participants learn to observe and record children’s behavior in home, school, and community settings. Through regular observations, participants construct a respectful and increasingly complex understanding of the child within his/her sociocultural context. Special emphasis is placed on recognizing the strengths of the child and family. Participants develop greater awareness of their own perspectives and the ways their personal experiences affect what they notice and how they interpret their observations. Participants begin to integrate adult development, family systems theory, and cultural/linguistic diversity as a basis for developing relationships with the child’s family. This work provides a foundation for Practicum II. Prerequisite: EDUC 803. This course is for students in the Early Childhood Advanced Standing Program only.
This course is for students in the ECAS program only.
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
Section | Title | Credits | Rooms | Instructor | Days/Times | Dates | Status |
IMP2LR-1LR | IMP: Collaborative Student Faculty Inquiry | 0 | Online | Tyler Jennings | TH 7:00-9:00 PM | 1/30, 2/27, 3/27, 4/17 | |
The Collaborative Student-Faculty Inquiry is a one-semester small peer group option focused on a specific topic or issue. These topics, based on professional interests faculty would like to explore along with students, are posted each fall and spring. You identify a particular aspect of the topic or issue to investigate and, with your peers, determine a format in which to coordinate and present the findings. Students present their projects in mid-January or the week of graduation in May. This course is only for students in the TESOL program. It will be held fully online.
Title: TESOL Inquiry and Practice Collective: Language Justice and Pedagogy This Collaborative Student-Faculty Inquiry serves as the culminating experience for the TESOL cohort at Bank Street College. Through this project, students explore a topic related to Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), focusing on supporting English as a New Language (ENL) learners or another area of personal and professional interest within TESOL. Each student identifies a specific aspect of their chosen topic to investigate, crafting an individualized project with the guidance and support of their peers and faculty. This collaborative process fosters deep inquiry and reflection, enabling students to develop actionable insights that inform their careers as educators of multilingual students. Guiding Questions:
Contact the facilitator/instructor if there are questions about a specific inquiry. Registration is not allowed after the class has met. This section will run online |
TESL515L-1L | ENL Case Management: Creating Access through Programming and Curriculum | 3 | 702 | Cristian Solorza | T 7:00-9:00 PM | ||
This course is designed to help ENL teacher candidates refine their pedagogy while managing their student caseload within the mandated ENL service models (stand-alone and integrated ENL) using standards based curricula and assessments to differentiate instruction. In collaboration with school professionals, participants will analyze informal and formal schoolwide data (including New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test data, content, and literacy assessments) to identify the language and literacy needs of their ENL students. Participants will evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the programming of ENL services in their schools and advocate for integrated, collaborative approaches that support ENL students across their school day. Special attention will be given to understanding the specific needs of newcomers, recently arrived unaccompanied children/refugee children & youth, long-term ELLs (LTELLs), and students with limited or interrupted /inconsistent formal education (SLIFE). Participants will explore ways to effectively connect with students to leverage cultural and linguistic resources, and other funds of knowledge to create socioemotional supports, empower students and families, and develop culturally responsive practices within their instructional programming. In addition, participants will develop strategies to self-advocate, collaborate, and negotiate their roles with other school professionals to better advocate for the needs of their students. Prerequisite: TESL 660.
This class is only for students in the TESOL program.
NYC Teaching Fellows - Cohort 38
These courses are for students in the NYC Teaching Fellows Cohort only.
Section | Title | Credits | Rooms | Instructor | Days/Times | Dates | Status |
EDUC8342F-1F | Teaching Humanities: Curriculum, Methods and Assessment for Adolescents with Disabilities | 2 | 612/613 | Shawna Hansford | W 7:00-9:00 PM | ||
Deeply rooted in the philosophy that the humanities is central to adolescents’ understanding the world that they inherit and inhabit, this course examines methods for planning, developing, implementing, and evaluating curriculum and instructional strategies for adolescents with disabilities in English and social studies. This course uses a progressive and inquiry-based approach as a framework for teaching English language arts to adolescents with a wide range of abilities and challenges. Participants will use a sociopolitical lens as they study literature, primary and secondary sources, digital, multimodal and new literacies, as they develop reading and writing skills and strategies across genres. This course focuses on developing participants’ skills in planning, instruction, and assessment to create meaningful access to the general education curriculum and in accordance with Common Core Standards. It emphasizes teacher collaboration to support the differentiation of instruction based on learner characteristics, learning environment, curriculum, and standards. An anti-bias and social justice orientation are woven throughout the course, with a focus on teacher and student advocacy and agency. This course is only for students in the Teaching Adolescents with Disabilities program.
Please note: This course will meet in a hybrid format. Your instructor will share details during the first session.
EDUC934F-1F | Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement | 3 | George Badia | W 5:00-7:00 PM | |||
Fieldwork in appropriate settings with supervision and advisement. Candidates in advisement participate in small-group conferences with their advisor. These seminars include the exchange and analysis of ongoing professional experiences and provide a forum for integrating theory with practice. Participants will develop their capacity to construct learning environments and communities that support the development of infants, children, and/or adolescents, depending on the focus of their program. Opportunities to collaborate and co-teach with cooperating teachers and other school personnel are an integral part of the course. This course is the second half of EDUC932. For Teaching Fellows students only.
This course is the second half of EDUC932F.
Kerlin STEM Institute
For Kerlin STEM Institute Fellows only.
Section | Title | Credits | Rooms | Instructor | Days/Times | Dates | Status |
EDUC850K-1K | Introduction to Teaching STEM in the Early Childhood Classroom | 1 | Robert Wallace | ThSa 10:00-5:30 PM | 1/11, 1/16, 1/23, 1/30, 2/6 | ||
This Kerlin STEM Institute course is the first of three practicum courses in teaching STEM content and processes. This course will introduce Bank Street’s Science Way of Thinking and NYSCI’s Design Make Play models of teaching. These approaches encourage learners to construct meaning through active investigations. Participants will develop an understanding of STEM thinking and the multiple ways learners from diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds, and with disabilities, engage in STEM learning. Participants will use observations and instructional conversations with colleagues to study the ways they and their students come to experience and learn STEM concepts. Finally, participants will investigate their own curriculum, identifying examples where they are already developing students’ STEM thinking and opportunities to build on these experiences. Prerequisite: For Kerlin STEM Institute fellows only
For Kerlin STEM Institute Fellows only. This course will meet in person at the New York Hall of Science (NYSCI), 47-01 11th St. Corona, NY 11368, on Saturday, January 11th from 10:00 AM-4:30 PM. All other sessions will be online from 4:00-5:30 on the dates listed. For 1 credit courses, registration is not allowed after the class has met. |
EDUC851K-1K | Developing STEM Investigations in the Early Childhood Classroom | 1 | Robert Wallace | ThSa 10:00-5:30 PM | 3/8, 3/13, 3/27, 4/3, 4/10 | ||
In this second course in the Kerlin STEM Institute, participants will: develop ideas and materials for STEM investigations with students that involve construction and engineering; expand their skills for selecting open-ended materials that support STEM inquiry; engage in museum explorations that can be directly applied to their classroom curriculum; and refine skills in using classroom observations and students’ work samples to assess students’ learning. Finally, participants will design linked STEM investigations that support a broad range of learners and encourage students to construct meaning through active investigations in the classroom and on field trips. Prerequisite: EDUC 850. For Kerlin STEM Institute fellows only.
For Kerlin STEM Institute Fellows only. This course will meet in person at the New York Hall of Science (NYSCI), 47-01 11th St. Corona, NY 11368, on Saturday, January 11th from 10:00 AM-4:30 PM. All other sessions will be online from 4:00-5:30 on the dates listed. For 1 credit courses, registration is not allowed after the class has met. |
Progressive Leadership Online Program - Cohort 51
These courses are only available for students in Progressive Leadership Cohort 51.
Section | Title | Credits | Rooms | Instructor | Days/Times | Dates | Status |
LEAD603PR-1PR | School Change: The Transformational Leader | 3 | Online | Staff TBD | T 5:30-7:30 PM | Cancelled | |
Current school reform efforts emphasize vision, shared decision making, professional autonomy, positive school structure, and restructuring. How are these concepts being realized in current practice? What choices and constraints accompany the processes of change and staff empowerment? In this course students examine the concepts which face principals in enhancing the effectiveness of schools, as well as the competencies of planning, joint decision making, problem solving, and negotiation. Course work complements and is tailored to the Principals Institute internship experience.
LEAD615PR-1PR | Processes of Supervision and Professional Development | 3 | Online | Abbe Futterman | TH 5:00-7:00 PM | ||
Designed for students who are preparing for supervisory roles or who are actively engaged in such roles, this course focuses on the objectives, functions, and evaluation of the supervisory experience within multicultural educational institutions. Organizational, cultural, and human variables that may facilitate or impede effective supervision are identified, and strategies to maximize or minimize their impact are generated. Supervisory attitudes and skills aimed at increasing professional growth in individual and group supervision are synthesized from a variety of supervisory models, with particular attention given to the clinical supervision model.
LEAD9183PR-1PR | Leadership Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement | 3 | Online | Beverly Logan | W 5:00-7:00 PM | ||
This course meets New York State certification requirements for School Building Leadership (SBL) internship experiences. Through close work with a faculty advisor and peers, participants apply their learning from coursework to their field experiences, integrating theory and practice as they reflect on their own professional development. Interns work with a site supervisor and are given substantial school-based responsibilities that involve direct interaction and involvement with staff, students, families, and community leaders. Participants develop the capacity to build and support a positive school culture, build teams, enlist collaboration, and plan and sustain change efforts. Graduate students in advisement participate in small-group sessions with their advisors. At the end of supervised fieldwork, each candidate presents a comprehensive portfolio of internship experiences which meets the program's Integrative Master's Project requirement. This is part three of three semesters of supervised fieldwork.
