Boundless Beginnings: Liberation in Care for Infants and Toddlers
- Liberatory Pedagogy in the Early Years: Free to Develop, Free to Learn, Free to Teach | Dr. Denisha Jones
- Challenges as Catalysts: A Liberating Journey from Behavior Challenges to Profound Connection | Gabriel Guyton
- Got to be Real: Authentic Engagement in Early Intervention | Ashley Cattaneo
- Music With Toddlers and 2 Year Olds | Margie Brickley
- The Emotional Development of Infants, Toddlers and Twos | Lesley Koplow
- Exploring Their World: Seasonal Exploratory Activities for Young Children | Brittany Wallace; Stephanie McGillen
- Sensory Profiles through a Cultural Lens & Sensory Play | Katherine Rodriguez
- Designing Environments for Very Young Children | Lisa Laflamme
- Working with All Families: Building Relationships through Trust and Connection| Melina Gac Levin
- Building Emotions, Block by Block: A Playful Path to Social-Emotional Learning | Skylar Belt
- Toddler Watch: Informal Assessment | Margie Brickley
- Exploring Creative Open Ended Art for Toddlers | Debbie Silver
- Sensory Wonder | Alexandria Frank
- Art and Sensory Experiences for Infants and Toddlers | Carolyn Tebbetts
- Music with Infants and Toddlers | Al Martinez
- Culturally Responsive Practices in Early Childcare Settings: A Look at Two Cultures | Mila Costa
- Designing Environments for Infants | Anja Mayr
- Understanding and Supporting Dual Language Development in Infants and Toddlers | Carmen Colón
- A path to feeling safe and secure: supporting children with trauma | Laura Martin
- Creating Spanish-Inclusive Classrooms: Honoring Language Diversity | Marcela Cuadra
- Welcoming Environments for Children with Neurodiversity | Carla Poole
- Supporting Positive Behavior: Proactive Strategies to Set Children up for Success | Lori-Ann Mangal
- Post-Conference Session: Art and Sensory Experiences for Infants and Toddlers | Gabriel Guyton and Skylar Belt