Education Courses: Dual Language/Bilingual Teacher Ed, General Teacher Ed, and Special Ed

Section Title Credits Rooms Instructor Days/Times Dates Status
EDUC500-1 Child Development 3 703 Ludmila de Amorim Paquete da Costa M 7:00-9:00 PM
In this course we will examine the interactions among the cognitive, social, emotional, linguistic, and physical development of children from infancy into adolescence. We will pay close attention to children as makers of meaning in the contexts of their development, including family, school, socioeconomic class, and culture. Through reading classic and current literature, we will attend to some of the larger questions about development, such as the relationship between nature and nurture, the role of developmental theory, and the tension between the search for developmental universals and the reality of individual differences. The goal is to make developmental theory vibrant and meaningful so that the generalized theoretical child comes to enhance and inform how one understands individual children.
EDUC500-2 Child Development 3 703 Ludmila de Amorim Paquete da Costa TH 4:45-6:45 PM
In this course we will examine the interactions among the cognitive, social, emotional, linguistic, and physical development of children from infancy into adolescence. We will pay close attention to children as makers of meaning in the contexts of their development, including family, school, socioeconomic class, and culture. Through reading classic and current literature, we will attend to some of the larger questions about development, such as the relationship between nature and nurture, the role of developmental theory, and the tension between the search for developmental universals and the reality of individual differences. The goal is to make developmental theory vibrant and meaningful so that the generalized theoretical child comes to enhance and inform how one understands individual children.
EDUC505-1 Language Acquisition and Learning in a Linguistically Diverse Society 2 612/613 Elizabeth Silva T 7:00-9:00 PM
Based on the belief that language is an essential foundation for learning, this course addresses the typical processes of language acquisition in mono- and multilingual learners. Participants will examine theories of language acquisition and the role that caregivers and educators play in the development of language. In addition, participants will analyze historical, political, educational, social, and emotional factors that influence the socially constructed hierarchies of language varieties. A significant part of the course will be devoted to students who learn English as an additional language. Participants will learn how to use assessment of mono- and multilingual learners to identify appropriate instructional practices for social and academic language use in a range of educational settings. Course participants will also learn about ways of collaborating with families, colleagues, specialists, administrators, and interpreters.
EDUC513-1 Social Studies Curriculum Development for Inclusive and Special Education Settings (Grades 1 – 6) 3 612/613 Niles Mattier TH 7:00-9:00 PM
This course provides the opportunity for participants to analyze and develop integrated curricula in social studies using a sociopolitical lens. Participants integrate knowledge from the six disciplines of social studies: history, anthropology, sociology, political science, geography, and economics into the design of a constructivist, inquiry-based social studies curriculum. The course explores ways children come to learn and care about themselves and others through social studies. There is an emphasis on differentiating curriculum, including attention to diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds, and variations in development.
EDUC515-1 Curriculum Development and Sheltered Instruction in Dual Language/Bilingual Classrooms 3 709 Cristian Solorza M 4:45-6:45 PM
This course is designed to acquaint teachers with current curriculum mandates and methods of implementation in a dual language classroom. Emphasis will be placed on social studies as the core in a dual language setting, including language planning and models of authentic assessment. Participants will have the opportunity to plan and develop curricula based on principles of child development, content knowledge, and the culture and values of the community of teachers and learners. Students will develop curricula both in English and in the native language. Attention will be given to the classroom environment; the selection of materials; literature, art, and mixed media; and trips and community resources. Teacher-family partnerships will also be discussed.
Prerequisites for EDUC 515: EDUC 513 or EDUC 514; or permission of the instructor.
EDUC520-1 Educating Infants and Toddlers: Programs and Activities 3 701 Lori-Ann Mangal T 7:00-9:00 PM
Graduate students will explore aspects of the infant/ toddler curriculum through the framework of the developmental interaction approach, which uses relationship-based care to promote healthy social and emotional well-being. A major focus of the course is infant/toddler play and the adult’s role in reflecting on, supporting, and fostering play. Participants will learn to design curriculum that integrates language and literacy development; art and music; the use of expressive materials; and experiences that promote scientific and mathematical thinking. The course will prepare graduate students to critically examine the parameters of noteworthy programs for typically developing infants and toddlers as well as those with developmental variations and exposure to toxic stress. Graduate students will critique various local, national, and international exemplary and evidence-based approaches and programs. In order to concretize real-life issues, the course will include exploration of programs that serve diverse populations such as Early Intervention and Early Head Start. An overview of the early intervention law (Part C of IDEA) is included.
EDUC525-1 Assistive Technology as a Tool for Providing Educational Access 1 Mark Surabian M 7:00-9:05 PM 9/11, 9/18, 10/2, 10/16, 10/23, 10/30 Cancelled
This course examines how technology can create opportunities for access and expression for learners, including children with variations in learning, sensory, communication, and physical development. Through readings, discussion, and experimenting with a variety of actual technologies, participants will strengthen their capacities to match such tools to learner needs in diverse learning environments and activities. Participants will reflect on classroom experiences to ascertain how accessibility for learners can be enhanced. They will consider broader issues of access and equity, as they deepen their understandings of how technology can assist in creating more inclusive learning environments.
EDUC530-1 Foundations of Modern Education 3 707 Deborah Brooks Lawrence TH 7:00-9:00 PM
This course examines the historical, philosophical, and cultural roots of contemporary education, including Bank Street’s progressive history and philosophy, the contributions of major educational leaders, and current practices and innovations in education. Participants will analyze how critical issues in the field affect their practice with children and families in schools and communities. The course will explore ways in which education as an avenue for individual advancement and social justice has been defined, advocated for, enacted, and is still being negotiated in the U.S. The course will attend to what has been achieved as well as challenges that remain in creating educational spaces that affirm children’s and families’ race, social class, immigration status, language, gender, and ability, among other identity domains. Participants will apply their understandings to think about their role in bringing about desired, warranted changes in order to create more inclusive and democratic educational environments.
EDUC535-1 Science for Teachers (Grades N – 6) 2 408/410 Robert Wallace T 4:45-6:45 PM
Science for Teachers focuses on developing a science way of thinking and doing in PreK-6th grade classrooms. Each session deepens an understanding that doing science requires direct sensory encounters with the physical world. By experiencing first-hand investigations of physical and biological materials and related phenomena, participants create a range of representations that can uncover existing patterns and concepts. Discussions, readings, and reflective writings deepen and broaden work done with physical materials. Participants will reflect on their own learning as they work to construct meaningful science experiences that respond to the developmental levels of their students and affirm students’ cultural, linguistic, and learning diversity. The course explores evidence-based ways of making sense of the world that support the integration of science inquiry across the curriculum.
EDUC540-1 Mathematics for Teachers in Diverse and Inclusive Educational Settings (Grades N – 6) 2 Helen Spruill W 7:00-9:00 PM Cancelled
This course provides participants with an overview of mathematics learning for children grades N-6. Participants deepen their own mathematical knowledge while furthering their understanding of effective mathematics instruction. In each session, participants do math together and use these experiences to investigate the development of mathematical thinking and to reflect on their own learning. Participants explore the essential elements of a constructivist mathematics classroom in which collaboration is core to building concepts and skills. Designing a classroom where deep mathematical understanding is the primary goal requires explorations of attitudes and beliefs as well as practices and expectations. This course addresses the moral imperative that all students are capable of learning math. It focuses on creating inclusive environments for learners with developmental variations. The course also focuses on creating mathematical experiences that support students for whom English is a new language. Participants discuss classroom management strategies for grouping and individualizing instruction.
EDUC561R-1R Linguistics: Implications for Teachers 1 Online Tyler Jennings M 7:00-9:05 PM 9/11-10/30
This course is an introduction to the study of language as it applies to educational settings. Participants will learn about the five basic linguistic structures: phonetics and phonology (sounds and sound patterning), morphology (form of words), syntax (arrangement of words), semantics (meaning), and pragmatics (the use of language). Participants will examine language structure as it exists within the larger context of sociolinguistics, equity, and social justice. The course will investigate how students use their full linguistic repertoire in academic settings (translanguaging), how teachers and society at large perceive language  varieties, and how teachers value linguistic diversity in classrooms. The course examines the role of the brain in language development (psycholinguistics), language universals, body language, and discourse analysis. The focus of the course will be on the practical application of this knowledge to developing a broader range of instructional strategies to support students’ language proficiency in school.
This course will run fully online and will meet synchronously each session.
EDUC563-1 The Teaching of Reading, Writing, and Language Arts in the Primary Grades 3 701 Shelby Brody Ramirez W 7:00-9:00 PM
This course examines the process through which reading and writing are acquired by young children, ages 4-8.  We study the ways teachers can support literacy growth for children’s diverse learning needs and styles, cultural and linguistic backgrounds, and socioeconomic status.  The course explores theoretical frameworks of literacy development as well as practical applications. Graduate students work directly with a child, who is an emergent reader and writer, to develop the skills of close observation, assessment, record keeping, and planning.  Graduate students, individually and as a group, analyze the contexts, activities and relationships that support children’s language and literacy learning in early childhood classrooms.
EDUC564-1 Language, Literature, and Emergent Literacy in the Primary Grades 3 701 Mollie Welsh Kruger M 4:45-6:45 PM
This course examines the role of literature in children’s lives. Participants develop criteria for selecting literature for children, considering factors including but not limited to child development, aesthetics, language, and culture, as well as children’s interests and curiosities. Through active engagement with books, artifacts, and ideas, participants gain an understanding of the role of literature in language development in children’s primary and new languages. Participants will examine ways to use literature from a wide range of genres and perspectives for reading aloud, honoring and stimulating children’s storytelling, and for deepening learning across content areas.
EDUC568-1 Teaching Literacy in the Upper Elementary Grades 3 704 Clio Bodie TH 7:00-9:00 PM
This course addresses the ways in which language, cognition, and the social-emotional development of children shape and are shaped by effective reading, writing, and language arts instruction. Employing a social constructivist perspective, it prepares teachers to meet the needs of children from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds, across a range of learners. During the course, students will work with individual children, plan for small and large groups, and create classroom environments that support a balanced approach to literacy. Particular emphasis will be paid to the ways in which linking assessment and instruction enables teachers to meet the developing needs of individuals and groups, incorporating guidelines from the NYS Standards. Students will learn to create units of study in reading and writing that include all aspects of speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Through the experiences in this course, participants will gain a deeper understanding of the interrelationship between reading and writing processes and the roles of the teacher, the family, and the child in those processes.
