Graduating Students

Review Your Degree Requirements

We are invested in your success as a student at Bank Street. If at any point during your time here you are unsure of next steps, we encourage you to contact your academic advisor so that he or she can help you evaluate your academic plan. We hope the information below will help inform your discussion with your advisor and guide you as you work to complete your degree.

  • Program Plan Review

    Your academic advisor will assist you in creating a plan for your degree completion when you begin your studies here. Please be sure to follow along with it each semester.

    Meet with Your Advisor:

    As you get close to the completion of your degree, we strongly advise you to consult with your advisor to make sure you are on track and taking the appropriate classes in the semesters they are offered. You should determine a plan for when you intend to finish and submit your Graduation Application for the semester you aim to complete your degree.

    Review your transcript:

    You have access to your unofficial transcript through your my.bankstreet portal. Please check to see if you have any outstanding incomplete grades.  

    Follow Your Course Catalog:

    When reviewing your transcript, compare your completed coursework against the program plan you established with your advisor and against the Academic Catalog  you matriculated under (the catalog for the academic year when you began your degree). Your Bank Street acceptance letter should help you as well. Please see below.

    Acceptance Letter:

    Your Bank Street acceptance letter will inform you of the exact program you are enrolled in and the number of credits you are responsible for completing, and whether you have any Liberal Arts & Sciences or Certification prerequisites required to complete your degree.  

  • Credits and Grades

    Have you completed the total number of credits required for your degree as stated in the appropriate Academic Catalog (including electives and required courses)?

    Required vs. Attempted vs. Earned Credits:

    When you receive your Degree Review Notice (typically in your final semester as a last check to ensure all requirements are in the process of being met), we account for credits. You will find a number next to each of the following:

    • Required – the number of credits required to earn your degree
    • Attempted – the number of credits you have either completed or are in progress of completing
    • Earned – the number of credits you have earned

    Grade Point Average Requirement:

    It is a policy within the Bank Street Graduate School that you maintain and graduate with a minimum GPA of 3.0.  

    Incomplete Grades:

    If you have any IN (Incomplete) grades on your transcript, you will need to complete any unfinished work with the instructor who issued this prior to graduation. Please visit our Grading Page for more information.

  • Transfer Credits and Waivers

    There are some scenarios which may make you eligible to receive transfer credits and/or class waivers. If any of the following apply to you, please see your advisor.

    • If you have taken graduate-level coursework outside of Bank Street.
    • If you completed a class here at the College that is outside of your program.
    • If you have a significant amount of life/work experience in one particular area.

    Transfer Credits:

    Graduate Credits
    Matriculated students may file a request to transfer in up to three (3) graduate credits for the Advanced Certificate programs; or up to six (6) graduate credits for all other programs provided they meet the following requirements:

    • course(s) were taken at an accredited academic institution;
    • grade of B or better was awarded;
    • credits were completed within eight years prior to student’s matriculation at Bank Street.

    Students must initiate any request for transfer credits for graduate courses via the Transfer of Credit form on the Forms section of the Registrar’s Office webpage. Transfer credits must be approved by a student’s program director. Courses being transferred in lieu of a required course may also need to be approved by a Bank Street instructor in that discipline. Please note, 122 some partnership and cohort programs do not allow transfer credits.

    Undergraduate Credits
    Undergraduate credits can only be transferred in the context of a partnership agreement between Bank Street and an undergraduate institution. Undergraduate courses transferred into a Bank Street degree have been evaluated by faculty to affirm that they meet graduatelevel standards of rigor and programmatic requirements. Undergraduate transfer credits are limited in number by the specific requirements of the partnership program. Students must receive a grade of B or higher on an undergraduate class in order to transfer the credit.

    Life Experience Credits
    In limited circumstances, Bank Street will issue life experience credit for relevant and substantial prior professional experience. Life experience credits can only be issued for programs that have been designed to integrate credit for prior professional experiences. Such programs have a rubric that the program director or their designee uses to evaluate students’ prior professional experiences. No more than six credits will be awarded for life experiences. Students are responsible for all fees associated with processing life experience credits. Students who do not qualify for life experience credit in such programs must take additional coursework to address knowledge and skills required in the program. Prerequisites Students missing prerequisite course requirements can fulfill these through:

    • Submitting an official transcript for coursework taken for credit at a regionally accredited institution for which a student received a grade of at least a C.
    • Submitting College Board test score(s) such as the SAT, AP, or CLEP.
    • Completing a qualifying course at Bank Street with a grade of at least a B.

    Graduate credits used to satisfy prerequisites may also be eligible to be used towards elective credits in a student’s Bank Street degree program, with approval from the program director. Students cannot graduate or participate in commencement if they have outstanding prerequisites.

    To transfer credits to Bank Street, you must submit the following documentation to the Registrar’s Office:

    Please note that both your advisor/Program Director and your Department Chair are required signatures on the Transfer Credit Report Form. These representatives from your department may need to see additional documentation, such as course descriptions and/or course syllabi, to confirm that the credits you completed meet the requirements of our transfer credits.

    If the representatives from your department decide that your transfer class is not equivalent to any of the Bank Street courses required for your degree but your credits are still eligible to be transferred in as electives, you will still need to register for and successfully complete all of the classes listed on your program page.

    If you take a graduate course at another institution to meet your Undergraduate Liberal Arts and Sciences Prerequisites, you may be able to transfer in these credits as electives. Please see the “Requirements Outside of Degree for Certification-seeking Students” section below for more information.

    Class Waivers

    A class waiver can be used when you and your advisor believe you have already covered the content of a course required for your degree. A waiver acknowledges that you have completed a substantial amount of work and have acquired a considerable amount of knowledge that would normally be covered by one of your degree requirements. If you are eligible, you can work with your advisor and the chair of your department to fill out a Course Waiver Form and submit it to the Registrar’s Office.

    An advisor may recommend that you submit a Course Waiver Form if any of the following apply:

    • You took a course similar to ours at a different graduate-level institution.
    • You took at least 3 undergraduate courses in the subject area of our course.
    • You are changing programs at Bank Street, and took a similar course as part of your initial program plan.

    The benefit of waiving a course is to allow space in your schedule for you to enroll in other classes. A waiver does not carry any credits. If your advisor waives one of your degree requirements, you will still need to take one or more courses to meet the total credit requirement of your degree. You do not need to submit an official transcript to the Registrar’s Office to waive a course.

  • Requirements Outside of Degree for Certification-seeking Students

    If your acceptance letter stated that you are responsible for fulfilling additional requirements outside of your course requirements outlined in the Academic Catalog, please see below for the information that pertains to you.

    Liberal Arts and Sciences Prerequisites:

    New York State requires every student completing a certification-eligible master’s degree hold breadth and depth in the Liberal Arts and Sciences. Typically, this is vetted through our Admissions Office via your undergraduate transcript. These requirements must be completed within your first year of matriculation. For more information, please visit the Admissions Liberal Arts and Sciences Page.

    Verification of holding a prior certification:

    Please visit our Certification page if you are in a program that requires you to have Initial Certification in New York State.

  • Registration

    In order for your degree or certificate to be conferred, federal regulations require you to be enrolled in the semester you graduate. If you reach the end of your Bank Street coursework and you have any outstanding undergraduate prerequisites, certification, or testing requirements, you must enroll in MMNT500: Matriculation Maintenance.

  • Certification

    If you are enrolled in a certificate-eligible non-degree program and have completed your requirements, you must inform us via email at within the Add/Drop Late Registration period in your final semester. You will then be recommended for certification (provided you complete all requirements) at the end of the term. For more information, please visit our Certification Page.