Education Courses: Dual Language/Bilingual Teacher Ed, General Teacher Ed, and Special Ed

Section Title Credits Rooms Instructor Days/Times Dates Status
EDUC530-1 Foundations of Modern Education 3 612 Jessica Charles TTH 5:15-9:00 PM
This course examines the historical, philosophical, and cultural roots of contemporary education, including Bank Street’s progressive history and philosophy, the contributions of major educational leaders, and current practices and innovations in education. Participants will analyze how critical issues in the field affect their practice with children and families in schools and communities. The course will explore ways in which education as an avenue for individual advancement and social justice has been defined, advocated for, enacted, and is still being negotiated in the U.S. The course will attend to what has been achieved as well as challenges that remain in creating educational spaces that affirm children’s and families’ race, social class, immigration status, language, gender, and ability, among other identity domains. Participants will apply their understandings to think about their role in bringing about desired, warranted changes in order to create more inclusive and democratic educational environments.
EDUC535-1 Science for Teachers (Grades N – 6) 2 408 Stan Chu TTH 5:15-8:45 PM 5/16, 5/18, 5/23, 5/25, 5/30, 6/1, 6/6, 6/8
Science for Teachers focuses on developing a science way of thinking and doing in PreK-6th grade classrooms. Each session deepens an understanding that doing science requires direct sensory encounters with the physical world. By experiencing first-hand investigations of physical and biological materials and related phenomena, participants create a range of representations that can uncover existing patterns and concepts. Discussions, readings, and reflective writings deepen and broaden work done with physical materials. Participants will reflect on their own learning as they work to construct meaningful science experiences that respond to the developmental levels of their students and affirm students’ cultural, linguistic, and learning diversity. The course explores evidence-based ways of making sense of the world that support the integration of science inquiry across the curriculum.
EDUC536-1 Foundations: The Influence of Culture and Politics on Literacy Theory and Practice 2 709 Lynne Einbender MW 5:15-8:45 PM 5/15, 5/17, 5/22, 5/24, 5/31, 6/5, 6/7, 6/12
EDUC540-1 Mathematics for Teachers in Diverse and Inclusive Educational Settings (Grades N – 6) 2 705 Heather O'Shea MW 5:15-8:45 PM 5/15, 5/17, 5/22, 5/24, 5/31, 6/5, 6/7, 6/12
This course provides participants with an overview of mathematics learning for children grades N-6. Participants deepen their own mathematical knowledge while furthering their understanding of effective mathematics instruction. In each session, participants do math together and use these experiences to investigate the development of mathematical thinking and to reflect on their own learning. Participants explore the essential elements of a constructivist mathematics classroom in which collaboration is core to building concepts and skills. Designing a classroom where deep mathematical understanding is the primary goal requires explorations of attitudes and beliefs as well as practices and expectations. This course addresses the moral imperative that all students are capable of learning math. It focuses on creating inclusive environments for learners with developmental variations. The course also focuses on creating mathematical experiences that support students for whom English is a new language. Participants discuss classroom management strategies for grouping and individualizing instruction.
EDUC563-1 The Teaching of Reading, Writing, and Language Arts in the Primary Grades 3 705 Shelby Brody Ramirez TH 5:15-8:30 PM 5/18-7/27
This course examines the process through which reading and writing are acquired by young children, ages 4-8.  We study the ways teachers can support literacy growth for children’s diverse learning needs and styles, cultural and linguistic backgrounds, and socioeconomic status.  The course explores theoretical frameworks of literacy development as well as practical applications. Graduate students work directly with a child, who is an emergent reader and writer, to develop the skills of close observation, assessment, record keeping, and planning.  Graduate students, individually and as a group, analyze the contexts, activities and relationships that support children’s language and literacy learning in early childhood classrooms.
This class will meet across both Summer 1 and 2 terms, including the intersession.
EDUC564-1 Language, Literature, and Emergent Literacy in the Primary Grades 3 701 Mollie Welsh Kruger MW 5:15-9:00 PM
This course examines the role of literature in children’s lives. Participants develop criteria for selecting literature for children, considering factors including but not limited to child development, aesthetics, language, and culture, as well as children’s interests and curiosities. Through active engagement with books, artifacts, and ideas, participants gain an understanding of the role of literature in language development in children’s primary and new languages. Participants will examine ways to use literature from a wide range of genres and perspectives for reading aloud, honoring and stimulating children’s storytelling, and for deepening learning across content areas.
EDUC590-1 Arts Workshop for Teachers (Grades N – 6) 2 308 Ann-Marie Mott TTH 5:15-8:45 PM 5/16, 5/18, 5/23, 5/25, 5/30, 6/1, 6/6, 6/8
This studio course stresses the relationship of expression in arts and crafts to aspects of teaching and learning in other areas. Students develop approaches for discovering the use and origins of materials as well as their role in the curriculum. The course helps teachers develop a basic art program in their classrooms. Studio experiences include painting, collage, clay work, printmaking, and such crafts as puppet making, dyeing, and weaving. Readings and class discussion deal with the development of art curricula using child development as a base. Students study children’s art through slides and children’s actual work.
This class will have some asynchronous components.
EDUC604-1 Family, Child, and Teacher Interaction in Diverse and Inclusive Educational Settings 2 708 Anna Malyukova MW 5:15-8:45 PM 5/15, 5/17, 5/22, 5/24, 5/31, 6/5, 6/7, 6/12
In this course, participants will explore the teacher’s and the larger school’s roles in constructing caring, collaborative, and reciprocal relationships with children and families.  Participants will critically examine their own experiences, identities, and assumptions as they develop skills and dispositions to work with a broad range of families and communities. The course will support participants in developing their skills in communication, advocacy, and collaboration as they learn to partner with families to support children’s positive identity development along with their social, emotional, language, and learning abilities and needs.
EDUC605-1 Designing and Managing Classroom Environments in Inclusive and Special Education Settings 3 612 Pamela Jones MW 5:15-9:00 PM
This course is designed to help participants create classroom environments that will meet the needs of all children, including those with developmental variations. Addressing the concerns of both general and special education teachers, it incorporates presentations, role-playing, discussions, analyses of multimedia content, and informal diagnostic procedures. Participants examine the complexities of teachers’ day-to-day responsibilities and concerns, including classroom design, varied approaches to behavioral intervention, and the interplay among curricula, rules, expectations, routines, procedures, and children’s behavior.