EDUC576-1 Writing in the Elementary Grades 2 701 Lynne Einbender T 4:45-6:45 PM
In this course, participants examine the theories and practices of teaching writing, both as writers and as teachers. The goal of this dual focus is to develop meta-cognitive awareness of one’s own writing process to inform one’s teaching practice. Participants do this through discussing course texts, children’s literature, videos and children’s writing. The course explores: teaching children to select topics, draft, revise, edit and publish their own writing; designing writing curriculum that is inclusive and culturally responsive; using children’s literature to teach writing through concrete observation and inquiry; using writing conferences and assessments to guide curricular decisions; teaching writing mechanics using a constructivist approach; exploring a range of teaching methods and literature to accommodate diverse learners.
EDUC590-1 Arts Workshop for Teachers (Grades N – 6) 2 308 (Art Room) Ann-Marie Mott M 4:45-6:45 PM
This studio course stresses the relationship of expression in arts and crafts to aspects of teaching and learning in other areas. Students develop approaches for discovering the use and origins of materials as well as their role in the curriculum. The course helps teachers develop a basic art program in their classrooms. Studio experiences include painting, collage, clay work, printmaking, and such crafts as puppet making, dyeing, and weaving. Readings and class discussion deal with the development of art curricula using child development as a base. Students study children’s art through slides and children’s actual work.
EDUC613-1 Understanding and Working with Families of Infants and Toddlers 2 612/613 Yasmin Dorrian M 4:45-6:45 PM
This course helps students understand the psychological underpinnings of parenting across a range of families and contexts. Through class discussion, readings, videos, role play in class and guest speakers, students will develop an understanding of what is involved in working with significant adults in the lives of infants and toddlers. Graduate students will explore the connections among early relationships, brain development, health and later mental health.  A multilevel framework utilizes the concepts of containment and holding as a way to understand what parents must provide for their children and what adults must also provide for themselves in order to work effectively with families. Stages of parenting are looked at within the wider lens that incorporates variety among parents, as well as within the same parent at different times. Through practice with their own case material and readings on basic counseling techniques graduate students continue to develop a self- reflective ability that helps them think critically about their responses to families and learn when and how to provide guidance, towards the promotion of mental wellness and prevention of disruptions in development. The course will explore the roles of the teacher and the social worker.
EDUC802-1 The World of Toddlers and Twos: The Second and Third Years of Life 3 612/613 Marjorie Brickley T 4:45-6:45 PM
This course offers a developmental-interactional view of toddlers and two-year-olds and their families. Participants will look at the ways children in this age period become more autonomous selves while simultaneously developing capacities for more elaborated and diverse relationships with others and their environments. The course will examine the interplay of the toddler’s physical maturation, interpersonal experiences, physical environments and cultures in development. Participants will also focus on the everyday implications of the growing toddler’s need for self-assertion and autonomy and the issues that adults face in parenting or working with this age group. Graduate students will study the science of brain development and its impact on all domains.  Although this is not a “how-to” course, graduate students will learn how to apply their knowledge of development in the second and third year to their practices with toddlers and two-year-olds. This course develops awareness and knowledge of infant mental health in development, dyadic relationships and systems. Prerequisite: EDUC 500.
Prerequisite for EDUC 802: EDUC 500 or EDUC 800
EDUC803-1 Teaching Students with Disabilities: An Introduction to Disability Theory, Disability Law and Respon 2 707 Sean O'Shea TH 4:45-6:45 PM
This course is designed to increase participants’ awareness and understanding of the educational, social, cultural, linguistic and developmental implications of disability from historical, legal, and socio-political perspectives. The course will critically examine state and federal special education and disability laws and regulations and their implementation across a range of settings including their intersection with issues of race, class, language and gender. There is an emphasis on understanding how disability is socially constructed at the levels of family, community, school, and the larger society. Participants apply an understanding of disabilities to analyze and create accessible learning experiences for children. Prerequisite: EDUC 500 or permission of instructor.
Prerequisite for EDUC803: EDUC 500 or EDUC 501 or EDUC 800 or permission of instructor
EDUC807-1 Teaching Children with Developmental Variations in Language and Communication 2 704 Mimi Rosenberg TH 4:45-6:45 PM
Building on theories of language development and learning, this course is designed to deepen graduate students’ understanding of language and communication disorders in monolingual and bilingual children. There is an exploration of the reciprocal relationship between children’s diverse communication abilities and styles and academic, social and emotional development. The importance of teacher collaboration with other service providers is highlighted. Graduate students will reflect on their own communication styles as a means of more effectively meeting the communication needs of their students. The concept of social construction of disability will help to frame issues of equity that can guide teachers in their roles as advocates for all children. Prerequisite: EDUC 505 or EDUC 561.
Prerequisite(s) for EDUC807: EDUC 505; or EDUC 561 and EDUC 870
EDUC808-1 The Study of Children in Diverse & Inclusive Educational Settings through Observation and Recording 3 703 Jessica Charles T 7:00-9:00 PM
This course focuses on observation as a practice for more deeply understanding children through their interactions with people, experiences, and materials across a range of environments. Through a case study of one child, participants deepen their knowledge, skills, and dispositions for observing children. They learn to translate observations into descriptive, written data and analyze observational data to inform practice. Participants develop skills of reflection and analysis as they investigate how bias and perspective impact observation and one’s understanding of children. Participants integrate knowledge about variations in children’s social-emotional, cognitive, linguistic, motor, and language development. They consider multiple domains of children’s individual and socio-cultural identities including race, gender, culture, and language and the implications for constructing inclusive and culturally sustaining classroom environments and curricula. Prerequisite: EDUC 500 or permission of instructor.
Prerequisite for EDUC 808: EDUC 500 or EDUC 800 or permission of instructor
EDUC823-1 Play Techniques for Early Childhood Settings 1 703 Deborah Vilas T 4:45-6:50 PM 9/12, 9/19, 9/26, 10/10, 10/24, 11/7
This course explores play as central to supporting the social, emotional, and cognitive development of children with varying developmental and learning variations.  Participants will learn a variety of therapeutic play techniques that promote self-regulation, self-esteem, and emotional expression, and development across domains. This course is appropriate for general and special education teachers, parents, caregivers, child life specialists, social workers, therapists and counselors. Participants are required to have prior coursework focused on child development and on developmental variations. Prerequisite: EDUC 803 or with permission of instructor.
Prerequisite for EDUC 823: EDUC 803.
EDUC860-1 Assessment & Instruction in Teaching Literacy to Children Language and Learning with Disabilities 3 704 Susan Rolander T 4:45-6:45 PM
This course integrates research, theory, and practice as participants learn about supporting literacy development for children with reading, writing, and language disabilities within a developmental framework. The course explores the iterative relationship between assessment and intervention and critically examines a range of evidence-based methods and materials in use in the field. Participants apply their learning as they work over multiple sessions with a child. Prerequisite: EDUC 563 or EDUC 568.
Prerequisites for EDUC 860: EDUC 505; EDUC 563 or EDUC 568.
EDUC862-1 Assessment, Diagnosis, and Evaluation of Children with Developmental Variations 3 505A Elizabeth Silva W 7:00-9:00 PM
EDUC867-1 The Teacher’s Role in the Development of Reading Comprehension: Strategic Teaching (Grades K – 6) 1 705 Emily Schottland TH 7:00-9:05 PM 9/14 -10/19
This course will enable teachers to extend their theoretical and practical understanding of the ways to support children’s reading comprehension in kindergarten through grade 6. Using theoretical frameworks, students will investigate comprehension skills and strategies by identifying and matching the demands of text with the multiple needs of fluent readers. Students will develop competencies in current literacy practices such as Interactive Read Aloud, Think Aloud, Guided Reading, and Questioning the Author. In addition, they will analyze the ways in which teaching reading comprehension strategies empowers children to be independent readers. Teachers will be able to use the strategies demonstrated in this course with all learners, including English Language Learners and children with special needs. Prerequisite: EDUC 563 or EDUC 567 or EDUC 568 or permission of instructor.
Prerequisite for EDUC867: EDUC 563 or EDUC 567 or EDUC 568 or permission of instructor
EDUC869-1 Supporting Early Language and Literacy for Children with Developmental Variations (Birth-8) 2 709 Arelis Javier TH 7:00-9:00 PM
This course examines communication, language, and literacy as they emerge in monolingual and multilingual children from infancy through early childhood. Participants examine how language, socialization, communicative competence, and literacy develop within, and are impacted by, children’s sociocultural contexts.  Participants are introduced to communication disorders and other learning variations of the early years that affect language and literacy learning.  Specific practices are identified to enhance the experience of young children who are receiving services in school as English language learners. Modifications and adaptations to support children with learning variations are explored. Prerequisite: EDUC 500; pre- or corequisite: EDUC 505.
Prerequisite for EDUC 869: EDUC 500 or EDUC 800; pre- or corequisite: EDUC 505
EDUC870-1 The Teaching of English as a New Language 3 704 Katie Caster T 7:00-9:00 PM
After a review of language acquisition theories, this course will address the teaching of reading, writing, and content areas through a new language. Students will examine how children learn to read and write in the home language and what the differences and similarities are when they read and write in a new language. The focus will be on the methodology of teaching a new language, appropriate language materials, effective class organization, and lesson planning that involves all of these components, including assessment. One of the requirements of this course is individual work with language learners.
EDUC894-1 Early Childhood Practicum I: Observing a Child through Family/Cultural Contexts 2 612/613 Rae Leeper TH 4:45-6:45 PM
Early Childhood Practicum I and II is a year-long course that provides graduate students the opportunity to integrate theory and practice as they work with a child and family.  Practicum I focuses on: 1) observation as the foundation of early childhood assessment and 2) culturally sustaining, family-based practice. Participants learn to observe and record children’s behavior in home, school, and community settings. Through regular observations, participants construct a respectful and increasingly complex understanding of the child within his/her sociocultural context.  Special emphasis is placed on recognizing the strengths of the child and family.  Participants develop greater awareness of their own perspectives and the ways their personal experiences affect what they notice and how they interpret their observations. Participants begin to integrate adult development, family systems theory, and cultural/linguistic diversity as a basis for developing relationships with the child’s family. This work provides a foundation for Practicum II. Prerequisite: EDUC 803.
Prerequisites for EDUC 894: EDUC 500 or EDUC 800; EDUC 803.

