Graduate Admissions Blog

Category: Graduate School Classes

Educator raising hand
Graduate School Classes

How Do School Leaders Transition to District Leadership Positions?

Making the transition from a school setting into a district setting is something many educators want to do to advance their careers. A quality school district leader certificate program can […]

Heather Mohamed
Graduate School Classes

Reflections on My Integrated Master’s Project at Bank Street

“What do educators do to cultivate authentic, meaningful, and inspiring classroom communities?” This was the question I explored for my Integrative Master’s Project, notably known as the IMP. To better […]

Teacher and student working
Graduate School Classes

Bank Street’s Journey Through Virtual Learning

Learning is, at its core, a social enterprise. This is just as true for adult learners as it is for young students. When COVID-19 sent students and teachers home and […]

Faculty Post

Child Life Specialists: Making Meaning in Troubled Times

How we approach challenging events in our lives can determine our ability to move forward and find meaning in adversity. For children, meaning is often found in play, art, music, […]

Robin Hummel and Laura Zadoff
Graduate School Classes

The Online Learning Experience at Bank Street

Studying at Bank Street is a relational endeavor. Creating relationships online requires the capacity to create community, and we do not refer to our online programs as “distance learning” because […]

Kristin Waters

Student Services: So What Exactly Is a One-Stop Student Center, Anyway?

Bank Street College launched a one-stop Student Center on July 1, 2020, to provide you with high-level student service related to your enrollment. Now, you may be thinking… “That’s great, […]

Graduate School Classes

IMP Reflections

From our first days at Bank Street, my cohort and I heard legendary tales of the magical and formidable IMP—  and we started classes at the beginning of September so […]