Past Conferences

2023 Post-Conference Session

The Bank Street Approach to Toddlers and Twos: Applying Theory to Practice

June 23, 2023
9:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Held at Bank Street College
Session Fee: $195

Join us for this unique opportunity to share, learn, and plan in community with the Infancy Institute co-directors. Explore options for implementing the ideas and strategies from the conference and developing an action plan that you can put in place right away. We will explore Bank Street’s developmental-interaction approach and how it can be applied in your particular setting. Using this approach to teaching and learning, we will cover a wide range of topics, including curriculum, environments, development, and family engagement. Sessions are limited to 25 people.

Workshop Facilitators

Margie BrickleyMargie Brickley, MSEd, IMHE® IV, is the co-director of the Infancy Institute and on the faculty at Bank Street Graduate School of Education in the Infant and Family Development and Early Intervention Program. She supports graduate students in the field and teaches classes focused on child and adult development. In addition, she is a staff developer and consultant supporting early childhood teachers and home visiting staff in Brooklyn, NY. Her recent publications include: “Honoring Knowledge and Experience: Highlighting Caregiver Voices in a Professional Development Curriculum,” Issue #42, Bank Street Occasional Paper Series, and contributions to the “Families” chapter of Anti-Bias Education for Young Children and Ourselves, In L. Derman-Sparks, J. Edwards & C. Goins (Eds.) (Washington, DC: NAEYC. 2020). She earned her MSEd in Infant and Family Development and Early Intervention from Bank Street Graduate School.

Yasmin Dorrian, MS, is the co-director of the Infancy Institute and an advisor and course instructor at Bank Street Graduate School of Education, where she also obtained an MSEd in Infant and Family Development and Early Intervention. She is certified in early childhood special and general education from birth – grade 2. Yasmin also owns and operates a consulting company for parents and early childhood centers. Her work focuses on meeting her clients where they are in their own development and then guiding their growth to best meet the needs of the children and their families. Yasmin draws on a wide range of experiences to inform her practice; she has worked as a teacher, a director, and consultant in a number of early childhood settings across the United States and abroad. Her undergraduate degree is from Sarah Lawrence College in Bronxville, NY, where she focused on child development and cultivated her passion at the renowned Early Childhood Center.