Fieldwork/Student Teaching/Advisement Courses

Section Title Credits Rooms Instructor Days/Times Dates Status
EDUC930-1 Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement 6 Staff TBD W 4:45-6:45 PM
Fieldwork in appropriate settings with supervision and advisement. Candidates in advisement participate in weekly small-group conferences with their advisor. These seminars include the exchange and analysis of ongoing professional experiences and provide a forum for integrating theory with practice. Participants will develop their capacity to construct learning environments and communities that support the development of infants, children, and/or adolescents, depending on the focus of their program. Opportunities to collaborate and co-teach with cooperating teachers and other setting personnel are an integral part of the course. This is part one of two semesters of supervised fieldwork. The second part is EDUC931.
EDUC932-1 Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement 3 Staff TBD W 4:45-6:45 PM
Fieldwork in appropriate settings with supervision and advisement. Candidates in advisement participate in small-group conferences with their advisor. These seminars include the exchange and analysis of ongoing professional experiences and provide a forum for integrating theory with practice. Participants will develop their capacity to construct learning environments and communities that support the development of infants, children, and/or adolescents, depending on the focus of their program. Opportunities to collaborate and co-teach with cooperating teachers and other school personnel are an integral part of the course. This is part one of two semesters of supervised fieldwork. The second part is EDUC934.
This course will meet every other week, beginning September 4th.
EDUC937-1 Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement 6 Staff TBD W 4:45-6:45 PM
Fieldwork in appropriate settings with supervision and advisement. Candidates in advisement participate in weekly small-group conferences with their advisor. These seminars include the exchange and analysis of ongoing professional experiences and provide a forum for integrating theory with practice. Participants will develop their capacity to construct learning environments and communities that support the development of infants, children, and/or adolescents, depending on the focus of their program. Opportunities to collaborate and co-teach with cooperating teachers and other setting personnel are an integral part of the course. This course is for one semester only.
This course is for one semester only.
EDUC943-1 Teaching Literacy Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement 6 Staff TBD W 4:45-6:45 PM
Fieldwork in an appropriate setting with supervision and advisement. Students in advisement participate in weekly small-group conferences with their advisor. These seminars include the exchange and analysis of ongoing professional experiences and provide a forum for integrating theory and practice. Attention is given to instructional strategies for addressing the individual academic and behavioral needs of typically and atypically developing children within classroom settings. Opportunities to collaborate and coteach with cooperating teachers and other school personnel are an integral part of the course. This is part one of two semesters of supervised fieldwork. The second part is EDUC944. Pre- or co-requisite: EDUC 860.

Integrative Master's Project - Independent Study Option

Section Title Credits Rooms Instructor Days/Times Dates Status
IS500-1 IMP: Independent Study 0 Staff TBD See mentor
The Independent Study is an original work that you initiate, often growing out of a meaningful course assignment or an idea, question, or experience rooted in a fieldwork or work setting. Students work with a faculty mentor who has expertise in the particular area of study. The Independent Study usually includes two semesters of research and writing, and is most closely aligned with a traditional master’s thesis. Independent Studies are made accessible to the public though the Bank Street Library's online catalogue. This course is the first semester of an Independent Study.

IMPORTANT NOTE TO STUDENTS REGISTERING FOR INDEPENDENT STUDIES In order to register for Independent Studies (IS500) you must have already secured a faculty mentor who has reviewed your IS proposal and has committed to serve as your IS mentor. By registering for the IS500, you are attesting to having secured a mentor, and you are agreeing to follow all applicable IS directives and guidelines as stated in A Guide to the Integrative Master’s Project.

In addition to registering through myBSC for IS500, please fill out the Independent Study Mentor Form, located on the website schedule ( indicating which faculty member has consented to mentor you.

Students should register only at the beginning of their Independent Study. Students continuing an Independent Study from a previous semester should contact their Student Services Advisor before registering.

Registration is not allowed after September 14, 2023.

IMPORTANT NOTE TO STUDENTS REGISTERING FOR INDEPENDENT STUDIES: In order to register for an Independent Study (IS500) you must have already secured a faculty mentor who has reviewed your proposal and has committed to serving as your mentor. By registering for IS500, you are attesting to having secured a mentor, and you are agreeing to follow all applicable Independent Study directives and guidelines as stated in A Guide to the Integrative Master’s Project.

In addition to registering through my.BSC for IS500, please fill out the Independent Study Mentor Form, indicating which faculty member has consented to mentor you.

Please note: Students who register without completing the above form will be dropped from their Independent Study. You must identify your mentor in order to be enrolled in an Independent Study for the term.

Integrative Master's Project-Semester-Based IMP Options

Note: These are a Semester-Based IMP Options. Student work must be completed and submitted by the end of one semester. Students who do not complete their work by the end of the semester will be required to re-register and pay for another IMP option in the future. Please read the dates in the schedule carefully, and be sure to register on time and attend all sessions.

Section Title Credits Rooms Instructor Days/Times Dates Status
IMP2-1 IMP: Collaborative Student Faculty Inquiry 0 Mark Nagasawa W 7:00-8:30 PM 9/13, 10/11, 11/8, 12/13
The Collaborative Student-Faculty Inquiry is a one-semester small peer group option focused on a specific topic or issue. These topics, based on professional interests faculty would like to explore along with students, are posted each fall and spring. You identify a particular aspect of the topic or issue to investigate and, with your peers, determine a format in which to coordinate and present the findings. Students present their projects in mid-January or the week of graduation in May.

Title: Early Childhood Quality: What does it look like through an equity lens?

The word quality is so frequently used in early childhood education (ECE) that it is often assumed to refer to an objective, universal set of features. However, now that considerable resources have been directed to ECE program quality improvement, it is becoming clear that current conceptualizations are not serving the field’s equity-aspirations. As a catalyst for students' projects - which could span action research to policy advocacy - we will collaboratively explore questions like: How is quality defined, measured, and who is making these decisions? What does quality mean to us?How would an explicit focus on equity (e.g., cultural, linguistic and historical responsiveness; universal design for learning; etc.) change how quality is defined and practiced? And, importantly, how can we advocate for more expansive definitions of quality in ECE?