Progressive Leadership Online Program - Cohort 52
Progressive Leadership Program Cohort 52 students only
Section | Title | Credits | Rooms | Instructor | Days/Times | Dates | Status |
LEAD510PR-1PR | Leading Critical Issues in Curriculum and Instruction | 3 | Online | Shokry Eldaly | T 5:00-7:00 PM | ||
This course focuses on the roles and functions of the school leader in the spheres of curriculum and instruction. It covers the principles and processes that inform curriculum development and their impact on student learning. By explicitly addressing the relationship between curriculum and instruction to critical theory and pedagogy, students will connect positionality to their professional noticing. At the same time, students will unpack educational equity to become discerning consumers and negotiators of curriculum. In this course, students will envision and conceptualize ways to ensure that all students experience a liberating curriculum by focusing intensively on the knowledge and tools needed to recognize and dismantle dehumanizing spaces that are emblematic of historic and contemporary systems and structures. Finally, the course explores critical issues in leadership in curriculum and instruction and is designed to connect theory to practice as a means of inspiring, guiding, and effecting school change. For online Progressive Leadership students only.
LEAD660PR-1PR | Research for Educational Change | 3 | Online | Jessica Blum-DeStefano | TH 5:00-7:00 PM | ||
This course is designed to enable leaders, teachers, special educators, and others to be effective consumers of research, as well as to plan and carry out research in response to specific educational questions. Stages of the research process are discussed. Students analyze and evaluate research in the areas of leadership, school effectiveness, administration and supervision, teaching, and curriculum reform, and apply the findings to their everyday roles as educational leaders. It is expected that this course will be valuable for those matriculated students who are initiating projects to satisfy the Independent Study requirement. The format consists of lectures and discussions of the stages of the research process. Class members participate in a project involving research design, data collection, and analysis.
LEAD9182PR-DJ | Leadership Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement | 3 | Online | Derek Jones | W 5:00-7:00 PM | ||
This course meets New York State certification requirements for School Building Leadership (SBL) internship experiences. Through close work with a faculty advisor and peers, participants apply their learning from coursework to their field experiences, integrating theory and practice as they reflect on their own professional development. Interns work with a site supervisor and are given substantial school-based responsibilities that involve direct interaction and involvement with staff, students, families, and community leaders. Participants develop the capacity to build and support a positive school culture, build teams, enlist collaboration, and plan and sustain change efforts. Graduate students in advisement participate in small-group sessions with their advisors. At the end of supervised fieldwork, each candidate presents a comprehensive portfolio of internship experiences which meets the program's Integrative Master's Project requirement. This is part two of three semesters of supervised fieldwork. The third part is LEAD9183PR.
LEAD9182PR-LL | Leadership Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement | 3 | Online | Lilly Narine Lucas | W 5:00-7:00 PM | ||
This course meets New York State certification requirements for School Building Leadership (SBL) internship experiences. Through close work with a faculty advisor and peers, participants apply their learning from coursework to their field experiences, integrating theory and practice as they reflect on their own professional development. Interns work with a site supervisor and are given substantial school-based responsibilities that involve direct interaction and involvement with staff, students, families, and community leaders. Participants develop the capacity to build and support a positive school culture, build teams, enlist collaboration, and plan and sustain change efforts. Graduate students in advisement participate in small-group sessions with their advisors. At the end of supervised fieldwork, each candidate presents a comprehensive portfolio of internship experiences which meets the program's Integrative Master's Project requirement. This is part two of three semesters of supervised fieldwork. The third part is LEAD9183PR.
Progressive Leadership Online Program - Cohort 53
Progressive Leadership Program Cohort 53 students only.
Section | Title | Credits | Rooms | Instructor | Days/Times | Dates | Status |
LEAD503EPR-1EPR | Adult Development: Implications for Educational Leadership | 3 | Online | Jessica Blum-DeStefano | TH 7:15-9:15 PM | ||
Students will examine the developmental periods of young, middle, and later years in the human life cycle, with a broad multicultural approach to learning and development. Studies and research are reviewed. Emphasis is given to developmental characteristics that have implications for professional growth and development. This is a shared course for students in the Early Childhood Leadership program and Progressive Leadership program only.
This course is cross-listed for both Early Childhood Leadership and Progressive Leadership Cohort 53 students.
LEAD537PR-1PR | Organizational Development: Implications for Educational Leadership | 3 | Online | Abbe Futterman | T 5:00-7:00 PM | ||
This course examines theory, research, and practice related to organizational development. It covers a wide range of issues related to capacity-building, school vision and culture, and problem solving, and focuses on the relationship between school management and instructional leadership. Students have opportunities to integrate theory and research with administrative practice through readings, small-group work, simulation experiences, observations, interviews, protocols, and case studies. For students in the Online Progressive Leadership program only.
LEAD9181PR-1PR | Leadership Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement | 3 | Talibah Daniel | W 5:00-7:00 PM | |||
This course meets New York State certification requirements for School Building Leadership (SBL) internship experiences. Through close work with a faculty advisor and peers, participants apply their learning from coursework to their field experiences, integrating theory and practice as they reflect on their own professional development. Interns work with a site supervisor and are given substantial school-based responsibilities that involve direct interaction and involvement with staff, students, families, and community leaders. Participants develop the capacity to build and support a positive school culture, build teams, enlist collaboration, and plan and sustain change efforts. Graduate students in advisement participate in small-group sessions with their advisors. At the end of supervised fieldwork, each candidate presents a comprehensive portfolio of internship experiences which meets the program's Integrative Master's Project requirement. This is part one of three semesters of supervised fieldwork. The second part is LEAD9182PR.
Leadership in Mathematics Education Online
These courses are for students in the online Mathematics Leadership program only.
Section | Title | Credits | Rooms | Instructor | Days/Times | Dates | Status |
LEAD615MR-1MR | Processes of Supervision and Professional Development | 3 | Online | Wendy Pollock | TH 7:00-9:00 PM | ||
Designed for students who are preparing for supervisory roles or who are actively engaged in such roles, this course focuses on the objectives, functions, and evaluation of the supervisory experience within multicultural educational institutions. Organizational, cultural, and human variables that may facilitate or impede effective supervision are identified, and 100 strategies to maximize or minimize their impact are generated. Supervisory attitudes and skills aimed at increasing professional growth in individual and group supervision are synthesized from a variety of supervisory models, with particular attention given to the clinical supervision model. For students in the Mathematics Leadership program only.
LEAD668MR-1MR | Research for Mathematics Leaders II | 1 | Online | Helen Spruill | T 7:00-9:00 PM | 1/28, 2/11, 2/25, 3/11, 4/1, 4/15, 4/22 | |
In this second course, students are supported in deepening their question from LEAD 667. Through the collection of additional data, the analysis of new data, and examining patterns and themes, students craft a deeper question that reflects the depth of an Integrated Masters Project (IMP). In this course the inquiry question will be revised taking into account the leadership standards. Prerequisite: LEAD 667. For students in the Mathematics Leadership program only.
For 1 credit courses, registration cannot occur after the first class has met. Note: This course is co-taught with Robin Hummel. |
LEAD9452MR-AW | Mathematics Leadership Supervised Fieldwork and Advisement | 2 | Online | Amy Withers | T 7:00-9:00 PM | 1/21, 2/4, 2/18, 3/4, 3/25, 4/8, 4/22 | |
This seminar and fieldwork experience consists of a cohort of graduate students who meet with their advisor throughout the 14 months of the program. The seminar includes the exchange and analysis of ongoing professional experiences based on the graduate students’ experiences in the field. It provides a forum for synthesizing theory with practice, and the creation of a professional learning community. Attention is given to leadership activities in students’ work settings and coaching strategies for addressing the academic strengths and needs of teachers of mathematics, including constructing classroom environments that support collaboration and agency. In addition, the seminar examines the historical, philosophical, and cultural roots of leadership as they have influenced current practices and innovations, and explores Bank Street's history and philosophy as a progressive institution. This is the third term of SFW for Online Leadership in Mathematics Education students only.
LEAD9452MR-NB | Mathematics Leadership Supervised Fieldwork and Advisement | 2 | Online | Nancy Buck | T 7:00-9:00 PM | 1/21, 2/4, 2/18, 3/4, 3/25, 4/8, 4/22 | |
This seminar and fieldwork experience consists of a cohort of graduate students who meet with their advisor throughout the 14 months of the program. The seminar includes the exchange and analysis of ongoing professional experiences based on the graduate students’ experiences in the field. It provides a forum for synthesizing theory with practice, and the creation of a professional learning community. Attention is given to leadership activities in students’ work settings and coaching strategies for addressing the academic strengths and needs of teachers of mathematics, including constructing classroom environments that support collaboration and agency. In addition, the seminar examines the historical, philosophical, and cultural roots of leadership as they have influenced current practices and innovations, and explores Bank Street's history and philosophy as a progressive institution. This is the third term of SFW for Online Leadership in Mathematics Education students only.
LEAD9452MR-NS | Mathematics Leadership Supervised Fieldwork and Advisement | 2 | Online | Nneka Sutherland | T 7:00-9:00 PM | 1/21, 2/4, 2/18, 3/4, 3/25, 4/8, 4/22 | |
This seminar and fieldwork experience consists of a cohort of graduate students who meet with their advisor throughout the 14 months of the program. The seminar includes the exchange and analysis of ongoing professional experiences based on the graduate students’ experiences in the field. It provides a forum for synthesizing theory with practice, and the creation of a professional learning community. Attention is given to leadership activities in students’ work settings and coaching strategies for addressing the academic strengths and needs of teachers of mathematics, including constructing classroom environments that support collaboration and agency. In addition, the seminar examines the historical, philosophical, and cultural roots of leadership as they have influenced current practices and innovations, and explores Bank Street's history and philosophy as a progressive institution. This is the third term of SFW for Online Leadership in Mathematics Education students only.
