World Café | Developing the Equitable Educator: Pre-Service and In-Service Early Career Support (1:00 PM ET)
Teacher candidates sharpen their thinking as they converse about their reasoning and inquire into what they don’t yet understand. When they are able to articulate concepts, use them in a task, see or hear other models of thinking, and get feedback, they learn more deeply. Similarly, learning is supported by techniques that lead to the elaboration of material, such as self-explanation, peer teaching, and representing information in multiple modalities. These deepen conceptual understanding and strengthen mental models. For new teachers, learning about pedagogy derived from the science of learning and development also means learning with and through such pedagogy. Developing this pedagogical understanding requires new teachers to experience the very kinds of teaching strategies they are expected to develop for the pupils they work with. Effective experiences are those made through guided reflection on the meaning of those experiences. How does teacher education provide teachers with opportunities to develop a deep personal understanding of the strategies they can use and rich models of practice on which to draw to align their teaching with the science of learning and development?
About World Cafés
Hosted by EdPrepLab, World Café events are international conversations driving the transformation of educator preparation. Researchers, practitioners, and policymakers from around the globe engage in meaningful discussions centered on exemplary educator preparation, rooted in the science of learning and development and culturally responsive pedagogies.
Note: We are holding two sessions at different times of the day to accommodate participants in various time zones. Although both sessions will cover the same topic, the speakers will vary.
May 15 from 1:00 PM EDT