Contact the facilitator/instructor if there are questions about a specific inquiry. Registration is not allowed after the class has met.

This inquiry will meet on campus but will be open for remote participation.

IMP2R-1R IMP: Collaborative Student Faculty Inquiry 0 Gil Schmerler M 7:00-9:00 PM 9/18, 10/23, 11/20, 12/18
The Collaborative Student-Faculty Inquiry is a one-semester small peer group option focused on a specific topic or issue. These topics, based on professional interests faculty would like to explore along with students, are posted each fall and spring. You identify a particular aspect of the topic or issue to investigate and, with your peers, determine a format in which to coordinate and present the findings. Students present their projects in mid-January or the week of graduation in May.

Title: Teacher Leadership

Bank Street-educated teachers are invariably called on for leadership in their schools, yet their preparation programs do not often have room for learning to promote collaboration, peer coaching, and advocacy. This collaborative inquiry provides the opportunity for students to investigate and practice the skills to become teacher leaders and, in general, to inspire, support, and coach their colleagues in improving instructional practice and creating stronger cultures in their workplaces. Participants typically create case studies and/or descriptive analyses of teacher leadership in their own school sites (or, alternatively, a school to which they have ready access).

This inquiry will meet synchronously online on the dates listed. Contact the facilitator/instructor if there are questions about a specific inquiry. Registration is not allowed after the class has met.

IMP2R-2R IMP: Collaborative Student Faculty Inquiry 0 Margaret Blachly T 4:45-6:45 PM 9/19, 10/10, 11/14, 12/5
The Collaborative Student-Faculty Inquiry is a one-semester small peer group option focused on a specific topic or issue. These topics, based on professional interests faculty would like to explore along with students, are posted each fall and spring. You identify a particular aspect of the topic or issue to investigate and, with your peers, determine a format in which to coordinate and present the findings. Students present their projects in mid-January or the week of graduation in May.

Title: Using Emotionally Responsive Practice Techniques in the Classroom

This faculty-led Group Inquiry IMP introduces the core concepts and techniques of Emotionally Responsive Practice. The group meetings will familiarize students to practice identifying unresolved developmental issues, use of Story Gathering process, use of transitional objects in classrooms, and emotionally responsive literacy process in preschool and elementary school classrooms. Students will design ways to apply these concepts in their own settings, and receive guidance and feedback from the instructor(s). Final project will include creating a resource binder of readings, techniques and lesson plans, as well as detailed documentation of the ERP technique(s) applied in the setting, and a reflection on the children's response to the technique(s). Each student will have one to three personal sessions with the facilitators in addition to the scheduled group meeting times.  

This inquiry will meet synchronously online on the dates listed. Contact the facilitator/instructor if there are questions about a specific inquiry. Registration is not allowed after the class has met.

IMP2R-3R IMP: Collaborative Student Faculty Inquiry 0 Mollie Welsh Kruger T 4:45-6:45 PM 9/19, 10/10, 11/14, 12/12
The Collaborative Student-Faculty Inquiry is a one-semester small peer group option focused on a specific topic or issue. These topics, based on professional interests faculty would like to explore along with students, are posted each fall and spring. You identify a particular aspect of the topic or issue to investigate and, with your peers, determine a format in which to coordinate and present the findings. Students present their projects in mid-January or the week of graduation in May.

Title: Picture Books for The Ages

This IMP option invites writers to create a picture book for children of a specific age group of the writer's choice. In addition to the picture book, participants will write a rationale and a child development section, review other children's literature for the same age-level, share their picture book with a group of children, and write a reflective conclusion. The final picture book must include some form of visual illustration.

This inquiry will meet synchronously online on the dates listed. Contact the facilitator/instructor if there are questions about a specific inquiry. Registration is not allowed after the class has met.

IMP3-1 IMP: Mentored Directed Essay 0 Staff TBD See mentor
Students choosing to do a Mentored Directed Essay work with an assigned faculty mentor to design an essay that is based on existing, program-specific prepared questions. These questions are designed to help you think and write about the salient issues pertaining to your chosen area of study. Working with your mentor, you may adapt questions to support the distinctive needs of your professional growth, interests, and current work situation. This option is designed to provide structure and focus with maximum flexibility, and is intended to be completed within a single semester. This option is offered all semesters.

Students should register for section 01. In September, students will be assigned their particular mentor. Registration is not allowed after September 14, 2023, and it is recommended that students register as early as possible, to allow themselves the maximum amount of time to work on their essay questions. Students who register on September 14 will still be required to turn in their completed essay questions to their mentor by the last day of the term. Students receive the name of their faculty mentors at the end of the add/drop period.

Students completing a Mentored Directed Essay (MDE) should find the essay for their program and become familiar with the project before meeting with their mentors. To access the MDE, log into myBSC and go to Resources > Integrative Master's Project (IMP).

Child Life

Courses within this program are for Child Life students only.

Section Title Credits Rooms Instructor Days/Times Dates Status
EDUC500D-1D Child Development 3 Online Troy Pinkney TH 7:00-9:00 PM
Note: This course will be fully online. Synchronous sessions to be held on 9/7, 10/5, 11/9, 12/14 all other sessions are asynchronous. This section is for Child Life students only.
EDUC821-1D Child Life in the Healthcare Setting: A Family-Centered Care Approach 3 Online Genevieve Lowry T 7:00-9:00 PM
This course provides an overview of the child life profession. It examines research and theory that inform family-centered clinical practice and programming for infants, children, adolescents, and emerging adults in healthcare and community settings. Participants will examine child life competencies, principles, and responsibilities, as developed by the Association of Child Life Professionals. Participants will consider access and equity issues as they relate to assessment, interventions, and practical strategies designed to support children and families facing acute and chronic illness and health conditions. Pre- or corequisite: EDUC 500.
Note: This course will be fully online. Synchronous sessions to be held on 9/12 an 12/19 all other sessions are asynchronous. This section is for Child Life students only.
Pre- or co-requisite for EDUC821: EDUC 500.
EDUC822-1D Children with Special Healthcare Needs: In the Hospital, at Home, and in School 3 Online Meghan Jacobson T 7:00-9:00 PM 9/12, 10/10, 11/7, 11/28, 12/12
This course will explore the personal, educational, social, and familial dimensions of childhood health conditions, including a focus on the educational law and how it applies to children with special healthcare needs. Children with severe and chronic illness often spend more time in school and at home than in the hospital. We will address the impact of these transitions on cognitive, social, and emotional development through the use of vignettes. This course will address the ways in which workers in the healthcare, school, and community settings can help the children, their families, and their peers adapt successfully to the stressors they all encounter. Prerequisites: EDUC 500 and EDUC 821.
Note: This course will be fully online. Synchronous sessions to be held on 9/12, 10/10, 11/7, 11/28, 12/12, all other sessions are asynchronous. This section is for Child Life students only.
Prerequisite(s) for EDUC822: EDUC 500 and EDUC 821 or permission of instructor
EDUC826-1D Medical Aspects of Illness: A Child Life Perspective 3 Online Ria Hawks, Genevieve Lowry M 7:00-9:00 PM
This course provides students with an understanding of the development of a wide range of medical conditions which most frequently affect children and youth. Fundamental to understanding disability and illness is the necessity of having knowledge about the physical, neurological, and chemical roots of medical conditions which are alternately congenital, acquired, or genetic in their origin. Students will be introduced to research findings and standard practices of medical interventions and preparations for conditions highlighted in the course. Pre- or corequisite: EDUC 500.
Note: This course will be fully online. Synchronous sessions to be held on 9/11, 10/2, 10/9, and 12/18 all other sessions are asynchronous. This section is for Child Life students only.
Pre- or co-requisite for EDUC826: EDUC 500.
EDUC830-1D Research for Child Life Specialists 3 Online Sarah Daniels TH 7:00-9:00 PM 9/14, 10/12, 11/9, 12/7
This course is designed to support child life practitioners in being effective generators and consumers of research.  In a changing health-care environment, research provides a  foundation for child life services,  validation of the therapeutic benefits of play and preparation, and justifies the continued development and support of child life programming provided by Certified Child Life Specialists. Participants will learn how to do action research using an inquiry-based approach. Participants will learn how to ask and analyze critical questions of practice grounded in a theoretical framework. Participants will gather and analyze data as a tool for making changes to child life practice and programming by learning to examine bias, perspective, and assumptions when conducting research and using findings. Prerequisite: EDUC 500.
Note: This course will be fully online. Synchronous sessions will be held on 9/14, 10/12, 11/9, and 12/7. All other sessions are asynchronous. This section is for Child Life students only.
Prerequisite for EDUC 830: EDUC 500
EDUC950-1D Clinical Experiences and Supervised Fieldwork: Children in Healthcare Settings 6 Online Deborah Vilas W 7:00-9:00 PM
Fieldwork in an approved child life internship with supervision and advisement. Graduate students participate in weekly small-group conferences with their advisor. These seminars include the exchange and analysis of ongoing professional experiences and provide a forum for integrating theory and practice. Attention is given to developing child life practice that supports the psychosocial and emotional needs of children, adolescents, and families. Graduate students examine and practice strategies for supporting the individual strengths and challenges of a broad range of children and adolescents within medical settings. Opportunities to collaborate with interdisciplinary members of the healthcare team are an integral part of the experience. Graduate students are responsible for securing their own hospital internships.
Note: This will be fully online. All sessions are synchronous.
IMP2D-1D Collaborative Student Faculty Inquiry: Child Life 0 Troy Pinkney W 7:00-9:00 PM 9/13, 10/18, 11/15, 12/13

Title: Child Life Therapeutic Support: Behavioral Health Interventions

This inquiry will explore the current behavioral health issues and develop strategies and activities to support health and resilience during inpatient and outpatient care. Participants will complete a literature review using the American Academy of Pediatrics Resources on Mental Health and the Association of Child Life Professionals Emotional Safety Resources. Students will consider a mental health diagnosis, developmental and chronological age, and other pertinent information to assess and create age-specific activities for patients presenting to a healthcare institution with behavioral health issues—within the Child Life scope of practice.