Child Life

These courses are only for Child Life students.

Section Title Credits Rooms Instructor Days/Times Dates Status
EDUC832-1 Cross-Cultural Perspectives: Families and Ethical Issues in Child Life Practice 3 online Genevieve Lowry TTH 5:15-9:00 PM 5/16 and 6/13
This course focuses on developing an understanding of the principles of ethical decision-making, when working with diverse families in complex healthcare situations. Participants will develop an awareness of the how ethical decisions are made in pediatrics in order to help mediate healthcare experiences for children and families as members of a larger team. The course will approach the family from an ecological perspective, examining the ways in which factors including but not limited to race, culture, language, socioeconomic background, family structure, immigration status, and community context may impact a family’s experience in healthcare systems. Participants will examine their own backgrounds and identities to surface differences in perspective and biases that may impact decision-making in child life contexts. Using current research and theory, standards of ethical practice, and an understanding of national, state/provincial and institutional healthcare systems and policies, participants will analyze case studies and apply this analysis to developing their practices in the field. Prerequisite: EDUC 500.
This class will start on May 16. Online class sessions 5/16 and 6/13 are synchronous. The remaining classes are asynchronous. For Child Life students only.
Prerequisites for EDUC832: EDUC 500

Leadership in Mathematics Education Online

These courses are for students in the Math Leadership Online program only.

Section Title Credits Rooms Instructor Days/Times Dates Status
LEAD510M-1 Leading Critical Issues in Curriculum and Instruction 3 online Najla Purdy MWTh 7:00-9:30 PM
Note: This course is for 2nd-summer Math Leadership Online students
LEAD535M-1 Foundations of Educational Leadership: Organizational Development 1 online Danielle Kolker T 7:30-9:30 PM
Note: This course is for 2nd-summer Math Leadership Online students
LEAD946-1 Mathematics Leadership Summer Advisement 1 online Amy Withers T 5:30-7:00 PM
This course is an extension of LEAD945. During the summer semesters, the cohort meets for weekly Advisement seminars that include readings that offer students the opportunity to integrate theory with practice in this evolving professional learning community.
Note: This course is for 2nd-summer Math Leadership Online students

Integrative Master's Project - Semester-Based IMP Options

Section Title Credits Rooms Instructor Days/Times Dates Status
IMP3-1 IMP: Mentored Directed Essay 0 N/A Staff TBD See mentor
Students choosing to do a Mentored Directed Essay work with an assigned faculty mentor to design an essay that is based on existing, program-specific prepared questions. These questions are designed to help you think and write about the salient issues pertaining to your chosen area of study. Working with your mentor, you may adapt questions to support the distinctive needs of your professional growth, interests, and current work situation. This option is designed to provide structure and focus with maximum flexibility, and is intended to be completed within a single semester. This option is offered all semesters.
This IMP begins in the Summer 1 term and runs until the end of the Summer 2 term. Registration is not allowed after May 16, 2023. Students receive the name of their faculty mentors at the end of the add/drop period. Students completing a Mentored Directed Essay (MDE) should find the essay for their program and become familiar with the project before meeting with their mentors. To access the MDE, log into myBSC and go to Resources > Integrative Master's Project (IMP).

