Ron Woo is an educator with more than 50 years of experience in public school and higher education with expertise in educational policy and law, second language acquisition, and educational leadership and teacher preparation.
Ron started as an elementary school and ESL teacher. His senior policy and administrative positions included service as assistant to the Deputy Chancellor, Executive Director for Special Education, Superintendent for monitoring and school improvement and Special Assistant in the NYC Department of Education’s Office of the General Counsel.
Ron oversaw alternative teacher certification programs and directed New York City’s first urban residency (teacher preparation) program at Hunter College. At CUNY central, he served as a senior policy associate. At Bank Street, Ron has taught courses in education policy, law, and leadership since 2003, and the state mandated Dignity for All Students Act (DASA) workshop. Ron is an adjunct professor at Fordham University, New York University, and Baruch College.
Ron is currently the executive of the Statewide Language RBERN at NYU supporting districts and schools in their implementation of programs for English language learners and world language students. He is a frequent presenter at national (AERA, NABE), state (NYSAFLT, NYSABE), and local conferences.
Ron holds an MA From NYU and a JD from Brooklyn Law School.