Contact the facilitator/instructor if there are questions about a specific inquiry. Registration is not allowed after the class has met.

This IMP is for students in the Child Life Program only and will meet synchronously online.

IMP2D-2D Collaborative Student Faculty Inquiry: Child Life 0 Deborah Vilas TH 7:00-9:00 PM 9/14, 10/26, 11/30, 12/14

Title: The Use of Bibliotherapy for Children in Crisis

Bibliotherapy is often used in hospital settings to support children's understanding of illness, identify and express emotions or validate experiences. Certified Child Life Specialists (CCLS) have used books to support children’s learning of a diagnosis or treatment, explore coping strategies, or as a way to demonstrate they are not alone. During our sessions, students will participate in a read-aloud of a different children’s story or book. Together we will map the themes that CCLS could integrate into a patient's/sibling’s plan of care addressing, psychological preparation, coping, play, and expressive arts. Students will develop their own book lists and create activities that align specific themes of the book with child life practice.

Contact the facilitator/instructor if there are questions about a specific inquiry. Registration is not allowed after the class has met.

This IMP is for students in the Child Life Program only and will meet synchronously online.

Childhood General and Special Education Online Program

These courses are only for students enrolled in a fully online degree program.

Section Title Credits Rooms Instructor Days/Times Dates Status
EDUC500R-1R Child Development 3 Online Troy Pinkney M 7:00-9:00 PM
This section is for students enrolled in fully online programs only. This course will meet synchronously and asynchronously. You must be available for synchronous sessions each Monday 7-9 PM throughout the semester. Your instructor will share the specific synchronous dates at your first session.
EDUC505R-1R Language Acquisition and Learning in a Linguistically Diverse Society 2 Online Pamela Jones TH 7:00-9:00 PM
This section is for students enrolled in fully online programs only. This course will meet synchronously and asynchronously. You must be available for synchronous sessions each Wednesday 7-9 PM throughout the semester. Your instructor will share the specific synchronous dates at your first session.
EDUC525R-1R Assistive Technology as a Tool for Providing Educational Access 1 Online Mark Surabian M 7:00-9:05 PM 11/6, 11/13, 11/20, 11/27, 12/4, and 12/11

This section is for students enrolled in fully online programs only. This course will meet synchronously and asynchronously. You must be available for synchronous sessions each Monday 7-9 PM on the dates listed. Your instructor will share the specific synchronous dates at your first session.

Students will not be allowed to drop this class after September 19th.

EDUC542R-1R Assessment and Instruction in Teaching Mathematics to Children with Learning Variations 2 Online Jaime Palmer T 7:00-9:00 PM
This section is for students enrolled in fully online programs only. This course will meet synchronously and asynchronously. You must be available for synchronous sessions each Tuesday 7-9 PM throughout the semester. Your instructor will share the specific synchronous dates at your first session.
EDUC564R-1R Language, Literature, and Emergent Literacy in the Primary Grades 3 Online Susan Rolander T 7:00-9:00 PM
This section is for students enrolled in fully online programs only. This course will meet synchronously and asynchronously. You must be available for synchronous sessions each Wednesday 7-9 PM throughout the semester. Your instructor will share the specific synchronous dates at your first session.
EDUC590R-1R Arts Workshop for Teachers (Grades N – 6) 2 Online Maria Richa T 7:00-9:00 PM
This section is for students enrolled in fully online programs only. This course will meet synchronously and asynchronously. You must be available for synchronous sessions each Tuesday 7-9 PM throughout the semester. Your instructor will share the specific synchronous dates at your first session.
EDUC605R-1R Designing and Managing Classroom Environments in Inclusive and Special Education Settings 3 Online Ellen Ferrin TH 7:00-9:00 PM
This section is for students enrolled in fully online programs only. This course will meet synchronously and asynchronously. You must be available for synchronous sessions each Monday 7-9 PM throughout the semester. Your instructor will share the specific synchronous dates at your first session.
EDUC930R-1R Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement 6 Online Staff TBD W 7:00-9:00 PM
EDUC937R-1R Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement 6 Online Staff TBD W 7:00-9:00 PM
IMP3R-1R IMP: Mentored Directed Essay 0 Staff TBD See mentor
Students choosing to do a Mentored Directed Essay work with an assigned faculty mentor to design an essay that is based on existing, program-specific prepared questions. These questions are designed to help you think and write about the salient issues pertaining to your chosen area of study. Working with your mentor, you may adapt questions to support the distinctive needs of your professional growth, interests, and current work situation. This option is designed to provide structure and focus with maximum flexibility, and is intended to be completed within a single semester. This option is offered all semesters.

Students should register for section 01. In September, students will be assigned their particular mentor. Registration is not allowed after September 14, 2023, and it is recommended that students register as early as possible, to allow themselves the maximum amount of time to work on their essay questions. Students who register on September 14 will still be required to turn in their completed essay questions to their mentor by the last day of the term. Students receive the name of their faculty mentors at the end of the add/drop period.

Students completing a Mentored Directed Essay (MDE) should find the essay for their program and become familiar with the project before meeting with their mentors. To access the MDE, log into myBSC and go to Resources > Integrative Master's Project (IMP).

IS500R-1R IMP: Independent Study 0 Staff TBD See mentor
The Independent Study is an original work that you initiate, often growing out of a meaningful course assignment or an idea, question, or experience rooted in a fieldwork or work setting. Students work with a faculty mentor who has expertise in the particular area of study. The Independent Study usually includes two semesters of research and writing, and is most closely aligned with a traditional master’s thesis. Independent Studies are made accessible to the public though the Bank Street Library's online catalogue.

Students should register only at the beginning of their Independent Study. Students continuing an Independent Study from a previous semester should contact their Student Services Advisor before registering.

Registration is not allowed after September 14, 2023.

IMPORTANT NOTE TO STUDENTS REGISTERING FOR INDEPENDENT STUDIES: In order to register for an Online Independent Study (IS500R) you must have already secured a faculty mentor who has reviewed your proposal and has committed to serving as your mentor. By registering for IS500R, you are attesting to having secured a mentor, and you are agreeing to follow all applicable Independent Study directives and guidelines as stated in A Guide to the Integrative Master’s Project.

In addition to registering through my.BSC for IS500R, please fill out the Independent Study Mentor Form, indicating which faculty member has consented to mentor you.

Please note: Students who register without completing the above form will be dropped from their Independent Study. You must identify your mentor in order to be enrolled in an Independent Study for the term.

Early Childhood General and Special Education Online Program

These courses are only for students enrolled in a fully online degree program.

Section Title Credits Rooms Instructor Days/Times Dates Status
EDUC500R-1R Child Development 3 Online Troy Pinkney M 7:00-9:00 PM
This section is for students enrolled in fully online programs only. This course will meet synchronously and asynchronously. You must be available for synchronous sessions each Monday 7-9 PM throughout the semester. Your instructor will share the specific synchronous dates at your first session.
EDUC505R-1R Language Acquisition and Learning in a Linguistically Diverse Society 2 Online Pamela Jones TH 7:00-9:00 PM
This section is for students enrolled in fully online programs only. This course will meet synchronously and asynchronously. You must be available for synchronous sessions each Wednesday 7-9 PM throughout the semester. Your instructor will share the specific synchronous dates at your first session.
EDUC514R-1R Curriculum in Early Childhood Education for Inclusive and Special Education Settings 3 Online Staff TBD M 7:00-9:00 PM Cancelled
This section is for students enrolled in fully online programs only. This course will meet synchronously and asynchronously. You must be available for synchronous sessions each Monday 7-9 PM throughout the semester. Your instructor will share the specific synchronous dates at your first session.
EDUC525R-1R Assistive Technology as a Tool for Providing Educational Access 1 Online Mark Surabian M 7:00-9:05 PM 11/6, 11/13, 11/20, 11/27, 12/4, and 12/11

This section is for students enrolled in fully online programs only. This course will meet synchronously and asynchronously. You must be available for synchronous sessions each Monday 7-9 PM on the dates listed. Your instructor will share the specific synchronous dates at your first session.