Early Childhood Leadership Online
These courses are for students in the online Early Childhood Leadership program only, unless otherwise noted.
Section | Title | Credits | Rooms | Instructor | Days/Times | Dates | Status |
LEAD503EPR-1EPR | Adult Development: Implications for Educational Leadership | 3 | Online | Jessica Blum-DeStefano | TH 7:15-9:15 PM | ||
Students will examine the developmental periods of young, middle, and later years in the human life cycle, with a broad multicultural approach to learning and development. Studies and research are reviewed. Emphasis is given to developmental characteristics that have implications for professional growth and development. This is a shared course for students in the Early Childhood Leadership program and Progressive Leadership program only.
This course is cross-listed for both Early Childhood Leadership and Progressive Leadership Cohort 53 students.
LEAD603ER-1ER | School Change: The Transformational Leader | 3 | Online | Wendy Pollock | M 7:00-9:00 PM | ||
Current school reform efforts emphasize vision, shared decision making, professional autonomy, positive school structure, and restructuring. How are these concepts being realized in current practice? What choices and constraints accompany the processes of change and staff empowerment? In this course students examine the concepts which face principals in enhancing the effectiveness of schools, as well as the competencies of planning, joint decision making, problem solving, and negotiation. Course work complements and is tailored to the Principals Institute internship experience. For students in the Early Childhood Leadership program only.
For students in Early Childhood Leadership Cohort 1.
LEAD615ER-1ER | Processes of Supervision and Professional Development | 3 | Online | Wendy Pollock | T 7:00-9:00 PM | ||
Designed for students who are preparing for supervisory roles or who are actively engaged in such roles, this course focuses on the objectives, functions, and evaluation of the supervisory experience within multicultural educational institutions. Organizational, cultural, and human variables that may facilitate or impede effective supervision are identified, and 100 strategies to maximize or minimize their impact are generated. Supervisory attitudes and skills aimed at increasing professional growth in individual and group supervision are synthesized from a variety of supervisory models, with particular attention given to the clinical supervision model. For students in the Early Childhood Leadership program, only.
For students in Early Childhood Leadership Cohort 2.
LEAD660ER-1ER | Research for Educational Change | 3 | Online | Cristina Medellin | T 7:00-9:00 PM | ||
This course is designed to enable leaders, teachers, special educators, and others to be effective consumers of research, as well as to plan and carry out research in response to specific educational questions. Stages of the research process are discussed. Students analyze and evaluate research in the areas of leadership, school effectiveness, administration and supervision, teaching, and curriculum reform, and apply the findings to their everyday roles as educational leaders. It is expected that this course will be valuable for those matriculated students who are initiating projects to satisfy the Independent Study requirement. The format consists of lectures and discussions of the stages of the research process. Class members participate in a project involving research design, data collection, and analysis. For students in the Early Childhood Leadership program only.
For students in Early Childhood Leadership Cohort 1.
LEAD9202ER-1ER | Early Childhood Leadership Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement | 3 | Online | Cristina Medellin | W 6:30-8:30 PM | 1/29, 2/12, 2/26, 3/12, 3/26, 4/9, 4/23 | |
Participants explore a variety of theories and methods of analysis as applied to organizations and their members. Each participant prepares an in-depth analysis of his or her work setting, focusing on organizational structure and behavior. This is part two of two semesters of fieldwork. The first part is LEAD9201ER. For students in the Early Childhood Leadership program only.
For students in Early Childhood Leadership Cohort 2.
Future School Leaders Academy
These courses are for students in the Future School Leaders Academy only.
Section | Title | Credits | Rooms | Instructor | Days/Times | Dates | Status |
LEAD603F-1F | School Change: The Transformational Leader | 3 | Gregory Brown | TH 4:30-6:30 PM | |||
Current school reform efforts emphasize vision, shared decision making, professional autonomy, positive school structure, and restructuring. How are these concepts being realized in current practice? What choices and constraints accompany the processes of change and staff empowerment? In this course students examine the concepts which face principals in enhancing the effectiveness of schools, as well as the competencies of planning, joint decision making, problem solving, and negotiation. Course work complements and is tailored to the Principals Institute internship experience. For students in the FSLA program only.
LEAD864F-1F | Leading a School District IV | 1 | Andrew Patrick | TH 6:30-8:30 PM | TBD | ||
This course focuses on examining a district’s budget from multiple points of view: theoretical, conceptual, and practical. Participants will become familiar with all phases of the budget process, from its inception to its implementation throughout a district. Content will be closely aligned, whenever possible, with the “real world” budgets currently in place in districts. For students in the FSLA program only.
For 1 credit courses, registration cannot occur after the first class has met.
LEAD9064F-JA | Future School Leaders Academy Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement | 1.5 | Joel Adelberg | W 5:00-7:00 PM | |||
This course, for Future School Leaders Academy students, is designed to meet New York State certification requirements for building and district leadership internship experiences. Students develop internship program plans each semester, linked to each semester’s theme and national leadership preparation standards. Students are supervised on site by their internship supervisor/mentor and their advisor; they also participate in learning walks to other schools each semester. Three times a semester, students meet with their advisors in conference groups. Students document and reflect on their leadership development experiences by preparing a comprehensive portfolio, presented at the end of the two-year program. For students in the FSLA program only.
LEAD9064F-KE | Future School Leaders Academy Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement | 1.5 | Karen Eldon | W 5:00-7:00 PM | |||
This course, for Future School Leaders Academy students, is designed to meet New York State certification requirements for building and district leadership internship experiences. Students develop internship program plans each semester, linked to each semester’s theme and national leadership preparation standards. Students are supervised on site by their internship supervisor/mentor and their advisor; they also participate in learning walks to other schools each semester. Three times a semester, students meet with their advisors in conference groups. Students document and reflect on their leadership development experiences by preparing a comprehensive portfolio, presented at the end of the two-year program. For students in the FSLA program only.
LEAD9064F-WM | Future School Leaders Academy Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement | 1.5 | Walter Moran | W 5:00-7:00 PM | |||
This course, for Future School Leaders Academy students, is designed to meet New York State certification requirements for building and district leadership internship experiences. Students develop internship program plans each semester, linked to each semester’s theme and national leadership preparation standards. Students are supervised on site by their internship supervisor/mentor and their advisor; they also participate in learning walks to other schools each semester. Three times a semester, students meet with their advisors in conference groups. Students document and reflect on their leadership development experiences by preparing a comprehensive portfolio, presented at the end of the two-year program. For students in the FSLA program only.
Museum Studies: Learning and Engagement in Museums and Cultural Organizations
Section | Title | Credits | Rooms | Instructor | Days/Times | Dates | Status |
LEAD509C-1C | Digital Learning | 1 | Emily Kotecki | Su/Th 6:30-8:30PM | 3/4, 3/25, 4/1, 4/8, 4/29 | ||
This course reviews the growing presence of digital learning in education, within organizations, and through informal social media networks and other online communities of interest. Is technology changing how our brains process information? Are we learning differently now? How can the new digital technologies support and expand the work that we do in education within museums, libraries and cultural organizations? How can educators in cultural organizations make thoughtful and strategic use of these new tools, without being overwhelmed by the continual churn, expense and allure of new apps, platforms, products and services? Participants will explore the notion of connected or shared learning in more depth and devise strategies and programs where new technologies can be effectively harnessed to support and expand learning and engagement. For students in the Museum Studies: Learning and Engagement in Museums & Cultural Organizations program only.
For 1st year LEMCO students only.
LEAD522C-1C | Leadership Development | 1 | Brian Hogarth | TThSu 6:30-8:30 PM | 1/21, 1/23, 1/28, 1/30, 2/2, 2/6 | ||
In this course, participants will explore major theories of management, leadership and followership that can serve them in meeting the challenges of everyday work life and issues facing the sector. They will take a broad look at leadership and followership as intentional features of professional practice, including knowing oneself as essential for enacting effective leadership. Participants will review traditional views of leadership as residing in positions of authority together with shared and distributed models for leading and following for broader impact and change. By doing so, they will think about leadership and followership as fluid roles enacted by individuals across an organization at many levels. For students in the Museum Studies: Learning and Engagement in Museums & Cultural Organizations program only.
These courses are for students in the LEMCO program only.
LEAD523C-1C | Organizational Dynamics | 2 | Brian Hogarth | Th/Sa/Su 6:30-8:30 PM | 2/13, 2/20, 2/27, 3/6, 3/13, 3/23, 3/27, 4/17 March 8-9 IN PERSON WEEKEND | ||
This course will help participants develop an organizational mindset-- to see how their job fits into the “bigger picture,” to work more effectively with other departments and individuals that may appear to have conflicting interests and priorities so that the organization can fulfill its mission and purpose. Participants will study the dynamic nature of organizations through frames and systems, team work as well as communications and negotiation. They will consider organizational culture, the challenges associated with change, transparency and becoming more diverse and inclusive. Participants will use their current workplaces or internship organizations as case studies for various course activities and assignments. For students in the Museum Studies: Learning and Engagement in Museums & Cultural Organizations program only.
These courses are for students in the LEMCO program only. In-person weekend times TBA |
LEAD524C-1C | Professional Development | 1 | Elisabeth Nevins | Su/Th 6:30-8:30PM | 3/4, 3/25, 4/1, 4/8, 4/23, 4/29 | ||
This course focuses on the current trajectory of each participant in terms of their professional development. Participants will examine their individual strengths and challenges, practice speaking up and articulating what they value and stand for, for example championing social justice and advocating for the needs of diverse 99 learners. The course will also touch on labor and current hiring practices (including bias and discrimination), basic management principles, updating professional goals, public profiles and fine-tuning skills around listening and personal reflection. This course will complement the second semester of advising/fieldwork together with the Organizational Dynamics course to strengthen each participant’s skills and competencies. For students in the Museum Studies: Learning and Engagement in Museums & Cultural Organizations program only.
