One of the things that drew me to Bank Street in 1986 was hearing about the unique and exceptional approach of Bank Street’s fieldwork process. Not having been a graduate […]

One of the things that drew me to Bank Street in 1986 was hearing about the unique and exceptional approach of Bank Street’s fieldwork process. Not having been a graduate […]
“I don’t know what I would have done if it weren’t for this group.” These are words that a graduate student recently shared in one of my supervised fieldwork conference […]
It’d been whispered a time or two that educators often need therapy. Not the lay-on-a-chaise-and-spill-all-your-existential-crises-out-to-a-doctor kind of therapy (although there’s nothing wrong with that). No, more like the kind of […]
Nothing terrifies a teacher more than mentioning a class observation. Teachers are observed a lot – a whole lot. Whether from the city, the state, independent organizations, or any part […]
Along with graduation, what I was most looking forward to at the start of my last semester at Bank Street was the supervised fieldwork portion of the museum education program […]
“Shallow understanding from people of goodwill is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection” – Dr. Martin Luther […]
Walking into my classroom on the first day of school, I was a bundle of nerves. Would they like me? Am I smart enough? Can I really do this? My […]
Every program at Bank Street involves some form of supervised fieldwork. Depending on the program this can be as a head teacher, assistant teacher, or a student teacher. For my […]
These are questions I often hear about Supervised Fieldwork at Bank Street: How does Bank Street help you get your placement? When do you find out? What do you do when […]