Students will not be allowed to drop this class after September 19th.

EDUC542R-1R Assessment and Instruction in Teaching Mathematics to Children with Learning Variations 2 Online Jaime Palmer T 7:00-9:00 PM
This section is for students enrolled in fully online programs only. This course will meet synchronously and asynchronously. You must be available for synchronous sessions each Tuesday 7-9 PM throughout the semester. Your instructor will share the specific synchronous dates at your first session.
EDUC564R-1R Language, Literature, and Emergent Literacy in the Primary Grades 3 Online Susan Rolander T 7:00-9:00 PM
This section is for students enrolled in fully online programs only. This course will meet synchronously and asynchronously. You must be available for synchronous sessions each Wednesday 7-9 PM throughout the semester. Your instructor will share the specific synchronous dates at your first session.
EDUC590R-1R Arts Workshop for Teachers (Grades N – 6) 2 Online Maria Richa T 7:00-9:00 PM
This section is for students enrolled in fully online programs only. This course will meet synchronously and asynchronously. You must be available for synchronous sessions each Tuesday 7-9 PM throughout the semester. Your instructor will share the specific synchronous dates at your first session.
EDUC869R-1R Supporting Early Language and Literacy for Children with Developmental Variations (Birth-8) 2 Online Antonia Bendezu M 7:00-9:00 PM
This section is for students enrolled in fully online programs only. This course will meet synchronously and asynchronously. You must be available for synchronous sessions each Tuesday 7-9 PM throughout the semester. Your instructor will share the specific synchronous dates at your first session.
EDUC894R-1R Early Childhood Practicum I: Observing a Child through Family/Cultural Contexts 2 Online Carmen Colón TH 7:00-9:00 PM
This section is for students enrolled in fully online programs only. This course will meet synchronously and asynchronously. You must be available for synchronous sessions each Monday 7-9 PM throughout the semester. Your instructor will share the specific synchronous dates at your first session.
EDUC930R-1R Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement 6 Online Staff TBD W 7:00-9:00 PM
EDUC937R-1R Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement 6 Online Staff TBD W 7:00-9:00 PM
IMP3R-1R IMP: Mentored Directed Essay 0 Staff TBD See mentor
Students choosing to do a Mentored Directed Essay work with an assigned faculty mentor to design an essay that is based on existing, program-specific prepared questions. These questions are designed to help you think and write about the salient issues pertaining to your chosen area of study. Working with your mentor, you may adapt questions to support the distinctive needs of your professional growth, interests, and current work situation. This option is designed to provide structure and focus with maximum flexibility, and is intended to be completed within a single semester. This option is offered all semesters.

Students should register for section 01. In September, students will be assigned their particular mentor. Registration is not allowed after September 14, 2023, and it is recommended that students register as early as possible, to allow themselves the maximum amount of time to work on their essay questions. Students who register on September 14 will still be required to turn in their completed essay questions to their mentor by the last day of the term. Students receive the name of their faculty mentors at the end of the add/drop period.

Students completing a Mentored Directed Essay (MDE) should find the essay for their program and become familiar with the project before meeting with their mentors. To access the MDE, log into myBSC and go to Resources > Integrative Master's Project (IMP).

IS500R-1R IMP: Independent Study 0 Staff TBD See mentor
The Independent Study is an original work that you initiate, often growing out of a meaningful course assignment or an idea, question, or experience rooted in a fieldwork or work setting. Students work with a faculty mentor who has expertise in the particular area of study. The Independent Study usually includes two semesters of research and writing, and is most closely aligned with a traditional master’s thesis. Independent Studies are made accessible to the public though the Bank Street Library's online catalogue.

Students should register only at the beginning of their Independent Study. Students continuing an Independent Study from a previous semester should contact their Student Services Advisor before registering.

Registration is not allowed after September 14, 2023.

IMPORTANT NOTE TO STUDENTS REGISTERING FOR INDEPENDENT STUDIES: In order to register for an Online Independent Study (IS500R) you must have already secured a faculty mentor who has reviewed your proposal and has committed to serving as your mentor. By registering for IS500R, you are attesting to having secured a mentor, and you are agreeing to follow all applicable Independent Study directives and guidelines as stated in A Guide to the Integrative Master’s Project.

In addition to registering through my.BSC for IS500R, please fill out the Independent Study Mentor Form, indicating which faculty member has consented to mentor you.

Please note: Students who register without completing the above form will be dropped from their Independent Study. You must identify your mentor in order to be enrolled in an Independent Study for the term.

Early Childhood General Education Advanced Standing

These courses are for students in the Early Childhood General Education Advanced Standing program only.

Section Title Credits Rooms Instructor Days/Times Dates Status
EDUC894A-1A Early Childhood Practicum I: Observing a Child through Family/Cultural Contexts 2 706 Abigail Kerlin TH 4:45-6:45 PM
Early Childhood Practicum I and II is a year-long course that provides graduate students the opportunity to integrate theory and practice as they work with a child and family.  Practicum I focuses on: 1) observation as the foundation of early childhood assessment and 2) culturally sustaining, family-based practice. Participants learn to observe and record children’s behavior in home, school, and community settings. Through regular observations, participants construct a respectful and increasingly complex understanding of the child within his/her sociocultural context.  Special emphasis is placed on recognizing the strengths of the child and family.  Participants develop greater awareness of their own perspectives and the ways their personal experiences affect what they notice and how they interpret their observations. Participants begin to integrate adult development, family systems theory, and cultural/linguistic diversity as a basis for developing relationships with the child’s family. This work provides a foundation for Practicum II. Prerequisite: EDUC 803. This course is for students in the Early Childhood Advanced Standing Program only.
This section is for students in the Early Childhood Advanced Standing Program only.
EDUC932A-1A Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement 3 Judith Scheuer W 5:00-7:00 PM
This section is only for students in the Early Childhood General Education Advanced Standing Program.

Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)

Section Title Credits Rooms Instructor Days/Times Dates Status
TESL561R-1R Linguistics in Education 3 Tyler Jennings M 7:00-9:05 PM
This course will run fully online and will meet synchronously each session.
TESL660-1 TESOL Research & Methodologies (Grades PreK-6) 3 Katie Caster T 7:00-9:00 PM
This course explores TESOL methodologies to inform the teaching of English as a new language in grades PreK-6. The course will provide participants with a foundation for thinking about English as a new language (ENL) instruction as being grounded in a deep understanding of both learner and context.  Participants will develop an understanding of how student identity, language proficiency levels (entering, emerging, transitional, expanding, and commanding), classroom culture and curriculum, and local and state assessments all impact planning and instruction for ENLs.  Using this grounding, participants will determine appropriate language materials, instructional technology, translanguaging strategies, environmental supports, and effective ENL service models to differentiate for the diverse listening, speaking, reading, and writing abilities and needs of their emergent bilingual students. Participants will develop skills in collaborating with a range of colleagues to create inclusive learning environments and effective classroom management strategies aimed at integrating emergent bilingual students, including those with developmental variations, fully into their classroom communities. The course will explore how participants can advocate for an integrated and flexible role of ENL service delivery, preparing participants to design both stand-alone and integrated ENL experiences, as well as differentiating existing curriculum to better meet the needs of students. Prerequisite: TESL 870.
This section is only for students in the TESOL program only.

NY DOE Teaching Fellows

These courses are for students in the NYC Teaching Fellows Cohort only.

Section Title Credits Rooms Instructor Days/Times Dates Status
EDUC502R-1R Human Development 3 Online Genevieve Lowry TH 7:00-9:00 PM
This course is for students in the NYC Teaching Fellows Program only. This course will run fully online and will meet synchronously each session.
EDUC8343-1 Curriculum, Methods and Assessment for Teaching the Humanities to Adolescents with Disabilities 3 703 Shawna Hansford W 7:00-9:00 PM

NY DOE Teaching Collaborative

These courses are for students in the NYCTC Cohort only.

Section Title Credits Rooms Instructor Days/Times Dates Status
EDUC538R-1R Foundations of American Education: Implications for teaching students with developmental variations 2 Online Asilia Franklin-Phipps T 5:00-7:00 PM
This course is for students in the NYCTC Cohort only. This course will run fully online and will meet synchronously each session.

Progressive Leadership Online Program - Cohort 48

Courses within this program are for Online Progressive Leadership Cohort 48 students only.

Section Title Credits Rooms Instructor Days/Times Dates Status
LEAD603R-1R School Change: The Transformational Leader 3 Wendy Pollock T 5:30-7:30 PM
LEAD615R-1R Processes of Supervision and Professional Development 3 Jeanette De Jesus, Abbe Futterman TH 5:30-7:30 PM
Progressive Leadership Program Cohort 48 students only.
LEAD9183R-1R Leadership Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement 3 Staff TBD W 5:00-7:00 PM
Progressive Leadership Program Cohort students only. This is the third term fieldwork course.