For 2nd year LEMCO students only.
LEAD9602C-1C | Museum Advisement | 2 | Brian Hogarth | See advisor | TBA | ||
Fieldwork in an appropriate setting with supervision and advisement. This is part two of two semesters of fieldwork. The first part is LEAD9601C. For students in the Museum Studies: Learning and Engagement in Museums & Cultural Organizations program only.
For 1st year LEMCO students only. Meetings will be arranged independently at different times based on students' work schedules |
LEAD9612C-1C | Museum Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement | 4 | Elisabeth Nevins, Shari Werb | See advisor | |||
Fieldwork in an appropriate setting with supervision and advisement. This is part two of two semesters of fieldwork. The first part is LEAD9611C. For students in the Museum Studies: Learning and Engagement in Museums & Cultural Organizations program only.
For 2nd year LEMCO students only. Meetings will be arranged independently at different times based on students' work schedules |
LEAP Program
These courses are for students in the LEAP program only.
Section | Title | Credits | Rooms | Instructor | Days/Times | Dates | Status |
LEAD503L-1L | Adult Development: Implications for Educational Leadership | 3 | Offsite | Michelle Herbowy, Jameela Horton, Marion Wilson | T 4:00-5:30 PM | ||
Students will examine the developmental periods of young, middle, and later years in the human life cycle, with a broad multicultural approach to learning and development. Studies and research are reviewed. Emphasis is given to developmental characteristics that have implications for professional growth and development.
These courses are for students in the LEAP program only.
LEAD603L-1L | School Change: The Transformational Leader | 3 | Offsite | Michelle Herbowy, Jameela Horton, Marion Wilson | T 5:30-7:00 PM | ||
Current school reform efforts emphasize vision, shared decision making, professional autonomy, positive school structure, and restructuring. How are these concepts being realized in current practice? What choices and constraints accompany the processes of change and staff empowerment? In this course students examine the concepts which face principals in enhancing the effectiveness of schools, as well as the competencies of planning, joint decision making, problem solving, and negotiation. Course work complements and is tailored to the Principals Institute internship experience.
These courses are for students in the LEAP program only.
LEAD615L-1L | Processes of Supervision and Professional Development | 3 | Offsite | Michelle Herbowy, Jameela Horton, Marion Wilson | T 7:00-8:30 PM | ||
Designed for students who are preparing for supervisory roles or who are actively engaged in such roles, this course focuses on the objectives, functions, and evaluation of the supervisory experience within multicultural educational institutions. Organizational, cultural, and human variables that may facilitate or impede effective supervision are identified, and strategies to maximize or minimize their impact are generated. Supervisory attitudes and skills aimed at increasing professional growth in individual and group supervision are synthesized from a variety of supervisory models, with particular attention given to the clinical supervision model.
These courses are for students in the LEAP program only.
LEAD9182L-1L | Leadership Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement | 3 | Offsite | Jae Cho, Michelle Herbowy, Jameela Horton, Marion Wilson | W 4:00-5:30 PM | ||
This course meets New York State certification requirements for School Building Leadership (SBL) internship experiences. Through close work with a faculty advisor and peers, participants apply their learning from coursework to their field experiences, integrating theory and practice as they reflect on their own professional development. Interns work with a site supervisor and are given substantial school-based responsibilities that involve direct interaction and involvement with staff, students, families, and community leaders. Participants develop the capacity to build and support a positive school culture, build teams, enlist collaboration, and plan and sustain change efforts. Graduate students in advisement participate in small-group sessions with their advisors. At the end of supervised fieldwork, each candidate presents a comprehensive portfolio of internship experiences which meets the program's Integrative Master's Project requirement. This is part two of three semesters of supervised fieldwork. The third part is LEAD9183L.
LEAP students in their second semester of fieldwork should enroll in this course. These courses are for students in the LEAP program only. |
School District Leader Online Program
Section | Title | Credits | Rooms | Instructor | Days/Times | Dates | Status |
LEAD861SR-1SR | Leading a School District I | 1 | Online | Alice Gottlieb, Brian Monahan | T 5:00-6:00 PM | 01/28/25 | |
This course focuses on the key constituencies in a district and the different relationships that exist among them. It includes understanding the district’s vision, how it was developed, and how it is sustained. The course also examines a district’s demographic and achievement data. For students in the Online School District Leadership program only.
LEAD862SR-1SR | Leading a School District II | 1 | Online | Alice Gottlieb, Brian Monahan | T 5:00-6:00 PM | 02/18/25 | |
This course looks at the varied roles and responsibilities of the superintendent/district leader and ties them to the challenges of creating and sustaining dynamic, humane, effective learning communities. It emphasizes the ways that district leaders’ decisions—in such spheres as instructional policy, planning, fiscal and human resources, facilities, legal and equity issues, accountability, and external relationships—affect schools’ capacity to engage students and strengthen achievement. For students in the Online School District Leadership program only.
LEAD863SR-1SR | Leading a School District III | 1 | Online | Alice Gottlieb, Brian Monahan | T 5:00-6:00 PM | 03/11/25 | |
This course focuses on how human and financial resources are allocated in a district to support the instructional program and the goals of the superintendent and school board. For students in the Online School District Leadership program only.
LEAD864SR-1SR | Leading a School District IV | 1 | Online | Alice Gottlieb, Brian Monahan | T 5:00-6:00 PM | 04/01/25 | |
This course focuses on examining a district’s budget from multiple points of view: theoretical, conceptual, and practical. Participants will become familiar with all phases of the budget process, from its inception to its implementation throughout a district. Content will be closely aligned, whenever possible, with the “real world” budgets currently in place in districts.
LEAD870SR-1SR | Special Education Leadership: The District Perspective | 1 | Online | Alice Gottlieb, Brian Monahan | T 5:00-6:00 PM | 04/22/25 | |
Strong leadership at the district level is essential if schools are to become positive and successful learning environments for diverse learners, including children with disabilities and those at risk of failure. This course covers issues that enhance or create obstacles for inclusive schools and communities. Issues of equity are evident in most school districts and challenge educators to transform educational environments and processes to meet diverse needs. The course will address the issue of “achievement gaps” as well as links between social class and achievement in schools.
LEAD9081SR-1SR | School District Leadership Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement | 3 | Online | Nancy Mann | See advisor | ||
Fieldwork in an appropriate setting with supervision and advisement. This is part one of two semesters of supervised fieldwork. The second part is LEAD9082SR.
SDL students in their first semester of fieldwork should register for this course.
LEAD9082SR-1SR | School District Leadership Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement | 3 | Online | Nancy Mann | See advisor | ||
Fieldwork in an appropriate setting with supervision and advisement. This is part two of two semesters of supervised fieldwork. The first part is LEAD9081SR.
SDL students in their second semester of fieldwork should register for this course.
Aspiring District Leaders Scholars
These courses are for students in the ASDLS program only.
Section | Title | Credits | Rooms | Instructor | Days/Times | Dates | Status |
LEAD863AR-1AR | Leading a School District III | 1 | Online | Michelle Herbowy | T 5:30-7:00 PM | ||
This course focuses on how human and financial resources are allocated in a district to support the instructional program and the goals of the superintendent and school board. This course is for students in the Aspiring District Leaders Scholars program only.
LEAD864AR-1AR | Leading a School District IV | 1 | Online | Michelle Herbowy | T 5:30-7:00 PM | ||
This course focuses on examining a district’s budget from multiple points of view: theoretical, conceptual, and practical. Participants will become familiar with all phases of the budget process, from its inception to its implementation throughout a district. Content will be closely aligned, whenever possible, with the “real world” budgets currently in place in districts. This course is for students in the Aspiring District Leaders Scholars program only.
LEAD870AR-1AR | Special Education Leadership: The District Perspective | 1 | Online | Michelle Herbowy | T 7:00-8:30 PM | ||
Strong leadership at the district level is essential if schools are to become positive and successful learning environments for diverse learners, including children with disabilities and those at risk of failure. This course covers issues that enhance or create obstacles for inclusive schools and communities. Issues of equity are evident in most school districts and challenge educators to transform educational environments and processes to meet diverse needs. The course will address the issue of “achievement gaps” as well as links between social class and achievement in schools. For students in the
LEAD9082AR-1AR | School District Leadership Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement (2nd term) | 3 | Online | Michelle Herbowy | W 4:00-5:30 PM | ||
Fieldwork in an appropriate setting with supervision and advisement. This course is for students in the Aspiring District Leaders Scholars program only. This is part two of two semesters of supervised fieldwork. The first part is LEAD9081AR.
New Leaders - Cohort 2 (MSE)
These courses are only for degree-seeking students in Cohort 2 of the National Aspiring Principals (New Leaders) program.
Section | Title | Credits | Rooms | Instructor | Days/Times | Dates | Status |
LEAD503WR-1WR | Adult Development: Implications for Educational Leadership | 3 | Online | Sebrina Lindsay-Law | TH 6:00-8:30 PM | March 20 – May 8, 2025 | |
Students will examine the developmental periods of young, middle, and later years in the human life cycle, with a broad multicultural approach to learning and development. Studies and research are reviewed. Emphasis is given to developmental characteristics that have implications for professional growth and development. For online National Aspiring Principals students only.
LEAD503WR-2WR | Adult Development: Implications for Educational Leadership | 3 | Online | Malissa Mootoo | TH 6:00-8:30 PM | March 20 – May 8, 2025 | |
Students will examine the developmental periods of young, middle, and later years in the human life cycle, with a broad multicultural approach to learning and development. Studies and research are reviewed. Emphasis is given to developmental characteristics that have implications for professional growth and development. For online National Aspiring Principals students only.
