Forms may be submitted electronically, either by scanning and emailing a copy to or by faxing the forms to (212) 875-4677. If you do not see a form listed below, you must come to the Registrar’s Office for a copy of that form and return it in person to the Registrar’s Office once it is completed. All forms are available in PDF read-only format.
Student Immunization Form
Students entering a degree program and any non-degree seeking students who are registered for 6 credits or more are required by New York State Law to provide the Registrar’s Office with evidence of Immunization, with accompanying medical records. The form must be signed by you. Forms are available through your myBSC account. Please refer to your student checklists for more information
Change of Degree
Students who intend to switch from one program to another can fill out this form with the help of their old and new program directors.
If you have completed any or all Supervised Fieldwork/Advisement, you will need to submit a Waiver of Course Requirement form to exempt you from the fieldwork requirement of your new program or additional fieldwork may be required.
Transfer Credit Form
Students who have received graduate-level credit for a course taken at another institution may be eligible for transfer credit. Certain criteria and restrictions apply; the course catalog has more information regarding these criteria. You will need to complete this form in consultation with your academic advisor. (Note: This is not to be confused with the Waiver of Course Requirement form.)
Waiver of Course Requirement Form
Advisors make recommendations about course waivers and course substitutions required for students’ degrees. Waived courses will hold no credit value. If you waive a course, please be sure to consult with your advisor regarding your academic plan to fulfill the total number of credits required for your degree. This is not to be confused with the Transfer Credit form.
Forms for Returning Students
Individualized Course Form
If you plan to work one-on-one with a faculty member for credit, either on an existing course or on a course of your own design, the instructor and other representatives of your department can sign this form, which will grant the Registrar’s Office permission to create a course section specific to you and your instructor.
Independent Study Continuation Form
Students who need to extend their Independent Study for one semester beyond the normal year allotment can fill out this form and submit it along with a payment of the $100 Continuation Fee.
Graduation Checklist
Students who are applying for graduation need to complete and submit this form to the Registrar’s Office for final review.
Forms for Interruptions of Study
Standard Leave of Absence Form
Students who need to take some time away from the College should fill out this form in consultation with their academic advisor. Once you begin your degree, you have a five-year window in which to complete your requirements for graduation. Filling out this form will extend your deadline to graduate. Leaves of absence can be granted for up to one calendar year.
Withdrawal from the College Form
Students who need to formally withdraw from their graduate program should fill out this form in consultation with their advisor. A student who has formally withdrawn from a program will need to speak to the Admissions Office to reapply when the student decides to return.
Course Withdrawal Form
Students who need to discontinue participation in a course or specific courses after the semester Add/Drop period is over will be provided with the option to withdraw from the course(s) up until the midpoint semester withdrawal deadline. Withdrawn courses remain on a student’s records and may not be eligible for a tuition refund. Please visit our Add/Drop Page for more info about withdrawing from a course.
Emergency Course WithdrawalFor students looking to withdraw from one or some of their semester courses due to an emergency necessity. Students who have an emergency situation including a medical complication or condition which becomes a barrier to successfully completing a course(s) and/or fieldwork should fill out this form and submit it and the supporting documentation to the Registrar’s Office no later than the last day of the term. If you need to withdraw from all of your coursework and/or fieldwork for a term, please fill out the Emergency Leave of Absence Form instead. You may not retroactively apply for an emergency course/s withdrawal.
Emergency Leave of Absence
For students looking to withdraw from their entire semester schedule due to an emergency circumstance. Students who have an emergency situation which becomes a barrier to successfully completing any school work in a semester should fill out this form and submit it and the supporting documentation to the Registrar’s Office no later than the last day of the term. If you need to withdraw from only one or a few of your courses and/or fieldwork for a term (that is, if you will be continuing your work in a course, fieldwork, IMP, etc.) , please fill out the Withdrawal From Course/s or Supervised Fieldwork Due to Emergency Necessity form instead. You may not retroactively apply for an emergency leave of absence.
Payment Refund/Reversal of Charges Request
For students who wish to petition for a refund or a reversal of charges for tuition or certain fees. Students who drop a course/fieldwork/IMP by the last day of Add/Drop will be entitled to 100% of their tuition charges refunded or reversed. After the Add/Drop window ends, no refunds or reversals of charges are available. If you have an extenuating circumstance and you need to appeal for an exception to this policy, you can complete this electronic form. The Refund Committee will consider your appeal and will contact you once a decision has been reached. Please note, there are certain fees and charges that are non-refundable. Please visit our Bursar’s Office on the web for more information.
Verification, Transcript, and Reorder Request Forms
Verification Request Form
Bank Street College has authorized the National Student Clearinghouse to provide enrollment verifications. The National Student Clearinghouse can be contacted at:
Mail: National Student Clearinghouse
2300 Dulles Station Boulevard, Suite 220
Herndon, Virginia 20171 -
Transcript Request Form
Bank Street completes transcript requests through National Student Clearinghouse.
Diploma and Certificate Reorder Request Form
Graduates are able to reorder copies of their diplomas and certificates, so long as there is not an outstanding balance with the college. Reorder copies are $30.00/piece and take 2-3 weeks to process. Click here to reorder a diploma/certificate.