Progressive Leadership Online Program - Cohort 49

Courses within this program are for Online Progressive Leadership Cohort 49 students only.

Section Title Credits Rooms Instructor Days/Times Dates Status
LEAD510R-1R Leading Critical Issues in Curriculum and Instruction 3 Shokry Eldaly T 5:00-7:00 PM
Progressive Leadership Program Cohort 49 students only.
LEAD660R-1R Research for Educational Change 3 Jessica Blum-DeStefano TH 5:00-7:00 PM
Progressive Leadership Program Cohort 49 students only.
LEAD9182R-1R Leadership Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement 3 Beverly Logan W 5:00-7:00 PM
Progressive Leadership Program Cohort students only. This is the second term fieldwork course.

Progressive Leadership Online Program - Cohort 50

Courses within this program are for Online Progressive Leadership Cohort 50 students only.

Section Title Credits Rooms Instructor Days/Times Dates Status
LEAD503R-1R Adult Development: Implications for Educational Leadership 3 Online Jessica Blum-DeStefano TH 7:15-9:15 PM
Progressive Leadership Program Cohort 50 students only.
LEAD537R-1R Organizational Development: Implications for Educational Leadership 3 Online Abbe Futterman T 5:30-7:30 PM
Progressive Leadership Program Cohort 50 students only.
LEAD9181R-1R Leadership Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement 3 Staff TBD W 5:00-7:00 PM
Progressive Leadership Program Cohort students only. This is the first term fieldwork course.

Leadership in Mathematics Education Online

Courses within this program are for Online Math Leadership students only.

Section Title Credits Rooms Instructor Days/Times Dates Status
LEAD667-1 Research for Mathematics Leaders I 1 Online Helen Spruill T 7:00-9:00 PM 9/19, 10/3, 10/17, 10/31, 11/14, 11/28, 12/12

This course is only for students in the Math Leadership Online program.

Please note: This course will be co-taught by Robin Hummel.

LEAD9451-1 Mathematics Leadership Supervised Fieldwork and Advisement 2 Online Jerome Ellison T 7:00-9:00 PM 9/12, 9/26, 10/10, 10/24, 11/7, 11/21, 12/5, 12/19
This course is only for students in the Math Leadership Online program.
MATH525-1 Math for Leaders of Inclusive Schools: Supporting Teachers in Meeting the Needs of All Learners 3 Online Amy Withers M 7:00-9:00 PM
This course will provide teachers and leaders with a deeper understanding of the mathematics they need to know to help others refine and deepen math instruction in schools. They will learn how people learn math, and how to meet the mathematical needs of a wide range of learners—both adults and children. This course is grounded in a constructivist approach to learning and teaching. As such, we seek to form a community of learners in which each participant is constructing his or her own understanding of mathematics, and what it means to be teachers and leaders of mathematics. This course is for 1st-summer Math Leadership students only.
This course is only for students in the Math Leadership Online program.

Early Childhood Leadership Advanced Certificate Online Program

Courses within this program are for Early Childhood Leadership students only.

Section Title Credits Rooms Instructor Days/Times Dates Status
LEAD510E-1E Leading Critical Issues in Curriculum and Instruction 3 Online Alison Pepper M 6:30-8:30 PM Cancelled
This section is only for students in Early Childhood Leadership Advanced Certificate.
LEAD624E-1E Fiscal Management, Grant Development and Marketing for Leaders 3 Online Danielle Kolker T 7:00-9:00 PM Cancelled
This section is only for students in Early Childhood Leadership Advanced Certificate.

Future School Leaders Academy

Courses within this program are for FSLA students only.

Section Title Credits Rooms Instructor Days/Times Dates Status
LEAD503F-1F Adult Development: Implications for Educational Leadership 3 Online Jessica Blum-DeStefano T 4:30-6:30 PM
Note: This course is only for students in the FSLA program. This course will meet fully online.
LEAD532-1F Foundations of Educational Leadership: Ethics and Philosophy 1 Online Raymond Sanchez TH 4:30-6:30 PM 9/14, 10/12, 11/2, 11/9, 12/7
This course examines a range of educational philosophies as the foundation for understanding the attitudes, behaviors, and vision of leaders. The relationship between philosophical frameworks and effective leadership styles is analyzed for implications for schools as pluralistic, democratic environments.
This course is only for students in the FSLA program.
LEAD534-1F Foundations of Educational Leadership: Adult Development 1 Staff TBD TH 4:00-6:00 PM Cancelled
This course surveys the nature of adult learners, examining patterns of development and the influences upon their own development. As students study materials and share their experiences, they acquire theoretical tools that will aid in their organizational interactions with adults and increase their understanding of their own development.
This course is only for students in the FSLA program.
LEAD861-1F Leading a School District I 1 Online Andrew Patrick TH 4:30-6:30 PM 9/7, 10/5, 10/26, 11/16, 11/30
This course focuses on the key constituencies in a district and the different relationships that exist among them. It includes understanding the district’s vision, how it was developed, and how it is sustained. The course also examines a district’s demographic and achievement data.
This course is only for students in the FSLA program.
LEAD9061-1F Future School Leaders Academy Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement 1.5 Staff TBD W 4:00-7:00 PM
This course is only for students in the FSLA program.

Museum Studies: Learning and Engagement in Museums and Cultural Organizations

Courses within this program are for LEMCO students only.

Section Title Credits Rooms Instructor Days/Times Dates Status
LEAD504-1 Human Development 3 Jessica Blum-DeStefano, Anna Malyukova Sat/Sun 6:30-8:30 and 10:00-4:00 (Outings) 9/24, 10/1, 10/8, 10/14 Outing 10:00-4:00, 10/22, 10/29, 11/5, 11/112, 11/19, 12/3,12/9 Outing 2:00-5:00, 12/17
This course is for students in the LEMCO cohort, year 1.
LEAD505-1 Teaching and Learning with Objects 1 Brian Hogarth M/T/Th/Su 6:30-8:30 and 11:00-4:00 Outing 11/28, 12/7, 12/10 Outing 11:00-4:00, 12/12, 12/18
This course is for students in the LEMCO cohort, year 1.
LEAD506-1 Educational & Social Role of Museums and Cultural Organizations 2 Elisabeth Nevins Tu/Sun 6:30-8:30 and 11:00-2:00 (outing) 9/26, 10/3, 10/10, 10/15 Outing 11:00-2:00, 10/17, 10/24, 11/7, 11/14, 11/21, 12/5
This course is for students in the LEMCO cohort, year 1.
LEAD507-1 Learning Theories 1 Brian Hogarth Th/Su 6:30-8:30 PM 9/7, 9/10, 9/14, 9/21, 9/28
This course is for students in the LEMCO cohort, year 1.
LEAD519-1 Curriculum Development 3 Naina Abowd, Daniel Zeiger Sun/Sat 6:30-8:30 and 12:00-4:00 Outing 9/10, 9/24, 10/1, 10/8, 10/14 Outing 12:00-4:00, 10/22, 10/29, 11/5, 11/12, 11/19
This course is for students in the LEMCO cohort, year 2.
LEAD520-1 Understanding Audiences and Users 1 Brian Hogarth Th/Sat/Sun 6:30-8:30 and 10:00-3:30 Outing 11/16, 11/30, 12/2 Outing 10:00-3:30, 12/7, 12/14, 12/17
This course is for students in the LEMCO cohort, year 2.
LEAD521-1 Development & Fundraising 1 Rebecca Cardwell TH 6:30-8:30 PM 9/14, 9/21, 9/28, 10/5, 10/19, 11/2
This course is for students in the LEMCO cohort, year 2.
LEAD9601-1 Museum Advisement 2 Brian Hogarth See advisor
This course is for students in the LEMCO cohort, year 1.
LEAD9611-1 Museum Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement 4 Shari Werb See advisor
This course is for students in the LEMCO cohort, year 2.

Yonkers Urban Leadership

Courses within this program are for Yonkers Urban Leadership students only.

Section Title Credits Rooms Instructor Days/Times Dates Status
LEAD603Y-1Y School Change: The Transformational Leader 3 Nicole Limperopulos T 5:00-7:00 PM
This course is only for students in the Yonkers cohort.
LEAD615Y-1Y Processes of Supervision and Professional Development 3 Nicole Limperopulos TH 5:00-7:30 PM
Note: This course is only for students in the Yonkers cohort in their final term.
LEAD912Y-1Y Leadership Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement 2 Nicole Limperopulos W 5:00-7:00 PM
This course is only for students in the Yonkers cohort.

LEAP Program

Courses within this program are for LEAP students only.

