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Academic Programs

Early Childhood Special and General Education Dual Certification (On Campus or Online)


  • Program Overview

    You will discover creative ways to help young children learn and grow in the Early Childhood Special and General Education Dual Certification Program.

    In this dual certification program you will become well grounded in child development and its variation. This program will support your understanding that learning develops through play, social interaction, and sensory experiences. You will learn to implement strategies based in current research of inclusive practices.

    • Learn to carefully observe children and use that knowledge to guide and inform your teaching.
    • Engage all young children in play, learning and interaction.
    • Develop skill in engaging with young children of varying development and need in meaningful ways.

    This program is for you if:

    • You are seeking your first teaching certification.
    • You want to work with children birth through grade two in general, inclusion, and/or special education settings.

    This program culminates in a Master of Science in Education and requires 48 credits. This program is offered either on campus or fully online.

    Due to the cohort nature of this program, students are not permitted to transfer into the online program once they have begun coursework in an on campus program.

    Learn more about the online program

    Two graduate students playing with math manipulatives

  • Admissions Requirements

    In addition to the main admissions criteria, there are additional requirements needed to apply for this program:

    This program has an on campus and a fully online option. For both tracks you will engage in use of technology. Particularly for the fully online program, you will be asked to use a range of technological tools. You must have a dedicated computer or tablet and stable Internet access. You will be expected to become familiar with the online tools, reach out to ask for support as you navigate the technology, and strengthen your presence and skill set in the online environment.

  • Coursework

  • Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement

    Central to a Bank Street education is the integration of coursework and field experiences as you engage and educate children based on a solid grounding in what makes children tick. You will:

    • Participate in a weekly collaborative conference group with your advisor and 5-7 other graduate students. You will have an opportunity to engage in ongoing in-depth conversations about teaching and learning.
    • Benefit from individual meetings with your advisor twice each month.
    • Attend periodic three-way meetings with your Bank Street advisor and with the cooperating teacher.

    There are three ways students work in classroom settings: as a student teacher (3 days each week), as a full-time assistant, or as a head teacher.

    • Student teachers complete three placements in pre-k, kindergarten, and grades 1 or 2, and across general education, inclusive, and special education settings.
    • Working teachers and assistants (in approved settings) may use their own classrooms for their fieldwork setting. These students will gain additional experience through placement in a summer supervised fieldwork/ advisement during a July (summer 2) term.
  • Career Opportunities

    Your degree will provide you with a range of career opportunities:

    • Teach in early childhood general education, special education, or inclusion classrooms in public, charter or independent schools.
    • Work as an early-interventionist in social service or education-based agencies, as well as in hospitals or daycare settings.
    • Work one-on-one as a Special Education Itinerant Teacher (SEIT) in home and classroom and daycare settings.
  • Faculty

  • Certification

    Upon graduation, you will be eligible for New York State certification in Early Childhood General Education and Teaching Students with Disabilities, birth to grade 2, provided you complete all other State certification requirements.

Meet our alumni
I feel it is very important to bring to light all of the diversity in New York City, and Bank Street has been instrumental in inspiring the curriculum that we use in our program.
Misha Paskar - Early Childhood General and Special Education '13
Meet Misha Meet Our Alumni
Meet our alumni
You’ll meet a very unique community of people here that align with you philosophically. Bank Street is an amazing hub of innovation, resources, support, and collaboration. Sustain the relationships that you've created at Bank Street because they will definitely support you in your work as an educator in the future, just like they did for me.
Daisy Salazar-Garza - Principals Institute '17
Meet Daisy Meet Our Alumni
Grad student working on a computer

Learn More About Our Online Program in Early Childhood Special and General Education

Our 100% online courses provide the flexibility you need to balance work and school. Sustained on-site experiences supported by core faculty supervision and close collaboration with peers connect theories learned in online courses to practice in real-world classroom settings.

This powerful combination of online learning and hands-on application allows you to develop the tools to truly engage children, providing a learning experience that pushes boundaries and positively impacts students, families, and their communities.

Visit the online program page