Integrative Master's Project - Independent Study Option

Section Title Credits Rooms Instructor Days/Times Dates Status
IS500-1 IMP: Independent Study 0 N/A Staff TBD See mentor
The Independent Study is an original work that you initiate, often growing out of a meaningful course assignment or an idea, question, or experience rooted in a fieldwork or work setting. Students work with a faculty mentor who has expertise in the particular area of study. The Independent Study usually includes two semesters of research and writing, and is most closely aligned with a traditional master’s thesis. Independent Studies are made accessible to the public though the Bank Street Library's online catalogue. This course is the first semester of an Independent Study.

IMPORTANT NOTE TO STUDENTS REGISTERING FOR INDEPENDENT STUDIES In order to register for Independent Studies (IS500) you must have already secured a faculty mentor who has reviewed your IS proposal and has committed to serve as your IS mentor. By registering for the IS500, you are attesting to having secured a mentor, and you are agreeing to follow all applicable IS directives and guidelines as stated in A Guide to the Integrative Master’s Project.

In addition to registering through myBSC for IS500, please fill out the Independent Study Mentor Form, located on the website schedule ( indicating which faculty member has consented to mentor you.

This IMP begins in the Summer 1 term and runs until the end of the Summer 2 term. Students should register for section 01. Students should register only at the beginning of their Independent Study. Students continuing an Independent Study from a previous semester should contact the Registrar's Office before registering.

Registration is not allowed after May 16, 2023.

IMPORTANT NOTE TO STUDENTS REGISTERING FOR INDEPENDENT STUDIES In order to register for Independent Studies (IS500) you must have already secured a faculty mentor who has reviewed your IS proposal and has committed to serve as your IS mentor. By registering for the IS500, you are attesting to having secured a mentor, and you are agreeing to follow all applicable IS directives and guidelines as stated in A Guide to the Integrative Master’s Project (

In addition to registering through myBSC for IS500, please fill out the Independent Study Mentor Form (, indicating which faculty member has consented to mentor you.

Please note: Students who register without completing the above form will be dropped from their Independent Study. You must identify your mentor in order to be enrolled in an Independent Study for the term.

Kerlin STEM Institute

These courses are only for Kerlin STEM Institute teachers.

Section Title Credits Rooms Instructor Days/Times Dates Status
EDUC852-1 Designing STEM Early Childhood Curriculum 1 offsite Judith Hutton, Robert Wallace TH 4:00-5:30 PM 5/18, 5/25, 6/1, 6/8
In this third course in the Kerlin STEM Institute, participants will generate a STEM curriculum that builds on the content and processes from EDUC 850 and EDUC 851. Participants will document how a study begins, potential investigations, and conclusion of the study using the orientations and approaches developed in the first two courses. The curriculum will consist of a series of lessons that build on each other, are integrated across the curriculum of the Early Childhood classroom, and that include ongoing opportunities for formative assessment of students’ learning. Participants’ STEM curriculum will respond to the developmental levels of their students and affirm students’ cultural, linguistic, and learning diversity. Prerequisite: EDUC 851. For Kerlin STEM Institute fellows only.
This course is only open to Kerlin Early Childhood STEM Institute students. Students will also meet at NYSCI on June 10, 10:00 AM - 4:30 PM.
Prerequisite for EDUC852: EDUC 850, and EDUC 851

Matriculation Maintenance

Section Title Credits Rooms Instructor Days/Times Dates Status
MMNT500-1 Matriculation Maintenance 0 N/A Staff TBD Not applicable
A degree can only be conferred for currently enrolled students. If students are not registered for classes, the Integrative Master's Project, or supervised fieldwork in the semester they intend to graduate, they must register for matriculation maintenance by the end of the add/drop period. This situation might occur, for example, if students are completing coursework for a prior class in which they received a grade of Incomplete.