LEAD660WR-1WR | Research for Educational Change | 3 | Online | Ivy Ryan | TH 6:00-8:30 PM | January 23 – March 13, 2025 | |
This course is designed to enable leaders, teachers, special educators, and others to be effective consumers of research, as well as to plan and carry out research in response to specific educational questions. Stages of the research process are discussed. Students analyze and evaluate research in the areas of leadership, school effectiveness, administration and supervision, teaching, and curriculum reform, and apply the findings to their everyday roles as educational leaders. It is expected that this course will be valuable for those matriculated students who are initiating projects to satisfy the Independent Study requirement. The format consists of lectures and discussions of the stages of the research process. Class members participate in a project involving research design, data collection, and analysis.
LEAD660WR-2WR | Research for Educational Change | 3 | Online | Andy Szeto | TH 6:00-8:30 PM | January 23 – March 13, 2025 | |
This course is designed to enable leaders, teachers, special educators, and others to be effective consumers of research, as well as to plan and carry out research in response to specific educational questions. Stages of the research process are discussed. Students analyze and evaluate research in the areas of leadership, school effectiveness, administration and supervision, teaching, and curriculum reform, and apply the findings to their everyday roles as educational leaders. It is expected that this course will be valuable for those matriculated students who are initiating projects to satisfy the Independent Study requirement. The format consists of lectures and discussions of the stages of the research process. Class members participate in a project involving research design, data collection, and analysis.
New Leaders - Cohort 3 (CERT)
These courses are only for certificate-seeking students in Cohort 3 of the National Aspiring Principals (New Leaders) program.
Section | Title | Credits | Rooms | Instructor | Days/Times | Dates | Status |
LEAD510WR-3WR | Leading Critical Issues in Curriculum and Instruction | 3 | Online | Monica Gaines | TH 6:00-8:30 PM | January 23 – March 13, 2025 | |
This course focuses on the roles and functions of the school leader in the spheres of curriculum and instruction. It covers the principles and processes that inform curriculum development and their impact on student learning. By explicitly addressing the relationship between curriculum and instruction to critical theory and pedagogy, students will connect positionality to their professional noticing. At the same time, students will unpack educational equity to become discerning consumers and negotiators of curriculum. In this course, students will envision and conceptualize ways to ensure that all students experience a liberating curriculum by focusing intensively on the knowledge and tools needed to recognize and dismantle dehumanizing spaces that are emblematic of historic and contemporary systems and structures. Finally, the course explores critical issues in leadership in curriculum and instruction and is designed to connect theory to practice as a means of inspiring, guiding, and effecting school change. This section is reserved for students in the National Aspiring Principals (New Leaders) programs.
LEAD510WR-4WR | Leading Critical Issues in Curriculum and Instruction | 3 | Online | Kimberly Washington | TH 6:00-8:30 PM | January 23 – March 13, 2025 | |
This course focuses on the roles and functions of the school leader in the spheres of curriculum and instruction. It covers the principles and processes that inform curriculum development and their impact on student learning. By explicitly addressing the relationship between curriculum and instruction to critical theory and pedagogy, students will connect positionality to their professional noticing. At the same time, students will unpack educational equity to become discerning consumers and negotiators of curriculum. In this course, students will envision and conceptualize ways to ensure that all students experience a liberating curriculum by focusing intensively on the knowledge and tools needed to recognize and dismantle dehumanizing spaces that are emblematic of historic and contemporary systems and structures. Finally, the course explores critical issues in leadership in curriculum and instruction and is designed to connect theory to practice as a means of inspiring, guiding, and effecting school change. This section is reserved for students in the National Aspiring Principals (New Leaders) programs.
LEAD510WR-5WR | Leading Critical Issues in Curriculum and Instruction | 3 | Online | Daniella Phillips | TH 6:00-8:30 PM | January 23 – March 13, 2025 | |
This course focuses on the roles and functions of the school leader in the spheres of curriculum and instruction. It covers the principles and processes that inform curriculum development and their impact on student learning. By explicitly addressing the relationship between curriculum and instruction to critical theory and pedagogy, students will connect positionality to their professional noticing. At the same time, students will unpack educational equity to become discerning consumers and negotiators of curriculum. In this course, students will envision and conceptualize ways to ensure that all students experience a liberating curriculum by focusing intensively on the knowledge and tools needed to recognize and dismantle dehumanizing spaces that are emblematic of historic and contemporary systems and structures. Finally, the course explores critical issues in leadership in curriculum and instruction and is designed to connect theory to practice as a means of inspiring, guiding, and effecting school change. This section is reserved for students in the National Aspiring Principals (New Leaders) programs.
LEAD510WR-6WR | Leading Critical Issues in Curriculum and Instruction | 3 | Online | Staff TBD | TH 6:00-8:30 PM | January 23 – March 13, 2025 | Cancelled |
This course focuses on the roles and functions of the school leader in the spheres of curriculum and instruction. It covers the principles and processes that inform curriculum development and their impact on student learning. By explicitly addressing the relationship between curriculum and instruction to critical theory and pedagogy, students will connect positionality to their professional noticing. At the same time, students will unpack educational equity to become discerning consumers and negotiators of curriculum. In this course, students will envision and conceptualize ways to ensure that all students experience a liberating curriculum by focusing intensively on the knowledge and tools needed to recognize and dismantle dehumanizing spaces that are emblematic of historic and contemporary systems and structures. Finally, the course explores critical issues in leadership in curriculum and instruction and is designed to connect theory to practice as a means of inspiring, guiding, and effecting school change. This section is reserved for students in the National Aspiring Principals (New Leaders) programs.
LEAD615WR-3WR | Processes of Supervision and Professional Development | 3 | Online | Rachael DeRogatis | TH 6:00-8:30 PM | March 20 – May 8, 2025 | |
Designed for students who are preparing for supervisory roles or who are actively engaged in such roles, this course focuses on the objectives, functions, and evaluation of the supervisory experience within multicultural educational institutions. Organizational, cultural, and human variables that may facilitate or impede effective supervision are identified, and strategies to maximize or minimize their impact are generated. Supervisory attitudes and skills aimed at increasing professional growth in individual and group supervision are synthesized from a variety of supervisory models, with particular attention given to the clinical supervision model. This section is reserved for National Aspiring Principals (New Leaders) programs.
LEAD615WR-4WR | Processes of Supervision and Professional Development | 3 | Online | Cara Tait | TH 6:00-8:30 PM | March 20 – May 8, 2025 | |
Designed for students who are preparing for supervisory roles or who are actively engaged in such roles, this course focuses on the objectives, functions, and evaluation of the supervisory experience within multicultural educational institutions. Organizational, cultural, and human variables that may facilitate or impede effective supervision are identified, and strategies to maximize or minimize their impact are generated. Supervisory attitudes and skills aimed at increasing professional growth in individual and group supervision are synthesized from a variety of supervisory models, with particular attention given to the clinical supervision model. This section is reserved for National Aspiring Principals (New Leaders) programs.
LEAD615WR-5WR | Processes of Supervision and Professional Development | 3 | Online | Gary Knight | TH 6:00-8:30 PM | March 20 – May 8, 2025 | |
Designed for students who are preparing for supervisory roles or who are actively engaged in such roles, this course focuses on the objectives, functions, and evaluation of the supervisory experience within multicultural educational institutions. Organizational, cultural, and human variables that may facilitate or impede effective supervision are identified, and strategies to maximize or minimize their impact are generated. Supervisory attitudes and skills aimed at increasing professional growth in individual and group supervision are synthesized from a variety of supervisory models, with particular attention given to the clinical supervision model. This section is reserved for National Aspiring Principals (New Leaders) programs.
LEAD615WR-6WR | Processes of Supervision and Professional Development | 3 | Online | Staff TBD | TH 6:00-8:30 PM | March 20 – May 8, 2025 | Cancelled |
Designed for students who are preparing for supervisory roles or who are actively engaged in such roles, this course focuses on the objectives, functions, and evaluation of the supervisory experience within multicultural educational institutions. Organizational, cultural, and human variables that may facilitate or impede effective supervision are identified, and strategies to maximize or minimize their impact are generated. Supervisory attitudes and skills aimed at increasing professional growth in individual and group supervision are synthesized from a variety of supervisory models, with particular attention given to the clinical supervision model. This section is reserved for National Aspiring Principals (New Leaders) programs.
