Conferences & Institutes

Conferences for educators, caregivers, and leaders support continued learning and re-energize your practice.

Teaching Kindergarten Conference (March)
A one-and-a-half day conference providing an opportunity for educators to come together and address the challenges of kindergarten.

Infancy Institute (June)
A three-day conference for infant and toddler caregivers, teachers, directors, trainers, home visitors, parents, early interventionists, developmental specialists, social workers, and family child care providers.

Building Education and Democracy Conference (July)
This one-day conference will support pre-K – 12 educators in navigating the current policy context while exploring the transformative potential of education to restore and renew democracy.

Summer Math Conference (August)
A two-day professional learning opportunity for K-8 educators, coaches, and school leaders to explore the essential components of cultivating joy and equity in mathematics education.

The Language Series (October)
A one-day, hands-on conference to help teachers, parents, and leaders expand their repertoire of effective and developmentally appropriate language learning skills.

The Emotionally Responsive Schools Conference (December)
A day of collaboration and study of Emotionally Responsive Practice as part of the Community of Safe and Sound Schools Initiative.

Children's drawing

Teaching Kindergarten Conference

Kindergarten plays a critical and unique role in a child’s life. It is a year filled with discovery, wonder, friendship, and creativity—and a place where language, literacy, science, and math take on real meaning through play and active learning. The kindergarten conference provides an opportunity for educators to come together to explore the critical importance of experiential learning and identify how to address the modern day challenges educators face when kindergarten becomes the new first grade.
Teaching Kindergarten Conference
Teacher hugging smiling baby

The Infancy Institute

Over 30 years ago, the Infant & Family Development and Early Intervention Program at Bank Street recognized a lack of professional development opportunities specifically designed to improve the practice of those working with infants and toddlers. The Infancy Institute was created to answer this interdisciplinary need to support professionals in the many settings where they interact with infants, toddlers, and families. Our annual conference highlights cutting-edge developments in research, relationship-based practice, and family-centered care and has educated thousands of infant/toddler specialists from around the world.
The Infancy Institute
Graduate student and teacher work on a math activity

Summer Math Conference

Bank Street’s Summer Math Conference is a two-day professional learning opportunity for K-8 educators, coaches, and school leaders to deepen their understanding of how to support all students in their math exploration, skill development and encourage them to find joy in math. This event is a collaboration between the Bank Street Education Center and the Leadership in Mathematics Education Program at the Bank Street Graduate School of Education.

Summer Math Conference
Language Series Workshop

The Language Series

Re-energize your practice by learning from experts in the field. The Language Series helps educators explore multiple ways to create and support social and academic language growth in today’s diverse educational settings that include ENL (English as a New Language) learners and those who struggle in their native language.
The Language Series

The Emotionally Responsive Schools Conference

Through collaboration and the study of Emotionally Responsive Practice, Bank Street’s Emotionally Responsive Schools Conference supports teachers, social workers, and administrators in elementary schools and early childhood settings develop a deep understanding of child development, the social and emotional foundations for learning, parent engagement, and mastery of techniques for building safe and nurturing school communities.
Emotionally Responsive Schools Conference