This blog post was written by Susan Levine, Director of Career Services, who has worked at Bank Street for over 30 years. She has guided hundreds of students on their path to finding their next jobs. Here, Susan shares some tips about virtual interviewing, as well as a reminder to RSVP for this year’s Job Fairs in March!

The beginning of the spring semester is an exciting time at Career Services. It is when we begin to prepare for the upcoming job search season. All students are encouraged to register on CareerConnect, our recently-upgraded automated job listing site that gives you access to our job listings and enables you to sign up for our spring events. Now is a great time to update your resume and write your cover letters. You can research schools that interest you and think about who you will ask to serve as references for you.
While we are still unclear of what Fall 2021 will look like for schools, you still need to prepare and be ready for whatever situation comes your way.
We will be conducting a Certification Workshop on Thursday, February 10 at 4:00 PM. You will learn about how to obtain NYS certification and hear from a representative from the Department of Education about working in New York City Public Schools. Our two March Job Fairs will be virtual this year. This will give you the opportunity to “meet” with school employers from the comfort of your home. RSVP for the certification workshop and the job fairs here.
Some tips on conducting a virtual job interview:
Prior to the Interview:
- Prepare just like you would for an in-person interview. This means researching the school so you know their history, philosophy, and anything unique to them.
- Dress appropriately. A virtual interview is still a professional experience—don’t forget your pants!
- Make sure you have reliable internet, your camera and your microphone are working properly, and that you have proper lighting. Call a friend or family member to do a test run!
- Familiarize yourself with the interview platform the interviewer will be using if it’s new to you.
- Find an appropriate, quiet spot with a neat background.
- Log in a few minutes early to make sure your technology is working properly.
- Set your computer to “do not disturb mode” and silence your phone—and maybe even your house phone—to prevent any interruptions during your interview.
- If your interview will require a screenshare, make sure to close any other tabs on your screen that are open.
During the Interview:
- Remember to speak slowly and clearly. If you’re confused by a question or you didn’t hear the interviewer, it is acceptable to ask them to repeat the question.
- Sit up straight and look into the camera whenever possible. Adding a post-it flag near the camera will remind you to look there, versus anywhere else on your screen.
- You should be able to communicate your commitment to student success, teaching, and learning. You need to show that you’re in the classroom for the right reasons.
- Ask about next steps.
After the Interview:
Follow up with a thank you—an emailed note is fine since most educators are not in their offices to receive mail. Remember to highlight something about your conversation in that note.
Remember that Bank Street prepares its students to teach in all kinds of settings. You’ve got this! You are ready to make the next move for your career. While all jobs are not right for all people, our graduates are sought after to work in independent, district, and charter schools throughout the tri-state area, as well as throughout the country.
I encourage you to reach out to me so I can support you in your job search. We can talk about resumés and cover letters, tips on interviewing, and whatever else you’d like regarding your next career move.
I consider it a privilege to support Bank Street students throughout their journey, and wish you much success this semester and with your job search!