LEAD9182WR-3WR | Leadership Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement | 3 | Online | Gloria Rosario Wallace | TH 6:00-8:30 PM | January 23 – May 8, 2025 | |
This course meets New York State certification requirements for School Building Leadership (SBL) internship experiences. Through close work with a faculty advisor and peers, participants apply their learning from coursework to their field experiences, integrating theory and practice as they reflect on their own professional development. Interns work with a site supervisor and are given substantial school-based responsibilities that involve direct interaction and involvement with staff, students, families, and community leaders. Participants develop the capacity to build and support a positive school culture, build teams, enlist collaboration, and plan and sustain change efforts. Graduate students in advisement participate in small-group sessions with their advisors. At the end of supervised fieldwork, each candidate presents a comprehensive portfolio of internship experiences which meets the program's Integrative Master's Project requirement. This is part two of two semesters of supervised fieldwork. (For National Aspiring Principals Fellows)
LEAD9182WR-4WR | Leadership Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement | 3 | Online | Nathan Boyd | TH 6:00-8:30 PM | January 23 – May 8, 2025 | |
This course meets New York State certification requirements for School Building Leadership (SBL) internship experiences. Through close work with a faculty advisor and peers, participants apply their learning from coursework to their field experiences, integrating theory and practice as they reflect on their own professional development. Interns work with a site supervisor and are given substantial school-based responsibilities that involve direct interaction and involvement with staff, students, families, and community leaders. Participants develop the capacity to build and support a positive school culture, build teams, enlist collaboration, and plan and sustain change efforts. Graduate students in advisement participate in small-group sessions with their advisors. At the end of supervised fieldwork, each candidate presents a comprehensive portfolio of internship experiences which meets the program's Integrative Master's Project requirement. This is part two of two semesters of supervised fieldwork. (For National Aspiring Principals Fellows)
LEAD9182WR-5WR | Leadership Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement | 3 | Online | Simone Rose | TH 6:00-8:30 PM | January 23 – May 8, 2025 | |
This course meets New York State certification requirements for School Building Leadership (SBL) internship experiences. Through close work with a faculty advisor and peers, participants apply their learning from coursework to their field experiences, integrating theory and practice as they reflect on their own professional development. Interns work with a site supervisor and are given substantial school-based responsibilities that involve direct interaction and involvement with staff, students, families, and community leaders. Participants develop the capacity to build and support a positive school culture, build teams, enlist collaboration, and plan and sustain change efforts. Graduate students in advisement participate in small-group sessions with their advisors. At the end of supervised fieldwork, each candidate presents a comprehensive portfolio of internship experiences which meets the program's Integrative Master's Project requirement. This is part two of two semesters of supervised fieldwork. (For National Aspiring Principals Fellows)
LEAD9182WR-6WR | Leadership Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement | 3 | Online | Kimberly Washington | T 6:00-8:30 PM | January 23 – May 8, 2025 | |
This course meets New York State certification requirements for School Building Leadership (SBL) internship experiences. Through close work with a faculty advisor and peers, participants apply their learning from coursework to their field experiences, integrating theory and practice as they reflect on their own professional development. Interns work with a site supervisor and are given substantial school-based responsibilities that involve direct interaction and involvement with staff, students, families, and community leaders. Participants develop the capacity to build and support a positive school culture, build teams, enlist collaboration, and plan and sustain change efforts. Graduate students in advisement participate in small-group sessions with their advisors. At the end of supervised fieldwork, each candidate presents a comprehensive portfolio of internship experiences which meets the program's Integrative Master's Project requirement. This is part two of two semesters of supervised fieldwork. (For National Aspiring Principals Fellows)
New Leaders - Cohort 3 (MSE)
These courses are only for degree-seeking students in Cohort 3 of the National Aspiring Principals (New Leaders) program.
Section | Title | Credits | Rooms | Instructor | Days/Times | Dates | Status |
LEAD510WR-1WR | Leading Critical Issues in Curriculum and Instruction | 3 | Online | Malissa Mootoo | TH 6:00-8:30 PM | January 23 – March 13, 2025 | |
This course focuses on the roles and functions of the school leader in the spheres of curriculum and instruction. It covers the principles and processes that inform curriculum development and their impact on student learning. By explicitly addressing the relationship between curriculum and instruction to critical theory and pedagogy, students will connect positionality to their professional noticing. At the same time, students will unpack educational equity to become discerning consumers and negotiators of curriculum. In this course, students will envision and conceptualize ways to ensure that all students experience a liberating curriculum by focusing intensively on the knowledge and tools needed to recognize and dismantle dehumanizing spaces that are emblematic of historic and contemporary systems and structures. Finally, the course explores critical issues in leadership in curriculum and instruction and is designed to connect theory to practice as a means of inspiring, guiding, and effecting school change. This section is reserved for students in the National Aspiring Principals (New Leaders) programs.
LEAD510WR-2WR | Leading Critical Issues in Curriculum and Instruction | 3 | Online | Rick Romain | TH 6:00-8:30 PM | January 23 – March 13, 2025 | |
This course focuses on the roles and functions of the school leader in the spheres of curriculum and instruction. It covers the principles and processes that inform curriculum development and their impact on student learning. By explicitly addressing the relationship between curriculum and instruction to critical theory and pedagogy, students will connect positionality to their professional noticing. At the same time, students will unpack educational equity to become discerning consumers and negotiators of curriculum. In this course, students will envision and conceptualize ways to ensure that all students experience a liberating curriculum by focusing intensively on the knowledge and tools needed to recognize and dismantle dehumanizing spaces that are emblematic of historic and contemporary systems and structures. Finally, the course explores critical issues in leadership in curriculum and instruction and is designed to connect theory to practice as a means of inspiring, guiding, and effecting school change. This section is reserved for students in the National Aspiring Principals (New Leaders) programs.
LEAD615WR-1WR | Processes of Supervision and Professional Development | 3 | Online | Lyntonia Gold | TH 6:00-8:30 PM | March 20 – May 8, 2025 | |
Designed for students who are preparing for supervisory roles or who are actively engaged in such roles, this course focuses on the objectives, functions, and evaluation of the supervisory experience within multicultural educational institutions. Organizational, cultural, and human variables that may facilitate or impede effective supervision are identified, and strategies to maximize or minimize their impact are generated. Supervisory attitudes and skills aimed at increasing professional growth in individual and group supervision are synthesized from a variety of supervisory models, with particular attention given to the clinical supervision model. This section is reserved for National Aspiring Principals (New Leaders) programs.
LEAD615WR-2WR | Processes of Supervision and Professional Development | 3 | Online | Jack Perry | TH 6:00-8:30 PM | March 20 – May 8, 2025 | |
Designed for students who are preparing for supervisory roles or who are actively engaged in such roles, this course focuses on the objectives, functions, and evaluation of the supervisory experience within multicultural educational institutions. Organizational, cultural, and human variables that may facilitate or impede effective supervision are identified, and strategies to maximize or minimize their impact are generated. Supervisory attitudes and skills aimed at increasing professional growth in individual and group supervision are synthesized from a variety of supervisory models, with particular attention given to the clinical supervision model. This section is reserved for National Aspiring Principals (New Leaders) programs.
LEAD9182WR-1WR | Leadership Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement | 3 | Online | Douglas Taylor | TH 6:00-8:30 PM | January 23 – May 8, 2025 | |
This course meets New York State certification requirements for School Building Leadership (SBL) internship experiences. Through close work with a faculty advisor and peers, participants apply their learning from coursework to their field experiences, integrating theory and practice as they reflect on their own professional development. Interns work with a site supervisor and are given substantial school-based responsibilities that involve direct interaction and involvement with staff, students, families, and community leaders. Participants develop the capacity to build and support a positive school culture, build teams, enlist collaboration, and plan and sustain change efforts. Graduate students in advisement participate in small-group sessions with their advisors. At the end of supervised fieldwork, each candidate presents a comprehensive portfolio of internship experiences which meets the program's Integrative Master's Project requirement. This is part two of two semesters of supervised fieldwork. (For National Aspiring Principals Fellows)
LEAD9182WR-2WR | Leadership Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement | 3 | Online | Jack Perry | TH 6:00-8:30 PM | January 23 – May 8, 2025 | |
This course meets New York State certification requirements for School Building Leadership (SBL) internship experiences. Through close work with a faculty advisor and peers, participants apply their learning from coursework to their field experiences, integrating theory and practice as they reflect on their own professional development. Interns work with a site supervisor and are given substantial school-based responsibilities that involve direct interaction and involvement with staff, students, families, and community leaders. Participants develop the capacity to build and support a positive school culture, build teams, enlist collaboration, and plan and sustain change efforts. Graduate students in advisement participate in small-group sessions with their advisors. At the end of supervised fieldwork, each candidate presents a comprehensive portfolio of internship experiences which meets the program's Integrative Master's Project requirement. This is part two of two semesters of supervised fieldwork. (For National Aspiring Principals Fellows)
New Leaders - Cohort 4
These courses are only for students in Cohort 4 of the National Aspiring Principals (New Leaders) program.
Section | Title | Credits | Rooms | Instructor | Days/Times | Dates | Status |
LEAD531WR-1WR | History of Urban Education | 3 | Online | Sebrina Lindsay-Law | W 6:00-8:30 PM | January 22 – March 13, 2025 | |
Highly effective school leaders understand the historical and contemporary implications of how racial and socioeconomic inequities continue to shape patterns of access and quality in education throughout the United States. These transformational leaders organize their entire school community around ensuring learning environments are free from bias and limitation. In doing so, they build a stronger, more equitable, and more just society – and serve as examples of what’s possible in America’s public education system.
This course is essential for aspiring educational leaders in that it provides opportunities to examine and dissect the history of our education system as foundational knowledge required to envision a new model for schools and educational leadership. The course will examine the history, practices, and policies that create, maintain, and uphold inequities. Students will co-create ways to apply this understanding to practice in order to improve educational excellence for all children. This section is reserved for students in the National Aspiring Principals (New Leaders) programs. |
LEAD531WR-2WR | History of Urban Education | 3 | Online | Keturah Proctor | W 6:00-8:30 PM | January 22 – March 13, 2025 | |
Highly effective school leaders understand the historical and contemporary implications of how racial and socioeconomic inequities continue to shape patterns of access and quality in education throughout the United States. These transformational leaders organize their entire school community around ensuring learning environments are free from bias and limitation. In doing so, they build a stronger, more equitable, and more just society – and serve as examples of what’s possible in America’s public education system.
This course is essential for aspiring educational leaders in that it provides opportunities to examine and dissect the history of our education system as foundational knowledge required to envision a new model for schools and educational leadership. The course will examine the history, practices, and policies that create, maintain, and uphold inequities. Students will co-create ways to apply this understanding to practice in order to improve educational excellence for all children. This section is reserved for students in the National Aspiring Principals (New Leaders) programs. |
LEAD531WR-3WR | History of Urban Education | 3 | Online | Derrick Williams | TH 6:00-8:30 PM | March 20 – May 8, 2025 | |
Highly effective school leaders understand the historical and contemporary implications of how racial and socioeconomic inequities continue to shape patterns of access and quality in education throughout the United States. These transformational leaders organize their entire school community around ensuring learning environments are free from bias and limitation. In doing so, they build a stronger, more equitable, and more just society – and serve as examples of what’s possible in America’s public education system.