Section Title Credits Rooms Instructor Days/Times Dates Status
LEAD510L-1L Leading Critical Issues in Curriculum and Instruction 3 Nicole Limperopulos T 5:00-7:00 PM
This course focuses on the roles and functions of the school leader in the spheres of curriculum and instruction. It covers the principles and processes that inform curriculum development and their impact on student learning. By explicitly addressing the relationship between curriculum and instruction to critical theory and pedagogy, students will connect positionality to their professional noticing.   At the same time, students will unpack educational equity to become discerning consumers and negotiators of curriculum. In this course, students will envision and conceptualize ways to ensure that all students experience a liberating curriculum by focusing intensively on the knowledge and tools needed to recognize and dismantle dehumanizing spaces that are emblematic of historic and contemporary systems and structures. Finally, the course explores critical issues in leadership in curriculum and instruction and is designed to connect theory to practice as a means of inspiring, guiding, and effecting school change.
This course is only for students in the LEAP program.
LEAD530L-1L Education Policy, Advocacy, and Law 3 Nicole Limperopulos TH 5:00-7:00 PM
Education policy is examined in the context of historical, philosophical, economic, sociocultural, political, and legal perspectives. Leadership theory and practices that create learning environments responsive to the multicultural constituencies of schools, as well as the laws that sustain them, are analyzed.
This course is only for students in the LEAP program.
LEAD660L-1L Research for Educational Change 3 Nicole Limperopulos T 7:15-9:15 PM
This course is designed to enable leaders, teachers, special educators, and others to be effective consumers of research, as well as to plan and carry out research in response to specific educational questions. Stages of the research process are discussed. Students analyze and evaluate research in the areas of leadership, school effectiveness, administration and supervision, teaching, and curriculum reform, and apply the findings to their everyday roles as educational leaders. It is expected that this course will be valuable for those matriculated students who are initiating projects to satisfy the Independent Study requirement. The format consists of lectures and discussions of the stages of the research process. Class members participate in a project involving research design, data collection, and analysis.
This course is only for students in the LEAP program.
LEAD9181L-1L Leadership Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement 3 Nicole Limperopulos W 5:00-7:00 PM
This course meets New York State certification requirements for School Building Leadership (SBL) internship experiences. Through close work with a faculty advisor and peers, participants apply their learning from coursework to their field experiences, integrating theory and practice as they reflect on their own professional development. Interns work with a site supervisor and are given substantial school-based responsibilities that involve direct interaction and involvement with staff, students, families, and community leaders. Participants develop the capacity to build and support a positive school culture, build teams, enlist collaboration, and plan and sustain change efforts. Graduate students in advisement participate in small-group sessions with their advisors. At the end of supervised fieldwork, each candidate presents a comprehensive portfolio of internship experiences which meets the program’s Integrative Master’s Project requirement.
This course is only for students in the LEAP program.

School District Leader Online Program

Courses within this program are for online students only.

Section Title Credits Rooms Instructor Days/Times Dates Status
LEAD861R-1S Leading a School District I 1 Alice Gottlieb, Brian Monahan T 5:00-6:00 PM 10/3/2023
Courses within this program are for online students only.
LEAD862R-1S Leading a School District II 1 Alice Gottlieb, Brian Monahan T 5:00-6:00 PM 10/17/2023
Courses within this program are for online students only.
LEAD863R-1S Leading a School District III 1 Alice Gottlieb, Brian Monahan T 5:00-6:00 PM 11/14/2023
Courses within this program are for online students only.
LEAD864R-1S Leading a School District IV 1 Alice Gottlieb, Brian Monahan T 5:00-6:00 PM 11/28/2023
Courses within this program are for online students only.
LEAD870R-1S Special Education Leadership: The District Perspective 1 Alice Gottlieb, Brian Monahan T 5:00-6:00 PM 12/12/2023
Courses within this program are for online students only.
LEAD9081R-1S School District Leadership Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement 3 Nancy Mann See advisor
Courses within this program are for online students only. This is the first term fieldwork course.
LEAD9082R-1S School District Leadership Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement 3 Nancy Mann See advisor
Courses within this program are for online students only. This is the second term fieldwork course.

Aspiring Superintendent's Academy

These courses are only for students in the ASA program.

Section Title Credits Rooms Instructor Days/Times Dates Status
LEAD861A-1A Leading a School District I 1 Nicole Limperopulos M 5:00-7:00 PM
This course focuses on the key constituencies in a district and the different relationships that exist among them. It includes understanding the district’s vision, how it was developed, and how it is sustained. The course also examines a district’s demographic and achievement data. This course is for students in the Aspiring Superintendent Academy Program only.
This course is only for students in the ASA program.
LEAD862A-1A Leading a School District II 1 Nicole Limperopulos M 7:00-9:00 PM
This course looks at the varied roles and responsibilities of the superintendent/district leader and ties them to the challenges of creating and sustaining dynamic, humane, effective learning communities. It emphasizes the ways that district leaders’ decisions—in such spheres as instructional policy, planning, fiscal and human resources, facilities, legal and equity issues, accountability, and external relationships—affect schools’ capacity to engage students and strengthen achievement. This course is for students in the Aspiring Superintendent Academy Program only.
This course is only for students in the ASA program.
LEAD908A-1A School District Leadership Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement 3 Nicole Limperopulos W 7:00-9:00 PM
This course is only for students in the ASA program.

New Leaders

For students in the New Leaders program only.

Section Title Credits Rooms Instructor Days/Times Dates Status
LEAD531-1N History of Urban Education 3 Michelle Edwards, Nicole Limperopulos TH 6:00-8:30 PM 8/24/23-10/12/23
Note: This section is for students enrolled in the National Aspiring Principals Fellowship, master’s degree track.
LEAD531-2N History of Urban Education 3 Nicole Limperopulos, Glynis Richardson TH 6:00-8:30 PM 8/24/23-10/12/23
Note: This section is for students enrolled in the National Aspiring Principals Fellowship, certification track.
LEAD538-1N School Culture and Community Relations 3 Nicole Limperopulos W 6:00-8:30 PM 10/18/23-12/13/23
Note: This section is for students enrolled in the National Aspiring Principals Fellowship, master’s degree track
LEAD538-2N School Culture and Community Relations 3 Nicole Limperopulos TH 6:00-8:30 PM 10/19/23-12/14/23
Note: This section is for students enrolled in the National Aspiring Principals Fellowship, certification track.
LEAD9181N-1N Leadership Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement 3 Michelle Edwards T 5:00-7:00 PM 8/24/23-12/19/23
This course meets New York State certification requirements for School Building Leadership (SBL) internship experiences. Through close work with a faculty advisor and peers, participants apply their learning from coursework to their field experiences, integrating theory and practice as they reflect on their own professional development. Interns work with a site supervisor and are given substantial school-based responsibilities that involve direct interaction and involvement with staff, students, families, and community leaders. Participants develop the capacity to build and support a positive school culture, build teams, enlist collaboration, and plan and sustain change efforts. Graduate students in advisement participate in small-group sessions with their advisors. At the end of supervised fieldwork, each candidate presents a comprehensive portfolio of internship experiences which meets the program's Integrative Master's Project requirement. This is part one of three semesters of supervised fieldwork. The second part is LEAD9182.
Note: This section is for students enrolled in the National Aspiring Principals Fellowship, master’s degree track.
LEAD9181N-2N Leadership Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement 3 Glynis Richardson T 5:00-7:00 PM 8/24/23-12/19/23
This course meets New York State certification requirements for School Building Leadership (SBL) internship experiences. Through close work with a faculty advisor and peers, participants apply their learning from coursework to their field experiences, integrating theory and practice as they reflect on their own professional development. Interns work with a site supervisor and are given substantial school-based responsibilities that involve direct interaction and involvement with staff, students, families, and community leaders. Participants develop the capacity to build and support a positive school culture, build teams, enlist collaboration, and plan and sustain change efforts. Graduate students in advisement participate in small-group sessions with their advisors. At the end of supervised fieldwork, each candidate presents a comprehensive portfolio of internship experiences which meets the program's Integrative Master's Project requirement. This is part one of three semesters of supervised fieldwork. The second part is LEAD9182.
Note: This section is for students enrolled in the National Aspiring Principals Fellowship, certification track.

Matriculation Maintenance

Section Title Credits Rooms Instructor Days/Times Dates Status
MMNT500-1 Matriculation Maintenance 0 Staff TBD Not applicable
A degree can only be conferred for currently enrolled students. If students are not registered for classes, the Integrative Master's Project, or supervised fieldwork in the semester they intend to graduate, they must register for matriculation maintenance by the end of the add/drop period. This situation might occur, for example, if students are completing coursework for a prior class in which they received a grade of Incomplete.
For In-Person students only.
MMNT500R-1R Matriculation Maintenance 0 Staff TBD Not applicable
A degree can only be conferred for currently enrolled students. If students are not registered for classes, the Integrative Master's Project, or supervised fieldwork in the semester they intend to graduate, they must register for matriculation maintenance by the end of the add/drop period. This situation might occur, for example, if students are completing coursework for a prior class in which they received a grade of Incomplete.
For Online students only.