
Infancy Institute

Tuesday, June 19, 2018 - Thursday, June 21, 2018
8:00 AM UTC - 5:00 PM UTC

Bank Street College of Education
Tabas Auditorium
610 West 112th Street
New York, NY 10025

Event Title:
Infancy Institute 2018: Music and Mindfulness

Infancy Institute 2018: Music and Mindfulness is a three-day conference for caregivers, teachers, directors, trainers, home visitors, parents, developmental specialists, and social workers who work with infants and toddlers across a variety of settings. The annual conference highlights highlights cutting-edge developments in research, relationship-based practice, and family-centered care. The 2018 event will feature a keynote address by speaker Kaja Weeks titled “Keys to Musical Interaction with Young Children—Vibrant, Relational, and Developmental and a special presentation by Tonia M. Spense titled “Trauma, Empathy, and Learning.” Workshop topics include: individualizing curriculum, blocks, singing with infants and toddlers, babies and eating, tricky conversations, quilt making with families, OT/sensory, stress management, informal assessment, art, powerful interactions, yoga, baby watch, biting, self regulation, and  more. Click here to learn more about the event and workshops.

$300 early bird rate through June 1.
#325 general admission after June 1.
This conference may be taken for graduate school credit by registering for the course EDUC612 at Bank Street College and paying the tuition fee and is availalbe for CEUs adn CTLE hours.

Gretchen Adams at

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