This course is essential for aspiring educational leaders in that it provides opportunities to examine and dissect the history of our education system as foundational knowledge required to envision a new model for schools and educational leadership. The course will examine the history, practices, and policies that create, maintain, and uphold inequities. Students will co-create ways to apply this understanding to practice in order to improve educational excellence for all children. This section is reserved for students in the National Aspiring Principals (New Leaders) programs. |
LEAD531WR-4WR | History of Urban Education | 3 | Online | Eric Langston | TH 6:00-8:30 PM | March 20 – May 8, 2025 | |
Highly effective school leaders understand the historical and contemporary implications of how racial and socioeconomic inequities continue to shape patterns of access and quality in education throughout the United States. These transformational leaders organize their entire school community around ensuring learning environments are free from bias and limitation. In doing so, they build a stronger, more equitable, and more just society – and serve as examples of what’s possible in America’s public education system.
This course is essential for aspiring educational leaders in that it provides opportunities to examine and dissect the history of our education system as foundational knowledge required to envision a new model for schools and educational leadership. The course will examine the history, practices, and policies that create, maintain, and uphold inequities. Students will co-create ways to apply this understanding to practice in order to improve educational excellence for all children. This section is reserved for students in the National Aspiring Principals (New Leaders) programs. |
LEAD531WR-5WR | History of Urban Education | 3 | Online | Darnese Daniels | TH 6:00-8:30 PM | March 20 – May 8, 2025 | Cancelled |
Highly effective school leaders understand the historical and contemporary implications of how racial and socioeconomic inequities continue to shape patterns of access and quality in education throughout the United States. These transformational leaders organize their entire school community around ensuring learning environments are free from bias and limitation. In doing so, they build a stronger, more equitable, and more just society – and serve as examples of what’s possible in America’s public education system.
This course is essential for aspiring educational leaders in that it provides opportunities to examine and dissect the history of our education system as foundational knowledge required to envision a new model for schools and educational leadership. The course will examine the history, practices, and policies that create, maintain, and uphold inequities. Students will co-create ways to apply this understanding to practice in order to improve educational excellence for all children. This section is reserved for students in the National Aspiring Principals (New Leaders) programs. |
LEAD531WR-6WR | History of Urban Education | 3 | Online | Derrick Williams | TH 6:00-8:30 PM | March 20 – May 8, 2025 | Cancelled |
Highly effective school leaders understand the historical and contemporary implications of how racial and socioeconomic inequities continue to shape patterns of access and quality in education throughout the United States. These transformational leaders organize their entire school community around ensuring learning environments are free from bias and limitation. In doing so, they build a stronger, more equitable, and more just society – and serve as examples of what’s possible in America’s public education system.
This course is essential for aspiring educational leaders in that it provides opportunities to examine and dissect the history of our education system as foundational knowledge required to envision a new model for schools and educational leadership. The course will examine the history, practices, and policies that create, maintain, and uphold inequities. Students will co-create ways to apply this understanding to practice in order to improve educational excellence for all children. This section is reserved for students in the National Aspiring Principals (New Leaders) programs. |
LEAD531WR-7WR | History of Urban Education | 3 | Online | Staff TBD | TH 6:00-8:30 PM | March 20 – May 8, 2025 | Cancelled |
Highly effective school leaders understand the historical and contemporary implications of how racial and socioeconomic inequities continue to shape patterns of access and quality in education throughout the United States. These transformational leaders organize their entire school community around ensuring learning environments are free from bias and limitation. In doing so, they build a stronger, more equitable, and more just society – and serve as examples of what’s possible in America’s public education system.
This course is essential for aspiring educational leaders in that it provides opportunities to examine and dissect the history of our education system as foundational knowledge required to envision a new model for schools and educational leadership. The course will examine the history, practices, and policies that create, maintain, and uphold inequities. Students will co-create ways to apply this understanding to practice in order to improve educational excellence for all children. This section is reserved for students in the National Aspiring Principals (New Leaders) programs. |
LEAD531WR-8WR | History of Urban Education | 3 | Online | Staff TBD | TH 6:00-8:30 PM | March 20 – May 8, 2025 | Cancelled |
Highly effective school leaders understand the historical and contemporary implications of how racial and socioeconomic inequities continue to shape patterns of access and quality in education throughout the United States. These transformational leaders organize their entire school community around ensuring learning environments are free from bias and limitation. In doing so, they build a stronger, more equitable, and more just society – and serve as examples of what’s possible in America’s public education system.
This course is essential for aspiring educational leaders in that it provides opportunities to examine and dissect the history of our education system as foundational knowledge required to envision a new model for schools and educational leadership. The course will examine the history, practices, and policies that create, maintain, and uphold inequities. Students will co-create ways to apply this understanding to practice in order to improve educational excellence for all children. This section is reserved for students in the National Aspiring Principals (New Leaders) programs. |
LEAD538WR-1WR | School Culture and Community Relations | 3 | Online | Mary Mitchell | W 6:00-8:30 PM | March 19 – May 8, 2025 | |
In this course, you will examine the role of the principal as a leader in building a school culture where all students are able to thrive academically, intellectually, socially, and emotionally. We will start by defining the specific leadership actions necessary to:
Promote collective efficacy and high expectations for learning across classrooms.
Build a school environment that is focused on the talents and assets of the students.
Leverage the wealth of the community to meet shared goals.
In order to chart the path to a vision for equity and excellence in education, you will use the course content presented in the modules to define school culture through adult leadership, student experience, and community engagement. Finally, you will focus on the connection between communication structures and realizing a vision for equity and excellence in education. You will leave this course ready to implement and practice the leadership actions under the School Culture category in the Transformational Leadership Framework. |
LEAD538WR-2WR | School Culture and Community Relations | 3 | Online | Brian Bereman | W 6:00-8:30 PM | March 19 – May 8, 2025 | |
In this course, you will examine the role of the principal as a leader in building a school culture where all students are able to thrive academically, intellectually, socially, and emotionally. We will start by defining the specific leadership actions necessary to:
Promote collective efficacy and high expectations for learning across classrooms.
Build a school environment that is focused on the talents and assets of the students.
Leverage the wealth of the community to meet shared goals.
In order to chart the path to a vision for equity and excellence in education, you will use the course content presented in the modules to define school culture through adult leadership, student experience, and community engagement. Finally, you will focus on the connection between communication structures and realizing a vision for equity and excellence in education. You will leave this course ready to implement and practice the leadership actions under the School Culture category in the Transformational Leadership Framework. |
LEAD538WR-3WR | School Culture and Community Relations | 3 | Online | Tackiea Simpson | TH 6:00-8:30 PM | March 20 – May 8, 2025 | |
In this course, you will examine the role of the principal as a leader in building a school culture where all students are able to thrive academically, intellectually, socially, and emotionally. We will start by defining the specific leadership actions necessary to:
Promote collective efficacy and high expectations for learning across classrooms.
Build a school environment that is focused on the talents and assets of the students.
Leverage the wealth of the community to meet shared goals.
In order to chart the path to a vision for equity and excellence in education, you will use the course content presented in the modules to define school culture through adult leadership, student experience, and community engagement. Finally, you will focus on the connection between communication structures and realizing a vision for equity and excellence in education. You will leave this course ready to implement and practice the leadership actions under the School Culture category in the Transformational Leadership Framework. |
LEAD538WR-4WR | School Culture and Community Relations | 3 | Online | Beulah Mcloyd | TH 6:00-8:30 PM | March 20 – May 8, 2025 | |
In this course, you will examine the role of the principal as a leader in building a school culture where all students are able to thrive academically, intellectually, socially, and emotionally. We will start by defining the specific leadership actions necessary to:
Promote collective efficacy and high expectations for learning across classrooms.
Build a school environment that is focused on the talents and assets of the students.
Leverage the wealth of the community to meet shared goals.
In order to chart the path to a vision for equity and excellence in education, you will use the course content presented in the modules to define school culture through adult leadership, student experience, and community engagement. Finally, you will focus on the connection between communication structures and realizing a vision for equity and excellence in education. You will leave this course ready to implement and practice the leadership actions under the School Culture category in the Transformational Leadership Framework. |
LEAD538WR-5WR | School Culture and Community Relations | 3 | Online | Megan Gleason | TH 6:00-8:30 PM | March 20 – May 8, 2025 | Cancelled |
In this course, you will examine the role of the principal as a leader in building a school culture where all students are able to thrive academically, intellectually, socially, and emotionally. We will start by defining the specific leadership actions necessary to:
Promote collective efficacy and high expectations for learning across classrooms.
Build a school environment that is focused on the talents and assets of the students.
Leverage the wealth of the community to meet shared goals.
In order to chart the path to a vision for equity and excellence in education, you will use the course content presented in the modules to define school culture through adult leadership, student experience, and community engagement. Finally, you will focus on the connection between communication structures and realizing a vision for equity and excellence in education. You will leave this course ready to implement and practice the leadership actions under the School Culture category in the Transformational Leadership Framework. |
LEAD538WR-6WR | School Culture and Community Relations | 3 | Online | Beulah Mcloyd | TH 6:00-8:30 PM | March 20 – May 8, 2025 | Cancelled |
In this course, you will examine the role of the principal as a leader in building a school culture where all students are able to thrive academically, intellectually, socially, and emotionally. We will start by defining the specific leadership actions necessary to:
Promote collective efficacy and high expectations for learning across classrooms.
Build a school environment that is focused on the talents and assets of the students.
Leverage the wealth of the community to meet shared goals.
