Conferences & Institutes

Emotionally Responsive Schools Conference

Bank Street’s 9th Annual Emotionally Responsive Schools Conference is a day of collaboration and study of Emotionally Responsive Practice (ERP) in early childhood, elementary, and middle school settings. This annual conference supports teachers, social workers, and administrators to develop a deep understanding of child development, social and emotional foundations for learning and well-being, parent engagement, and mastery of supportive techniques for building safe and nurturing school communities.

Emotionally Responsive Practice is consistent with SAMHSA’s definition of trauma-informed care.

Save the Date:
Friday, December 6, 2024
Online 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM ET

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2022 Conference

The 2022 conference included a keynote by Lesley Koplow on ““Play, Hope, and the Secret Art of Healing in the Classroom Community” and workshops from a variety of presenters.
  • Sharing Art at the conference
  • ERP conference participants at table for a group discussion
  • Image of presenters and participants online
  • Educator uses string during an art activity at ERP conference
  • Participants work with beads and teddy bears during an activity
  • Educators using teddy bears at an ERP workshop
  • quilts workshop 2021

Educators using teddy bears at an ERP workshop

Learn more about Emotionally Responsive Practice at Bank Street

The Emotionally Responsive Practice team at Bank Street provides tailored professional development. Learn more about their work and how they can support your staff.
ERP at Bank Street