Wednesday, March 12, 2025
6:00 PM EDT - 7:00 PM EDT
Event Title:
Join Us! | Virtual Info Session | Early Childhood Leadership
You’re invited to join members of the Bank Street Graduate Admissions team at a virtual info session about our Early Childhood Leadership Program on Wednesday, March 12 starting at 6:00 PM ET.
Our Early Child Leadership Program is now a 30-credit Master’s Degree program, offered fully online. This program is designed to support teachers, directors, administrators, program developers, and policymakers in strengthening their leadership skills. This program will enable you to earn credentials toward your School Building Leader (SBL) certification from the New York State Department of Education and/or your Children’s Program Administrator Credential (CPAC) from the New York State Association for Early Childhood Education.
During our one-hour event, you’ll hear directly from faculty member and Program Director Wendy Pollock, as well as learn about our admissions, financial aid, career services and certification processes. There will be lots of time for questions and answers, so be sure to bring yours!
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