In order to chart the path to a vision for equity and excellence in education, you will use the course content presented in the modules to define school culture through adult leadership, student experience, and community engagement. Finally, you will focus on the connection between communication structures and realizing a vision for equity and excellence in education. You will leave this course ready to implement and practice the leadership actions under the School Culture category in the Transformational Leadership Framework. |
LEAD538WR-7WR | School Culture and Community Relations | 3 | Online | Staff TBD | TH 6:00-8:30 PM | Cancelled | |
In this course, you will examine the role of the principal as a leader in building a school culture where all students are able to thrive academically, intellectually, socially, and emotionally. We will start by defining the specific leadership actions necessary to:
Promote collective efficacy and high expectations for learning across classrooms.
Build a school environment that is focused on the talents and assets of the students.
Leverage the wealth of the community to meet shared goals.
In order to chart the path to a vision for equity and excellence in education, you will use the course content presented in the modules to define school culture through adult leadership, student experience, and community engagement. Finally, you will focus on the connection between communication structures and realizing a vision for equity and excellence in education. You will leave this course ready to implement and practice the leadership actions under the School Culture category in the Transformational Leadership Framework. |
March 20 – May 8, 2025
LEAD538WR-8WR | School Culture and Community Relations | 3 | Online | Staff TBD | TH 6:00-8:30 PM | March 20 – May 8, 2025 | Cancelled |
In this course, you will examine the role of the principal as a leader in building a school culture where all students are able to thrive academically, intellectually, socially, and emotionally. We will start by defining the specific leadership actions necessary to:
Promote collective efficacy and high expectations for learning across classrooms.
Build a school environment that is focused on the talents and assets of the students.
Leverage the wealth of the community to meet shared goals.
In order to chart the path to a vision for equity and excellence in education, you will use the course content presented in the modules to define school culture through adult leadership, student experience, and community engagement. Finally, you will focus on the connection between communication structures and realizing a vision for equity and excellence in education. You will leave this course ready to implement and practice the leadership actions under the School Culture category in the Transformational Leadership Framework. |
LEAD9181WR-1WR | Leadership Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement | 3 | Online | Monica Gaines | T 6:00-8:30 PM | January 21 – May 8, 2025 | |
This course meets New York State certification requirements for School Building Leadership (SBL) internship experiences. Through close work with a faculty advisor and peers, participants apply their learning from coursework to their field experiences, integrating theory and practice as they reflect on their own professional development. Interns work with a site supervisor and are given substantial school-based responsibilities that involve direct interaction and involvement with staff, students, families, and community leaders. Participants develop the capacity to build and support a positive school culture, build teams, enlist collaboration, and plan and sustain change efforts. Graduate students in advisement participate in small-group sessions with their advisors. At the end of supervised fieldwork, each candidate presents a comprehensive portfolio of internship experiences which meets the program's Integrative Master's Project requirement. This is part one of three semesters of supervised fieldwork. The second part is LEAD9182WR.
LEAD9181WR-2WR | Leadership Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement | 3 | Online | Bianca Harris | T 6:00-8:30 PM | January 21 – May 8, 2025 | |
This course meets New York State certification requirements for School Building Leadership (SBL) internship experiences. Through close work with a faculty advisor and peers, participants apply their learning from coursework to their field experiences, integrating theory and practice as they reflect on their own professional development. Interns work with a site supervisor and are given substantial school-based responsibilities that involve direct interaction and involvement with staff, students, families, and community leaders. Participants develop the capacity to build and support a positive school culture, build teams, enlist collaboration, and plan and sustain change efforts. Graduate students in advisement participate in small-group sessions with their advisors. At the end of supervised fieldwork, each candidate presents a comprehensive portfolio of internship experiences which meets the program's Integrative Master's Project requirement. This is part one of three semesters of supervised fieldwork. The second part is LEAD9182WR.
LEAD9181WR-3WR | Leadership Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement | 3 | Online | Anita Walls | T 6:00-8:30 PM | January 21 – May 8, 2025 | |
This course meets New York State certification requirements for School Building Leadership (SBL) internship experiences. Through close work with a faculty advisor and peers, participants apply their learning from coursework to their field experiences, integrating theory and practice as they reflect on their own professional development. Interns work with a site supervisor and are given substantial school-based responsibilities that involve direct interaction and involvement with staff, students, families, and community leaders. Participants develop the capacity to build and support a positive school culture, build teams, enlist collaboration, and plan and sustain change efforts. Graduate students in advisement participate in small-group sessions with their advisors. At the end of supervised fieldwork, each candidate presents a comprehensive portfolio of internship experiences which meets the program's Integrative Master's Project requirement. This is part one of three semesters of supervised fieldwork. The second part is LEAD9182WR.
LEAD9181WR-4WR | Leadership Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement | 3 | Online | Tammy Holloway | T 6:00-8:30 PM | January 21 – May 8, 2025 | |
This course meets New York State certification requirements for School Building Leadership (SBL) internship experiences. Through close work with a faculty advisor and peers, participants apply their learning from coursework to their field experiences, integrating theory and practice as they reflect on their own professional development. Interns work with a site supervisor and are given substantial school-based responsibilities that involve direct interaction and involvement with staff, students, families, and community leaders. Participants develop the capacity to build and support a positive school culture, build teams, enlist collaboration, and plan and sustain change efforts. Graduate students in advisement participate in small-group sessions with their advisors. At the end of supervised fieldwork, each candidate presents a comprehensive portfolio of internship experiences which meets the program's Integrative Master's Project requirement. This is part one of three semesters of supervised fieldwork. The second part is LEAD9182WR.
LEAD9181WR-5WR | Leadership Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement | 3 | Online | Joshua Bailey | T 6:00-8:30 PM | January 21 – May 8, 2025 | |
This course meets New York State certification requirements for School Building Leadership (SBL) internship experiences. Through close work with a faculty advisor and peers, participants apply their learning from coursework to their field experiences, integrating theory and practice as they reflect on their own professional development. Interns work with a site supervisor and are given substantial school-based responsibilities that involve direct interaction and involvement with staff, students, families, and community leaders. Participants develop the capacity to build and support a positive school culture, build teams, enlist collaboration, and plan and sustain change efforts. Graduate students in advisement participate in small-group sessions with their advisors. At the end of supervised fieldwork, each candidate presents a comprehensive portfolio of internship experiences which meets the program's Integrative Master's Project requirement. This is part one of three semesters of supervised fieldwork. The second part is LEAD9182WR.
LEAD9181WR-6WR | Leadership Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement | 3 | Online | Marcus Brannon | T 6:00-8:30 PM | January 21 – May 8, 2025 | |
This course meets New York State certification requirements for School Building Leadership (SBL) internship experiences. Through close work with a faculty advisor and peers, participants apply their learning from coursework to their field experiences, integrating theory and practice as they reflect on their own professional development. Interns work with a site supervisor and are given substantial school-based responsibilities that involve direct interaction and involvement with staff, students, families, and community leaders. Participants develop the capacity to build and support a positive school culture, build teams, enlist collaboration, and plan and sustain change efforts. Graduate students in advisement participate in small-group sessions with their advisors. At the end of supervised fieldwork, each candidate presents a comprehensive portfolio of internship experiences which meets the program's Integrative Master's Project requirement. This is part one of three semesters of supervised fieldwork. The second part is LEAD9182WR.
LEAD9181WR-7WR | Leadership Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement | 3 | Online | Monica Nurrenbern | T 6:00-8:30 PM | January 21 – May 8, 2025 | |
This course meets New York State certification requirements for School Building Leadership (SBL) internship experiences. Through close work with a faculty advisor and peers, participants apply their learning from coursework to their field experiences, integrating theory and practice as they reflect on their own professional development. Interns work with a site supervisor and are given substantial school-based responsibilities that involve direct interaction and involvement with staff, students, families, and community leaders. Participants develop the capacity to build and support a positive school culture, build teams, enlist collaboration, and plan and sustain change efforts. Graduate students in advisement participate in small-group sessions with their advisors. At the end of supervised fieldwork, each candidate presents a comprehensive portfolio of internship experiences which meets the program's Integrative Master's Project requirement. This is part one of three semesters of supervised fieldwork. The second part is LEAD9182WR.
LEAD9181WR-8WR | Leadership Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement | 3 | Online | Staff TBD | T 6:00-8:30 PM | January 21 – May 8, 2025 | Cancelled |
This course meets New York State certification requirements for School Building Leadership (SBL) internship experiences. Through close work with a faculty advisor and peers, participants apply their learning from coursework to their field experiences, integrating theory and practice as they reflect on their own professional development. Interns work with a site supervisor and are given substantial school-based responsibilities that involve direct interaction and involvement with staff, students, families, and community leaders. Participants develop the capacity to build and support a positive school culture, build teams, enlist collaboration, and plan and sustain change efforts. Graduate students in advisement participate in small-group sessions with their advisors. At the end of supervised fieldwork, each candidate presents a comprehensive portfolio of internship experiences which meets the program's Integrative Master's Project requirement. This is part one of three semesters of supervised fieldwork. The second part is LEAD9182WR.
Matriculation Maintenance
For students graduating in Spring 2025 who will not be registering for any other Spring courses.
Section | Title | Credits | Rooms | Instructor | Days/Times | Dates | Status |
MMNT500-1 | Matriculation Maintenance | 0 | Staff TBD | Not applicable | |||
A degree can only be conferred for currently enrolled students. If students are not registered for classes, the Integrative Master's Project, or supervised fieldwork in the semester they intend to graduate, they must register for matriculation maintenance by the end of the add/drop period. This situation might occur, for example, if students are completing coursework for a prior class in which they received a grade of Incomplete.
MMNT500R-1R | Matriculation Maintenance | 0 | Online | Staff TBD | Not applicable | ||
A degree can only be conferred for currently enrolled students. If students are not registered for classes, the Integrative Master's Project, or supervised fieldwork in the semester they intend to graduate, they must register for matriculation maintenance by the end of the add/drop period. This situation might occur, for example, if students are completing coursework for a prior class in which they received a grade of Incomplete.